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_ a.l : ��-- . , r . ; . :-.�: . ._. . .. �"-s;� �lt- _.h ��r--': <br /> - 1.7 - . . . _ , . . . - . .:�1 :. $ � `-,.�.._. . <br /> oyy1lCsbta Isw m�y�pxity far rolnstntemrn0 befoto eelo o!11�4 P(4P�nY��uent ro eny powc�r ot�a m�c4�n Ie <br /> Beeu�iry insWment;or(D)cnu5�ota Judgmrnt ento�clp8 01a 8esurlry Iniwmem. �oso cunditfona a�e ihat Borrotivpr+�a} . <br />---- ' p5ye ltiidet ell �um� wAich thrn woulA bo Gue uMu M�8ecudty tnitniment end No Nota ae if no asatcryton 6ad: • . <br /> - oceurrtd;(b)our�eny datnul�of any ahucovenmu or o�eemem�(o)pAyi atl expcnsa Incutted 1q enfurcing N4�SetuAty - — <br /> fnBtvmcnt,lACiuding,but nat Iimlted!o,rcsscnabie ntromoy�'leES; on4(d) latce�eueh eHlon aa LenAer mAy teaa0nabiy • • <br /> • rcyuiro ro msum�e1�tw I�en of thl�Sccudty In�W ment,LendcrY dghte in tho Propeny and BoirowuYdbligatlon lo psy.t�Q <br /> mma �eeured by tnia Saurity In:tmment �hell crontlnue unchangM. Upon ninata�cmcnt by Dortowor, Ihli B�NIf� <br /> fntwment u�d�he obllgatloro iaurcd hcrcCy�hc1i rcmNn N1iy offxtivo m It no aoccicretion had oavrtal. HowoVC,thf6 <br /> ---- dgAttorotnstcw�hcllnotapplyin�heceseolaxolemdonundcrparagrnpLl7. `� ' <br /> . 1� (q1N oJ Nd4p Ch�n;e ot I.can Bervican 7fio Noto or e pertlal Incemst In�he Nnro(rogaher with thb Seadty <br />___ InstNmenl)in�bo eold ono or moro tlma without pdor notico�o Borrower. A�alo mny rcmit In a ehongo In iho emlty <br /> -- (kna4m eedha" an$ecv�af)tAa�milow monthly paymeme due undtt tM Noie and�hi�5ead�y InswmeN. 7hcro�ico <br /> _ may 60 ono or moro ctwiges ot No Laan Serviar unrola�ed to a�elo ot tha Note. IP thero i�a ohmge of�he Lan Sarviccr. <br /> ___ Borto�vu will be glven wiltten noqoo ot�ho changa N eccotdrm�e wlth perogreph IA ebove ond eppilca�bi�e la,w�. �i eo��'I <br />,. wtll nalo the name ond addres�of tho now Loen S:�vker end the eddresy to which paymenu�hould be F_ . ...... <br /> " nlao contaln any o�trs tatortnadon rcquircd byap�licabte laa�. _ <br /> !lL Roa�Bn�Eabsnces Oortowor�Aall not cau»a pertntt the prasonw.uu.d4po�al.sewage,w reteass otnny <br /> `— Hamn7oua Subriancea on a in tlx Hopaty. Barower cluil not do.nor allow enyono clsa ro do.m�lRing attect(ng tno <br /> = Pmperty tAat b N vtoiadon ot eny 8nvironmxetal Lew. 7Le p�cttding two centenae ihdl not epply to the prestnoo,uu,or <br />.:;�� ctoraga on ttw Propeny of:mail quandUea of Hanrdoua Substances�hat aro gener�lly raognlud to be eypmpda�a a nortnal <br />-'"� rcstdmtial usea and ro m�intenance oi the Propttry. <br /> -- Oortower�Aell promptly glve Lender written no�ice of any Invectigetion,cleim,demand,Iawau3t or other achon by any <br />�`-'��� govcmmcmN or rcgularory agcncy or p�ive�c parry InvolNng�hc Propeny end�ny Harardoue Substence or Fnvimnmemel <br />:"%�;s7 Law of�vhich Oortower ha+ acmel knowlcdga If Bortower Icams, or ia notllied by eny govemmentai or regudlory � �- - - <br />-:F;;� emhodry,tAat eny rcmoval or othcr rcmedia�ion of any H�zerdous Substnnca affening thc Propeny ie necessnry,BoTrower <br />--:�'tjy shall p:nmptly�eke all neceuery rcmedial ectiona in accordmce wiih 8nrironmemel Law. �:;::,:. <br /> Aa uud in�hia paregmph 30,'HezaMom Subsuncei erc thou subsuncea deMed as wxic or hezardous subs�ancs by - <br />�,.�`;� Environmentel I.�w end�ho following tubslantca: gesoline,kcrosenc,aher flammable or toxic pctroleum products,toxlo _ _ <br />:,??� pesticidea and herbicidei,vola�ile mlvenu, mattdela conmining ubextos a Eo�maldehyde,md mdiwctive materiels. Aa _.._. — <br /> uud In thi�pangreph 20.'Environmemal Law"mcan+federal lewa and la�n of�he judaditlion wberc 1he Propeny is lanted <br />�--.-:r;�] �hat rclate to heahh,sek�y or cnvironmenW protx�ion. - <br /> '+� NON-UNIPORMCOVBNAN7'S. BortowcrondLendcrfunhercovcnamandagrecastollown: p;:q�•-- <br /> - 31. Acceleretlon�Remedtea. Lende��hell give notice to Borro�rer prbr to acceleratlon following Borroeer's ---� <br /> �'�� breach of eny mvenant or agrcement In thte 9aurity Irotrumenl(but not yrlor ro acceieratlon nnder paragraph 17 —��°,;;'�.-_- <br />:;';+� unles�appllcable law.providee mherwtse). The notice cMll epeelty: la)ihe detauB;@)the aMlon required to ture tho ��--__ <br /> > default;(c)a Aat¢,not Irs than'A daft ham the date the nottce!�glren ta Oorrc:rer,bY�:hkA ths default ma�'x F� " <br /> .,�� cured:nnd(d)lhet failure ro cure lhe default an or beforc the d¢te spalRed In Ihe notice mey resull in acceleratlon of .�;���::;_ <br /> lhe snma secured by Ihu Security Instrument end sele at 16c Property. The notice chall Nrther Inform 6orroara of ��y:��::_: <br /> _ the rlghl m relnrtete eRer eceeleratlon end the rlght to bring e murt ecUon lo assert�he non•existence ot e default or ���r';_e,::.:-.- <br /> �'.•t%� any other detense`R Borro�rer ro ecceteration and sale. If the defeult la oot eured on or betare the date speei0ed In ;,i�;+?�;�-:: <br /> the notice,Lender at il�aptlon mey require Immedlute paymmt In fuil oTali suma sewreA by thLs ticcnrity Instrument �s <br /> _�� �rilhout turther deroend end may invoke lhe po�ver of xale end any other remedlee permitted by applicable la�r. S ,' �" <br /> Lender ehall be enqtled ta mllect ell ezpenses(nwrnd tn pursuing the remedfes provided in ihfa pare{uaph 21, ,•�-;.;{�z• <br />-`---=h� Includin ,binnotllmltedto.reasonn6leattarne s'fee�endmsLioftitleevidence. "''*-`- <br /> - :::+ B Y .F�;.x,_, <br /> -.a If the pox�er ot sale fs Invoked,'I}ustce ahnll record n notice of defauit in each countY in���hich anr part of ihe ,' , -�� <br /> _,;� Property is lacated ond sAall mail mples ofsuch notice In�he menner prcscrl6ed by npplkable le.r to Darro�ver and to "�� j� `-' <br /> ihe olher peraons preseribed by applicoble le�e ARer Ihe tlme reyuired by uppllcnble la�r,7}ustre ahell glre public "� x�}' : <br /> notice ot sxle to Ihe persoa�und in Ihe mnncer prescri6ed hp npplirnble loa, Truxtee,wfthaut demand on Qorro�rer. <br /> ahell aell the Property et public auniun to ihe hiRhest 6ldder a�the lime nnd place end under Ihe terms designated in �"'�r <br />�:_�� ihe notice otsale in one or more percels and fn�my arder Truslce dHermines. 7}uslee mxy poslpone sale of alI orany la'sJr.-_:;�.-` <br /> _�;� parcel of lhe Property by publk onnuuncemenl ut the Iime xnd plxce ot enp previnusly seheduled sele. Lender or ila "�'s `. <br /> '- deslgnee may purchxxe Ihe Praperty at any snle. ' L '� <br /> �� Uyon receipt of payment uf lhe pdce bld.7}usta shull deliver to the purcheser 7Yaatee's deed canveving Ihe i�` --. <br /> -�� Property. The recilala in Ihe 7}nslee'.s deed shell he primn tade evldence nt tiv tr��lh of the slntements mede Iherc(n. ��r�`�.-��_ <br /> . „� 7}ustee shall npply the proeeeds uf Ihe sule In Ibe fnlloxinR order. (xl ln�dl mNS nnd ecpenses uf exerc4sing the poner F, _ _ <br /> _ j:_ <br /> :'t�k,�, <br /> ,, ! C <br /> -���' 4..Y..;-: <br /> ��:f�. <br />..:1• - <br /> Fntm.L1711 9911 .p¢�<..N.p�.� , �' . <br /> . _ •� 1 . t : <br />�.C._.( ` . . <br /> ' <br /> �::.S^'l�"�-�� r-Ti�] �. ...�� . .. . • . _�i <br /> -... ..}-=.,•q::,na�myrv.:.. rr'., __�.. ,,-..._-. .... . ....., -: -.: ••*r.4.:�-.-:_'_..-..., ,•:r'e::....-. ,_ . <br /> i ' , <br /> ':f-:4 �r.�` . . • <br />- ::f..-__ _"_ _ - __ _ . :_ _ <br /> .i': <br />.;-r�'�:�: '.i. - ,`�'i(.,'� . . . <br /> '�. . ':r. .. <br /> -_'.i _�i_P.•'�C f.; :��' . <br /> � i. . h:..l•' <br /> .,i��• -.,3i. . ._ . . . <br /> ':-r,�.+ ,:��"� - � ; <br /> ,�'ii' :�!";..'�', ;i�� I't, . � � - <br /> p � <br /> x .1 .. ' -�' �'� ' . . . � ,, <br /> - l� bn _ . -�1�.- - . �.... <br /> ` � � . t i - ]__ , _ - ' <br /> � 1 <br /> � . ! t r {, t - - '_ . - , <br /> . l h � �/ � � .'-.�` ' .. . . . ' �.- <br /> . t + . -t .� . . .:s,�. ,.-. _._...� :, d.... . . . . ... .... .. . .. . . . . .. ., <br />