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���� ^. — — <br /> �,�,, ;; . , <br /> . .. . . ,: <br /> . gg'°'� �1U�.9�1 ' -__ <br /> �onaomnano�oramo�nkma or a�y�e ormo rroyenr�or forconvoynnce in fleu of condemnatlon,oro hcKby eadgned aM <br /> �hdl be DdQ to I.endet. <br /> (II thp OVC111 O(0 tOtCl (dklll$ Ot Ih0 FYOPEity�cho p�ooeedi �fidt 6a eppllad to tna eums eaurd Oy thts Sseuflry ----.. <br /> -___ fnmument whe�ha or not�hen dua�y�u�Y exeea+pdd to Bottower, tn tho ovrnt ot a putinl rolcing ol Ao Ropeny In <br /> which tha falr markct va�uo ot R�e Propnny immed[atoty 6ePoro�ho takln8 li equ+t�o agrca�sr U�nn�he umoun�ol�ho suw _ <br /> uwreA by tAie Becudty ln�wmem imme4lete�y b¢fore�ho taking,unlea Hortewer nnd Lcndor o�herwlao egrco In writing. <br /> the eum�«cuttd by W�Securiry Instrument ehaU be rcduced by tho emount o[tho procuEs muhlplicd bv tho following <br /> fmGion: (n)the totel nmoun�ot the wma cxurcd Immedlatety 6etoro�he teking,dlvided by N)�ho falr m�kU vaNe o!tlw <br /> — Peopeny immediatdy betoro tho�nking. Any balance chall be paid w Borrowet. In�ho event of e panid loklng of the <br /> -°= Propeny in whk�the falr merket velue ot the Property immediately bePoro iM�ektng ii tess�han�Ao emount of�ho cums --• �•- <br /> «eured Immedlnteiy 6eforo the uking,wles�Bortower and Lender atherwlx agrco tn wrlting or wies�eppllcebla low <br /> — othenviso provide�,�he proceeda�hell be epplied ro Ne wma acurcd by�hla 3eeudty Instrument whaher or not ttro�uma me <br /> _= N�n due. <br /> - It ttw Propeny io nbandoned by Bortower,or If,eller noNa by Lendcr Io Borrower�hat tho condemnor oftcn ro make <br />--w.�;� en awerd or seata a cieim Por damege�,Bortower Poil�ro rcspond ro Lender within 30 dayi a(ter�he d�ie tNe notice la given, <br />- ° Lendor 1�authoduA�o eoltect and epply�he prottW�,et(n option,Niher�o rcstore�lon or rcpair of the Prope�ty or ro�he <br /> ����y� aum�suumd by ihia Secudty Insuument,whe�her or not�hen due. -� <br />-r.��fm� Unleas l.ender md Bortower oihmvisa egrce in wdNng,eny applicat(on ot proceeds io pdncipel sM1ill not extend a <br />-,':t:�}�;;'?� postpone�ha due date of tAo momhly p�ymenu rckrted ro in paregrephe 1 end 2 or change the amountof such paymen�a. <br /> =::�'r� ll. Oorrorver Not Rdessed; Fbr6earance By Lender Not e Watver. 6xtenston ot the dma for payment a <br />..-;;;;f;�� modlflca�ion ot amo�timtion of the sum+saurcd by�hU Security InxtNment gren[eA by Lender�o eny suaaaor in incerest <br />�.,;,yqY�f of Bortower shall not opererc[o rcleaxe�la Iiabiliry of�he original Hortowa or Borrower]suecesso�a in intercst.LeMu �"'°'.� <br /> � .�� shell not 6e uirrA ro mmmence proceedinga against eny mccessor in intercst or rcPoso to extend dme Por payment or <br /> z�`'�- oihenvice mod�emortizafion of the sunu securtd by�his Savdry Inxtrvmrnt 6y reason of my demend made by the origtnel _ <br /> �''i=� Bortowu or Hortowerk succeason in interest. Any torbearantt by Lender in exercising nny right or remedy ahell not be� _ -� <br /> `'�� woiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or rcmedy. � <br /> 13. Succeasore and Aalgn+Uound;Jolnt and Severel 4labilityt Co-signera. 7Le covenenu md agreemema of�hh Er�,�r .- <br /> ��� Seeurity Inswmen[shell bind and benefit the suceesson end assigns of Lender end Bortower,cubJwt ro�he provisions of ��rtk+ __ <br /> ;.,;, puagreph 17.Borro�verk covenents nnd egreemenu sholl be join[ end uvernl.Any Bortower who co-aidu thu Secnrity <br /> w, f��n Inswment but dces not execute the Nota (a)is co-aigning this Security Insmimrnt only ro mortgaga grant nnd canvey ihn �jS�<" -1 . <br /> ���z� Borrowerl intercat in the Propeny under�he terms of ihis Security lnstmmenr, (6)is not penonally o6ligated to pay lhe eums t .. <br /> ueurcd by thU Secudty I�uuument:and(c)agrces that Lender end any aher�ortower mey agree m e�nend,modiry,forbeu i u'��,e;. - <br /> ���i� ot meke eny accommodatlom with regerd ro ihe temu of ihie Security Inswment or�he Noie�ri�hout�hat Bortowerl {'i,� ._. <br /> , � consent ,� .. <br /> r� � 13. Loan Chn�gea. If the lom secured by ihis Security Inxtrument is eubJect �o a lew which sets maximum Ioon y Fi � , <br /> !; ;{��! ehergea,end thet Iow li finnlly imerPrcted m tha��he inurcx�or other loan charges collected or ro be mllened in connectirn 11�� ,.._ <br /> .T�- wifi�he loan oxceed ihe pnmiiicJ Lmiir.liiea: i.i u��y:uch k,:��ahar�shail�rcAc:�6y th:an:a�nt r.e�arv te mdt� -=-- <br /> `^��R'� the char c m�hc rmiucd Ilmic and(b)m mmn nlrcad collecicd fmm Bortowcr whkA excecdedpermined Ilmiia will be ^``�:�F't:`�'� <br /> - °l�i rcNnded to BortoPver. Lender moy chnnse ia make�his rcNnd Ay rcducfng the pdncipal owed undenhe Nole or by makfng� A°r -� � '-- <br /> „'i'- �' dlrect mem to Dortowec If n rcfund rcduca rinci 1,ihe nductfon wfll 6c�rcmed m u anlol rc n mem wnhout nn C�)F'S;3� <br /> _ . paY p pa P P P Y Y �., :. ,. <br /> _-���; prcpuymmtchvgcundenheNuta , �^. r. ; <br /> ,.,�.���� 10. Notttte. Any nolice tu Borto�vcr pmvidM for in�hie Sccurity Imwmcro shull be given by deliredng it or by r,� ,��. -. <br /> .+ �.:1 mailing it by tint closs meil unleu nppliwM1lc lo�v rcyufrc.u.c of nnoihcr mcihn�1.71�c nuiice shrtll 6e dirccttd io the Propeny '�. rsr_; �;�:. <br /> v„�� , <br /> -z Addrcs+or any o�her addmx Bortuwer designmes by nrnice m LenJer. Any nu�ice�o Lender shnll 6e given by firxt class n .� - ��,; <br /> �` : mail to Lendcrh nddrcss smted hercin or ony o�hcr ndJna Lcndcr de.ignarc.6y notia w Dorrowcr. Any noiicc provided for ��� ' �-; <br /> �`�: In thla Sewri�y Insuumcnt shnll bc dcemcd �o hnvc Men given �o [iavaucr rn Lcnder when given a+ provided in this �F � u , _� <br /> -�Fj Paregmph. ,,�: �: _. <br /> 1S. Governing La�r, Severability. 'Ihi. Sccuri�y In+wmem �hnll he govemed by feJeml law and�he la�v of ik � r- ' <br /> -''�:;�r jurisdic6on in�vhich�he Propeny is Icenud. In ihe evem�hm ony pravi+ion nr clnu+e of�hiz Security Inswment or the Naie �„Y��,�,l_.,`� <br /> _l���}r'.,, con0icta wi�h epplicable lu�v,such conflie shall nm uRec�other provi.iun.of ihis Securi�y Incwmem or the Note which an i - r rc-: <br /> �-!:'-! 6e iven effect wi�hout�he conilictin rovi.ina Ti��hi.enJ�hc rnvi+iom of�hi.S�rurit Inarumrnt and �he Nate orc +�� ??'�%_�` <br /> g S P P Y � �" z: <br /> - a'J decleredlobeuvcrnble. ��,y t- '; _ <br /> 5- -'-' 16. Oorro�ver'a Copy. 6ortooer shall M1e Fiven nnc mnfonncd mp>�of�hc No�c and of ibis Security Im�mmem. �7 u"`� -. � <br /> � t`� 17. 7}ander of Ihe Property or a Oeneficixl Inferest In Iinrroxtr. Ifnll or nny pan of�hc Propcny or any interext in r. 1 x� .. <br /> i}a �- <br /> -J�q�,�-�! It is xold ar trentferted(or if a heneficial imercs� in Uom��rer i,.nld or�nnskmd and Dnrm�ver is no�a namnl personl ��r f. t � ��� <br /> r+ 1c� wi�hout Lenderk prior wrincn canaen6 LenJcr may,a�i�+ap�inn,rcyuirc immedia�c�:�ymem in full of ull.vms ucured by t f�;:' � <br /> ti�_na ihis Security Imuumenl. However.Ihi+aplinn+hnll nn1 he ecerci+ed 6y Lender if eacrei.c i•prnhihiled by(tdeml Inw at o( s ';,-: <br /> �hedatcofihisSewrit Im�mmem. 'r �"•t•'�--��� <br />-.�,_.-a._ Y .:-kr�,.:::;. <br /> .:..,,G-,:.. If Lender exemius this uption.Lender.hall gire Narro�r.r nn�ia�of:�.edera�ion. Tlu no�ice.hall provide a period of .:.�i j:}:r.,-.: <br /> .'�-` not lexs Ihxn 30 days Gom Ihc Ja�e thc nmicc i.d.livered or mnil.d wi�hin which Omm�ccr nm.t�wy hy this r�.•F':.�.�f_; <br /> ,p4>a :: ' Security Insuumem. I(�nvoner (ail. In pay Ihev +unt. prinr�o �hc espir.ninn nf�hi. �rial. Lender may inruAc :my r',�..,-� . <br /> ' - rcmediea pemiilted by Ihi+Sirurily Imtrumem wi�hanl furt6cr nmice��rJcmanJ an Bom�ecr. <br /> ; � �`� l8. 6orro�rerx Right to Relnstair. I( Rnrto�rer mccn renain cnndi�inn.. BnRO��cr .hall luve the rigM �n hare <br />"`-"��yr - en(orcemem o(�hi.Scarity Imwm¢�v Jfunnbnurd:n any umc pnar Io lhe cadicr al: la1 S Ja).b�r.uch wlh«perlal a� - <br /> SinKle F�md�-.linnir N�e,FMEIe N�r 1 V FOI1N 1\57'RC\1F.\'I- !mumm Cn.cnam. 9f90 �ryrN..�n�wyr�� <br /> ,.'i:�: � �. . <br /> ( . <br />. ,�,�-,� • . <br /> �.=�;r"� . " . <br /> f ;`d�°—.'F.�' '_�.t.•� . ., . .. . .. .� . _ ' _ _ _ a-_ .. . , .. . . - . . . .. <br /> -.�A _ . .. - . <br /> i;tL:e`>�;:..i�' - . .. <br /> l4r <br /> r . ,. . _ -'—__- . ' <br /> ]•`:r},._tly._ .".0.:`1:.;� � � <br /> 'C. <br /> / ]' J� ' , <br /> ,� � <br /> _ _�.�'..1i'��`��:.}� -. .. - . . . . _ <br /> :•SR�i_�,:. .\. (i...?...:iC• _ <br /> F i c <br /> d 1' ,!1: {'YSS-+� . - - . - , . <br /> tr � <br /> f" �Ac-14x; 1' jiY - ' " - . - ' , _ . .. <br /> 'i�'` Tx 4��i 2Jr r " �, -� . . - ' �-�! � i( ii _�;t� . _.. . �e, <br /> i . i <br /> r. <br /> 4/ p . � <br /> � J� • t !r 1 ( <br /> ry..'�� ,... ��l: . . . �� '� . J�. � . i�.,���_�.� - +. . .. __ . ... . � _ . . ,,.F"C - . _ _ . . ..,� �. .... .. <br />