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f _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ <br /> , . <br /> :, <br /> . 14l3-�OaA'7'ti - _ . . <br /> - andpmnalon or other taktng of wy put ot�he Property,or foroonveyenco In Ileu of andemmtion,aro hcrcEy wslgned and _ _ <br /> = chell bo pald to I,ender. <br /> -- - in the evant ot e rotal �nking ot tlw Propeny, �ho prooetd�chnll bo applicd ro�ho wme rs�ured by Ihb Secudly <br /> Inam�ment,vfiether or not thcn duo,wlth any axaaipaId to Borto�ver. [n�he evcnt of a ponlal taking of ihep�p�rry fn - <br /> �vhich[he fair market valuo ot the Propeny immediataly boforo iho taking ie equal to or groemr�hen the emount ot�6e cnm� — <br />��'_"!� wwrcd by tbis Sceudty Inswmsnt immediatcly boforo tho Iaking,unlcs�Bortower and l.endcr othernlao agree in writing. -- <br /> Ne�ume«curW by�hia 9txuriry Instmmcnt�hall bo rcduad by tho emount of theprocecd�multlplted by tho tollowing <br /> -;=�1! trxrlon: (n)�Iw rotel unoum ot tho sums«curcd Immedlatcty boforc tAc taking,divided by(b)tho feir m�rket vaiue ot 1he ___, <br /> ._.__ Propeny immediately beforo tlw tektng Any balance chnll ho peid ta Bortower. In��a evem o!e penlel teking of the ` --` -" <br /> Propeny in which tho falr market vaiue of tM Propony Immediotoly 6cforo the teking Is leu ihan�he amwnt ot�he cum� <br /> ...r� �uurcd immcdieteiy boforo the totclng,unlos�Dortower end Lender otAorniea agrce in wdting or uNen npplicablo lew <br /> �_;.�� oiherwlm providea,�ho proeeede�hall be applied ro�M cums ceeurcd by this SecuAty Inswment whmAer or nm tho eunu ero _-- <br /> �hen duo. � <br /> f�;� If Na Propeny i�ebandoned by Uomower,or if,after nodce by l.c�er ro Bortower�hat iho wndemnor ofien to meke ��,4-�_. ___ <br />...�.;ie m ewazd or s.vtle e cleim Por d�meges,Borrower fails ro respoad to Lender wi�hin 30 days efter�hn dnic the notico h given, <br />- �=�''���Y Lender is e¢uYotized to coliect end appty the proceed+,a�ia option.eAAer w reswroiion or rcpeir of�ha Property or�o�he =----- <br /> .;,�i wm�se�vRd Ey this Sec¢dty in:wment,whether or na tAen d�.�e. . <br /> Unlas LenQer iuM Bwrower othe�wisa ogree in writing,any npplicacim d proeads ro princip8 shell not extend or �}� .�,.,,, <br /> �''-/ postpone Ihe due dau of tAn monthiy payments rcfeacd�o in puag�aphs I end 2 or cAange the emount of■uch paymcnta. � �� <br /> -' Il. Unrro�ver Not Reteasedt Forbearance B Lender Not a Wa1rm Ex�ension of �he time for paymenc ar r��< <;:._ <br /> `� ' modiRcation of emottlm0on o(th¢aum�«cured by�ia Suurity InsWment gianted by Lender w any successor m Intercst � � <br /> t`- of Bo[m�ver sAall no�operete to rclease the Ihbilfty of�he orig(nal Bofrower or Borto�ver`s successors in intercst.I.ender ,' "� ,- <br /> "-� chail not bs ttquircd to commence proceedings egai�w eny successor in imeresi or rcfuse to ex�end�ime fw pqmem or —_-. <br /> 7:+,1 oihenviu mad'ify emortizetion of the sums securcd Ey ihis Secumy Instrvmen[by mxum of eny AemnnA made by che odginal Ei i� <br /> '�a Bamwer or Bortowerh succeszo�a in imercst. Any fofbearence by Lender in ezercising any right or rcmedy zhall nol be n <br /> w�iver of or precludc the excrciu of eny right or remcdy. ��� <br /> t�J��� 12. Sneeessore end Aaigna BounA;Joint and Sererel Llebility;Caalgners. The covenan4c and egmemems of this �s��re,� ;�;_ <br /> __- Secudry Instmmem shell bind end benefit the successors and auienc of Lender and OoROwer,snbjec�to Ihe provisions ot �_x�v:�._�. <br />"^�i5.� puegreph 17.Borro�verL mvenams end agreemems sAall be joim and xveml.Any Borto��cr���ho co-signs�hU Sauriry :,:___. <br /> ! Insttumem but does not execvte�he Nole: (n)is co-signing�his Security Insm�ment only to mongagr.grnm and ca�vey Ihat S f,7��r�-_: <br /> Bortowerh intere■�in thc Propcny undcr�hc temis of tLis Securiry lnnn�ment: (b)ic not personelty obligarcd ro pxy the sums � <br /> -�� ucurcd by this Secumy Instrumem:and(c)ugrtes thm Lender and wiy other Bortower mny ogrce to ex�end,madify,for6eer ' a�{f� s s,- <br /> y�f; ar meke nny ecmmmoda�lans wi�h rcaord m�he tcrms of�his Secumy laa�mmem or the Nate without �hot Botrowerk �{ '�, _�' ". <br />_ ,.+,.� canunt �5'�i}c•t:;!i.:c<�:T.. <br /> "" " 13. Loen Cher$ee. if ihc lonn xcurcd b thix Secum Insimmem is zub'en�o n la�v which x�s mnximum loan i �:�' �i� <br /> r<<� Y Y J ,�S-P -:a�. <br /> r�- chargea,end�hat law�s tmaiiy interprceea so�oot the imerext orother ioan chargex catiecied or iu he wileacJ in cum�c:tiun yj i�ftr�_, <br /> _�;,� wilh Ihe lonn exceed Ihe permitted Iimit+,Ihen: (a)nn)•such loan charge:hnll 6e rcduml by the amoun[necessary ta rcdutt (��+ YtI,. , r� <br /> -^n,��. �he chargt ro�he pertniteed IimiC end(bl any xumx nircad,v collected fmm Bortuwer�rhich ezcaded pem�ived limits will be � ��.:•r=; <br /> tt�` rcfunded m I3ortowee Lendennay chro<e m m�ke ihic refund hy reducing the princi�l owed nnder�he Nae or by meking n �s� �• �'` <br /> dircct pxymem ro Oorrower. If e rePond reduca principal.ihc rcduc�ion will bc tmmed as n p�ninl prcpayment wi�hout xny- �S4Il/.��o-` _ <br /> �� prcpayment charge undcr the Nmc. �IYrkdtf��l,ta� � <br /> ,�r- 14. Notica. Any no�itt�u Burtowcr providcd for in this Sccuri�y Insimmem sholl be given by dclivering it or 6y „*-r,��q�� �� <br /> m�iling It by flrst eless mnil unless npplicable law reyuircs ux of nnoiherme�hed.Thr na�ice shall be dimeteJ�o�he Propeny h�Y�.; <br /> '��� Addrcxs or wy other nddrcss Bovowcr dccign�m. by noiice io Lendcc Any nuiicc io Lcnder shnll be given by firs�dnss � - +'!':- <br /> ��';�� mail to Lender i address smteJ hercin or any oeher adJrc++Lender de�ignmex 6y nntice io Uorro�ver. Any notice provided for �t.;�'?�.;5.,;�. <br /> "��'�� in ihis Securit Insuumem shull be dcemed io hnve lxen iren �n dmm�rer or Lender when rven as rovided in this ��.'''%'��n?tr-� <br /> �, Y B B P S. � - - <br /> �`�-, �g13 hGoverning Le�v; Severobllily. This ticcumy Imwmem sh�ll hr gnvcmed by (edeml Imv ond thc Iaw of 1he pti�i����t it' ". <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Pmpeny i.laca�ed. In�he event thai any pravi�inn orclaiue of ihi+Securiiy Instrumem or the Note ���r-i,�:---.".� <br /> -!j�: con0icts with applico6le Inw,,urh amllic�,hull nni uffea n�her prari+iun.of thi.R..vrity liutruncem or Ihe Nute which am J .z: .`_- <br /> .,+I' 6e given eBec1 �vilhaul Ihe cun0iclinp provisiaa Ta Ihi+enJ Ihe pmvi+ian+of�bia Snuriq•In.vumem und�he Note ort ti y-.. -F_.;' <br /> ��`j� dcelared io he sevemble. f � _ r:.. <br /> 16. Borro�rer'a Copy. Rnm�wer ahali Ix given ane confumied mpp n(d�e Nute anJ of thi.Securiry lncwment. --,..-� <br /> `�! 17. 7}ansfer of tlte Pruperty or n flenellcial Inlerexf In Rorru�rer. If all ar any pirt o(�he Pmperty or:my inicrcst in , � -='"- <br /> -=:j. il ix wld nr Imns&rtcd(nr if�Ikneficial inlcrnl in Anmixer i.mld nr tran.fcrrcd anJ l3ortu�ccr ia nnt a nammi naN ' . '�`�-. <br /> P�' Y I � <br /> wilhoui Lenderi prior�vriucn mmcnL Lcnder m.ry.a�i�.op�ion.rcyuirt inm�idiatc paymcm in(ull u(all sunu xecurcd hY � 4' --s.? '. <br /> - Ihis Securily 6�slmmeni. Huo�ever,thi+np�inn.hall nnt Ix exereixd by Lender if ctcrci.c i.pmhibi�eJ 6y kderal la�v as of r.:f;..,�:;1 i-'���.�. <br /> iheJateofthisSewri�yln.uumcnt. � � hw.:��� <br /> If Lender exereises Ihis npli�m.Lendcr.hall gi�r Ilart�+nrr nnlire nf aadcraiinn. lhe nolicc.hall pmvide a period o( <br />- nol lcss Ihan 30 days Rnm Ihr dalc�hc wlicc i-.dclir<red or mailcd��ilhin�chirh 13ormocr nm.t by Ihi. "' ` . <br /> -,t�S: ' Security Instrumcne If Bortumer (aih�a pay �hc c.nm. prinr lo Ihc espiralinn af thi� �xtnxl. Lender may inraAe any -- ., . . <br /> rcmediespennittcJAy�hi.Sccurityln.�mmem�ri�hominnhernniia•ordemandm�Rommer. ��:.�� . <br /> :-' 1A. tiorroo�er's Rlght ro Reln.tatr. If Bo�ro��.r me.n renain cunJmanw 0„rr�nccr.ludl Laac Ihc rithl ta hacc [ :_ _ . . <br /> .: enforcemrm nf thic Security In.vumrm diurnninued.n an� �im.pnnr tn ih�.ad�cr��c �:i� s day.�nr wch niher perini a. F , _ <br /> h <br /> Smplch.nnl�. FvnnleVu;FreJdir\Lcl\IFIIR\II\tilRfqk]'t I�nl..nnt.nenann 9,90 �rycN..lnp�i�rv ( . <br /> G <br /> J <br /> � <br />� ' .:j�°aT"t'!i:%13�_..':.;s,-.2""" . . � �. :i.- - <br /> �i'- • } . ' " _ . . . . - . . . ._ ... � . , .. _ _ .. . _ <br /> ..1r7-:•*.- . <br />'-yiit�- -,r�;'..._: -.- . <br /> ?L\r'.� ' . - <br /> - -,,la ''-'.�' . . <br /> _,'t,`i,`,, <br /> ,i. <br /> c�k .. � <br /> � <br /> i y( {r i � -' - _ _ _ - <br /> � t . <br /> ' „� yi� . - . ' - <br /> c . t r4 . , - . - . <br /> f � r.: �� 1: ;; '_ . . "' " �. .r � _ <br /> Y zr !�- - . . '.y � � � - . � <br /> r <br /> � � - i � ,- . - . � �' � <br /> . <br /> .� [. S � .� - . , s, .:: ."r .��i.. - _ - . . . - . . - . . - - . .. <br />