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_1Lm'�t _i'_"_ _ _ . ' �` •'� : .. ._\._{er `fi{ tjf- � ,— <br /> t �j�..: . :� . . . e._ , ' .. .. . ' .i �i� �� V Ts"�47 �fxfi � <br /> , '.. . <br /> __.--.. . :'. - .. --� . -.:_ " • .. _ ._ _ ., � A . <br /> .. . . � � �r. 0 . `JS ��;, - <br /> _ <br /> ,_. .•. . _ , - - : -.�. . � . _ _ j{y <br /> . ,�,�, 6 1 t � QI „ y QQ 23 AtiD916 OW�t1�i15v 1d I��f - <br /> i � r }� <br /> �pUF+bta►aw maY. pec fy c6(eln tptemcb�)bafore We of a proprny,A� an a.,, n f , t _ - <br /> � xurhytnewuxauo�(b)emry oisj�i�entu�toreinatAfaJSSUntYlnstwment. 3lrozacond�+laEa�,.r„�.,�r�� � <br /> ., pkyi Lenda�,eq sumy which then woul ba Que undee Jile Saurity InFwment xnd tM Nota�n�,lt no�a�s�ft�on�pb i� 5;� <br /> �-- qcwrted;(b)wtttany�tcultaCtnyoNawrsciqnlaor��tq�t ;'(o)p3 811eX�,ees�rswfrpolafnfotWlgih[bB�.vlflty .= <br /> . �ns miptnt,tdCfudt�g,bul Pot il� UW to,reaaonabte elionl6yr'tp�i:aqd�d�tekef�tr atiloa e�t.eader mpY.i��o�ebly <br /> ttq�Iro�anisurathsf,thellenott�sesudrytnadumenbi;cndur;rlgl�uliltlwl'MpeiiyendBoitowcr9obltgtiNOiftu� pt� <br /> Nma� by �I� B�Swiry fnswmrnl ihal oonlNuo wwhanged, Upon rolnau(c�eni by�'OoiroWu,:miq` �r�1t� � , ;: <br /> UutrynSent anA tT�e q61IgcNau aecured haeby cliell tCmaln fp11y bfkqlrb as If no aaele�aAOnt�ad odeultCd. FlowoYet,INa.., <br /> dght m�elni�ete sha11 not aDD1Y��ho case of saelc�ailon underpue�uPh l7. � <br /> ]D. Baia o!Nokt Cl�ange.oi i.oan Bcrvlan 11w Note or a�al in�amat fn tho Noso(rog�wiU�thls Soairtty "` -' <br /> lnswment)mar be'aoid one or more Uma wlt�ouc pdor natloo to ouower. A�aie m�y cesuit In chSng¢ln.the r{idty "• <br /> — (Imown u Ne Servloef)�hat aoflaq monNty paynlenp Gue undtt 1he Note and Wis$eCwlty Ihsktimt�ti�7Lemelso - <br /> ___= may be ooe or mon chuiges of Ne Loan Suviar ue¢elated to e�ate o!tho Note. If thero 1�d cdenga o!lhe Loarig�ar,:. . <br /> _ --- Hoirowcr will be Btven wr(tten nake ot d�e chnnge in saoordance whh ph 14 ebove n�W appllcabta Iqv..71iQ hoEi�' <br /> �-� - -- �rUl sute Ihe name and address otthe new Loan Servlar and the addresi to�r cA paymenu shwild be mada 7f�noNte wp. � <br /> �r��* elso contein my othu intomiatlon«qulreA by eppllcaLle law. - - - - <br /> � ' 10. Haiardom Su6stanca. Borrotver ihell not cauae or permit the presenoe,use,disposel,eto . 0.or�roleasepfpny - �, ������������� ��� <br /> , �,r�� Hazardow Stibstence+on or in�he Roperry. Horrower ehatl na do,nor ellow anyone else to do�at�h�ng itfootlng�tryo . <br /> -.�;r3�av.;a� Propeny�hat b in viol�tion of eny Hnvironmenul4aw. The prcoeding two eenroncea shali nq�nyply to P�Dresena,use,or � . �- <br /> � .� crorqqe on ehe Propony of emnll qum�itica of Hazerdow 3ubatencra the�ue genemlly recognizui to Le e m daro to normei , • <br /> r�,;� renidenual usca end to malntenanw of the Propttty. <br />___ Bortowa�hall prompily gfvc Lender wdtten notice ot nny Invesfigetion,oleim,demend,lawauit of other ealon by eny . <br /> ,,, R�'� govemmentel or rcgulatory ogency or pdvate party involving�he Property end anY Hvalloua Substmco ot 8nrlronmentet _ <br /> __...,, „ Law of whid� Bortotttr hes acival knowiedge. [f Dortower leam�, or le no�lited by eny govemmental or rogut�rory - <br />� ,:'s;;2,�� eutho�iry.that any romova]or other remedintion ot any Hazardom Substence�tketing the Ptoperty is necesxry.8orrowu - <br /> - 7� ihnll promptly teke all nuessery rcmedial octlons In aaordancqwlth Bnvironmentel Law. <br /> `�f,hj Ai uud in this paregroph 20."Nezardous Substancea"are�hose su0.tlence�deflned ea loxic or hazardwt wbstencei by <br /> :�,1;� 8nvironmentel Law and the following wbstencea: gasoiine,keroune,other flammable or toxic peuoleum produG�,loxlo — <br /> °"•--���P'= pesticldw and herbicides, voi�tlle aoivmu, meterinla conralning azbestw or formaldehyde,and ndioaatva m�tedal�. At __ <br /> �`=�`�;;�-a�`rs uuA in�his paregreph 20,"Environmentel Law"mearo fedwal Iaws and lawi ot the Juriuliuion whorc tha Pmpaty la located _ <br /> y I`��_ Ihat rclafe ro heelth,�efety orenvironmenul protation. _ <br /> _.;�,;�� NONd1NIFORM COVBNANfS. 8ortower end Lender Poeher covenant end egrce e�(ollows: <br />'_`-%rt.$;.<=u` 3L Acceteretlon;Remedia. Lender ehell give notice ro Borroner prior to ncceluatlon foilocving Borrowa4 =" <br /> � ��: breac6 of any mveamt or egreemeot in thls Saurity Instrument(but not pdor lo ecceiere8oa under poragroph 17 <br /> �s(,j'���: uniw epplteable laq provides otherNLce). The notice ehall cpecify: (e)Ihe defeulh @)the aMion requlred ro eure the _ <br />'�`�-:;;��'"��` detaulti(c)a date,not less ihan 70 daye hom the date the notice ia glven to Borrower,by vhicb tha detault must be ---- <br /> .�x�:ti. <br /> r�jx�r�3� cured�and(di ihai iaiiure io cum ths drA�ofl ar�a�tRiaFe lhz d'ete sµniik,i��.he rwY.���rtautt iP�tii21c7811GJ trf '-°--- <br /> ".'T��h� t}� the eum+secured by Ihb Saudty Instrument end sele of ihe Properry. The mtice shail Nriher Inform Oorrower af <br /> the rlght to re(nstate after acceleretion end the rlght to bring e murt aetlon to essert lhe nonrtx4ttence ote defeWt or <br /> �''�'�x'��sr'� any other detense ot Oorroner!o accelerntlon ond eela If ihe defeult b not curtd on or before the dale spedRed In --� - -- <br />��-�'`?;�-�`r;; Ihe noqa,Lender et ILS opilon may requlre Immediate paymmt fn full of all snms secured by th�Securfty Instrumen! <br />�-`'"=,��?$'%�" wlthout Nrther demand and mey �nroke ihe po�rer of sele and eny olher rcmedla permitttd by appllca6le latv. <br /> ,4 F{� Lender�hall be entl�led to mllcet all expensea incurred in purxuing thc remediex provtded in thls parogropA 21, <br /> �,Fr �5fi. Including,butnotlimitedfo,reawnableettorneyn'fceaandcostaotUlleevidence. - ---� <br /> „A f;i.,'t It the po�rer of wle Is Inraked,7}u�ta xhall record a nnfice ot defnuit In each munty In ivhich any pert of tAe �.vy r„_.,_ <br /> ; , �� Property Is locefed and ehuli meil wpie.+of such noilce In Ihe menner preudbed b�applicable la�r to 6orro�rer end to �F z=� - <br /> --' � "4� �he other persons prescribcd 6y tppllea6le le�r, ARer the time requircd by appl cable len,7Yuetee ahell gtve public ���::��- <br /> --'r �'-� notice of aale ro�he peraons end in the menner praccribed by applleeble la�v. 7turtee,�vllhout demand on Borroner, �Eyfes " <br /> �E'�`� ` �; eheil sell the Property et publlc auctlon m the highect b�dder et Ihe tlme xnd plece end under�he terrtu daignated In �$a.�s .. <br /> �� ,�k_. Ihe notice of sale in one or mare parceLi nnd In ony order 7Yustce detcrmines. 7Yustee mny postpone sale of all or eny t'�:r <br /> i`'�s � Dercel of lhe Propeny by public annnuncement nt tAe thne nnd pince ofnny prertously schcduled sale. Lender or Its _` �•� <br /> F� ' deatgnce may purchase the Property at nny xele. ;rt��'��` '- <br /> + � 4 Upon receipt of payment af Ihe pricc bid,T}usece shell delh�er ro t6e purchaur'I�uslce'a dced mnveying the '�t5' 1 ` <br /> � - Properly. The recitals in the 7Yunec'a decd shall Ac pAma fnde e�idence of N�c truth of the statementa mede thereln. �i.4'i!s ' <br /> � • 7Yustee:hnll apply Ihe proceeds of Ilu snle In Ihe fullmring order: la)In ell rnstx and expenses otexerclsing the power il�r�`'v, �- <br /> n��;i. ��x t�� :f�. <br /> +`'S1--� �'�..-� <br /> �z�� !j�r�"w:� . <br />__�:� . i- (�2'7�"'_y�` <br /> `;.t' :iA'.' � I{..33:_ <br /> .. " Slr:t.,if�'��•-` <br /> Jf.Y��i �. !{� '�`.AAj=. <br /> ')`I�fiY'.il1'=. <br /> - ti�{1�;it'1;rti.: <br /> :'��.�.� 1 . <br /> �.'1�:...':.:-� IbrmM7% 9.'V(I .pyva.qep�c . ".+�J )�. <br /> ;'l(�f!`� �•. . .. . <br /> <_ <br /> I .-�_''...-_ <br /> � .. _•. . <br /> :..... 4 . <br />,.... .•.9 1_ <br /> .. �...�._...�.ti�rn� '[ � <br /> � -..-.� <br />._„i:, .;.' ::'^"t-:r..._....� .>..gFry�,a . . .f:m;•:-r:.�a�. ....... . .. .. .....� . ., .. ......._ _� - .,�._. - . ...- � -_-»r.__-..__.. <br /> i .•",� <br /> t ,{ . _ . _ '. . <br />- �'S, . <br /> � 4 n .__ _ - -. _ <br /> "J ' :�; ' _ <br /> .:r,: <br /> .:. <br /> f ..�. r - } �. <br /> . v., -. ,� . . <br />._:J`•,-::cil.'J:.�.�._�.� . <br />�:it:f'.�.:i. Y��.��' . . . <br /> �'.1�� <br /> 1 .4� <br /> r�'- b9i' . . <br /> �Y�i :> $_ f. `: . .. . . . . . <br /> � �f !y��, ♦ .. . . - _ _ <br /> '' .F �I ti .- / ' ' _ . ' - ' .. . � <br /> e ` <br /> , - <br /> , . .. <br /> ' ' - • . -...� . <br />