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.. <br /> ,_ . '� " � "' ------ - - <br /> _ . . �.. -- <br /> 1'OOBI}IDA�VPIY!a110�e�imrtyrovemeamt�noYw or hereRer crectcd on tho procCr��anA��r,asca�Apmuttnonlei� ___ __ <br /> i�Wment�Ani ofmtAo t�oro8�81�cefertW to In�his�8xurlry In��cnt m tt�adi���y�ll ako la cm�aed EY t1�1�Sesuflty - ---- --- <br /> _ _. �_��-- — <br /> BORROWRR COV[iNAM'S tha�Bomowcr b lewlt�lly�Ciecd ot tM esturo henby oonveyed anp hm��0 flghl t4�Ant �—.- -. . - <br /> end convey tla Vropeny end�m Q�o Propeay le unencumbercd,oxcept forencumbrnnee�of�owrd. BortarEi�vartnnu md <br /> wUl dctend generapy�ha�Itb�o No Proporty agnlns�all clnim�end demand�,euDJcct lo my encumbmnx�ofrecoM — <br /> 74II8 88CURITY INS71tUMMl1'aombina unitorm covenanu for mtlontl uso and non•uNform covenente wlth <br />--„�, IImltWvedmlon�byJud�dldion�ocons�Itutoeunitortnscafltylnstmmentoovedngrcalpropeny. .:_.,,,....--,<_-,..�.-: ... . <br /> --- UNIt�0AMC0V[iNAN1'8. Bortowcrandi.enderoovenontnndegrcoesfotlo�v+; <br /> 1. Payment o/Prindpal and IMereatt Prcpeyment and Late CAirga� Bortower�hall promptly when due�ho <br /> principa1 of end intercst on the debt ovidenad by�he Noto end any prcpnyment end leto cher8m duo under �e ota <br /> _ 2. I+hndi for'l�cea and lnsurenco. SubJec��o eppticablo law or to a wriucn walvcr by I.cndu.Borrower�hdl pay ro <br />-- °� I.ender on Iho day monthly paymrnu ara duo under�he Tlote,un01�he Naa b pnid In PoII,a wm(`Hlmd�')for:(q yearly <br /> --- toxw and esuumenn whlch mey ettain pdodty over thle Secudty Imwment a�a Iion on�ho Propeny:@)Ycndy loesehold <br /> �-' Paymenro or ground renta on �he Propcny, if any^, (c) yearty hezard or propeny insurenca premlums;(d) yauly pood - -' -_--^'- -- <br /> - - msurenw prcmiuma, if any;(o)ycnrly mortgago Insurance p�cmium�, if eny; end (p any�um� payeble by Bortowu to <br /> - � Leader,tn xccoMnnca with ihe provlslons ot paragreph 8,in Iiou of thop�yment of mongago inmronce premlume. 7TKSe <br />'_�•�� itertu ere cal!ed'6urow Item�.' Lcndzr may,et ony Ilmc,rnlleq arA hold Wnd�In an amount not ro oxoetd the maximum <br />:r.;�i emoum e lendrr for e fedcrelly rclated rtwngage lonn may rcqutrc for BamwerY escrow eccount undcr iho fodcrel Real <br />_ __ Bnaro Setqement Proceduru Act of 1974 iu amended from�imo�o[ime.12 U.S.C.p 2601 er aeq.("RBSPA'),untau anotAe� _. <br /> .y law�het applia to the Pomds uu n lesscr emwm. If:a Lender may,at anr time,mliect end hold Fi�nds in m amount not�o _ <br />,_„ � <br /> -- <br />-:'�',_=, excced thc tesser�mount. Lender may esrimnte�he nmount of Wnds due on the Wsis of cumnt d�u end rcuanubk �-__________ <br /> -;� esiimata of expendimr�.a of Pomm Bscro�v Items or aherni:e in eccordance wi�h epplipble law. =-_ -.---"�— <br /> ,,,g� The Pond�chell be held in an instimtion avhosc dcposits are insurcd by a fedeml egeMy,InaWmentality,or ontiry _ <br />-_�y� (Induding Lender,it Lender is cuch en insritutioN or in nny Fedeml Home luan Bank. Lender shall epply the AYmds ro p�y (rv��.;,-.:. <br /> ,,.,.� �he Escrow lume. Lender may not charge Bortouxr for Aoiding anA applying the Wnda,nnnually analyzing the escrow {�::'-'"-`=- <br /> aceoum, or vedfying Ihe Escrow Items, unless Lender paya Bo�rower inumst on �he Ii�nds and eppllceble law permiu �-- <br /> �-�� Lendet to make such a charge. However,Lender muy requiro Bortower Io pay a one•time charge Por m Independem rcal r,e, .--�:;: <br /> 't� este�e tex repaling service used by Lender in eonneclion wtth�Ms loan,uNas epplicable te�v prov{Jes o�henvise. Unlas�an <br />.::ynr �l.t-,...:: <br /> � agreemem is mnde or apptic�ble law mquires imerrxt ro be poid.Lender ahall no�bc reqnircd ro poy Bovower any intercst or �n � <br /> _.c� eaminge on the Punda. Bortower and l.endcr mny egrcc(n wfithig,however,�hat intcren ahall 6e paid on tho I'unds I.ender isti� - _ <br /> �� ahall give to Bortower,withw�charge,an annual occounting of the Funds,showing creAits and debfla to Ihe Funds end t�e Y�, <br /> tx purpose for whieh cach debit m�he FLnds wae made. 7'he Mnds an pledged ar additional saudty for all aume secured by ; � T '�r _` <br /> - � this Seeuriry Inswment. , r �� _ �. <br /> '- if Ihe flmAx held hy le�vki eareed Ihg mm�nms �errnittrsl In he hcld hy p�rlicnhle iaw, �r���r shell �!�nunt !e _' � � ..----- <br /> nN=1 Bortowu for�he excecs FLnds in ncwrdence with ihe rcquircmenla of eppiiceblc law. If Ihe emoum of�he I•Lnds held by p'''jt - <br /> y Lender et any tlme is not sumcient Io pxy ihe Escrow Items�vhen dua Lender may so notity Bortower in writtna,and,in ��`�� ' -�� _ <br /> - snch case 6ortower shell pay ro Lender�he emaum neceuery ro meke up �he deficicncy. 6ortower shtll meke up ihe �;�'f,,e`�.� �" <br /> --; deficiency in no morc�han ewelve monthly paymema,at Lender3 sole discretion. -„ ,� - <br /> ,� Uponpa yment tn PoII o(all aums secured by thia Securiiy Inawmen6 Lender shell pfomptly rcPond�o Borrower eny ���Y�j^��xt�t� `� <br /> ;:� Punds held Ay Lendee IL under pamgraph 21.Lender shall acquirc or wil�he Property.Lender,prior ro�he ncquuitlon or r A+�r4 .Ss -.' _; <br /> _�,� sele of�he Propeny, :hail apply any Flmds held by Lender at the qme of ucquisiqon or sale as a crcdi[�geinat ihe auma ,N ��,isyy t: ,. <br /> .: secured by thle Seeud�y Inswment. �:}iY �� '`�!I°.;'k�� <br /> � J. Appllcetlon ot Pe)menta. UNeas epplicable law providcs o�herwiu, ull p�ymenu mceived by Lender under • "�2 �}�- . _ <br /> -�'.�- am ro hs I and 2 sh�ll be a Iled:firs6 to un m a mcnt cher es due under the No�e;second,to emoun�s a a61e under ` -�f � �- <br /> . P 8 P PP YP PY 8 PY ����i � <br />-.-�i'; pamgraph 2;�hird,ro intercst dua founh,�o principal dae;nnd last,to any la�e chnrges due under�he Note. �.��� � �:i!f�,,p,F___: <br /> . � 4. Chergea; Llem. Iiortower shall pay nll �aces,¢sscssmenix, charges, fines end impositions enribumble to the ;s i�. ',ot , � <br /> Propcny c+hich mny anain priority nvcr ihis Securi�y Instrumcnt,xnA Icaulwld paymcros or ground rcnis,if eny. Oorrowcr ���y�i�! -f-dj}�� -. <br /> _!� ahxll pav�hett obligations fn�he mnnncr provided in parngmph 2,or if na paid in tha�manncr.6orrower shall pny them on i� f <ti� ��5+ � <br /> =] timE a�rcctly to thc person o�ved p�ymem. Bortowcr shnll promptly Pomish m I.cnACr all na�iecs of amoums�o bc paid under _s4,y t t�. - {t�.r, - <br /> v,a �hia paragrnph. If Oortower makcs the+e pnyments directly,Dorrowcr shall prompily fumish m Lender receipts evidencing �}��{� yaY J¢ � <br /> -.+ ihe paymrnta. I� ` i� -xty� an -= <br />_--'� Bortower shall promplly diu6urge eny lien ahich has priori�y over Ihis Secarily Inslrumem unless 6ortower.(a)egrces i{}-'r_�}�`��?e.�•,- <br /> . in writing io�he paymem o(ihe o6ligatian zecurcd by�hc lien in a m;mner accepwble to Lender,(b)contes�s in goad faith the j! i ��,„�yy�yi� : <br /> �i� lien by,or defends egeinst en(o�cemem o(�he licn pracecdingx which in the Lender:s npinion opemie Io prcrent�he �t ' +�'�,77=�« <br /> entorcement of ihe lien:or(c)securcs from�he holder of�he lien an ugreement sa�i+faaory to Lender xu6ardinating ihe lien , > > .�:' •- <br /> .� �o�his Security Instrument. I(Lender detemiines that any part ot�he Propeny i.suhject to r licn which mry attain priorrty �t�,.lf��y _+�,.!',�^,�' <br /> :� over thin Security Insuumem.Lender may give Borrower u notice idemifying the Iicn. 8nnower shnll smisfy�he lien or take ':_Y' , - -Q�i+ _: <br /> one or morc a(Ihe eclions set(onh nbove wi�hin 10 days of�he giving of no�ice. <br /> 5. Hezard or Praperfy Insurence. 6orro�vcr shall kecp�he imryanmcme no�e exix�ing nr hercaher crccted on�he 7 '�- 4- " ; <br /> ;� Property insured agains�lo.>6y fire,har�rds included wi�hin�he�enn"ex�enJed mver.�ge"and any rnher haards,including .� -'-l�{f <br /> i.:�y Ooods or Ilooding. (or which Lender reyuirc. inwnnre. Thi. imunnce�hall M maimained in Ihe+mmunit nnd for Ihe � � -' `A� }��- <br /> �j �" � � . <br />_':i� ibrmbH9A0 �rvrrSqnNm� �r .�itj:'c' <br /> 'a y 1 . <br /> i {�; ,. <br /> -� • , . <br /> i^+jt,�t'�x'";'"s�•:r.,.-�4,.i .,:-:--, . . .. . ... • .. . . . - .-v _n�c�.._,.jn;. . -e n rt- T t ' _ <br /> s . ,. � _. <br /> ! :.i <br /> i e�-!?cS.rYi . _ . . - �. . - . <br /> f <br /> �' 'O-�`a r ._ _ .. . ' '. <br /> _ r.ti;1',� } . . . . . , <br /> '-_ - - <br /> �?.Y'�}:��t'lt:�[:1'.]F�. - �.�. � . . _. <br /> {! �.. #'__ " � - <br /> �'t _n!'. ' ' `'.l . _ <br /> I: <br /> �� : - . . . . . .. <br /> � � j l . . . _ . ' ` . . <br /> 1 <br /> ='�'R , , " r <br /> � < < . �.s, :. <br /> � <br /> r� }.. , ' £ � ' r l; r,�'� ` ' ' <br /> .�W��y�rY 1 � f a � ( .f <br /> �."�5�'�4�{!s° '. - �,� . ,�? �4}�. . ., . _ . , . . ._ . , {.- ,. ,��..' ' � : �.� . <br />