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�� ,.,.�,.,�.,�,_ T.�__ . . _ $ <br /> . . �� . , � <br /> . ��' p ' <br /> portoda that Lender rcqulra. 71�e lonunufce airler provlding Q�a Ineurance�heil ba chosen Dy Qorrower wDlecf ro EenQRt <br />. -_- ep��vut whioh iM1all no16o unricssaueLly whM21d, If Botrow¢r taila ro melmeln carerosa descdb:d a6oval.cnGer m4y.e4 :,:-, t�- -- _.. __z. <br /> —'-- ' LenEerbopHon,obminooverago topmY.�tl.enAcrYriph�alntho�Ptopertylnaaotdancowl�hparapraph7, � <br /> - Atl tnaurukx potlelaa and rtna�s�u�hall bo accepiaDlo to LenAer uid�h�il Indude a atendard�hongage clau:e. l,endor <br /> - �MII hnvo the dght ro hold�ho poI[ctee aiM toiw�vWa. If 4ender rcqulrc�,Borrower ehall prompety gtva to Lender dl recaipn - <br /> _— ' oi pold pttmlum�and rcnevnl mtica. Indhp ovent ot los�,Bortower�hn1!gtve prompt nodte ro the Inauruwo cartie►and — <br /> '-- Lendar. I.endcr mny make proof of Im�iLnM medo promptly by Dorto�ver. <br /> Untcu Lender und Bortowa�ahenrlio egroo In writing,lnsurence vracced��hWl bo epplied to rcstore�ion or ttpalt of <br /> -° �ho Pro�ny dam�W. It tho rca�ontion or rcpnlr I�eoonomluliy feasible end 4cnderY cccurtry I�not IeaeneA. It tde <br /> -'- rca�orat on or rcpa r I�not econankaily feasi6le or LenderY�audty would be leuened.Ne lnawanco piocceda tlwU ba °"'° �.' <br /> -- applied�o tM�um�acured by tEl+Saudty tn�tmment whuher or not tAen due,with eny esas patd a Bortover. It — <br /> _= Ilortowcr abendons�ho Nopeny,a daa not answer aithin 30 deyn e notice from Lendcr thet�ho inaurence aurler hai <br />— <br />