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fz,; 5�.e.ul�`F. � . � .. � i <,_3'- � :..� _ . c : � . ... <br /> � �H - a e i--i e.�i P•r �^-� ���.- i - -r-.1.- +-��.a� � .-- �j r I-. �ii=;>].. <br /> .. � i f �`-� -...�::?.:�„a " , � t - y t <br /> - ��j�.-. � -. �di'L`�-.. � -:�,i.�rct � n � �iJ�:asow.W.�S+� _....rwl�Eei� �. <br /> �3.S3c�s.___,_-. <br /> `r. <br /> �g �xr -°— <br /> a� ti o�'�F3 . c�.. --� . . <br /> ,7�{'Y�t tl.�� � • �p�yp ��r.{ '—_ <br /> i1rs-�'ity�*1�'l�� . AA ' �Qi!►7N7�+ tzf`� . <br /> tt at.�j �fi7° ���x�' �v t -.z. . <br /> ��� j�r��, 1. 15ii�pont G1 C�tB. B6u21I018iy 6Gi11 GaYb UA YS�, �ar arA avtnarlty Gulr�q i}e ocntf�u:oo ot tLls - �--� z j_^5., � <br />�, ,1� ,��� OeM ot lnmt to aolleot tAo�ente, laauea ud pmtlte ot tUe goperty�M ot uY P��P�P�T�Y loeate�t�tton rlfh oe �`�; r , . <br /> ;`�.� ;r";ja vitLat taldrq poasssslon of Wa pmjartp efteotsd EazaDy,ana lwator WteEy aESOlutoly aa1 wmrAitiooally ss�l�s ell c� �'�°°'� . <br /> 7�^' t2� �� [fGte� lsbue!!Cd pMfltb t0 DELlf101liy. 88M[lOSeYyr �YOL�hBieDy oomtnte to tD�ltustot'e aollectlon�r6knllon �`��i'���'ts� �, �:' <br /> , 'a . �'� of 6uoh�ente, leanee ud p2afite m tLey ao¢�ee aM Eeoo�e WyaD10 ao tOnq 4 ttwtoT 10 aot, et iuoE dw, le deAult Y1tL ;Ll?.k�,t, °��, �r; ' <br /> ' '�y�,i�, *`, iesyrot to pay�ent of any 1edoLtodxae sea¢ed AeseDy, oz !n tEa pertonaaoe ot aoy eq[enwe ha:e�m0er. Opan enY svcfl ��Fz�'L4''' r .:�� ,: <br /> 1 „j ��;' default, Denetiofary�ay et�ny Ub, eithet!n qnon,Dyaqent,or Ey�cealret to be ayp�l�ted by�Ociat,riHaik�atloe ° i.,,r,, ,� ���_ {.: <br /> , � ` ,:`: 1 1 �on wd Ute lon � (�r}` s � :, <br /> , s �t � enC vltAout reqa�d to tLe aee�ueoy ot eny eaw�ty tor the neeDtMaea,+ Le�ebr eca¢ed, U) entu ��� �? h <br /> ��! 1Si ti����` Ot ud P[OpBt�y OI !➢Y P1L� V13IES�� 2Fd III S�8 OVA IIlID 6l1! �OL O[ OWEIVS80 ODI1COt 811Ch [lLtD� �66Y!! !W pI0l1�6� 57��i rU� ,'�' - <br /> t � t "5- 1nol�dltq tEose p�at Eue md �mpaid, en0 epply tLe eau, leas aosb anA lryensee OI o;!f±►.1sa !a! !alleotl4D� 1rAluElnq � S�r,�a � ^•� , <br /> �4 , ;.�, reaeonable etWtneye teea,upoa any lndeDteMese eea¢eC haceDY�+nd ln eucd oMex ae Bsnetlolecy wy detenlnel lb) perton 5;�;4���+;yf sv : <br /> �y� < �'�y-.,� suaA eote of mpalx or ptoteotloo en�a�bo nooeseery or pioper W 000se:ve the velue ot tbe P�opectY! (o) leue tLe ee�e or 5'•;���fij.e� ___�. tia-,�. <br /> ,� a � eny put tbeieut to[euoh IcCtelr ten�aud opDn suCb oondltions ee 1te judq�ent�ey dlotete oi tazdneU�OC eEJu6!tL0 t4Y9s `'ti s£1t,��3 �A9'F,_ <br />��� ,�� �f �; md oondiUone of eiistinq leaeea. oclese m�aWr end Benetiolary tEereo!proe otLe►vlaa in vritiaq, eny �ppilation of t '.� r ry,�.;;" .- <br /> + �,�it` ;�: canta, leeuea ox ptoflte to any indaDtedmm� sea¢ed he[eDy sLall not e=tend or pcatpone the due date of t',e lmtall�ent �������i�. �*ixc�,::� <br /> ; ,„; :. papents aa pmvlded !n eeid ptodssory note ot cLaiqe tCe awwt ot such lmscmll�ente. tLS mteci� o�oa u0 tatlnp ,�. �Jt 4�1 j�Y <br /> ' �` :'+ posseselon o[qw Pmpazty, the oolleoUon ot eucL centa, lssues ud pcoUU,uA Wa e}�llcatlon tDaxaf na ater�id,esal! �,,� J� <br />�:t ,", :;"�i not valve or wra eey detault or nodoa ot aatauli OarowCU oi 7nralidite my act A�na{�susLt to soa�ootta. tnmtor a16a ,�1iy;;c;�s�•:�..�„.-_ <br /> � , _" aeslgne to Benetiolety, m fl¢tLet sea¢Sty toe tAe pextonanoa ot tG obllqaUon�sc�e0�ett�ny,ell pmFa1E tente�all ,,; <br /> , �, � :``: wN� Y61cL�ay tare been or wy heceafter be dep.rolted viW eaid![ustoe 6y an� l�asae of tDe Propertl, to eea¢e tLe y,v,jt <br /> , ,,'' ' '_;� payieet ot uy cent or dawgea, or upon default in tDe panonanae of uy ot the pmvieiona 6ereof,t�Wr e�eas to dellvaz �i <br /> � ' ;,: �rente ecd deposita to Benetlolary. Dallvery oi vrltten eotloe of Beneticlary's e:emlee of t�r1 9 Gte qrankd hazela, !f�;, <br /> r to my tenaat ooca�ying eaid pie�lees sLali te suftloleut to tequke eald tenut to pay ceat to tL0 esnet�claty mtll fi¢tLei -;:�:;,,, � <br /> ooca y <br /> ; l .: notlro. ;;'�;'�� <br /> � � tt;,, 2. oonde�sUon. It Utle to nny part ot tLe Propatty aEall De Gken!n ooade�atlon pzaatedtoge, Dy r1qEt of , ' <br />,? ;. wlnut dowin or nldlu ectlon, o[ehall De sold wdec tCceat ot condematloo, all avuds,da�eqes an0 prooeem ue heseDy ��., - <br /> ` . asal�ed aM shall De paid to eena[lclary Yto sAall apply aucb avuM,da�agea end p[ooee�s to tEe eio eea¢ed Dy tAle Deed ;:r:�����„ <br /> �;�,,� of lcuat, vlth t�e e[oeae, if anY, paid to tYusWc. It fnuto[ reaeives �ny notiae oi otaer latonatlon [eqasdlaq acL _- - - <br />��' ' ' actioos or prooeeCloqs, Tcuetor ahall qive pto�pt vritten notice the[eot to Bawtlolary. Bene[loluy eh�ll 6e wlitle�, nt =��-- - <br /> ite optlon, to conencq, eppear 1n aod proseate ln ite ovn na�e any euch eotlon o[ pxaoer,din�s end etall be entitle�to R`,�_ "-- <br /> ` .,I �ake any oe�pra�ise or eattleient lo connectlon �1W eny sucE action or p[aaeeGinge. ; <br /> 3. NG¢e dEvanoee. Opon xequeat of lcustor, Beneflolaxr et Beoetlolnry'e optlon, prlor to eeounreyanae ot tLe �n <br /> Pro�ecty to lmator, �ay�ake tutuce adraccee to hugtor. Suc�tutute edvanoae, vlth inteteat tlrseon, ehall Ce eeatM Dy �i_i <br /> ' ' thJi mist Deed Nim evid000ed by p�o�lesoiy notee eteting t6at e�ld mt¢s a[e ex�red Le[eDyi provlded tLat et oo ti�e shall r;�.},•.^-�_- <br /> tAa ettvred prineipal, tutuce edrancee,not lneluding euis adranced to proteet tLe sea�clty, azceed the eu�of ;�;�..�:...,:_.--- <br /> F.i��r Tha�awnd anri m/100---_�______�_�_�___ _�_���.����- ;i't:�t�::�.::.�� <br /> /. ROt0d�C8/Ot BiC1U8jY8. TN8�80 Nd 88110I1C1E[y�Nld BiCh OI�LB�� BLLIl bB BIIY.��10d�A B�LOiOB�yiBGt Elld t�R;f::ti;.`;�?:;'�:�,;_. <br /> [IO[�MC9 0[M 1Mebtedneas oi abli tions eecv[¢d hazeb and to e[uclse all rl ts and TB UOdBT S�!DBEd Ot 11UBC ��'t""��:��t�"��^'=�� <br /> PB Y 9a Y 9h P� ,ect. „ .t;..v,' <br /> or wdae any other a9reeient oxecuted in connection hecevith or eoy lavs mr or hereafter ln fo[ae, notvlth9taoding so�e or =<:?'rt3';;�_��`�=`__ <br /> all ot tLe surL iMeDtednese and oEligattons sa�viced heieDy�ay my or 6areafter be othe�vlse eea¢ed, v6atha�EY��98, ' ���'�::!:.'^�?-�?.'%ix�t ,�. <br /> deed ot truat, pledga, lian, aasl�uant oi otAeivlse. XeltAee t6e aoceptance ot thla De¢d o[ leuat nor ita xntocce�ent ' ` , ?, "!� _ <br /> vCettet by f.outt ectioa or piaeuant to tl�e poyaz ot eala or otLei porecs Ge[eln conWlned,ehal!ptojudlco or!n any unner , _�, 1!`�,k}f - <br /> eftect lcustae'e oc oeneticiuy's tigAt to ceali�e upon or en[occe any otbec eecudty nov ox heTeaftee Eeld Dy ![ustee or , .�y:;::i<:�;�`�:=' <br /> Ooneticluy, lt being aqreed that tnretee end Baneflclery, and each o[t6e�,eEa116e entltled to enfoice thie Deed of firet ;�i�:;'�^'a4'' <br /> and Ny otfler se�vtlty mu ot he:eaftaz held Dy Benaticiary ot lruate¢ln such oider and wnner aa Vay oc eltLec of t6ai eay '=j;:r:�`-�;'"�;. <br /> !n t6olt a6aolute dlacrerion detenlna. Mo resedy Aaraln anferred upon or nsexved to tcuatee oc Beneticlacy ia intended i ,;�';"+ft?�: <br /> to 6e exclustve ot my othex zeiedy he[eln or by la� pxovlded o� penitted, Lut each shall Ee auulallve and eball be !n �;-';' �" <br /> addltlon W evecy other teiedy glven 6ecewdac or nov or hereaLter e:latSng at lav or In equlty oc by etatute. Eve[y po�er � �r;' <br /> or te�edy pcovlded hazawdaz thls Ueed of tnmt to T[uatee or Benoflclary ot to v�lch e1Naz o[ thei �ay bo othatvlae ' <br /> entltled, �ay be e:ecclsed, concvnently oc lndependently, tco�ti�e to tf�e and as often aa �ay ba dee�ed a�pedlent by <br /> mutea or Beneticlary and a�tLee ot thei wy pursue lnconslstent rezedles. NotASng herein ndall be conatcued aa pio�iDiring <br /> Beneticlacy f�oi ee¢klnq a de[iclency jWgient ayainst tte Tcuator to tLe ertent such nctlon ia penitted by lav. <br /> 5. iram[ec o[ tLe P[ope[tyt Ase�upHon. If all or any pa:t of the prope[ty or intetest tAetein le aold, <br /> tcamterted ot othetvise conveyed by ftnstor uitLout Beoaticlacy's pclor vritteo co�ent, excluding(a) tha creatioa ot a lien <br /> � or encwEtmce eubotdlnate to thSa Deed of 7Yust, (b) thu cceation of a porehasa wnay secucity inteceat fot dousel»ld <br /> appliuwas, (c) a hensfer by davlee,deacent or by oparation of lav upon tLe deatA of a jotnt tenant or (d) tk grant of aey <br /> leasehold lntecest of thiee yeus or lesa mt conteinlnq an option to puccMae, s�Mh action le a breacL of tAls agtee�ent, <br /> and Benetleiary uy, at Beneflelary's option, declaca all the suss secviced by tbls Deed of Tcust to bu luedirtely due and <br /> paya6ls, oc cause t6e trnatee to file a notice of detault. Beneflciuy sball have vaived auch optfon to accele�ate if, prior _ <br /> to the sale, tranafer or conveyance, Ber.eflclary and the perun to vEo� Ne pcoperty ls to be eold or trareferr¢d reacA <br /> agreeient ln vriting t6at tAe credlt of such person ia satisfactory to Beneticiary and Uut tAe Interest payable on tl�e sws _ <br /> secv[ed by ttfa Deed of ttust sAall De at such rate as&nefSciuy slxll request. -. <br /> � 6. Aaele[atlon upoa Dtfault; Ru¢dies; Sale. T�e faSlure by tLe hustor to take any payeent or to petton any <br /> . o[ t0e tena and conditlo�re of tha Mote, ot any renerals, �adlfiwtions or e:tensiona theteof, ot Va pay�ant o[any oNer <br /> '-'-"------ ----'�--`- -- '- ^- --'----- -' --- ' -------•- `-----'-- -._.. .. �_. _. ..,_ <br /> aweucaaneaa sacu[w w��u]o[ in w pe[tviwmi vi m�va Qim w"rviwn�n "vi ay�wavnw wae�uuea a <br /> � agteetent and tLa Beneticlaxy var declue a default and wy declare all euea em¢ed hereby iucdlately due and payable and <br /> � tY,a aaie shall thereupon Deco�e due and pay�Dle vlt�out presenhent, de�aod, proteat or ootice of any klyd. tAazeaftat, <br /> Bedeticiecy �ay deliver to huate¢a vcitten declaration�f aetault and deaand foc eale. T[ustor aqcees and Aeceby gcanta <br /> tAat tLe T[wtea s�all 6ava tLa porer of eale of tLa koperty and if Beneficluy dncidea tLa P[oparty is to be sold it elwll <br /> I dsyosit�itL tcust¢a thle Deed of 4nut and the Note or notes and any other donuenta evldencing expenditures smced 6er¢by, <br /> end ehall dellver to 7cuatee a Ytitten notica of dafauit and election to cause the kopar[y to be sold and hustee in turn <br /> � e6a11 p�epar0 a sltllu notice 1n th¢ fon requi[ed Dy lav, vhic6 sMli Da Mly fil¢d for record Dy Trnstee. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> � (3! <br /> � <br /> i <br />