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t S� {�� .. ....� _ . . _ __ _ <br /> ' -� 93•�0�9t�� : , ._ _ _ <br /> __ �;�va1e`�or��d�Nahlny oP ony pen ol�ho Properry,or torwnveyanco in Itou of wndcmnetion,ero henby aulgnW en4 <br /> `J (n tho areui oi i lolol inkiny oi iho ihopcny��ho pracccde �holl bo PPPIIeA�o �he �ume �ecumd by �fib 6revdty —'° <br /> -- (mtnfmont erAelhst or eo!tMn duo�wI�A eny enns�ps!d to BohowFn tn�ho evem ot a panlct Wdng ot�he Propeay In _ .__— <br /> � wAkA f1u fafr matksl vehia ot Iha Rrayany Immedlate(y Eefom tAe wking b equal to or eeter�Aen the amount of tho eume <br /> -- acorcA Ey t�l�Becnrliy tn�wmcnt Immedlnroly hforo�ho mking,unle��Umrowcr en�I.CIMCf OIIItIWI60!$RO Ip WfItlllg. <br /> - ��o wau�scurcd Oy�N�9audtp In�tNmcm�heli bo rcduad 6y tho nmount ot the proceede mutq�Iled by�ho toitowing <br /> hatlom (o)�ho lomi nmeunt of IRa�um�kcurcd Immcdimcly boforo iho taking,divlQed Ey @)�he fair merket vetuo ot�ho <br /> _ Propcny Imnudlatcly Eaforo dio�oklny. Any balonca eAdl bo pnid ro Borrower. In�ho event of a panlel�eking ot tho , <br /> --- Fropeng In wUlch Ifio falr nmrkcl valuo of�ho Propcny tmmcelntaly botmo me mkmg Is Ics�ehon�he amow�of�ho suma <br /> eccurcd Immedlotely bctom Iho Inklng,unlcu Uortowcr ond Lendar otAcrv�iaa agreo In wridng or untca�eppllcebto law <br /> °=--- othcrwlco providc�,lho pNCCed�►hoil6a opplled lo iAo�um�«cnred by ehia Sccudty Instrument whether or not Ne euma ere <br /> _ �hen duo. <br /> = U iha Propcny h oAnndoncG Dy Rortowcr,or IL nftcr noqco by Lendcr ro Bormwcr thet�ho condemnor ottrn to meke <br /> = =-'=' nn eword or se�tla n eialm fnr dmm�yo�,Ifortowor tall��o rc�pond m Lcnder within 30 duye a�er�ho dntc Nc naia la given, ___ <br /> -- �4=�� LenAsr I�a+nharlud�o calia�and npply ihaprocttd��nl lu opNon,cliher�o rcsromdon or rcpeir ot�he Property or lo the <br /> -=�=�m �unu eccurcd by�hh 8ccudly Imttumcm,whcthcr or not�hen duo. <br /> .;_,,ry���, Unlese Lender ond Ilnrtnwer n�henvlw agrco In wdtlng,any applicmlon ot pmcecds�o principel shall na extend or <br /> �+''>T�-r.� pos�pono�ho duo deio uf iho mnnihiy poymenu rokmd to in puogmpha I nnd 2 or chonge�ho nmount of auch paymente. <br /> ;�;�;e�.,;�„+,�p It. Oorwwer Nof Rtteoxdl Yorbearana 0r I.ender Nat a Wulrer. Exronaion ot �he time for paymen[ or <br /> � t<�,F� madillcaHun ot emonitatlon of�ho�um��ecured hy�hle Sceudry Instrument gramed by Lender�o eny maesaor in intercst -- <br /> »��t -��{3}J ot Dorcowcr ihall nm operom m nleaw tho Unbili�y of tho odginal Borrowor m Uortowerb wccesson in inamr.Lender _ <br /> h�„�-,� �hall no1 bo requlred to commenca pmcccding�againn� uny successor in Imcrcu or rcNw a exrend tlmc for paymmt w <br /> k �.° o�herwi�e madlry amntlltnifon of�ho�ums«curcd oy ihle Security Insuument by rceson of eny demend mnde Ay the original --- _... <br /> "f 3;"S i,. B��`ver or�orto�verY mcee�xor�in INCrc�t. Any(orbeorance by Lender in e�ercistng eny righ�or rcmWy sholl not be a r _ <br /> �valver ot or prccludo tha oxcrcir�of nny right or rcmcdy. ��� _. <br /> +s �-z�: If. Bucceuon and Aulgna Oaandt Joint and 8nveml I.lablliryt�aelgnero. The wvenenu end agrcemene�of ihis <br /> : � %� Secudty Instrumem�hnll bind m�d bcnoN tha�ucmwre and oxsigns of Lcndcr and Bortowcr,aubJat[o the pmvisioro of tkzii}� <br /> ,ti2 u <br /> 'J�tf �rf,;, peragreph 17. Uorto�vcrl covanam■ nnd ngrecmcnu.hnll be Jolm and wvcral. Any Bnrto�ver who m•aigne iAf�Secudty , y:u;��„,; <br /> ,. - ? ' Inswmmt bm doe�not oxecuro�ho Nma: la)h co-dgning�hia Secud�y Instrument only to mortgage,gront end mnvry thnt e=-f�y �t - <br />�c••,�%h�;`.�.F`•, Qortowcrti Imemt in thc Paipeny undcr ihc�emu uhliia Sccudty Ins�mmcnc (b)h no�penonally oblignted to poy thc suma �� `-'- <br /> ���:':- >ae}t•,''' <br /> :�^�„��'R� cccurcd by�hl�Saud�y In.tmmcm:nnd(c)ngreca�hm l.cnder m�J nny oihcr Boirowcr moy egrce�o extend,modify,forbear ��%�;•S,«�.__� <br /> , � or mnko ony ottammodullnna with rcgard In Ihc Mnnn n!ihix Secudty Instrumrn� or�hc Note withom thet Borrowcr§ �g�� t - -_ <br /> �r 4� � <br /> ,r�`,�� t�`h conunt. Ki; fl -- <br /> ��;j} ���y 1J. Lonn Chnrgex If�he lonn.ecurcd hy ihi. Secud�y In�trument i. xu6jcet a a low which ceu maximum loan �}�v � __: <br /> -y chargee,end iho�Imv i■Itnnlly Imeryrotal sa ilm�ihe interext nr aiher lann chorge.coliccud or io be collected in connec�ion r t,�,��r __ _ <br /> �f �3f. wil��he loan excecd�ho pemuttcA I�mn+.��en: mt nny euco i��an cnnrgc nhuii 6c�cdu�cJ by iim mi�wni urics�r�t:,rG�.-e ==;�- �. _ <br /> }.a. � � <br /> �rJR�'D s�q� �he cSurgc�o ihc pertnincd Ilmic nnd Ih� mlleciud from Uartowcr which czaededpertnined limi�s will be r, < <br /> _ i�; '� �'F� �oNndW�o�orm�vcr. Lendcr mny chnn.c m mukc ihl+rtfund 6y rcducing thc pdncipal owcd under the Noia or by meking a �f�; } �i'� ___. <br /> _._,` �% dirca paymcm ia Dortnwer. If u mfun�l reduc.•pdn•ipid.�hr mductlon will hc�rcaicd as n paninl prcp¢ymcat wi�hout eny L:Y�y � � _ <br /> a_a�y�� p�epoyment chorgo under ihe Note. 1�;;y;4`d � :; __ <br /> , l4. Notice�. Any noUce io Bunawer pmvldcJ fur fn�I�i.Sceud�y In.wment Ahnll he given by dclivedng it or by ` �r �� F, : _ <br /> '- ���:'�� mnlling it by tlrtl cla+s mall unle•.npplknMe luw nyuire�uµof uno�her me�hod.The no�ice.hall be dirceted to iAe Property �i�d� �����< _ -- <br />��i�.';:;-�. „ Addrc■s or an�uther uddrera Rurm�ver Je,i nnte�h nniice m l.enJer. Any notice w Lender shall be rven b f RI CI�tiS �r�`'}� 4=-.�°A}�_ .*'F??'�-. <br /> °`�"'S'ti'• mail m 4endert addres x�aud herein nr nn �Iher adJm++lwnder J¢+ignnle.M1 nmice to Oarto�cec An notice rovided for �)R'/��p;*'�F�4?:'-r`"' ` <br /> c s. � y Y r P ;-,�, sj ,, -- <br /> � :� tiv�4� in �hla Sccumy InsWment ihall tx Jccmed io hurc Iken girrn �o Harrnwer or Lcndcr �vhcn given na provided in �hix a�`%1�,,� LS fn a - <br /> 'v 1 ''1 am mph. ,;'�'�1i����i���.i�TiA , <br /> F t�5-��y4; P 813. Gorernln l.awt Severabllll . 77�i. .l'avm In,trwnem .Imll Ix orrmed h faleml Imv nnJ thc I¢w of�he � l ur�' : <br /> ��•,c; 31 judadk�ion in which�hc I'ra n ix Icxmcd. In ihc crcili ihoi un rnvi.inn nr�lun�c of�hY Sccurii Insuumcm or�hc Note x�Y�}f r��� drfiy��;I <br /> 't�`R't�� wntlfets wi�h npplicnble luw�uch conllici.holl nm uf(eci rnher�ir wi.inm of ihi.ti�curiiy In�uumem or the No�e which can fi`��;��'�tb'�`rkb .� <br /> �*t '+r:, be given ef(en wi�ham�he amllic�inp�. Ti�ihi.end i6.pmvi.i�nn af ihi,ticcurily�In�vument imd Ihe Note urc 4n�V�xi Pm)�JJ S':�z:`� <br /> -� - dcclercd m 6e xvemhla �%„�E�t� ��f, ,E� v.. <br /> . `i. l6. Dortosrt�'a Copy. Uanowcr.h:dl lu Firen ane mulonnal an�y nf�h.N�ne nnJ of Ihi.Security Imtmmem. .•n� � � � <br /> "- ( '�'-' 17. 7Yansfer af Ihe Pro ert ar n Benclichd Imerc+�In 8nrmoer. It ull��r nn� m ot�he Pm n ur un intcrcst in +��'� t} r � i :'" - <br /> .t�� -r *� P Y > P� P� Y Y �t't{t��'� i�.Sv \:f <br /> �+ �' -U.� it is mid nr tronxfemrl(or if a I+eneficial nncrc.�m Nmm��cr i+w�ld nr�mnJemd;nd Ilartowcr i+no1 a nuturnl pc�son) -K�i ` ,�,i-„Jyr� jy � <br /> :� without Lenderl prior.rrinen rnnwm.Lend.r mm.a�n.��pi�nn.rcyuu.munedi:ne pnmem in fuil of�seeurcd by �.,'a E��, T {(y L�+ : <br /> . �.'y�-�,��S_: ihis Securay Instmmem. Hmrever.�hi.upuon.hail urn Iw.�rmad by I.end.•r d c�rrci.c i.prnhibinrl hy kdeml luw z.of i#��(l(�(�T�t 9'' z� <br /> lhe date of�his Sewril Irowmem. k� ' i,�--�'�• �- <br />�B•;-it'?z_"�;'"_ If Lcndcr�i.ap�ian.l.cndenhall pne Bnrnn�cr mm.r n� .��. "fhr noiin.6all pn,vidc a periad u( =n��.i;ti,�%_���'r.`;;;�� <br /> �s ,.�:t�. nol Icss IM1an)0 duy}fmm lhc dalc Ihc m�tla.i+ddhvrcd ur madavl xnhm x6iah Ilurr.m�•r nma pa��aturcd hy Ihix ��% rr� )+,.* <br /> Securily InalNmenl. If Bnmm�cr G� p.n Ihr..unn. pn��r u�Ihc �•�prt:num.d Ih�. �n«I. Lender ma�� invnke any r�� , <br /> ""r yt�-- ` rcmediex pcmiincJ I�y�hi,Sccnrnr w nh�xn lunhr�mn�.e m d.mand�m B��rrnoer ` ". - ` • - <br /> --- '` IH. Bofro�rerA RIRh� la HrinNOtc. II Hrnn.orr mer�. .ai.un .�mdtrom. liurn�ner.h:Jl I�a�¢ �hc nghl In havc _. <br /> � <br /> - ?t en(o�cement of�hi.Securiq�In,�nimem dnaom�mnrl a� .m� inur pnrn ��.�h.•.•a�hei�.L �,u�.mr.u.h nlher�nal a� � <br /> - `•�:[�• :�`f�''� sinplrFnmry fennlrN�thrddlrlL�1\IlIIH\IININI\I/\I I�mm�t-�nemm. aW q����J..Inp�vru • . .. <br /> .. ' ei.. .'J�:i�i �F� . .... - . <br /> z 5.: ' <br /> �4 <br /> "'I e � <br />- 'f:' .v..� <br />.z: ""_•.-.. _ <br /> .���•:.. .� y. �,....�. .' "" _. . � <br /> _ ....-. .""'"' - . . . . <br /> .. �,...r.... ,_.....-�.-,�i.,.. .. ._ --'., ... . ... ; . . . � .� .�. ... . .. .. . ._.. . _ . . ... <br /> - .. . ::. �...... • . .. <br /> ... r <br /> . . _._.... . . <br /> F.;•. "''ai�� :�-. , _. <br /> _._. , —_ _ __ _ . _. <br /> ;:;:: .;,r,t.- <br />- .- ,`;' <br />. ' r.y'} I-_ -... . . � <br /> � .1' . <br /> > ,. <br /> . til.� . .. . . . <br /> ". l�`:t.�r��T'r�-- J.�''�'` � <br /> S Y.�l ) <br /> 1 i < � . <br /> � +1. �3 ._ ) ' .. . <br /> f . V ` <br /> ' „ .. <br /> Y it�j� ? . -. � � <br /> � ' - ' � •� . . � , - •'i. <br /> . <br /> .. .e� u � .�[ : :'1._ _ . �- . . .�.. `1 <br /> u .„ ,� . . _ _ ._._ _ <br /> ., .. a . . . __ . . _. .____ _.. _._ _ . . . _ . .. . ._ <br />