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t tT r_ :, .: , .- .. . ... . ' . _ <br /> ; i �V. . ' . . - . � . . . . .. _ t � � __ . <br /> -rU]f. 1 - . . . . <br /> . . ., ' .__: . . .-.. <br /> � - .. . -,i�, <br /> _ _ .._ '_ ' . _ .: .• <br /> $3��o�:�� - - — _ <br /> TOClSIfIRR Wfl'H 8ll�ho'improvcmenu novi ot hsrcafler crcacd un Na propeay,and all ca�cmmu,eppurten:e�a�, . <br /> dnd flxlura nOw ot hettafter x pact af Iho property Ail replaament6 nnA edditlone c�ell also�e mvcttQ by ihlE W�uity` — <br /> Jnsuumenc Ali of Uw forcgoing le rofemd�o in thle 8ecudty fnswmen�e�the"Pcopeny." <br /> — ' BORttOH'Eit COVBNAN7'9 that Ilarower la IawN11y eelced ot Iho wtak hcreby conreytd and ha�tla tlght to gr�M �� --.... . ... .. <br /> � end convey�he Pmpe�ty and thet ihe Propeny Is unenwm6ered,eaoept for enwmbrance�ot rceor0. Borto�vcr wattann and <br /> _. w{Ifdefend genually�e titlo�o tho Propeny aga�nst ell ctelma end demand�,w6Jcet ro eny encum6ranee�ot rccoM. <br /> TFtI3 80CUR1TY M87itUM6P17' mmbinea unitorm covenanro tor ne�ionat uu and non•unito�m covenonta Nlth <br /> -- flmiteA variadona byJudedlafon ro constlm�e e uniform cccuflty in:tmment covcdng real proyorty. — <br />_ . ..,_--� �--_ , ,, _ . .._ <br /> UNIFORM COVBNANf9. Bortowerand Lcnder covenant end egrco ea tollowr. <br /> 1. Payment otPrincipel and Inteceat;Prepaqment en0 I.ete Chergea. Bartower shall promptly pay�vhen dua Iho <br /> _.—. pdncipa1 of end Intuut on the debt eridenad by�he Noro and eny prcpayment end leto chergea dua under Iho Noto. <br /> __— 2. FUnda Por 7§xea end Insurana. SubJxc to appItcable law or to¢wtitten waivm by Lender.Bortower�hnll pay ro <br /> --v" l.ender on iha day monthly paymenu are due undcr We Nae,uodl�ha Note is paid in tull,a eum("i'und�')for.(e)ycuty <br /> �; t�zu and nueumenu whlch may a[uin prioriry ova Ws 3xu�iry Instrument es e licn on�he Propony;(b)yearly IenKAOld <br /> _____�� paymen�s or grtwnd�ena on �he Prup2rty, If any; (o) yearly hazerd or propeny Insureneo prcmlum�; (d) yearly paoA - - . � - ---. .-- <br /> �- insumnce promiuma If any: (e) yearly mongage inaurvnw prcmium�, it eny; end (�my eum�payablo by Bortower to <br />"3 i�h;Si+,i�.; : T.ender,fn eaordana whh the provisiona ot pxragaph 8,in llw of�hepayment of mongage Insuranae premlum�. 7Leu <br /> '--::!��:^-�- � Itema ere called"Hscrow item�" I.ender may,e[any 8me,collect end hold[1�nda in en emount no1 ro exceed�he muxlmum <br />--�-��rr:�.i�,� , amoun[a lendu fm�[ederelly rc1atW mortgage loan may requiro[or 6ortowerY escrow�ccaunl undu IAO fedCrol Rtal <br /> -s''Q`��i�� , � &tnte Settlement PrarAurc�Act of 1714 e�emendcd from time�o timo, 12 U.S.C.6 260�tr req.("RHSPA"),unlesa enoiher <br />-'`�5;""�� �`- , law the[appllG to 1he Rmd�sua e leascr¢mount. If co,Lender may,et eny ume,collece and hold Hu�d�in en amount not to <br /> . y��:`W ' <br /> �t '�• � exceed �he laser amount. Lender may estimate �he amount of Rmda due on �he basie of curtent dna end rcasoneble <br /> r ,> «_� <br /> yr -: estlmatu of expendimms of fumre Pscmw ltems or othemise in eccordence with tpplluble law. -- ---�-- <br /> ,J i�, h, 7tie Pundf ehell be held in an institu6on whosc deposita nre insurcd by a tederol agency, Inswmentallty,or entlty " <br /> ,,'r� . (ineiuding Lendcr,if Lender is such an insiimtian)or in any Federal Home Loan Denk. I.ender ahell apply tAe Punds to pay <br /> ��'� �; the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bo�rower tor holding and applying the Wnd+,annually anelyzing �Ae escrow �',-:;,__ <br /> `'" �"- eaount, or vedfying�he Eurow Irema, unleu Lender pays Bortower interat on the Phnds e�M epplicablo Iaw pertniU - <br /> - u� g.j Lendtt ro make such a charga However,Lcnder may reqWrc Horto�ver to p�y a one•itme charge for en independem rcel ���,:.. <br /> �t��v'�e � e�teta�ax reponing arvice used by Lender in connu�ion w[th thb loan,unlsss appIicable Iaw provides oU�erwiw. Unleu an ;` J,- -._. <br /> -��� tt', egreammt i�m�dc onppliceblc Inw rcquiren inumat ro bc paid,Lendcr shxll not be rcquircd to pey Bortower my Intercst or -�! - (- - <br /> ' f�� eaminga on IAe Rmda Bortower and Lender mey egrce in wdting,however,Ihat inte�est�hall bepaid an Iha Rmdf. Lender , ?� ��,_ <br /> •- W �.;;�5 �hell glve ro Bortower,withaut cherge.en ennual accounting ot Ihe Punds,chowing ercdip and debits to the FLnW and tho :,i- f Y- <br />..;��� .i�: } ,'''`=i�---- <br />__;r,�g��y.�:��, purpose for which each deblt ro the Punds wm made. 7Le fUnds arc pledged ns edditiond sceud�y for dl�ums securcd 6y 2-:�{�;.t�.��=='- <br /> }r� „ �b3aurltylnsuument. ;�.,{ � t:. <br /> �f;z��r;,r If�he Punds held by Lender excced �he nmoums pertnined to be held by epplicable Inw. Lender ahill eccount ro �t .:ii�� '�.�- <br /> --a=- Borrowet(or me excw I�unas in ecmNena w8h�he rcquiremenu o(appliceble law. If�he amount of Iho Phnd�hotd by --�,��� � <br /> �qK�F� � Lendcr at any�imc is no�su(hcien[to pay ihe Escrow fiemx when duc.Lender may so notiry Bortower in wriNng,und,In t� ,� °� � ---- <br /> ti„i�j.(,�1- meh case Bortower shall p�y to Lender the amount necessery to meke up ihe deficirncy. Bortower�hall mnke up �he ;�f�h �1�r "'"� <br /> -fi+-' y'�� ' deficlrney in no morc Ihan tweire nwnthly paymeNS,nt I.endcrk sole diurelion. ��f;;, � �'Ae._ <br /> "S�i�i. Uponpaymen[in NII of W sum+securcd by thts Sceudty Inswmem,I.endcr ahall promp�Iy rcPond to Bortowcr eny -`�ft r 1Y�.���, � <br /> ���". �.� Mnda held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender ahnll ecquire or hell the Roperty.Lender,pdor to�he ecquisilfon or �S•�1 i �-% ��_ <br />.�;,�,_5rr'!_!i- ule ot Ihe Propcny,ahall npply eny I'vnds hcld by Lendcr a� ihe�imc of ocquisitlon or sule es a crcdit egainal the iuma ��._;;;�,t�.,.��_.y�,�_�.;:, <br /> ,�r�ri��, aaured by thls3ecurity Instrumenc - � r�,� �yu <br /> � �y 3. ApPticetton of Paymenta. Unless npplicxble Inw provides otherwitt, ell paymenta rcceived by Lender ur�der --��' ` ��� .;,�;- <br /> �;s , peragrepha I end 2 shall bc opplicd:firs6 co any prepuymcnt cherges duc undcr ihc Note:xcond.�o emouncs pnynble undcr t, }�� e_�i� y <br /> , . ; paragrepl�2:�hird,ro intcrcs�duc:tounh,io princip�l duc:and IasL�o mry Iaic chnrges duc undcr�hc Nocc. .�„ � �-r.' <br /> �>t z- , :_ 4. Chargeai Llem. Borrower shell pay all �axcs, nsussmems, charges, fines and impositions ottributable to�hc ..,:'�, ` ..�'� "v, <br /> ��L��°j ; Propeny which may e¢ein priority uver t6is Secufiy Insuumcm,end Icaxhold paymems or ground rents,If any. 8ortower � r� �� �i ";) ��- <br /> �� �hall pay thcsc nbligations in ihc manner provided in pangrnph 2,or if not paid in ihat manncr.6o�rowcr shall pny ihem on � - S�M1} � F � <br /> �'f1;����: timc dirccily lo�he person oacd payment. Borto�rcr shall prompily fumish�o LcnJcr ull mtias of nmoums to hc pald undcr ��y' f t �A i --�1* '� <br /> t�+�- ° thla paregreph. If 8ortower makes iheu paymems directly,Bortaver+hall promptly fumish w Lender rcceipis evidencing . � j� � t r:r '; <br /> -- �- �F�°;� thc paymems -. ���� ,- 'i1_�' : <br /> ' _h'r; Borrowershxll pmmptly dixcharge nny lian which hu priori�y over ihis Security Insuument unless Oartower.(n)agrces �--; � _� r -`' <br /> �� � �'i In wri�ing to Ihe paymeN of Ihe oblignlion xecured by lhe lien in a manner aaep�abie m Lender.(b)cnnMSn in gewd fui�h Ihe �nj'�'- ' <br /> - lien by,or defends ng�inx�enforeement of tl�c licn in,Iegal pr«ceAings which in the Lendert opinion operste to prcvent ihe '13' �,�� -�; ��'� <br /> � ,�y__ _.'� en(orcement of�he lien:or(e)sewres fmm�he holder of�he Iicn an agreemem swtis(ncrory m Lender+u6oniinming�he lien � . - � �-. <br />._,t s,,,,.,}r to�his Securrty Inswment. If Lender decemiines thxt any pan o(ihe Ropeny ic subjea ro n licn�vhich may mmin priority _ _•�v' �< ZyF-.. �•.r <br /> over this Securiq Inslrumen6 Lender may give 6ortower a nolice iJenti(ying�hr licn. Oorcmrer ahall+ali.(y ihe lien or toke �� +"f•`+•� <br /> -_ �}�4�`� -.� one or morc ot ihe nc�ione set fonh above�vi�hin 10 dayz of the giring o!nmice. - -�_: � <br /> � �n , i.e S. Hezerd or Properry Insurence. Borto�ver shail kccp�he impmvcmcnn nuw exiaiing ar hercaf�cr crcctcd on�he ` '� . ��+'�"� <br /> '-�.•'�r•�"�� Pro n insurcd a ainst loss b fire,harards includcd�ci�hin ihc lenn"umndcd co��cra e md un o�hcr ha�ards,includin <br /> ' P� Y S Y 8'� Y $ . <br /> - + ;:`- floods or floodinF, for which Lender require� in�urnnre. 7Ti+imurance tihall Fc maimained in�he amounts and for ihe � � <br /> �t1r.�:�. <br /> .•�;. ..`�� .. , ., ' <br /> ��,j:�)�:'Dti.r Form1011l 9A0 �Nx�2,•1hNK•� . � ' . <br /> .._::1•.7;-_ � <br /> ..._�':'L: L ' . � <br /> ��?:F:v',j..' ' I . <br /> E <br /> ,. ...r. . <br /> . . ,;Stn/�T' � �..y�j�.r :5..,.::, .. - .,. �-' � "— - - <br /> - n, .9Tfd'. �:- . '$� . .. .f . r-r .._ . _. , ..-, ..-r . :- .Yr!�L[lu,_...-��'..•. �.._ .. _�� _� . , _ _ . - <br /> �.. {.., <br /> i I . �L3 <br />_ )',n'y ' <br /> rr - i�;.,: _ - <br /> __fi�`.:.'._:�j�::.-'_� . . - <br /> ;::�s IY .:_-. ' . . - . <br /> __ '_ .'.'.V ip�.v. - - � <br /> ir_L"_��� � r�.�'•" ' . _.. <br /> , r. <br /> 1 �A� .. <br /> ir:b{ � <br /> .�. l . _ . . . . <br /> ) 'f-_ �,'}'( [. �\ • " ' � - <br /> , s9 -�"� - .. . . . <br /> .� r y ', . <br /> 1 � .. w• . -. .. _ . . . . . . . , .. . <br /> Y t• F - �fi � < � i -' � - t� . - . <br /> x , ' ' <br /> t _ � � <br /> y� R _ . � ; . _ . . . - . . ♦} . <br /> 1 .�. .. : . - .. -. - . ' . . ' � - - i, � . � <br /> ; ; ' <br /> . <br /> ,. .-.-. . � ,- J.- i i... c . . - . -, , .. , . . <br />