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j�1'iy�L�. `..}3i„n`aa�:iSiT-r-�:'�i�'.sl3':�`.:'aYui���'n,:,:�7;--r,.5i.---..—�_�—m=_'-'"-. . ..__ _— <br /> } <br /> � ."__..___ . <br /> _ -__ _, 93° �ot#�9� <br /> - 'i'OOSiHBA tYfPH aii the Impmremcnu now or hettaRu acettd on the propxrty.nnd all cascmcnn.apyurtcnances. �_ °° <br /> = end lutura now on c�rcaft¢r a part of Iho prope�y. Atl rcplaocmenta end addhlons chnll alw bo covercd by thb SecurltY <br /> lnstrvmrn6 All o!ths forcgoln3 b rehrrcd to Id IhG Sauri�y tnsWment m�M'Properry.' <br /> � �� DORROtYpR COVONANfB�hat Bortowcr b IawNlly�olkd of tho cscaro h¢rcDy convoyed and Am No HgAt ro ga�n "----- � <br /> m0 cmvoy tho�o�e�y end�m tho Property I�uneneumhercd,exccpt for encumbrancw of rccord. Qortowet wnronu and <br /> alll Acfend genenity etie ddo lo IM Propeny agalns�dl ctalm�ond demende,wEJat to my encumEmnco�of rccord. <br /> - --- <br /> 1'H19 BHCURITY INSTRUMBNf mmbinc� uniform corcname for nmlonal um nnd non•uniform covenenu with <br /> ° � Iimhed varietiau by Jurl�dietlon�o constlmw o uNfom�eccudry Insuumcnt covcdng rcol propeny. <br /> _ UNIFORM COVCNAN7'9. Bortowoe and Lender�nvenent end agroo a+follow�: - <br /> --,,,,,,an� 1. Pa9ment of Pdndpal end Interesil A'epo�ment md Lsto Chnrgea. Bortowcr�hell promptly p�y when due tho -_ <br /> - pr6uipa1 of and�mcrcA on�hc deb er�denccd by�ho Note and any Drcpaymcnt and Iem chuga duo undcr eho Nao. -" <br /> ,�.� 7. iLads for 7�ca aod Imurance. SubJecl to eppIla61e taw or�o a xrinen weiver by Lender,Bortower shnll pay eo � -- <br /> �j, Lender on Ne day momhly paymenu are duc undct ihe Nae.umil�ht Note is pald in PoII,s cum("Rmds'7 for.(e)yearly - <br /> . ..nt.,.�.� taxef�nd azuasmenb which may ettiln pdoriry over tNs Securiry Insttument as n flen on IAe Propeny:(b)yeariy Itasehold <br /> uu�r�"� paymenu w ground Rnn on Ne Propeny, if my; (c) yeuly hazaM or propeny insu�u�ce prcmiums: (d) yearly flood - � <br /> f, � , insuruitt prcmium�, it eny: (e)yeadr monaage inwrance premlums, if eny; end(q any cuma payable by Rortowu to _� <br /> �.tL+S I.ender,fn acmMance wi[h�Ae provision�of parcgnph 8,in liw of the payment of mongege insumnce prcmlum�. These --- <br /> �_, items ue calle4'Escrow Items' Lender may,ot eny time,mllat end hold Mnd�in nn amount no�to exaed tho meximum fx, _ <br /> r� F,.� amount n Iendcr tor e federeity rcletcd mottgage Iwn may rcquirc for Bortowcrl escrow accoum undcr�he federel Rcal i� >, ,. <br /> '�4'; Estero Se�qemenl Prottdurca Act of 1974 ar amended from�me m tlmo,12 U.S.C.¢2601 ci seq.('R&SPA'),unlw ano�ha ��i},,-_-- <br /> �i�!`�tr� law�hat applies w chc fimda ceu a leuer amount. If so,Lender mey,at any qme.colla�and hold Wnda in en amwnt not to ;�- <br /> -'-=� exceed �he ksser emoum. Lender may estimare �Ac nmount of Rmds duc on the 6ast� of cumm dau end reawnable � r i��,-� <br /> ,ud s�' atimeres of expend(turea ot Potum Fscrow lteme or ahenviu in aaordance wi�h epplicable Iaw. ti�}-�`;�_ <br /> `- '� The RmN shall be held in en institutton whose deposiu erc insured by e federel agency, inswmcmaliry,or entiry y! ��':'`�--- <br /> `� ��,�'- �- (including Lend¢r,if Lender is such on inadtuiiaN or in uny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall nppty�he Ponds lo pay .o S�j{;���_--.-� <br />, F'(�.?�r tAe Eurow tieme. Lender mey not cherge Bortower for holding end applying the FLnds,ennualiy analyzing �he escrow ;!�c:.,-,����� <br />�'`z�' Y"� eccoum,or ved in �he Eurow Itertu, unlas Lender portower imerest on the Wnda and e liceble Iaw rmits 4;f,r;;:"";�>: <br />.-.e��X>�.,;' �Y 8 PeY? PP Pe r� i _�'a <br />- '�`;'��tM�= Lender ro meke such a char e Ho�vever. Lender ma re mm 6ortower io a a one-time char e tor en irMe ndent real '`�.=ti�•.r`-"'�� <br />-..- w B • Y 9 P Y 8 P� *�.,i'rtv�l_. <br />���.=�3'*'�`�? eswtc tax re nin servia used b Lendcr im m�ncaion wi�A this loan,unless a liceblc lew rovides othernise. Uniw an '- ,.:.;•..: <br /> - ���'�-- agrcement is mede or applicable lew requirca imcresc io bc paiA.Lendcr ahull na 6c rcquircd ta pxy 6ortower any interest or i � _ <br /> {t�;". eaminga on lhc W nde. Borrower and Lender mny ngrce In wriiing,howevcr,Wat intcrcst shall bc pald on�he Pondi. Lendcr ;j� }3 <br /> f>�� shall give to Bortower,without charge,an unnual eccwnting of�he Ponds,showing credits and debi�a to�he Wnds and the �,hf t -. <br /> 3 .k�s Puryose for which each debft ro�he Wnds wai made. The I'vnds em pledged es eddi�ional secudty Por all sums secund by ;,T�v^ - <br /> h f'nl� - <br /> n �,;' thia Sauriry Inswnxn�. � x"r1 <br /> li IY2 fvm4i Ficid G Lci�dcP ciic2J liR m�ioufda -'mutiid t'v fic Ficid E a 'Lwbk ia'.v. I.c�i.'.Cf shail a:acBi S.^. �-i 7s�_Jiffc .. <br /> a j i. Y Pc_. y 'W�__ tr - - <br /> $,� _ Bortower Car t6e excess ILnds in acmNance with ihe rcyuiremema of nppliwble law. If�he amount of the FLnd+hcld by �.a�k�j{;m,y x� _'� <br /> �;r,� �ti,,� Lcndcr at eny Kme is not sufficient �o pay the Cscrow Items when duc,Lcndcr may co notify Bortower in writing,and,in �rtt'�*i�„�'t " <br /> �+�«"�9 auch cnae Hortower shull pay to Lender the emount necessery ro make up ihe deficicncy. Bortower aholl make up ihe !A"� �':'� <br /> "' ir i�t deficicncy in no mwe�hen twclve momhly pnymems,at Lender�wle discrction. +" �'S° "�- <br /> _�, !,°„'�4. Upon peyment In full of oll sums securcd by�his Security Instrumrn6 Lender sholl promptly refund ro Bovower nny i<S�ri``�,_,: <br /> �Nti�e_ Nnds heid by Lender. If,under pnmgmph 21.Lender xhnil ncyuim or ull the Prnperry,Lender,pdor m ihe acquieition or } f��;} `-. <br /> �2 i�.d sale of Ihe Property,thell apply any FLnds held hy Lender m the time of ncquisition or sale es a credit against the sums � , ,3� � i" <br /> i ��at�� cecuredby�hlaSCCUritylnstrumenc ;{;}��s� ,� <br />,.,,y E.:_.,;,�� 3. Appllention of Poyments. Unless npplicabic law providex o�herwix, ull payments received by Lender under '�:"��k, -,.; <br /> :"r"•';. xre m ha I and 2 shnll Ix a I�ed: first,to an rc mem char e,due under�he No�e; emoums able under �i;;';,��+;"�''-• <br /> �:'d�>4i;;t::> P 8 P VP� YP WY 8 � WY IFG:i_z;�'3��� <br /> �� � � paragmph 2;ihird,�o intercat dur.founh,ro principal due�nd lac6 to any late chazges duc under ihe Note. c��r t,;, 1i<,� <br /> ,�,��xt`�;..Z�� A. Charges; Llerw. Borrower shnll pay nll ��xes, actcsamems, chxrges,fines xnd impositions mtribwable �o the '> ! r':� � '. <br /> '�,� �r� Propeny which may uttuin priori�y over this Security Ins�mmrn6 nnJ Ieasehold paymems nr grouM rcn�s,if nny. Borrower L �".!�"` "•-� <br /> J> r u/- <br /> _�` . ' ��� ahall pny theae abligetions in�hc manner provided in p�mgnph 2.or if nnt paiA in�ha�manner,Uarzower shall pay�hem on '°� f?_q�' ' <br /> . ��s'� lime direcfiy to Ihe person owed p�ymem. Banower sAell prompqy fumish�o Lcnder nll�o�ices o(amoums lo be paid under '- . ��_,,., _ �"_ <br /> ' - ��i�;• this parngraph. If Dortower makes�Mse payments direcqy.Bormaer shall prompily fumi.h�o Lender receip�s evidencing :�.�!' � �- <br /> t'° -_-; the payments. ' -'- ' - <br /> . r - <br /> .;S.{_>� Rorto�ver shall promptly dixharEe nny licn which hns priomy over�his Saurity Insuument uNess Bavourr.(x)agrccs t �' - ^� �'.�. <br /> - � in writing to the payment ot Ihe abliga�ion secumd by Ihe lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender,lb)conrcs�s in good faith 1he { ?;^' " <br /> r`-� •'j lien by,or defends against enforcemem of the iien in.lepal prcecedings�vliich in tl�e LenJerh opinion operote to prevene�he � :i;��d � <br /> s }� enfo¢ement of Ihe lien:or(c)securcs fmm 1he hoider o(1Ae lien an ugrcemenl+mis(aaory lo Lender su6ordinating the lien ;::�.%' s � <br />.;_,..��i-, �^, io this Sccuri�y lnswment. If Lender determinc+�hm any part u(thc Propeny i.�ubjec�ro a lien which may nuain priority ,.f..:\:`;_,h^:_ <br /> r ,J;;, over this Security Insirument.Lender mny give 6ortoxcr a notice identifying�hc licn. 6nrtower.hall satis(y the lien or take ��:� ' <br /> ;,� ' � oneonnorcohAeactioasxtfonhabo�rwithinl0da�:aofthegiringo(nolice. •:,.,`�:��_�r.`:: <br /> � � S. Herard or Property Insurance. &xmucr�hall kecp�hc improvemcm�nmc cxi.�ing or hemaf�er crecied nn�hc <br />.....�:t:�:`": -- i.�.--. <br /> _v;f;(� Propeny insurtd egainxt loss by fire,hvard,imlud.d�rithin�he�emi"estendcd caver�ge"anJ any o�her hav�rds,including _ <br /> :','�i'z Iloods or Ilaoding,fur which Lender rcymro imurance. Thi.imuran�r.hall I+e p411p1:11111YI 10 II1f i1110Uf115 i11A �Ol[IIC � <br /> t'y <br /> � Fwm W3s v70 rry¢r:.�l�rvc�+� � .. <br /> �', ' . <br /> j�'{':: � <br /> 1 <br /> ..- �. <br /> �.�: <br />� • . _:.-.-•..�_.�_._. �..�.�r_x.-..::•_.' . . ._ _ ' <br /> ... �...-.+::yt lri�_•i ,:. _.�,,. �. _L.�. �_ : : ' . . . _ .. . �.. " . .. .. _ ... . . . .. . .. <br /> .... .� _ . _ � <br /> _'r._ - .".,'„� . - - _ ___ . . . . . . - - <br />- �.r... :" . `. . � <br /> �,ir. �`�Y; :, . .. ..."_ <br />�,�i �:•''"-...:_ . • . <br />- uoi%�:��_':'_.�� . . . � <br /> . ' rA. , - . - . . . <br /> y5 . <br /> . t - 1 �� - _ � . _, - . <br /> � � .Il . �: - . . . .. . <br /> '.y. .=i � ..�- _ � ... ' � . . <br /> (♦,; �: ! " . - . - ' _. , <br /> � ' `: . . - _ _ . . . <br /> .i t� - �1' 1� � • <br /> • , ' IJ � �� ' � .. _. . . - . i . <br /> � <br /> .l . 11... . i ... . .J. .. . .. . ... . :t _ " '_ _ ... ._—�'..L. ._ " _ _ _,— . . <br />