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. .,. <br /> . y , ;. . . .. .,. :n . . . . ... . . <br /> ) . . .�=:.E�.,, � .. r'��' " 1.�� .— <br /> , jj' -� • - _ �:.�.�•�-�,;..,v,.w.a.-.� � .� ..-- - : <br /> .•<<�, ��' �1QlSf�� _ _ <br /> TOOB7118R WI'I'H alt tho Improvemcnte na�v or hemaDer erceted on�he propeny,and atl ememcnte,appurtonnnaa, <br /> -_� end Ilxlura raw a hareaftcr e pan ot the propcny. Ali repleecmenu and edditlon.shnii nlen ho mvQreA by�hi.Recur�iy =—� <br /> inummrnt. All of tha forogoing U rcfortcd ro In�hle 9ceudiy(nswment w the'Propeny.' .r <br />-- � �� -- BORR0IVRN C�OV[{NAM'S�hnt Ifortower I�Inwfully�eiced of Ne cata[a hereby conveycd md hm the flght to gmnt _. � . <br /> and convoy�ho Praperty nnd�bat�M1a Property la un¢ncumDcrcd,oxoept for encumbrence.+of rccord. Dortower wurenta ond <br />-==v� witl defend generally tho dqo to[Aa Propeny egnins�ell claimi end demend�,wDJat lo eny encumbronce�ot record. _--. <br /> THI9 SECURfI'Y INSTRUAQiM'wmbina uNform covenenu for nationel uso and non•unitortn covmenn w�tli <br />•�^�y� Itmi�ed veria�on�by Juriadicdon ro mnaticuco a unUomi ucwi�y Inswmmt rnvedng rcal propeny. <br /> -- UNIFOAM COVENANTS. Boirowcr and I.endor rnvenent and agree ae followr. � � <br /> �+ 1. PeJmcnl of Prtncipa!nnd Interecq Prepnyment end La7t Chargea Barrowcr shdl promptty pay when duo�hn <br /> ' -�"� ptincipal ot md imerca�on�he debt evldencW by tho Nae and any prepayment end leie chazgu dua undor the Note. <br /> �-r A Fkmds tor Tsxa and Insureaa. Subjat w epplicable law a io a w�inen wa(ver by l.endor,Boirower�hall pey ro '— <br /> - '`� [.ender on the day monthty paymema erc dua undcr Nc Nwe,until thc Note Is paid in Poil,��um CFL�s")for:(a)ycarty -° <br />-.<...ys'ti,4�1 �axu and esuasmcnte whtch may ettein pdadty over Nis SeeuAty Inswment m a lien on No Ptopeny;(b)ytedy laeaehold �-_t�- <br /> �_,_,;_;; paymenu or ground rents on �he Aopapr. if eny; (e)yearly hezerd or property insumnoo premiuma; (d) ycarly iload �±-�.-:=--- <br /> , , ; inaurence prcmiuma, i(any; (c)yearly mongugc insuranu premfums. If eny; md(q eny wma payeblo by Bofrowcr to <br /> � -; Lender,!n earoNanee with�hc provistonx of pareg�eph S,in Iieu of�e payment of mortgege fnwmnce prcmiumn. Thuca .��, _�- , <br /> �� items ere catled"Facm�v Items." Lender mny,a�any�ime,mlla�end Rold Wnds in en emount not ro eacecd[he mnxlnumi � _ <br /> ,��i amount a lender Cor a fedemlly rclated mongege loan may require for Bortowerh escrow�ccount under tho fNural Rxel ��� _ <br /> ,,.1�`,ri &ta�e SetUemem Procedurca Act of 1974 aa amended from Iim¢to time,12 U.S.C.¢26(11 e�s[q.("RE4PA'),unlesa enntlmr � , -- <br /> _-y ,� lew�hat eppltes w the W nds sew�lesser emoum. If co,Lender may,at any�ime,coliect end hold FLnds In en emaunt nnt tn .�,i�� <br /> g,D!t exaed �he lesur emounl. L.ender may estimocc �he amount of Wnds due on �he besia of wrtont data and roasonnbl¢ �_„}_�•_. <br /> � S i° enrimata of expenditurcs of fumrc Exmw Items or otherwise in acmrdnnce wi�h eppliuble law. , _. <br /> r 7Le Punds aMll be held in an insti�mion whosc deposita ero insurcd by e federel agency. instrumcnlnliq.or entity f/r� +- <br /> (including Lender,If Lender is such en institutioN or in any I'ederel Home t.oan Bank. Lender shdl epply�he Eunds to pay i�F��t�r`-' <br /> ����L; the Fscro�v Items. L.ender mny not charge Bortower far holding end epplying�he Ponds,ennuolly annlyeing�he eserow il��jy�._r}�: <br /> i��"+' aaount,or ve�fying the Escrow Itemx,uoless Lendcr payn Oorrower inttrest on�he Funds and eppliceble law pe�mi�s F'�',k� :' ': <br /> <�� l.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender may requirc Bortower ro pay a one-�ime cMrge for an independ¢nt real �°;�;r'''-�:� <br /> �t,�ilES� aie�e�ez rcponing service used by Lender in concection wnh Ihia loan,uNeo appliceble law prov�des otherwiw. Unlesa an �x ' �- <br /> �� Agrcement is mede or epplicable law rcquires interexi to be paid,Lender shall not bc rcquired to pay dortower any intereat or �1 - <br /> camings on the Wnde. Borrower and l.endcr may egrec in writing,howevcr,that imeresl ahall be p�id on the Mnds. Lender r i��3 _ <br /> K��>> xhali give ro Bortowcr,�viNout charge,an annual nttouming of thc Fvnds,ahowing acdits end debits to�he FLnds end�he tf __ _ <br /> i s .��� purpose for which each debit w�he Amds was made. The W nds nre pledged ez eddi�ional security for ail suma securcd by 4 �k t, i �- <br /> :-,��y;; IhlaSecuritylnttmmenl. `fI��;!r•`,;. <br /> ��-�t��t. 1f Ihe FLnds held by Lender exceed Ihe nmounis permitied ro 6e held by applicable law,Lender shall accoum to �i�J>�_:-;��;��;.;�- <br /> r)j Bortower for the exceas Punds in�ccordance wilh Ihc requircmenu of opplicable luw. If Ihe amount of Ihe FLnds held by {}s�t f1;; �� <br /> � � Lender at any�ime is not sutfieiem ro pay the Escrow Items when duc.Lender mny w noiity Borto�.er in wriling, UT}�}��r-' <br /> T " sucA cese �ortower ahell pay w Lender the emoun[necessury to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shell nuke up ihe �fFt s��+.:� �- <br /> �..,rr1 lutqrccua.-=-.. <br /> .--, ;.: defieicney in no morc�han twclvc monthly paymcnts,u[LendcrY salc dixrenon. ; ;�,_,,. --- <br /> -r;.' Upon paymem in full of ell sun�.v uwred by ihis Scwrity Inarumem.4cndcr ahall prompqy rcfund to Bottowcr eny ��i �x - � -.- <br /> :�•'•;�,;+ Funds held by Lender. If,under p�regreph 21.I.endcr shall acyulre ar ull Ihe Propeny.Lendcr,prior to�he ecquisition a ;at;�y;?_:..' <br /> -- enlc of ihc Propcny. shall npply any I•Lnds hcld by Lender nt thc iimc o!ecqufxiUon or+ole as a credit agoinsi thc:ums .n- •� � <br /> _. 5 ""' accarcdby�hisSttudtylnxtrumem. - i ' •>� ='� <br /> i;,����;� 3. Appllcailon of Pe)menia. Unle.s npplicable law pmvidex o�henviae, ell payments rcceived by Lender under `;t!'?.(.,;,; . <br /> - L;. parographa I nnd 2 xhull Ac upplied:fin6 m ony prcpuynMn�chorge+duc unJer dk Nme:+cannd.�a amoumx puy�ble under � -��i ;r�,,: <br /> �. �- �' paragrsph 2:�hird,to intcrcs�dac:tounh,m principal duc:and Imi.�a nny Imc chnrge+duc undcr tlu Notc. r� �a:�,i; <br /> ..: 4. Chnrgeei Llena. Oorroxer ihall pay all �exo, usKSSmcnn, chnrges. finca nnd imposi�ians ntiriMnaDle to �he ,l+U . <br /> - � Propeny which mey an�in priori�y over�hi>Securi�y Insuument,anA IenxcholJ�uymen�c or gmund mnu,if nny. Borcower � i ,y� _ <br /> 'r�'• shall thesc obli utions in the manncr mvidcd in a�a m h 2,nr if no� �A in�hm manncr.Borcowcr shall them on <br /> > . WY 8 P P R P W PaY r' i .. <br /> -- �ime dircctly�o�hc person nwcd pa�mcm. �nvoo�cr stuil promptly fumi.h�n LenJcr all no�iccs af amounn to 6e pid under �� � '�5 %�. <br /> ?�- , �his paragmph. If Uortower mnkes ihex paymems dirtt�ly.Rortower sholl promp�y�fumi�h m Lender reaipn evidencing Fj' ( �? __'. <br /> t qr � �hc paymenn. r 4 -; <br /> -t,�F Bortower shall pmmqly discharge any licn�vhich hss priority over�his S¢curi�y In.trument unless portower.(a)ngrecs i y �-i --� <br /> in writing ro Ihe payment of Ihe obiigation�tturcJ hy�hc licn in n manner accep�able in Lender.(h)coNCSts in @aad tuith the ��'�'If+--- ='- <br /> licn by,or dcknds against cn(ormment nf thc licn in.Icgal pmcccding<ahich in ihc Lcndcrk npinion operne eo prcvcm�he � k 1`" - <br /> . enforcement of�he lien:or(c)secures fmm ihe holder n(the licn an agrcemem.misfaaory to Lender xubordinaling Ihe lirn /�v A��-,;�". <br /> /-� �o Ihis Seeurity Inslrmnenl. I(Lender detennines�haz any pan of ihe Ropeny i.subject to a li¢n��•hirh ma��auain priority ;�\ -`�:° <br /> -�� ��`�` over Ihis Security Instrumen6 Lender may give Rortoxxr a no�ice identify�ing ihc licn. Ilurto�rer.hall salia(y�hr lien or iake ir;�C�:'t;;;;_'�i <br /> r - <br /> j.'f one or morc ohhe xctiom xt fonh above wi�hin 10 dayi nf the giring of nntice i R -� <br /> 5. Herard or Ptoperty lnsuranm. Bomnvcr xhall Accp thc cxi.�ing or hercahcr erected on�Ac i� - ��' �� <br /> `-'-r��1t Propeny insurcd agoim�loss hy fire,hai�rd.inrluded�vi�hin the cemi"extendeJ co��erage"and am�o�her harards,including . <br /> `,_?�'�' ilonds or OmAing, tor which Lender reyuire. inenranrr. TLi. inwrance �hall M mainlainM in Ihe amnnni�and for Ihe - <br /> "-�4.4 y�� .. <br /> _�'.i':•� Po�mWl! 9.90 �rycr:../npqn� It <br /> " {1 . <br /> _ I>. <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> '��w.�._'T:]:`.Ifo .:._. ..._. . .. . . . . _ . _ , � ... " �1, . _ . . . <br />. :J'- <br /> ti. ` -. <br />--...F-_.;. , - . <br /> �-.-_s:_ '_--- _ <br /> ��):.i!i-,r�- <br /> �._ll.St,�Sijlr - . .. . <br /> t � � <br /> 1��'����'. _ <br /> t 1 f <br /> : aa`'�t�l_:! . . <br /> i -`1_'�`� . . <br /> -'.-i'}./?+;-';' . <br /> -yX.: <br /> � <br /> z ' -r . . � . - .. . ,._ <br /> �tF �i • <br /> ! .4 .. . . . . + - <br /> � 2 _._. .. _- i . . � . '.dS � <br /> i:_. . . - . . . . <br /> � : . . -, .�. - . .. _-' - - - <br />