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� 930 �.0.���4 �----_- - <br /> pedoda tha�Lender rcquirce. 71io InsuMnco cortil�provlding Iho Inautence chall be chasen by Hortoivor eubjett to Lender§ <br /> approvnl whkh ehail not 6o unrtaeonobly wlihheld. ►f Barrower felb to mdntain coverage dacribed olmvq Lender may,at <br /> Lendub option,obialn wvernya to protat LenderY rlght�In Iho Pruppriy In exordanoa wim PamgrePh z -- -- _ - <br /> Ap insumnce pollcle�end renow�U sholi be eccepPoCIo lo Lendof and thall lncludo e�tandeM mongnge ct�nxa Lenaer _ <br /> eha0 heve iM dghuo hold ita poliolai und ronowal�. It l.cnEer rcqutrca,Oortower�hell promptly givc to I.ender nll mceipta - � -� � <br /> of paid prcmluma end rcnawel noticea. In tho event of loa,Dorrowor�hall give prompt notice to the insumnee carder aod <br /> Lender. Lendcr may make proot of los�If not mada promp�iy by Bortower. —"-"- <br /> Unleu Lender end Bortowor oihornlsa egrce In wrlting.Insuranu�rocecd��hall be�pplted to reatomtlon or ttpair of _ _ <br /> ihe �rty dam�ed, If the reatoroqon a rcpalr I�economiealiy fau ble end LcndcrS eecu�ity is not lesxned. It�ha -_— _ _ <br /> rcaroret on or rcp�r ia na cconomiully femlblo or Londerti eaurity�vould bo leaaencd,Ne Insurence proceeda ahall bo �- <br /> applied ro�ho wrtu ecsurcd by thi�Seeudty Instrument,whethcr or na then duo,with eny exasa paid to�omowcr. if =_- <br />� Bortowcr ebendoro tho Propeny, or dooa nol nnawer wllhin 30 daye e no�Ice from Lender�hat the inamnna carrier haa ��YVS:�,__. <br /> offercd�o�eatle a clslm,then Lender mey collut IM1a Insumnw praceed�. Lender may use the pmceedn ro n�eir or rcaroro - . <br /> tha Property or w p�y wma sccurcd by thie Secudty Instrumem,whother or not�hen dut. 7Ue 30•day pedad w�ll begin when ��� �-'-- <br /> the noHce ixgIven. a'v °- <br /> Unlw Lender end Bortower aherniae egrce In writing,eny eppIlcaflon ot praceed+[o pdncipal ahall no�utend or �:%"_'�'��?'"—=�- <br /> pastpono tho du¢daro o[�he momhly paymem�roferred�o in pomgroplu I md 2 or chenge the amount of�he paymenu. If .,;.- <br /> under peregreph 21 the Property la ecquired by Londtr.Bortowerti rlght�o eny insurence polictes and praetds reaulting °i3�, p�,_-_- <br /> from demegc w�he Property pdor ro No ecquisitlon ihall pa+�to Lcnder ro�he ex�cnt of ihe smn�aecurcd by thla Secudty �4�j� <br /> Inswmcnt ImmedietN prior to�ha�cqulaition. �;�� �f �- <br /> 6. Occupancy,yPreservatlon, Melntenana end Prolectlon ot tho Properryi Oorrotiser'a Laan Appllcatfon� '�,� x,_ __ <br /> I.eascAolda Bortower�hull ottupy,eotabllsh,md uu the Propeny e�6ortowerY pdncipal rciidence within aixty daya eRa yS,4,,_;. <br /> tha exaudon ot thB Sceu�ity In:t�ument md shall rnminuo w occupy tho Rnpeity es Bortowerl principal raidence for et .���{,.�r�;, <br /> leas[ one year after the deia of occupancy, unles� Lender atho�wix agrcea in writlng, which consem shell not ba -•; , f <br /> unrcasonaAly withhetd,or unlw oxtenua0ng circuma�ence�oxist which aro bayond BortowerL controL Bovower chall not r<t�:��,�i -'- <br /> destroy,damage or Impair Ne Property,allow the Prapeny ro doiedow�e,or commlt�vute on ihe Propeny. Dortower ahn1l ��� ._;_,. <br /> bc in defeult if ony todeiturc aetion ar prceeeding,whciher civil or cdminnl,la begun ihet in LenderY good faith judgmcnt :f;;�i�:.•,y;�,.-- <br /> rnuld result in forki[urc of�he Propeny or otherwiso moterielly Impair�he Iien crcated by thi� Security Instrumrnt or ?���•-�,-_;.,_: <br /> Lenderk secudty imere:t. Dortower mey curo euch�dofavU md reins�ete,m provided in paregreph 18,6y causing the aetion ?r'.`�Silµ��z:-� <br /> or proaeding ro bo dismi:sed with a mling�het,In LcndcrY good fuith delertninntion,prccluda fadeiturc of�he Borrower§ c;^,:_::;`:-_'.--� <br /> intereat in ihe Ropeny or other meteriel Impeimient ot�ha Iien crca�ed 6y thi� 5ecudry Inamunent or l.enderh aecuriry ���_�-°=---rc- <br /> �-��°;;.,.,.,..-- <br /> intercat. Bortowcr ahatl elao be in dcteul� if Dorrowcr, dudng �ho loon npplica�ion proceu, gnvc muterieily faise or >y,���x?;!�=; <br /> inaaumte information or s�etemente�o Lender(or feiled ro rovide Lcnder�vith nn matedal(nfo�mation)in connation wiih " '�F' '•"=-'cj <br /> p Y ��g.�ie.-..Y.�. . <br /> �he loan evidenced by the Noro, Including, bm not Iiml�ed to, rcprcunroiions conaming Dortowerh accupency of the �4'�Cif't}��'�;`.-� <br /> Propeny es a pdndpal rcsidence. If thi�Secudry Insuumcnt i�on o Icaachold,Rortowcr shall com 1 with all the rovisions �?!�'����T�'�`�- <br /> P Y P aH�.,,...,.,.:-,,,2.-. <br />_ of the lease. It Bortower aenuircs fce ii�lc�o the Propeny,the Icnsehoid end�hc fco�iilc shall no�merge unlcae Lender egrces �'is.'tiruzfva�:n"�� <br /> to the merger in wriqng. --- Fm � . <br /> 7. Protecqon of Lender'e Rights In Ihe Property. If Oortowcr lnils �o pedortn the covenams end agrccmems ,,j <br /> comeineA In �hie Secudry Insmiment, or qurc i� e Iegul praceeding that mny dgnifkomly nf@ct Lendert righti in the �' i ���� _ <br /> Propeny(xuch sc a pnxecding in bankruptey,pmMte,for mndcmnetion nr lodcimre or lo enPorce lowx ar rcgulations),ihen j�>`-��'":';�- <br /> Lender may do and pay Por whetever is naesaary ro prorcct�hc valuc of�he Propcny nnd Lenderh righ�a in ihe Property. ��;t���yr6n.;: <br /> Lenderk actions may include poyin an sunu ucurcd b e Iien which haa dorlt nver�:ds Secud�y Insuument,e earin tA�-t '"'" <br /> 8 Y Y P Y PP 8 t�y�;f�l:::: <br /> in caun,paying reasonable mromcyi fete end cnrodng on�hc Pmpcny�o makc repnfn.Ahhough Lcndcr mey teke action p� �* yy,a��.-:- <br /> under�hix pamgraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. ��f�.,� -- <br /> Any nmounta diabursed 6y Lender under�his p�ragmph 7 sholl beconm udditlanal Jebt uf�ortower aecurcd by ihis ^ 1,1� ��:Fe ". <br /> Sccurit Instrument. Unless Uovower ond l.ender a ree ta othcr�em�.v o( o mem.ihe.c amounts ahull bear intercxt from thc �t7 �-���' "�f`� <br /> Y 8 P Y �:)�t��tF�`�. <br /> dutc of disbursement o�ihe No�e rx�c end ahall bc a nble,with intcrcx�,u n noilcc!rom Lcnder to Bortowcr rc nestin � ' !.,�- ' <br /> P Y P� 9 B .r, �1 ta. ,���.`.. <br /> payment. "q�;,�44�`(�:!:: <br /> 8. Morlgage Inaurxnce. If Lender rcqulrcd monguge insumnce nx n conditfan of mnking�hc loan securcd by this � 1a<h�r�p� _. <br /> Security Instrumen6 Bortower shnll pny ihe prcmiums rcqwrcd to mulntnin ihc mongage inxumncc in ettca. IE (or eny �..��s'"'{z� �+j,'•'-._: <br /> mmm�, the mongnge insnrence coveragc rcquircd by Lender lapus or cca.o io he in effcct. 6nrtower ahull pay �he ,rA�'�y�(��t�„�: <br /> prcmiums rcquired to o6tain covenae xubstamially equivalent to �he mungnge inxumnce pmviously in ettect, at n cos� ���������wrrk�;�,. <br /> sn�tantinity equivalem a�he cost�o Borto�ver of the mongage insumnce pmviuu�ly in eftec6(rom an nitemate mortgege S�;!4r. ,46!$�j%y:: <br /> p;�1�,,��.,�;.s ,. <br /> insurer npproved by Lendec It substnntially equivulent mongoge inwronce cavemge h no�nvaih�hic.6ortower shall puy to :_�r,.�y����,�ti;�--� <br /> Lender ench momh u sum eyuul ro one•nveiflh of the yearly mortgnge imumnce prcmium Iwing paid 6y Oortower�vhen ihe i Zr,y}�:�r,��% ' <br /> insumnce rnvere e la ud or censed ro be in e(fecL Lender will acce L uu anJ rcluin ihe.c a mem.a�a In.s rc�erve in liw ��� � � <br /> 8 P P P"Y rn � � ; <br /> of mongage inmrancc. Loss rcurvc payments may no longcr he requircd,m Ihe aplinn nf LcnJer,if mangagc insurenm i�� t�,��� ��� :`-- <br /> covemge(in ihe xmount and for the periad thm Lender rcqmrG+l pmvided by nn nnurer npprored by Lender ngain becomes �-�! 1)gi�y;,�.�;n�:.- <br /> lo.+.,�'rc.<erveauniilnlhe ey uem nt fohmongageei°P.wnncc endi i�cardancc aith a y���nucn�aprcc�unn hciuccn Bortower `'�'iJ-:;'�;C?�{r�'?i,. <br /> ,r��;fi <br /> nnd Lendcror applicablc Inw. ;.:ao'�;•.;(.J,"'..-;•.:� <br /> 9. Ins ecUon. Lcndcr nr iIx a cnt mu makc rca.anablc�nlric�u +n and m• dian+af Ihe F'm ❑•. Lcnder shall �� t''�1;'- i':��-_ <br /> P F Y Ik Ik {x ) �,,�. ,., . <br /> Five Rorrn�ver nolice nl�he lime of nr prinr tu an iropeetion specifying rca.anahk r.m,e Ihr�hv m.pecbon. -_,,r�<Y;js',-- <br /> 10. Cnndetnnetlon. "Ihe proceed�of any amnrd nr claim(or Jamage..dircci ar ran�yuenual. m rnnnection u�ith an)� ��•.���;;� �".1t�?.: <br /> S�nykFamd�--iannleNaHFreddle�l�cCUFORAII\\T8C\i!:]i fmi.ainl'.oarum. 9.90 qvr�/.pnp�r�.i F,��,, �++:0 ::':��- <br /> ��.�n.n.m a t - . <br /> �.nm�r ��u.m�m::utnulam� ( _ . . <br /> -+f . !.}.rC= fl :RV'-.�,15 - `'A.._-. .J] : -: . ,'. . . , . ,.. .-. .. . _ �. , . _ . . . _ . ., <br /> � ..7f1. . . , . . <br /> .. . .. .o . .. - . ... . <br /> ; •.. . .� _..-.�: - <br /> � �1 ' 1 (' . <br /> 0.A.�����5:,tJ[�. :_.11 .. <br /> C-{'_ll�.tiFft � _,�`�� �_ <br /> xs; �r f <br /> � : . <br /> t . *r+� +: + _ <br /> : .. _ <br /> ' '.-i,_.::_:.�. t.�:: 51'�;`_ . _ <br /> i ._ <br /> 'vl'� .��, � •''li/•. � - . <br />�.J.�'�j.��,�;� , <br /> -� � � • � . . ' . . . <br /> � T e ' <br /> 1 1 ( <br /> L . _ 1� " 4 � � r.f . - " . . . . <br /> � ._ l � _ --' it, r _ .l �_ � _ . . � . . � <br /> It <br /> � - � t � t ' �� SN� . � ' . - . ,.. <br /> -. - '.• r ' , .. � ,- ' . <br /> fau_.1°i/u?f�� . f� . -I.i s - . - . �. : . � ,, . - - � <br />