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=t� . .� . . . ... . •. :. - --- <br /> -- . i93- so,�a . _ <br /> pedoda that l.ender rcqulrc�. 7tw inauranco cartler providing tho In�wanoo sheil bo chosen by Dormw;t+uDlaa tn Lenderb <br /> - sPPrornf wAINi rl�ell not be omm�wnaely wtrMeld. ItBorrowu faila a maintain covemga dearlhed nWva.Ytndta , <br /> ' I.enderh optton,obtafn coverege to protat Lender6�IghW in Q�o P[oporry 1n axorAanco wlth paragroph 7. <br /> Ati insurenve poticlo�nnd renewab eha116e uapIablp�0 4ender end�halllnclude n wndaid mongago clausa I.ender <br /> nhell havo Ne dg�t to�old tho polletu and rcornale. If Londu rcyul�¢�.Bortower eheli promptty give to f.enQer atI reaelpl0 � <br /> • ot pald premlums and ttnewat no�loea. In tho event ot los�,Amrowa nha11 give prompt nodce to�ho insurenoo cartiar end � <br /> LenOw Lendameymekeproofottos�llnotmadeprompdyby Dortower. <br /> Unlw I.endcr end Borta�ver othenvlae agrw In wrla�ig,Insurance prooccd�shall ba opptied�o marorotion or rcpalr of — <br />` ' �he Nopoey dam ged.if�he ratom�ion or repair i�uonomically fca�fble and Lendorti cccudry la not Ieuened. !f the �.-:---- <br /> resromtion or repefr la no�economlcally fcasibb or I.endorh sewdty wadd bo leasened,the insurena prottede�hep be <br /> -- opplled ro�ha wm�sewred ty ihls 3uudty In:trumcn6 whethcr or not�hen due,wtth any exoese pNd to Itortower. It <br /> Bomower ebandom �he Ihopeny,or doc.+ not ms�vu�vlthin 30 dayi a nodco trom I.ender that ehe Insurance wriu hae <br /> --- otTercd�o settle a cleim,tNen Lender mey collect the insurenco proceed�. l.endu may use the prottedi mrcp alr or rosroro <br /> � �ho Ptoperry or�o pay wmt secured by thia Seadty insirument,whether or not then due. 7Le 30�day pe�lod wlll bogin when <br />--= tho nodco i�given. -- <br /> - �-' Unla�Lender end Qortower othenvise egco in xritlng,eny eppIicetfon of pmceeds ro pdneipal�hell not excwA ar - � �� -� <br />�_;_"5"s,'� pxtpono�ho due deta of tho monthiy paymente roferted ro in paragrephs t xnd 2 or chenge the wnount ot tha p�n. [f <br /> ;u:� undor paragiaph 21 tho Prope�ty i�acqufred by Lender,Bortowerk rigd�ro any insurence policla end p �rtsulting <br /> from damqqe to the Propeny p�ior w�he acqaistUon shall pass to Lend.v to tte exront of the mms socurtd by�his Security — <br /> `"� Inshumem irtmxdiatel pdor to�ha ecqufdtloa = <br /> ;;; G Occupancy,yPraervafion, Malntenwce ond �re+lecllon ot the Propert(• Borron�erY Loan Apptiwtloni _ <br /> :a Letwehol&. Bortower�hell oaupy,uiabllah,and use�ho Propnty as Barowerh pri�ipal raidence within dxty day�aRer <br /> -N�a ehe exeu�rion of Ihis Secudry Inswment end sAall rnnMue ro occupy the Property a�Bortarery printipal resldenco for at - ____ <br /> t:�� iesst one yeer efler �he date of occupaney, unles� Lender mhernix agrcee in wrl8ng, whtch conxnt shell not be _ <br /> nPi unrcxsona6ly�ri�Aheid,or unlw extenwting dmumaenca exist which erc beyond Bortowerl mntrol. Oomower ehall not � <br /> � �� dcsrcoy,demage or impair�ha Property,eilow ihe Propeity ro detedorate,or commit�vaate on�he Property. Borrower�hell <br /> �'.ft be in Aefeide i(eny Podeimre anion or proceeding,�vhetAer civil or criminel,is begun that in Lendert goad teith judgment <br /> { mnid result in Podelturo of the Property or aihernise materially impaG�he Iien crented by th{e Seeudty Inswment or �1,3�� <br /> __.;;� Lender's secudty intercst. Bortowe��uy curo weh a defa�dt nnd rcinstete,ns provided in puagreph 18,by causing�he utlon ^F*' - <br /> - or procceding ro be dl:miued wi�h a rvling�ha4 in LenderL good feith dete�mtnation,precludea foReitare of�he Borto�verb "' <br /> '1 interest In ihe Pmperry or other materlal impv`ment of the Ilen crcaud by�hia Securi�y Insm�ment or Lenderb ucurity �? r - <br /> ?�i imercsL Borto�vcr shall elso be in default if Bortowu, during �he loen epplicadnn praas, gavc metedally false or 4 „ �_ <br /> ��.'Zl', inaccn�aie infortnetion or itaremmu to Lender(or tniled�o provide Lender with eny ma�erial informe�ioN in rnnnecUon with f� __ <br /> ' the loan evidenad by �he Note,ineWding, 6ut not limited w, reprcsenretiom mnccming BortowerY occupency of�h¢ r -� <br /> t T� Propeny u e pdncipnl residence. If thu Securiry Inxtrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall rnmply wiih all the provislona i,�/'� __ <br /> -c`-� :.ttt�:t�. !!�.-aG:.r a.yuir k.a:itr tc t4c�Y,.ny,ih:la;:hotd uC tFZ fr:tit:c:ha::r.ot merge unk=•Ler.der egreee �3i, - <br /> �'�^� ro the merger in�vriting. �g?0.;r ,. _: <br /> - � � 7. Protatlon of Lender'e Rtghli In Ihe Property. If Bortower lails ro peRorm ihc covenunta and agreements 'v�Y���� r��- <br /> -- �� contxined in ihis Seeurity Inswmen6 or therc is a legnl procceding �het may significamly effect Lenderh righu in the Y� S� "; <br /> _ �,`, pfo�xny(.uch na a proceeding in Wnkruptcy,probate,for condemnation ar fodeiwrc or ro enfome I¢we or rcgulatiana),�hen • r 8v� <br /> __. Lendcr mny do and pay far whamver is nettssnry�o protec[�he valuc of the Roperty nnd Lenderk righu in the Praperty. �,��7j�;�� <br /> � 7�i Lender3 action+mey include paying any sums ucurcA by e Iicn which hes pdorrty over�his Sewrity Intvumen4 appeering +S ,,,�- -. <br /> _ ; in coun,paying reasanable attomeys'(us end entering on lhe Property io meke rcpnirs.Although Lender mey teke action ��(��_,�r� <br /> .- ' under this pamgreph 7.Lender dces na have ro do so. �,� l�h f--: <br /> ii'. <br />; �.�� Any emwnis dis6urted by Lender under�his pamgroph 7 xhatl become nddi�iannl deb�of Borrower securcd 6y�hia .�q...,, ,,,�.- <br /> ✓r��;- Securiry Instrumcm. Untess Borcower end Lender ugrec ro othcr�crms of p.ryment,thcse amauntc shall bcer intcrcat from Ihc `���(��W k_��� <br />-•:;.;;�, daie of disbmzement ut ihe Noie rate and shall he payable,wiih incercs�,upon notice from Lender to 6ortower rcqueating ;+:,�„t.,s" <br /> �,:.,. a...�: <br /> ';�'rst; WYmrn�. :_:.,•,,:-- , ,. <br /> ,`� H. Mortgege Insurance. If Lender reyuimd mongege insumnce m n condition o(making�he Iwn securcd by thla �p �� .,. <br /> ,,t,J Securi�y Instmmen6 Uortower sholl pay the prcmiums rcyuired to mnimain �he mortgnge insumnee in eRcet I(,far any �,� x <br /> � rtuwn, the moegoge insuronce mvernge requircd by Lender lupses or ccuses to be in eflce6 Bortower shell pay �he er . <br /> premiums rcyuircd to obmin coverege subsmminlly eyuivelent to �he mortgoge insumnce prcviausly in effcet. at o caxt Y ,�t�,,i•�- <br /> mbs�mtially equivnlent to�he ms�to Oortower of the mortgege inmmnce pmv�oualy in ettect,from en altemme mangage � <br /> �-- insmer nppmved by Lender. If subawiiully eyuivulent mortgage insunnce coverege�uvailnbla Borcower shnll pay to _!�+._ :.c_.' <br /> �','N_ Lender cach momh n xum eyuul�o onruvel(�h of the yenrty mongnge inwrance prcmium 6einR pnid by 6ortower when the i r �,,.: <br /> i". insuronee covenge lapsed or ceased to 6e in ef(ect. Lender will accep�,nu and rcmin�hexe paymentz ac a loss rcserve in lieu � ; <br /> . �i:. ot mortgnge insumnca I.oss «�erve piyments mny no langer 6e reyuircJ,a��he np�ion of Lender, if mongoge inxurance ' r�,�.� <br /> mvemge(in Ihe amount and(or ihe period�hat Lender nt�uires)provided hy�n in.urcr appmrnl hy Lender ngain becomes i L �,: <br /> :`i� nv:�ila6lc and ix ablained.6orcrnrcr sh�ll pay�he prcmium.reyuirtd�o maiNain mongage inxunnce in effat,or ro providc n ' <br />.�.}„�;`:-_ Iacc mcerve.until Ihe rcyuiremrn�for mongage inxuranee aidc in a�xnnim�ce�vi�h an�written agrcement betaeen�orto�ver :�;�r�'. � <br /> ,:-r andLenJcrarapplirnhlela�v. <br /> :..;.� 9. inspectlan. Lender nr iu:�gcnt may make rca,onabic envic.upm and im�wction,uf�he Prapeny. Lender tihall . _, <br />, Firc Bnrtnx�cr n�iirr a��hc timc�for prior m an imptt�inn.pccif�-ing ILc in•�k.lion. ,. <br /> .�:�ri: 10. Condemnatlon. Thc prceccd�n(an��a�earJ ar claim fnr J:nnage,.dirccl nr c.m� cunneclion wilh:my <br />;C��r�• SmglebmJ��..4innie�IrtFrcA01e\txC\IFORVI\S'fNC\1E\T-lmhmH'menann 9.90 qw¢r!Jnp�<ai ' .',1. <br /> ::'_ <br />.."-�i a� �arM Wo-la��ru fas lef ■ � .. <br /> �a1�M fill IaOD.ULLAM]O��l�16191-1�]I <br /> "r.l�� ` .. <br /> .ta'�1�� R{/�I�° . A.. �.Zf9.�.. 1 u.� . . . .. . . ... . . . _.e .. . ... ..- . .. .. . . <br /> I •j .. <br /> �74r '__ , . . <br /> ;( %�. ' <br /> ` <br /> n-_ . _".'_ ___ - .: : .. <br /> <��6F- �:1. ' <br /> 1 - .? . )l r. - . <br />':a: -')`.'!µ:; .�. .i'_ ::f�r�� , <br /> ]`i, .y. .t: ' . _ <br /> ��':t; if.� ^'. <br /> '.- ->I �. �'.� � .. <br /> � i � .- ' <br /> -! �,fJ 7 ___ �� -� . . . <br /> rv� `�'43t1,�,2j���� , '_ i i ., . <br /> y�l#_-hj� { �'! r�4tl .; ' . _. , � . . - . <br /> � +� '� J� �' �.' �t .- <br /> f��. L ;.. �a- ,`�42rZ�. � - -- . �:.; - � <br /> i n:v 7A �'r . t�.' ! j� . . � _ . �.. <br /> v y ._ o t � M1 . ' - . ( . <br /> 'j . _ . _ _ . ... . .i � .-. . ' � <br /> l- <br />. ,lr?� S.-'�' • . ..1,. .. . .L. . _ � _r . .. . .. . . , . . - . <br />