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, <br /> � _ . . � _ <br /> r • . <br /> �� --- 93-` �� �_ - .. __. <br /> apytiu6►e lew may�pcelfy tor rcinstatcmcnq Eefoce�eta of�o Ropcny punuaot to eny po�vcr of ealo contnlntA In NI� <br /> -� 8ttvlry Instrvmeer,or(6)eauy ot u Judemmt enforcing thle 9ecudty Incwmsm. 7Loso conditione era that Aortowus (e) <br /> -- " payi Isndcr dl 'sun�s which ithn woutd�due unda t�la Seeurlty lnsWmeM end iRO Noro ee 1!no xaxientlSe R,d __ _ . <br /> , � xwrtW;(D)cun:f eny Qotautt otany othu covenanu or ogreemrnta(o)pay�ai1 ezpenaa incurted in entorcing Nla 8audly <br /> ---- (netiumen4 Ineludtng,but not IImItW to,reasormblo enomoyi lus:and(d)�eke�euoh ectton a�LenAa may rcasona0ty - <br /> _ _ • requlre lo auuro�hal�ho Uen ot ihla Suurity InstNmcn4 Lcnduti dghls In tha PropeM1y and Oortowerb obllgntton to pay the ` <br /> `-—° suiru cecnrcd by thl� 8eeudty Inapument theli wntlnuo unchanged. Upon rolnatatemcnt Dy Bortower, tAl� 3ecudt9 <br /> Inswment end�he obllgatlone kcurcd hercby eholl rcmaln fully ottecflve m if no ecalemtlan had aauaM. Howevu,�hl� <br /> � dght to retnsroro fiell not nDDb�n�he ceso ot acatereHon under paragwph 17. <br /> � 19. 6We at Notoj C�ange of Loan B¢rvloer. 7Le Noro or e pnniel inlercs�in ihe Note(togNhu wtth�hb Secudty `T '^ "°, <br /> Inatrumenq mu�bo eold one m moro dma witAout prior notice to Bortower. A�ele may result in a chartge in tho entiry <br />-'��-��`_*_+�1 (known es tho Loan&rvix��Aat coliau mon�hly paymenu due under�he Nota end thin Secu�ity Inswmen6 7t�ae elm <br />--;��,=� mey be one or moro eM1anges of�he Loan Servker unrola�ed�o e sole of eho Nota If th¢m ia e change of the Loan Serviar. <br />'.:`:�:''.:-� Oortower wlll bo glven wdtan notice of�ho chenge in exordence with paragnph l4 above ond epplicaEle law. 'Ihe notice <br />����?��"•'S`� will fiete tho name and oddreu o[�ho new Loan Servicer and the eddrca to whlch paymenu ehoutd ba mnda 'Rie notice will <br /> '''s;;� eiso comela eny othcr infortnntlon requircd by nppticabla law. __ . <br />:-�`;;r:�-,� 10. Harardom Subatancea. Hortowtt�hall not cauu or pefmtt tla presena,use,dlaposal,sea�age,or rclwao of any <br /> '�' � HazaMOUS Substenoea on or in�he Ropeny. Borrower shell not do, nor aUow myone elu to do,anything a[fcetlng�ha <br />-.-,i:t:;,>j�1� Pmpeny that is in vloletion of eny Environmentel Lew. 71�a preading two cemences shall not apply�o the prcaenca,use.or =__ <br />`.;�'Ht:= � storvge on the Ropeny of small quantltia ot Hezardom Subatances that ere genaaUy recognfud ro be eppropda�e to normal —___ <br />`;??�"�" residendal uses and to maintcnantt of Ihe Propeny. =''`'� <br /> �"'st:: �= - <br /> , >vi -•� Bortower ahall prompay give Lender writun naice of eny investigetion,claim,demenA,lewcuit or otha aciion by ony �` _ <br /> ;�q}�}t;�,, govemmemal or rcgulatory agency or priverc pnny involving ihc Propeny nnd my Heurdous SuMtnna or Environmentel -� <br /> i��� of which Bortower hae ncwal knowledge. 1( Bortower leems. ar ia notlfied by eny govemmentel or rcgulefory �'"'_�. _ _-._.. <br /> nr^rn euehodry,that any rcmovel or other mmediation of eny Hnurdous Substonce aRectins Ihe Property ia necessary,Bortower �xa., u __ — <br /> "j; shall prompqy leke ell nettaaary remedial aaions in eecordence with Environmemal Law. ax�� -�. <br /> �-�����,'.� As used in thic paragmph 20,"Hazardans Substencei"aro thau aubs�ances de(ned u wxic or hezertlous aubstaMea by ��u`ki,�. ' . <br />�f�f,�,y�"' Environmentel I.ew end�he Poilowing substxncea: gesoline,keroune,other itammeble or rozic petroleum produots,wxic -- � <br /> „ �;�'� pes�iddca and herbicidc�,volatile solvenm,matcrial:conleining esbestm or fo�meldchyde,end redioaalve mnrodalo. As � ,�_,�, <br />� ��,k'+t'�f.� usW in�hia paregwph 20,"Environmemal Law"mwns federel lews and laws of�he Judadictlon wherc the Propeny!s Iocated r'.•`::.� <br /> 1 -1f,{!�' tha�rcla�c�o Aeahh,ukry or environmemei protaqon. - .� <br /> t ��- NON•UNIFORMCOVENAN7'S. Barto�vcrandLcndcrfurthercovcnnntendagreea+folluwx: ���~-' <br /> �'`c�t �` 11. Acceleratloni Remedics. Lender�Aoll give notice to Borroner prlor to ucceierapon folla�ving Oorrower'e ° <br /> i�,��'�a. breach of eny mvennnt or agreement in thb Recurity Instrument(but not yrlor to ecceleratlan under pnrograph 17 �� -s`. <br /> -$ ,<, unles�appllcable Inp provtdw othenrlsH. Tha notice nhail specily� (e)tha defeultt(D11ho ecllon required ro curo the ��•�-- <br />.,:i."�f�:��.; detault{(c)u dnte,not lesv ihan 30 dnye hom the dnla the notice 1�given to Borro�rer,by which 1he defeutt muat ba �`�jNJ�±',N'.��,. <br /> ° curedi and idi fbui luiturc to cure IRe deiuult o�a�Get�r ihe dais ayFl�ed in the nmk¢may r-uit M ac:Flr:tlan o! �� - ---� <br /> t i( �'�''_ .. <br /> the wm+secured by lhla Securlly Instrummt ond eole of lhe Propertr The natice�hali ILr1Aer Inform Borrower of � ,-` +� - <br /> v '° th�right to relnsmte aRer ncalerntlon end Ihe rlRht l0 6ring a murt actlan la atsert Iho nomex4stcnce ot a deteull or 4 � r"r -, <br /> '.'r�}` en a�her dehnse ot Ilorro�rer to ecceleroqon ond sole. If lhe defnnit Is no1 cured on o�bofore Ihe dnta apcellled In ,+ �:;- � ` <br /> :% 't, r •�..�•;� ,ii:tt .:;i <br />`�';;L%i"'•_� Ihe noHce,Lender et Id optlon moy requlrc Immedlute pnyment In NII uf oll�ums saund by thie Securily[nstrument -�s.;�:.r,���s� <br /> - �'f;;N �vithout furtAer demend und mey invoke tho puwer of aule end any othcr remed�m pormhted by eppikable la�v. ,}l ai.'� ,` Ls. <br /> ?,It;; -t. Lender ebull be entltled to collat all expense� Incurred In purauinp Ihe rcmedtp pwvided in Ihle paregraph Sl. j��!�„ti><< �--� <br /> _-i�,,l,t Including,but not Ihnl[ed ta,reesaneble attorney+'kes and msta of Iitle evidence. ,,_�,,,-; r<•ir::- <br /> If the po�rer of sole is Invaked,7tuxiee shxll record n nntice of defnult in ench county In which eny part of the �; {ry`�N �. <br /> jr ,'. Properly la laated and shell mnil copies ofauch notke In Ihe menner prescribed b�applienblo law to Borro�rer and to c� {� Y�����'� <br /> �,-��3��: lhe other persona prescribed by epplicable hnv. ARer the Ilme requGed 6y eppl cnble law,Trustee ehell give public ,t:.�„+.;,�.�.;;;, <br /> _-, .;� nodce of eale to Ihe personx nnd In Ihe manner prescrl6ed by npplica6le Iww. 7}u�lce,wHhout domnnd an Umrox�er, ,v;.yks'� `"- <br /> ,.-';;4��--;. shell se0 Ihe Property N publlc eucllon to Ihe hlghesl bidder at the qme nnd pince ond under iho Ierms designeled In � - ���.� f.��?� <br /> - � ��' the notice otsele In one or more parceLc and In nny order 7Yustee delermines. 7}natee mny pos�pono sale ofall or eny f f. �r`�� z ,��;_:: <br />�-��:;ti•r S�'�t:,� paml of lhe Property by publlc announcement ut the tlme xnd pluee uf amy previausly scheduted wle. Lender or Ils §• '�j;;:r�,c..,.�:_ <br /> r Y'��h.. deaignee may pureh¢u the Property at nny xnle. �T � � <br /> � Proper ynTheere¢it I PIn thr 7}uxtceee detd xhnll bre prinuhf:�clr c�ldence of ine tra�h of hefinlalemenis made Iherelne s��,�� i;SS°,,i- -� <br /> -i ��jy 7Yustee sholl apply the proceeds uf Ihe snle In ihc fallmrinR��rAcr: uU In nll msd�md expenxn of exerclsing Ihe po�rer o-� ��r.��y*� E� -- <br /> � -; s b:j"�`: �s. <br /> .,ir, � .. ,., <br /> -'..�e,� r--i:z r• <br /> - ' .rnPJJ t �4 <br /> y�� -.`{ �t���liv .i?.... <br /> s- + ;': �i�r.�"- y - <br /> . f*r*;'r <br /> .�,,ti.��; .�+ � � <br /> :`::.:'...°�;? a.��;?iC;� "��- <br /> � .r.. t . <br /> < � + � � '• <br /> . --' 7,r_� . <br /> k� Z� 4brm.NSM 9.90 p�ivr!.qnp�v«i ! �:�: ,�. <br /> F �' <br /> r _ � <br /> 1.'l....'i. . . <br /> ':f:. 1 <br /> -,�_'.A.L: . <br />. . :_..:'*5�'_ <br />�- � 1 ..1•-.,i�.-4_.'^.'�:.T'_'T'o�':i-�}�.�,-ct-�.T_...e-.qv._...+--.-..... . . .'. _ '._ ' ___ .e - 't_- _-_. _._ r-" _� _ <br /> -�).�.: . . � . . . . ' . - . ._ . . . . . . . .. .. . .. <br /> :'�.' . <br /> ��•1� <br /> _ _ -�1:' . , � - - <br /> r`� . <br /> •R�- .a:9i. . <br /> - � 4•�.i.� ..J. ... .. <br /> �y <br /> -CSit:sk,e- - -- <br /> _.��'C« .. , . . <br /> �hn�,`•`r <br /> ��1` k�,`r � -. . . - <br /> f�i�-� Y,,+j .. - - - . <br /> tiN q -F <br /> �{�Tj)j< � � � - , - .l- . . <br /> � '1, '. _.l ' ' ' . . -- a_ • � <br /> � ' <br /> 4f s n . Y� . . _ . <br /> � t e! t <br /> tL _ _ ,. . - . ' _ <br /> ., f .�'.i . 1 s ' : + .F•_� J�. �t t 1..: , ..It . . ... . � _ . _. ' . . � �3�.. ._ ... ... ...__ . <br />