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<br /> ` cuodeem�tion a atha t�icit►�of any�t c►f tI�HopeRy,a for conveya�ce ie iieu of�.a���Y '��E��
<br /> aLall6c p�id ta I�,oder. ' � �
<br /> - � Io the event.af a tor�!tal�in$of thc P�operty+ dte pcoceeds sh�U bc ap�tied to the sums secuted by this Securit}
<br /> Instnm�ent,whetl►er or not�due.witb any excess p�d to 8ocrower. ln.tbe eveat of a puti�l taking uf[he PmpertY in
<br /> w�����u v�c��p�pe�tY imme�iately{xfore tLe taking is equai tn nr pe?ier thtitt the amatnt of the sums '
<br /> � scc�ue�by this Security Inmwfleat iauaodiately-bet'ae the t�tnng.unless Sorrower and Lendcr otfxrwise agrce in wri�ing,
<br /> � the sWna,saa�red by this Secmity insuumeat shalt be nduced by.the nmoum of tAe proeads multiplicd by the fdtowing
<br /> -- - ._�.....,,��a....,�...a�.c��.��,�c�ured immediatelY befooe the taicing.dicidtd by!b)the fair ma►icet v�ue af the
<br /> - — _ ' -:...�...--.�..RC.�. _ . �-.� =� - = = ' i j 'p - -
<br /> _ ..�....... .-•__________.- . . ,- -._ —
<br /> P�apaty.immediHtely 6efae the tatcing. Any ba��rice stia[i�Pa��ti�e�vve� the evant-uf-�y�rt� � � --'—
<br /> pivperty in which the fair ma�ka value of the Pmperty immediately 6efntie tiie takin is iess th�n theattt�u�i.af the sumo •
<br /> 8 --
<br /> _- -- -
<br /> _ _ � _ _
<br /> secun8 m��atetY 6efoie�tha taking.untess-8atrasr:zr�!�.ender aheiwise agrce in wcitiag.ar unlex.a applical+t�!aw - � � ,
<br /> - ottxtwi5e provides.tbe ptr�eeats s6alf[�a appti�to the swns secured.by tl:is Security Instrument whethcs or rx►t the sums ate
<br /> .. • then due. ..
<br /> .ff the Pcoperty.is abcuidoned 6y Scxiower.or if.aftet notiee.by Lender to Boaower that tl�e condemnor offers ta m�ice
<br /> an aw�d or�a daim far damages.�a'rower fat'Is to resPand t°l.ender within 30 days afte�the date the notice is given.
<br /> ��is�.aa.oQU�ct an�app{y_the proceeds;at its.opaun.eitl�er ta testoration or repair af the Pmperty or to the
<br /> -- - - - --.- sumssecareil[�tisisSeaic�tyInsuument,wl�e�`arnotd�endue.
<br /> - U�Lencl�;�d_84rsog�,+xhet�+ise�in writing.anY apPiication of pro�eds to prira.ipa4 shait noi eatend or --
<br />_ - � postpa�e tl�educ date o�'the moatht��ayments ret�eaed to in parag,raphs t am1?w�chartge the amatmt af such payment�.
<br /> li. 8orrawec l�iot Rdfa�d;?�cs By Leader-Not.a Wsuver.. Factensian af the tim� for payment..ar. - - -
<br />_,�; madif�caaon of amonizatioaof diisai�ts secu��3!�is Security Instrument.granted bp Lender to any succes.�a ia uitecPSr: --
<br /> =-�,r of Bomower sl�all aat:_�perate[o rele�sc the li�si[u�of the original Borrower or Bnrrower,'s successots►n:�nteres7.l.ende� �
<br /> --=_ shall aot 6e�eqaiced t,ir�wmmence p�oceedings�iASt anp successol'in�or refuse to extend tun�:#Ur payment or -
<br /> -=- �r;,q�modify�n��ion of the sums sec►tted by this Securiry Instrnmen�b�m�of any demand r�by the original
<br /> -�. " g�y;��,���.succes,ssocs in intenst. Any for6e�arance by L.ender in exeocising any right or remedy shall not be a -
<br /> -`�- waive;of or z3ie eae�+ci.4e of any right or remedy. _
<br /> `. ��. Bouad:Jdnt wid Sererai I.isibfllty;Co�ners. The covenanu and agreemcnts:of this =__ -
<br />._`,`�K�, 12:;S��s���� _- =_-
<br /> Securiry lnstr¢�si�ii bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L�and Barrower,subjeet ta the prov���ons af 8 �
<br /> paragraph 1�. $ei�ipic;c's covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevesa�.Any Barrower who co-signs this•Securiry• �, ,� _
<br /> Insmiment but doe"s''aox�cecqte tIse;Nate: (a1�s�s�gning this Securiry insti�ieat an/y to mnrtgagergrant and conve�C that; , ', �
<br /> {Wd L!iC
<br /> Bormg-�:r's intemst in tI2�,�'r�aeri���uiiderthe tem�s of th�s Sec�mry Inswment: (b)is not pecs�ially obtigated ta pay the�s 's; ;���� -
<br /> � : s�u�e�lyp,th�g gecun �iets�and(cl agree.s that l.ender and any other Borrower s�a:.^*i�to extend.mod►t'y,fec•i.+�r� � �y+�
<br /> •S� ';j'� - - ��WFSF.6i)F`�'
<br />� . _ or m�ice any accammo�c�s z��zga�ta the terms of this Securiry Ins�rament er sae�without.that�orrs��erc•,::..:;.,;::.,;...>:.':;°i-.:--�..�,=
<br /> � consen�, .. ;.. � �� , � . ��.g,�z
<br /> , ' t� l.aan C� �If:�ie����m secured bp.�hts Security Instrument is wbjecc to�,=a�.kf�cY�,,F;*s�*:�ximuta�au�s < � ,"""_
<br />- . .._} �` c es.,and that law i§fmatip�cied sa that the interest or other loan chaiges colier.��orfa;�o�:?�d in comiei.�si, : . •; _ -. ��-
<br /> m e�.
<br /> harg"' _ �
<br /> wit6 tbe�aan exceed the permitte��itt�.then: (a}any such loan charge shal!be reducec��ay the a?tm�st-�eees.sarY t�•�� � ",�� -----T,y
<br /> the;cln�ti°to tha pertnitted limix une�tb>any sumc already cuqccted from Bormwer whicf�eY�e��er.nitted limic��z"��� _ '
<br />; - � re�x;�zo Batrower: ltimder muy chao�ta muke this refand by reduciag the{�rincipal o���nn:�..�r�-�',.�:'Koae or by making a . _.
<br />`' •' =` _ dice+et"�ayment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the redaction wtii:f,�e tteated as a��-r'wl Fie{�atTne�t withaut any : �. ;�.�„ . � -�•
<br /> � �` piepa��ent charge under the Nate. , . � fi � -
<br /> a;�.
<br /> r 1 Y�•Noticts. Any natice to Bortawet provided for in th1K Security lnstrument shall be given by dz;ivering it or by `"__
<br /> %�''� mailing it by fit�t class mAil untess applicablc law reyujt�es use af stnrnher method.The notice shall ba directed ta the Pro�ei�y
<br /> • Addres9 or any other address Borrower designatas by notice to Lender. Any notice ta Lender shall be given by fint;.fass :
<br /> � � mail tv l.ender's addresa stated herein ar any other address l.ender designates by natice to Borrawer. Any notice provided for •
<br />� �-� in this 5ecurity lar�trument sfiall 6e deemcd ta.i�ave t�een given ta Borrowet�r Lender when givcn a.t provided in this . . _ . __
<br /> ''�'�' ParaBrai�fi• . : -
<br /> ' �:. 1S. Governin�.Law;5everabllity. This Security Imtrument shall ba gavrmed by fedcrat law and tho!aw af thc
<br /> � ±` jurisdictian in'which the Property is located. Tn the event that any pravision ar cl�utie of thiti Security Instrument or the Nate - ,,
<br />': • � ; ��� conflicts with applicable law.such canflict shall not�ffect ather provisions of thik 5ecurity Intitnrment of the Note whinc�an ..
<br /> �•;.� �. • 6e given effece wiihou�tho conAicting proviiar.. Ta�his end the provisians nf�hi�Security Instrument and the Nate arc _
<br /> :• : . .
<br /> . � ,. '. declated to be se���tia�e..• . _.� _
<br /> - }6; g���c��'u+py, Borrower�hall be�*�ea ano confarmed copy e;�S?41�1ate 7nd uf this Securiry Inatrument. . ,.,=�
<br />-� - ''+�� ��17;7'ransfer i,YYhe��'rr�pe�or a Bene�ciat Interest�n Borrawer If aU rn any pan af the Properiy or any interest in �-:, -
<br /> ° lt.��s�.°d or transferted(ar if�a.be�rt�iciat interest ia Borrow���.is�old or trunzfcrred and Borm�ver is not r natural penon) -'��'�'
<br /> ' w�oiit txnder's•prior written Ca.��:nt.l.ender may.s►1 ity opiiuri.require imme dia te pa y m e n t i n f u l l o f a l l h u m s s e c u re d b y :;-,�ti'
<br /> ' ` � '' this�curity instrumem. However,thi•aption�.hall not be cxercised by Lender if exercise i�pruhibited by fedeml law as of ._ -
<br />" � � thedate of this Security Instrument. z� •-' '. '
<br /> . • -�:` .
<br /> r �•:� if l.ender exetM�es�his option.l.ender sh�:�4;ive Borrawer notice af acceler:�tion 71�e notice shait provido a period nf "�
<br /> ' �" noi�a�s than 30 day�+fram the date the notice iv cf�trvered ar m�zted within which Rarra�ver mutiy pay all�umc tiecured by this ,
<br /> r,.�:.
<br />. Sec��ii.� Instrument. 1!Brnrowcr fail�to pay these �um,p?:-�r tn thc cxpir.�tinn ui this period. Lcnder may invak�:tny �'�;;��jj't'
<br /> � rsriretifiies permitted by this 5ecurity Instrument without funhc�r r•n�icc or deman�i�m Bnrro«•er. .
<br /> 1& BaTawers Itigh! to Retn�fatr. If[3^.rrower r;;�:r�cenain conditiuns, Honower shall have the right tu�t�a�c •
<br /> .. �� ' enforeement of thi�Security Instrument di+co�ci:��:41 at uny�'smc prior to the earlier uf: 1�1 S dayv(or tiuch other per��:,::�.
<br /> � . . Sing(rF�mi�y•-ianniY"�9�[-cedAieSiacl��U1t�11VtiTR1'SfErT--L'ndurmCuvcnantr 9f4A �p��g�J��jb�'a;�^.,,` ,' ,
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