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. It '1 . , �+e�'^ . �ao.rNr,`sf1�,'. � � .'1.t'fi. :.. .� c _— ._. <br /> `. "" <br /> ' -L i-_ .,!� ..._nt;.eY��..v::a�.na,..":.�+ts....r,ifiv3 - u'- . . ,„"° , , • '_.iw._ : .-._ . .,,L.e.- .�.s --• <br /> �5 .,�� - _ ,., -_ <br /> � - -- <br /> — perlod�thet Lender rcquiroa. 7Tie Insurenro cartler prorld�ng Ihe Insurance�hell be chasen by�rtoa��nwy�a 7w'eftndcrY � . <br /> � � appmvet which sAall nat ba unraasonnbty wi�hhatd. It Oorro�var teils to malNsin curera�e�eicribad above,l.enOci�ruy,at - - -- <br /> Lendert optlon,obtaln mvcrago�o protoca LenQCrY righu In�ha Propetly In eccordanco wltA pazagroph 9. <br /> � All Insuranco Ilcle�ond rcnowati�ho11 M eaopubio�o Lender end�hel I Includa a nendnrd mon nge elnuca. LenAer ..� - <br /> , slwll havo�ho rlgh�Po hold�ho polide�ond ronowd�. If Lendu requlro�.Bortowcr�hall promptly glva to Lender ull ruolyu <br />-:n��� ot pald prcmluma end rcnewal nalca. In�he oven�ot losa,Dortower nholl givo prompt notice�o�hc Insurenca cartler nnd �zr:=:•.� <br /> Lcnder. Lcnder may mako prootof loss if not mnde promptly b�Bortowor. <br /> tj.--y Unlaa Lcndcr and portowu othornlse egree In wrlting, murence pracoedi�hell bo appllW m roston�lon or rcpalr of �,,�!„_-, <br />__„�� iha ny damaged, if tha reslomqon or «pair ia economiwlly kaafMe m�d Lendort cecudty i. not lessened. If the =. � <br /> , rcxeorei on or ropair I�not cconomicaliy kanibte or I.endorti�cenrity would be lossened,tho Insuronco procud��hall 6e <br /> ,;;� upplicd to ihe eum�savrcd by ihh Secudry Inswmen6 wheihm or not�hcn dno,ai�h eny oxcea+paid to Hortower. (f } �`- <br /> o,v j 6ortower abnndom tho Propony,or daee not nnswer withln 30 dey�a naitt from Lender thnt tho Inauronco cartler ha� --� <br /> ofkrcd to aottlo a clelm,then t.e�dor moy collect tho insurance proceeds. Lender mey uu the proaede to rcpair or rcctorc �rr �`� <br /> � 5,� �ho Pro n or to a auma securcd b tM1i�3ecud� Instmmon6 whether or not�hen duo. 9Le 30-de dad will bo In when '+'" ��'-` <br /> � Y PY Y Y YPo 8 r�� <br /> <<'',� tho noi co is givcn. ����'= � <br /> 1 FF Unlcse Lender ond Bortower oth¢rwiw e,gae in writing,any applicaiion of procceda ro principel shall na eatend or ,� ��� -- <br /> postponc the duo da�c of the manthly p9yimncr mkrted ta ia peregrephs 1�nd 2 or chongc iho emount ot�he paymeatx I( 3�� <br /> ,"'7,� undcr pa�agraph 21 the Propert�u ucquimd by Lender.Bortowerh dght to nny fnsurentt poUde�and procceds rcsulting F:��r ,.{-. �� <br /> _`� 6om dam:lge to the Propeny pntt ro the ecquisition sAall pau to l.ender to the oxtent of thx surtu secured 6y[his Securiry �k�q�F i .- <br /> Instrument�mmWlately prior to the ecquisition. � <br /> 6. Oceupancy, Prcsnrvatlon, Melntenance end P►otectSon oT the ProyeyZ; Borroaerl I.oso Appllcation= '7 t,�J f";- <br /> ,e �� I.tasehold�. Bortower ahall occupy,es�ablish,end use the Property m 6orto�rerl principal rcsidentt within siaty dayi aRer , .�:;,� � <br /> s n� �he exaution ot this Securiry Imtrumcnt end ahall continue to occupy�he Property aa Bo�werS princ(pal Rsidence for et it,� :, _ <br /> _'� least one year aRer �he date ot occupancy, unless Lender othe`wise egrees in writing, which consem ahell not be "s�'� :. <br /> r�<� unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstences exist which are beyond Bortowerk rnmrol. Borrower ahall na i�i�rr.�� <br /> �-�d�Li destroy,damage or impair the Propeny,allow the Roperty m deterionte,or wmmit�vnstc on the Propeny. Oorrower ahell �t t� y: -,�'� <br /> laqar- be in defauit If any fodeimrt actian or pmceeding,wbe�her civil or criminal,is begun ihn�in Lenderh good fei�h judgment Z��k��� .�+�- <br /> could rcsult in fodeimrc of the Propeny or othnwiu meterinlly impair ihe lien ereated by thls Security Instrument or 1��F y-z_ -- <br /> -h!; Lenderk aecuriry intercs�. Bortowrt may curc such n def�ult end reinstete,aa provided in pamgraph I S,by uusing�he ection r.�{����i; -. <br /> . or proaWing to be dismissed wi�h¢nding thet,in Lender§good fai�h dctttmina�ion,prccluda fodeiturc of�he 6orrower�s tY <br /> •"'• inlerost in the Prapeny or other materiel impairment o(the lien crcated by this Security Instrument or Lendert ucuriry 't��, -�i� � <br /> �..�y�,� Imercst. Oortower shell elm 6e in defmlt if Dorrower, during ihe loan epplicaiion proceas, gnve me�erially false or �$4^�'n-t. <br /> Inaccurere infortneHan or s�atemems to Lender(or(ailed�o rovidt Lender with en me�erial info`metion)in connec�ion with ��5t' ''' <br /> r il� P Y � � ,� ,..' <br /> . t; ihe loan evidenttd by� the Note,including, but mt limited �o, rcprcsemation� wneeming Dortowerk accupancy of the S,�" r �%';�- <br /> - Propeny m a principnl.nsidenee. If this Securiry Insirument is on a Ieauhold.Borro�ver shall comply with eil�M provixionx �t� ir'�.,_.,..- <br /> . .-�-.--_rt o(�hr Le�:. If B�!r��+er�equires fee!iik!o ahe P:r.^^rty.�he lw.:;:a:�anC th:fc:u:�ha::r.r.:-;rg:ur:.a L.-r�.�.a ag:cs - - <br /> -cq ' ' <br /> ,�,� io�hc mcrger in writing. '� '' � .� <br /> ;4�h'�� 7. Pmtectlon of Lender4 Righta In ihe Property. If 8orrower fuilx to pedorm the covenxmx ami ngrcemen�c ��";;�--„-:. <br /> ., ,ii... conmined in fii� Sccuriry fnatrumcnt, or thcrc is a legal praeeding ihnt may significantly affect Lenderi righu in ihe 5;,.�,;,:�i:;r-, <br /> � �- x Propeny(such aa a praceeding in b�nkmpicy,probae,for condemnatian or fodeimrc or to enforce Iawx ar regulations),thtn ; F �:�?- <br /> _,T:`�� Lender muy do nnd M1y for�vha�ever is neassury�o protect the value of�he Prapeny nnd Lenderk�ighis in�he Propeny. 'i��1ti'�is•;,.o-;' <br /> -7 Lenderk uaions may include paying any sums sewrcd by u lien which hus priority over lhis Security Inslrument,appearing s �`� " <br /> �'�S� in caurt,poying rcuonable mtomeys'fees end emering on the Propeny to make rcpairs.Ahhough Lender muy mke ection +�',�,�-�- � <br /> ' under�his parogmph 7.Lender dms no�hasc to do w. (" �.;;.,-: <br /> z=� Any omoums disbursed b}•Lender under this pazagrnph 7 shnll hecome additianal debt of Dartower securcd by thi+ fy5�'Lt� ;_ <br /> � Securiiy Inatrumem. Unless Bonwror and Lender n6rce io other�efms of paymem,these nmaun�s sMll IMnr imercst from�he 7�Jb <br />, t ;,, date of dia6uruman m Oie Nom�au xnd shull be payoble, wi�h intertst,upon notice fmm Lender�o Borrower rcyuesting l�jf T - <br /> --A PaYmcnt. ��'- _ ::-.- <br /> 8. Morigage Insurence. If Lender rcyuind mungugc inmrancc ns m m�di�ion o(making�hc loon xcurcd by thi� ' '�jA � <br /> -�?� Securily InsuumenL Bortower shall pny�he premiums rcyuiml to mniNUin�he mungage insurance in ef(at. If. (or ony „� �v ��- <br /> �MV-n reamn. �he mongage insumnce mvemgc reyuired by Lender Inpsa or ceaxs w he in effecL Bovoi�•er shull pay the �, s <br /> ��`.-�. prcmiums rcyuircJ io obmin cw-emge suhclnntinlly equivulem �o Ihe mortguge in.u�ance prcviouxly in e(fcet. at a cos� i��; « � <br /> �.�ti subsmntially eyuivulent m�he cm�io Bnnawer o(�he mongnge insurance in efkct,from an ulrcma�e mottguge 'v��ii� __" <br /> � ;i insurcr uppmved by Lcndcr. If subs�antialiy cyui�alent mortgogc in�urancc mvcmgc i.not avnilable.Bortowcr shell pay to a ,,,; <br />