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. � _ �°3�w�:`'t� _.�._ . .r,.�n._-.�,s.�-. � i.. ��� - ' F hr tn . �� y 'ft <br /> .,�'.� . ub � 1 1> �-`ra4 v t � t S' t {�}1,� t �} .- .. <br /> .�� �rr t } �i�?t'MI r-5'�S i[�:> sl fl_ � 5�V�4,fyti��5.,�1.aslb �,;�aA�t.+ �,�%�t-lil�. !h c <br /> x,�r.,i..� - �.;�.� ...�..:.:: ."__ _ . � _..— <br /> -j�._._.'/M1S ��.. .......__. <br /> h(�r i'�iQ.�i . ' �, —_ <br /> �—Fi� .. _ _. <br /> v <br /> � ��` _;_�i 93� Flltifti�b ' � � <br /> ,� <br /> ' 1,�� „ a (e) ��r tEe lapse ot woD t!N�e wy Ee iputnd by lev tolla�lnq tDe[eooxC�Uon ot iotloe o!Cafiult �nd _ --.-- <br /> _ -:i �OU6!OI D!Il01t E6d IO�I00 OI BIl!M4IIiQ DltO QIYBI ED PiQRICCA GY 569� fflf6�i1�Y�ViW�Qfiwiid q 4[GiMi�6EiI1 6Y��� :� - .. <br /> �+rF-�rM.j�-���:� PlO�Dt�y�0 OM 02�OM p6i0l1!E�d�0 6WE OIdlT!!TlYbtOL�!y dl1Bf�101 00 fL!dik E64 f�8 t1H 6riG p1SC0 QlSI �111 � � � �„ _- <br /> `; r,��, �,. , ef1E ktloe ot 8ele,+t publlo euotlon to tM El�ont DidOer,thc pi¢ahaso�rloe payaDle lo oaee!n levtal wney oi�Oelted �,r � :v-.-- <br /> ,,��,�,�,jK�' states et tLe tlb oi eele. 1Le penoa oonCuotinq tM e�le uy, toe any auee 6e or sM dee�e eipe�ioet, @atpoee tL�aele <br /> tcoa tl� to Hee �ml11 l! aMll bo ao�ploteA enC, in evory suoC oase, notloe ot postipponc�ent eLall Da qlvan Dy p�lla a< < .�,.-, _ <br /> � `�� =tYi"`�F� deoleraUoo taazeof Ey sah peteon et tLe tiw en�pleao leat appofated tor tLa aalet ptovt6ed, U t�e cele!e poetpDne�Qor � _. <br /> � , ��,��i��: longae t�a one(l) dey DeyonE tLe Eay deelqoated ln tEe IbUae ot aele, eotloe t0e�eot eLall�c qtven le the se�e�nnbr ae — <br /> �`z 2�'�g�M1'! the oriqinal Rolioe ot 8ale. T[ustoe s�all exeata vd dellver to tLe putoLaser!ts OeaO wnveying tLe P�opetty so sold, Dut ��r",, w <br /> 3y i�i J�j�,-�+' YI�OYt Q7y ODVlIIAIIt OC YITCNI�Y� 0[pI86Br OL ItP1�M. fhe cooitale fa tLe Oeed ot any wtte�a o[taote eEali Da aasalasive � h, <br /> � ;�,i'b;t5�y� pioof pg t�►taut�SulOase th�reof. My peteon, lnoludlnq�idwut 11�1Wtlon 8enetlolery or lniste�,wy p¢cdiase nt QA�[alo. �;� <br /> u� <br /> J' T "- (D) Ytsu tc�stee solla pursuant to tLo pware hexoln, 4nmtee ehall apply the pcooeeQs of tLe eele to pr�A a7 �F = <br /> � ��'J��� � t6e acste u0 xs�a� ot e�e[olelnq t6e povex oi eale enG o[ tUe eale, lnoludinq, rltMut Il�ltatton, tLa �a�ae@ cd s�- <br /> a��i �/�s�_�hfY •,' T�ustxa'e F�lcararid�vIllca Reutee'e Pcee e0a11 aot!n tLe eyqceqate exceed tho tolla�Snq aoowte bued u�4ID�e�at � �� <br />_ib.. .'''.(�'�,�,>�},�t otdrz tax�a rtYateA.��nq a�a12� S pa[oeat�a ca tL,a 6alaaaa tLe[eoft aM tbea�o tCn ltaas!n stDpata�� (01 le tLe y�x `__._- <br /> �r, . <br /> f r ,' ,K (cl Attet Nyln9 fLe itet9 epeolficd!n cc`��teqc+�(b),if tLa sale Se Ey lc�tee,ox t�s pzr�ae Oaut a�otDee �3 __. <br /> ooste of torxlcs�¢o�od eale!t!L4 ea181eµ¢sunnt to jndlclel toml�uq tUe pxooeeM o[nele cLall la app11M!n t�a �� <br /> Si � r. . ��` Mt <br /> � '_; otdar stated tale�to tLa payeent oft --- <br /> .,, -" _`, 1. AtWmeye fees ard aonte ot oollection: ,;'T„ .,.' <br /> =�' r:� °�"� 2, ooat ot eny evldence ot tltle toa¢cd in aonnection�lth suc6 eale and a[ any ievenue rep�ltzd to �• _ •_ - <br /> � _ _ � � ;iSy`Y <br />� �. ,, he plldl . J � F ' <br /> �, " 3. All obllqatlona secured by thls lnmt Daed( 'l� <br /> 1. The tewinder, 1[any, to the person leqally entlUeC tLe[eto. ssf �ff�� :�, <br /> ,, ;:;,;,., 7. AddlUoml 8ea¢ity Inatnnente. 4matoc, at ita eryense, �lll exeate and dallvaz ta tEe Beneticlexy, �^ ��, <br /> '"`".:;c�: ' Pro�ptlp upon tlewrd� sucA searity inatnuents m uy 6e requl�ed Dy Beneticluy� ln ton and suhatanoa eaUeteetory to ;;r s:a;-c;.i:k <br /> ': ,- Beneficiary, mrazing airy o! the Pxopeity conveyed by tGin Deed o[ Tcuat vD1cG security lnatnuante shall 6e adElllonal 'r��ii {• >>� : <br /> seairity for nvstoc`s [aitUful pazlonance of all of the tens, aovenaats and condlHom of thle Oeed ot Rust, tAe �'`f � i„�n , ; <br /> pioilsaory notea sea�ed hexeDy, and any otEez sEaulty imtauents oxeatad !n ooanecUon �ith t1�le transaction. &x�h ;{„� � tir�,�> r�- <br /> 4 <br /> Jmtt�3e^.L•eh311 �'tEdi�l�T flled et f[�3ter�a�panse. T �'`�,`c.t : _ <br /> I e, Appoletieot ot Waoessoi fxustee. &,oaticlery iay, fco�U�e to tiie, by e vcitten lnetnuent e:ecoted end ✓ :a��f � <br /> acknovl ed Benetici wiled to nuatoz and[eaoxded 1n the count or countlee in Y61ch tCe P[operty Se laatcd and �i �'" `�ts?` <br /> �9 MI +iY� <br /> _ 6y otheivlee w�plying vlth tha pcovlelona o[ the applicable leva of tF,e Stete ot XuEraska sobsUtute e succeasor or r�f �41 f��'��'�'y"' <br /> � euxessors to t�e fimtee naxd heceln or ecting Aazeunder. :;:;�;"<?`'a:`tw;v;_.; <br /> � � . 9. Iaapectloos. Benaticlary,ox lts agents,tapceaentatirea or w:luen,aie eutlwrlsad to enter at aoy teasonaLle �;.,;�., .;•��:,a�i;� <br /> tiee upon ot ln any pnrt ot tbe Pcoperty toc t6e pu�posa ot JnSpecHng tEo ea�e end tor t�s purpose o!pazfonlnq eny ot the % :,,:;.,;��r�..,j�f_: <br /> � -- acte St ie autLori:ed to paiton widex tho tena ot tAe Deed oi Tcuat. � � : <br /> 10. Option to Porecloso. Opon Na oca¢rence of any bxeach and upon the daoleratlon ot dotault hz[eundec, .'?�r;{� <br /> • Beneflaluy ehall have the opHon to toieclose tEle Deed ot lcuat in the �anner pcovided Dy la� toi t6e to[eoloaae ot � A"`�f�E�'' <br /> �oxtgagea on teal p[apecty. : }S <br /> 11. PotDearanan by Beneflclary o=lwstea 8ot e Malraz. My totbeuance by Bmeticlary or livatee in exucleing �� � ` :}'.!:`.� <br /> Elly Clght 0[C01¢d]hDTBNdOl�OI Oth2N168 aHOLdEd EY LPp11CLb1B 1lY� 6LE11 110t 60!YA1VeL O[ 0[pI¢CllldB th8 @72TC160 OL ! •:�i' <br /> any such tight or[exdy he[eaAer. Llkey�se, tAe valver Dy Beneficluy ox hvatee ot+ny defeult ot'huator wder thia De¢d ; <br /> at lruat shall not be dee�ed to 6e a Yalver ot any other oi eletlax defaulta subseguently oaaaring. ; . <br /> 12. frustox Ibt Releas¢d. Betension of tAe tite tor pepent o:wdiflwtion or+uocHtaiion of tLe sws seaircd , <br /> by tA3a Deed ot leust gmnted by Be�ficlary to any succeasor !n Inteceat o[ 7rnator sAall not operate to releaso, ln any <br /> �anner, the liabiltty ot tha orig3nal miatoc and tcuslo:'s succeasor ln lnteceat, Bena[iclary aGall not be zegulied to `.31,,, <br /> couence pcooeedinga agalnst such euocessor or xafuse to aztend tlw[or paycent or otheivlee wdlfy a�ortisetlon of tLe suu .�,. � , , <br /> � secured by thln Deed o[huat Dy :eason o[any deiand �ade by tbe orlginal fxuator aod Tcustoc'e succeasoxa la inte[eat. _ <br /> � 13. Beneticlary�s lbvere. Nlt6out attecting oc celeasinq the liabillty o[tde Tcuetox ot any otber parson liable <br /> � tor the pey�ent ot any obligation he:eln ientioned, and �ithout atfecting the lfen or eMtga ot this Deod ot ftust upon any <br /> portion o[ tba Pcopsrty not then or tEer¢tofore ieleased as secu�lty [er the tull aiowt of all wpald obligatiore, Bene- <br /> ficlazy�ay, ho� tLa to tiie and vitEout notice at the:equest of one or�ace huatora (i) release�ny petaon so llable, <br /> j (ii) e�terd or renaY tbe �atudty or altet any o[ tBa tens of any such obliqations, (111) grMt otbx indulgences, (!v) <br /> � talease oc [eanvay, or wuss to be ioleased or reconvayed at any ti�e at Beneticlacy's optioire any paccel, poction or ell <br /> 1 of tTe Pcoperty, (r) take ot xeleese any other or addltlonal secucity tor any obligatlon heceln eentloned, (vS1 �ake - <br /> a�positlons or otCst arrangeeanta v1tA d¢Dtora 1n relatior.theceto. All Tnutors ahall 6e jointly and savetally oDllgatcd <br /> and bowd by t6e aetiore of tLe Beneflciary or any trvstot as hetein stated. <br /> 1/. Attomey Pees,Cosffi and BxpPnsea• If the Beneflciary of thls Ueed of Trust 1s a tank aa defined by NeDraska <br /> lav, any aWteaent conGlned ln any othec section o[ tLis d¢¢d notvitMWMi�q, tt,e Oenafldary shall not De entltl¢d to <br /> : recelve or Wce and debtor shall mt be obligated te pay or qive; any anfessSon of judgient, porer of attorney to wntesa -�� <br /> ; judg�¢nt, pwec of dtomey to appear[ot a borcover in a judicial proceed3ng or agreeient to pay the asts of oollection or __ <br /> the attorney's fem, unlesa tLe lnterest payable by the tena of Ne Note:efet[ed to!n Nls deed Ss 16t pec annm or less, _ <br /> t or tne xote referrcd to In tWa deed ls reoavable in tvo ac wce egual or w¢qual iretalltenta and over a period of sote <br /> i than one hwdred fortyflre (115) eontLa. Piovided, hovever, Uat this a¢ctfon dces not apply to tDe trust¢e iee ceien¢d = <br /> � to ln Pacaqcaph B.6�6). <br /> L5. Recoove7ance Dy lnmtee. Upon vritten requeat o[Beneficiary stating tLat all s�os secured Oe[eby have been <br /> paid, and upon surcendec of thle Deed of ftusF and tha 11ote to flvatee tor wncellation and retentlon and upon papent Dy <br /> icustor of tmatee'e [eea, 'huatee shall cewnvey to fnutor, or tLa pecson or pexsons legelly entitled tEerato, vlthout -- <br /> � vucanty, any portlon o[tDe PropartY tDen Celd hecewder. The recltala in such ceconveyanca o[any uttem or faeta sT,all -�- <br /> be conclusive pcoof of t1,e trvthfulness tCeteof. The qcantee !n any:econveyance eay be desttlbcd as 'tLe peison or persons <br /> , � lcyally edtitled tEexeto'. <br /> (4l <br /> i , <br /> . <br /> : . <br /> , - <br />