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�i . �eli 'T��-� �e �l.{.ih + �1 --�44�� t �. _ _ y-]f}aq- � '.. i�....:� �_I 1 n. _.. <br /> ��:.- R �-���., ri�.i/�{ }�X� - _ _ iaqn�F:}p��-ar�,3� ... . . ... f �Ii -m� i<5'� �_ <br /> __ f��. - t� .I�_. . �cJ� L.«.�� -_^^'-�"�'Y <br /> E�:- ._._.>_...__. . <br /> <4� hYil:�� . ...._'" . <br /> 5 l — _. . <br /> � rr j� 4. � � cq(�'rrv <br /> � �f�/f. I� • •, , n <br /> ;�' n��ti��i;. ��7� '.Da°�A�.9 I;`�: o - <br /> .�a:"��.� FO➢!HlF9BP03�OTFCLWIiUt �nFrJ�_..,:...,:__-... <br /> a --- r _�_ r -« <br /> i �� 4` �!� TL8 PLyI@�t OL 111d�iD10dOt39 OY�dDWOd �] iNStOT�O fA�O dd�fd am atrnrhmnnr A � 19_� t 1l���°n5 r'F u� .,� <br /> r i.; <br /> + t -c OBiEV1th 1n tLe pililolpal 6�u of n«r rhmnnt A DDI16Te {yfx��� a � <br /> , + � (8 1, togetAot�ith intecest et tEe rate ot rates pmvided ttsreln, or tAe prlaolpnl aid lnteies!on � ,� r, ryy :} „ <br /> u !�:': aay futuxe advances evi6enoea Dy p�oilseory nota atating they ue sea¢ed hece6Y� (he[eln'6ote� OT'A'otCB'1 ��Y E64 ell �_ _ � � ��,,.-.: . -. <br /> , .;, �:;;�, tenavale,ooditicatlona�nd extewioro of such[ote, EotA pclnoipal eiM lnteteat on tM Hote betng WYaDle 1n aocotdanoe�ItL ��`iil�r ��` �n�,.:_ <br /> s ;,' tAe te�set [ortL thazaln,zotetence to Y61cG le Eazeb wda. ��P4t�}31��n', � , <br /> i �.�� g ` <br /> ,.,, @1 St»pettonaooe of eacL ag[ee�t eM oovenant of t[uator Aereln oonUlaodt anA ,'�Sz r t��><h�` ` - <br /> ;::t., . (ol the panent o[ any siu oi awa ot wne �1t0 lnteteat tbocoon Wtch ta 6e heteattet pnid or advanoed�mdex �� � y '�� �t�N' <br /> �� ;� � y Y it�s t'.�fd°�+Y' <br /> , i. tlw tens o[ thla DaaO ot ttust. ,�o-t w,,��'�?%r . <br /> � 'i 9' �'� t r} -'. <br /> .'. `' A. i0 PA026R !96 BECOkItY Oi!�8 D�OP lYOST. ii0510A H01�Y ODY�ARB!iD lGRE88 AB [OIlAR9s fu;S ,r s�rp a'�� <br /> � -t�fi;,: S t'r 'tr� {{t <br /> � .i 1. Pd�7BEt 0�Pf�L01�lEd ID�6iC8t. TlU6�4T 8h�11 PLWP�Y PaY Y5811 dW W8 ailil0IPL1 01!Od I0�8TCBC 011 fL8 ��.Y��`i �� . �I�`'SS��� . <br /> ":� indzDtc�ees ovldenoed Dy the Note, and aA othet tbuqee end tees as provlded fo the tlote,aM tLe p:lnoipal o[and Sntoies! h 4 ,,.�n .: <br /> t on enp Potuce Adradoes aec�¢ed Dy tEle Deed o[![uat. , .� 7S�„t`';��..' <br /> ' t. Mar[mty ot fitle. fireW[ie lavfully seSted end posaessed of qrod and inde[eaeiblo tltle and eatate to the '- �` f r�'����. <br /> Ptoperty hereby oomeqed and has tLe tlght to qtaat and aonvey the P[opextyi ��oyetty ia f[ee aod cleas of ail llens aM ( , s S�s,r ; <br /> eneiuDraaces ecceyt liem nou o!teooMt and T[uetor�ill�urant and de[end tk Utle to t�e Piopetty agalaat all clelu and � � ,5j �K �s,�rsy{' ' <br /> ' deunds. �r _ ,,r�, �Rv� �=i': <br /> > ;, <' 3. Nalntenanoe and co�pllanae Nitb Iavs. Tivatot eAall keep t6e P�operty in good xepalr and condltlon and e�all t ry <br /> IIOt CODlt Yt8�8 OI�lt Il��fiPAt OL G2t@Il0IiU011 OI tL0 P[OpOTCY Md BMU C01PTy YI�ZC0 QCOVj8I0R9 OI allY I@E88 lI .' `� (�'r; <br /> �. % tbin Deed of f[ust is on a leaselwld. No l�piorraent nw ox Aazeaftet e[eoted upon fLe P�ope[tY ehell he alteied,[eiosed ;' '�'��� i��;��`,� : <br /> � oc de»11shM�1tLoat tEe pclor vrltten oonsent ot Bene[lclary. nustor ehall a�ply�1tA all lava, otdlnancea,xegulatloro, ,; ���„,� 9n, <br /> oavenante, condltioas and zeatrletions aftecting the Property aM aoi conit,sv[[er oc penit any act to De done ln or upon ,:..;, .�,�,�'�; . ,. <br /> " � tLe Pcopetty ln vlolation ot any lev, otdlnance,cequlation, covenant, oondltion or teat[lctlon. fi�ator ehall aiplete oi ••`�r:. ;.,.�. .=�o��:� <br /> ceato:a pmiptly aad in qoad votk�anllke�annar+ny i�prove�ent on tLe Property�hicb eay be da�aqed or deat�oyed end peY� ,., Y�<f,, �&7i <br /> vhen due, all claiu fox lebor pertoned and �abdals turnlshed tEeretoce and[or any altecakSore tEeTeot. I �r���;�.�j� <br /> I 1. Ireu[allCe. ![U6tOT� at lte eipeo39� �lll �al�tEln �1tA InsuOis a roved b Baneiialur, iro�araa cith `,��;= ,`` �;=•"� <br /> teapect to the I�pcove�ente and pereonal p[operty, conalltutlnq tUa PropaRy,againa�lose Dy[1[e, 11g�tnLg, tornado, and '.'�3i ��;'?! <br /> � othec perile and Laiard+coreced Dy atandud eztended covazage endoree�ent,in�n awmt equal to at least one hur�¢d petcant �' ,'.�.� ' :�'�_,; !;�,° <br /> � ot Uw[ull t laceeent ralua tEetoof and lnsu�aaoe a lrot sucU other haiard+md in suc6 a�owts as!s cvstotatlly canled r . ' . : ,�, <br /> by ovne�s end operators ot eidlec propecttea or a�Beneficiaxy�ay�eguira foc lta pcotection. hvator vlll coiply vith such }, • �1 :.,, � � <br /> � other cequixexnte ae Beneticlary uy Ro� tl�e to ti�e cequeat for tbn pmtection by lnsurance of t0o intexeata of tho I- j.'•� � <br /> � xeepecttre pactias. All Snsuranoe pollcies �atnGlned pu�suant to thle Deed o[Tcvat sdell na�e Tmstoc and Benetiolary es ;j. >'� <br /> ' lnsuxede, ea thelr tespectire Inteieats uy appeu, and pcovldo tLat thaze eGall be m canoellaUon or�odtflutlon�1tLout <br /> no leas than 15 daye prior nitten mtltication to fcuatee and Beneflclary. In the event any pollcy he[eunEer!e mt rene�ed <br /> on oz betote 15 daye prlo[to ite erylration date, tcuatee or Benetielary aay pcocv[e sueh l�urance !n eococdanoa�ith tLe ' �F <br /> piovislon of pazaqraph A.6 de�eoL nustox sEall dellrec to Beneticlety tCe ociglml pollclee of lroiaance and cenevale " �;: <br /> the[eo[or iew copiee of euch polictos and eenevals the[eof. Pailu[o to tunlsh sueL ineucance by nvatot, or tanevale ea � <br /> requited herowder shall, at the optton ot Beneticiuy, corotltute a da[aNt. <br /> 5. luea,Aaseea�enta eeA Cba[9es. ttuator sMll pay all tases,aaseesaents and other charges,lncludinq,�itCout <br /> lliitatlon, flnea ard l�pasltlons attclCuWble to the Pcoperty, and leaselald pnysents or gcound:ents, it any, betots the <br /> . ea�a hecoie deliiqcent. 7[uator sL�ll pcoiptly t�¢niah to BenaticLry all nottces ot arounts due wdec thie pacaqraph, and i <br /> In the event huato[ sMll take panent di:ec[ly, Tcustot aMll pioiptly furnlsh to �enaticlary ceeelpts evldenclnq suc5 <br /> panents. ![ustor slwll pay all Uces and asseaseenta vh1cL eay be levied upon Benaticlary's lntazeat hacein or upon thla _ <br /> Deed of t[ust �ithout cegud to any lav that �ay be eracted hposing payaent of the �hole or any part tLazeof upon the <br /> Ifeneficiuy. <br /> 6. Addltional I,tens aM Pcotection of Beneficlary'a S�wrlty. 7[ustor siall iake all payunts ot lnte[eat ud <br /> ptlnclpal and peytenta of any othec chaxqea, teea, and expereen cont[acted to 6a pald to any exlsHng lien Mldece or p[lor <br /> beneticiarlea unde�any pdor deed of trnst or eodgage be[ora the date they ara dellnquent and pcotptly pey and discharga <br /> any and all other liens, clalu oc�Aargea vLich wy jeopudise the securlty granted herein. tt ttustor tailn to�ake+ny <br /> such pay�ent oc fails to pe[fore my o[tLe coven+nts and agre¢�ents crontalned In tAia Deed of Tcust, or ln any pdor�ortgage <br /> oi deed of ttast,or 1f any actton or ptoce¢ding la rneienced�hich iaterlally+tfecta Beneticlary�e intazest!n tEe Prope�ty, <br /> including but mt 11e1ted to, e�tnent do�atn ptoceedings, or proceedings involving a decedent, or !f tcustor talls to pay <br /> TivaWt's debta ger,erally as they beco�e due, tAen Beneflclary, at Beneficiary's option and vlUaut notice to ot deund upon <br /> 'hustor and vlUaut r¢leasing t[vstor fro� any o611qaUon he[eur,der, �ay �ake sueh aFpearancea, dls6ucse euch auda and take <br /> such aetion as ia nexssary to protect Beneficlacy's inte[est including, bu[ret 11sitM to,dlabuzseient of xeasonable attor- <br /> ney's[ees, paynent, pu[clase, rnntat oc co�pco�ise ot any encucbrance, chacge oc llen, +nd entcy uyon tlle Property to �ake <br /> iepalrs. In the erent that tYuatot ahall fail to procur¢insucance or to pay ta:es, �sseaaeents, oc any otee:chacges or to =. <br /> eake any payients to any e:ieting ptior lien Mldecs or beneficiaries, Beneticiary �ay p�oc�e such lraucanca and eake such <br /> payeent. My azawts dlebu[sed by Beneficlary pi¢suant to tLis PatagcapA A.6 s6a11 beco�e addltional ir.debtedness ot 7[uatot _ <br /> .,_`__ _... ....�... .e.. <br /> i seattd by tL18 Deed of T[ust. S1Md atowts siuii oe paYauie upon naiice ieH ai�cu�smj :: ..`.o.•. .:y-.......� �i—^ <br /> ttie[eof, end sAall D¢az lntexest[ro�t�o date of dlsbucseients at t�e rate per+ble froi tf�e to ilte on outstending principal <br /> wdnt Qhe Note wleas payient of intereet at sucn[ate vould be contrary to applicable lar, in vhich event such a�owta slull __ <br /> 6ear Intereat at the higheat tate p¢nissible wder applleable lav. XotAlrq antain¢d In tAis PazagrapD h.6 ahall tequice _ <br /> Deneficiazy to 1na¢ any eipense or take any ac[lon hereunder. <br /> 6. IT IS IIUIOW,Y AGRE�58dT: <br /> , j (2) <br /> � <br /> . _J <br />