��""'a �:'� . � .. .
<br /> - o'�
<br /> —_ ,-.� _ ., . . _._'' ---- _- _- -- . �-
<br /> ---sF�.. �. - _ : ' - • . . . -.. .—� .--- .<._- _ _. . _--.. _ _.
<br /> �'=- -
<br /> -_ ��� , _ ``� '-t�'� - - _ _, _ _ ._.A=--- — ' .. � .. -- - — -- —
<br /> �c �:_ _ 3. ��� � . . __ ,�
<br /> — �jG- _
<br /> _ �— --} = t " - :� . ����,��V� ` ( —
<br /> 53G�
<br /> :si:tc
<br /> �(1qdS thit�.EOdCI tC�YIfCS. 7fiR 1tISYC�Ci{T�f T'_'f{�Ig lbG IIISiKy11CC 5�.�)C C�10�1{'�!�1��#�E tQ IXAdK�b .
<br /> •. app[ovat.wh�ch shaU nat 6e uimeasaW►Wy.witt�hGl� if 8onowes fais to maintai�eoY+c�a�ge.de.vc�kSs�:9�,i.enda�nay.at _'
<br /> L.ender�opticHr,ohtain covesagt to protect Lcn���rights in die PcopenY in acccxdaiiaC wiflt�g�aptti;?�r;: ;
<br /> Ali inwc:�nc�po�icies aad tt�vvals s6all,ba?oceptabk to LeMet snd stwil inclucf�a.s�isdaad:miMg CLw.s�•lendet . . -
<br /> siwli have tbe rigM to t+aid the palicies and n�1��:lf Lender nynires.BorraWer�P�PE�Y 8i�.tq�iWer afl raoei{sts' '
<br /> of paid p�emiums and renewAl tatioes..[n.the avetn:of.iogs.Buiciower�ll give prompt naticc�ta the+ntt�carrk�anQ
<br /> Lcndet. Leadermay makc piouf t�f Ws.4 if nM madp prantP4ly bg Botmwer. � i��.. .
<br /> . � ._ _v.. = tt�t�¢���±o�t±ui�.?i8�9n;w�it3n�r fi�rr�cc pcuccedsshalt.be.�+li�ta=resiaratislt�;i±�t>t�T� ___--� --
<br /> - — - — --- -
<br /> -�'=
<br /> the Praperty d�utaSed.ff the Ys�staratioR.!or cep�i.w;r���ai Yf-��d t,e���sec�u4t}t i�.�uq�t+�{.`.a�fd� if fhe.
<br /> f - -
<br /> _.. - --,- , nstoiatiaagr.�ic.is.t�t ecans?!ni4�l�.f��te or Lender's secuticy wnutd ix[essemod�,fhb;insucut�s'�c shati be
<br /> applied to the sums sec�ued 6�this Securitv.irisuument.wl�tter or rtat then fi��vut1•any��vxa'�y tA�i�;��acrawcr.-t�;. -
<br /> -_- Barmwer abandans tQe Pmpeity,ur:<la�s nat answer wi�hin 30 ctays a naiae fmm t.ens�r i)i�:di�i�sucance carrier fias
<br /> -- offered to.sacic a claim..thai i.��dat ma�:rniteci thr insurance p�ocads. Lenda rn�p:�us�s th�P�to repair a mstaie.
<br /> =-- ' thc pmpertlt or to pay s�secured lt�a thit5�+rity In.�nt�wLetLer a nw the�+�Iua:`At�F:30�day.periaE wil!begia.w6en
<br />==�- the natice is given.. � '
<br />.;-�;:;y, Untess L.endear.and Borrvwerothert►tis,�:ag�ir►,writin8��Y�PP��ia��af,�xap���a�'t±iPal shatl not ex�d or
<br />--_'w -- - pos�tha due data.of.che manchlN�P�;m�tu�+�refemed to in paragcaPlts,1 and�����t�i£:�,th��s�nt of the paymants. If� -
<br /> � - under garagraph:2�.tlte� . cs:ac�st�d'b��t.enda.rt3oaaweis ngd1��Q�at►SS:i�g�c(i�ttce:�ofic�es and pruceeds cesutting
<br /> �3��
<br /> y:�r fmm.datnagc to tha Propgrc3•pnnfl�,tha acquis�aon shailipass to l.ender catha�t�RPf�tlie sums secumt bg this Sscutity,
<br /> .'._`'�` Listrurt�cs�t immediatelpp�iruto;thts;�ui�s3tion. : -`:,. _
<br />`-;��':�:e f.,. Occnppp�,��risdtYstkHfi1,11�inten�c�e and Protection�oL the.Praperty; Borr�rer's Loa�n Applic#tion;
<br />���r_;;; " ' 1,e�ehstid�:.,AArrow�t rJ►itit:t�a��.��E�alit3�.and use tM['roperty as Bom4Wer's pru�c�pal nsideace withirt�i�tcy dzys.after..
<br />- �he esecuiipn:pf fH��Sectttii;{�i�lfral!n1R,nT�and s6aA continuato occupy tbe Propeity as Borrower's prirK�ipal�sid�nce farat.,,
<br /> _ � : le�sk.,one:ytar;t�r;tb��:d�,iof�pacupancy. unless Lender aherwise agnecs m..writing. which cansent.�shalf.not bc.
<br />_ : �f � nn�a.�ran�l'iiy�a't�hC�idt:.(1i:ivi��es�ext�ivating cirrumsta�res exist which are beyoaM:8arrower's candnl. Borrowet shal)not
<br /> ' _ ckqtmg,,,�l+trirsiitl�c W�.Rupeity,atiow thc Prapccty to deteriarate.or commi�w-a�te on the Property. Borrower sl�all.
<br /> . bc.in dafaqh;[F:i►nll.�a.�iwtut�a,acticx►.or p�+nnceedir�g,whether civil or criminal,is begumi[mt in l.endet's good faiih ludBmeR► ----
<br /> • �. cauld��suit::in��faffpjtlltn�af the Property ar otherwise materialiy impsur ihc,lier� Freated by tbis•Se�vrity lnstnsment or - -
<br /> �:. h 18.b causin ihe action.. EQ,-
<br /> l.knd�t�seCU�i�I�nt�(t�;�r,iower maS'cure such a default:u�d e�eins[ate,a5 provicf���paragraP 9 S --_�,..�
<br /> r.=�-- _ '` ' ar Pt�ac�edifig�t .�;��itr»ied witb a ruling Wa�in Let�der?s good fa»h determin�ir.n�mecludes farfeiture of the f�orrower� . '�,�;,,,_..___
<br /> �'e _
<br /> ` , in�ptag�.�iqilhb;�opFrty.orcttiG�muterial impairmcnt of thc liert created by i€ris.S-�earity Inswment or Lender.s�ecurity� ���� -
<br /> ta t -
<br /> - iri�qiu§�;j-Borrower shaif.:utsa 6e in defoutt if Borrower.during the loaa appt�;ca�a?n process, gave materiaily�fals�e or �F���s,
<br />'. . � inaccurate infadnation oF st�tements to Lender(or failed to provide l.ender aitfr aa�.�aterial infarmadon)in connerti�n with� ��;:_
<br /> -=��,, the loan evi�t� by tf�e Note, including. but not timited ta. mpreN.-.,atauarts caticeming Borrawers occupancy af the �•r_._�-,_=
<br /> :,,��.,_ '•.
<br />' •_•�•^�} -• pcopetcy ac��ipai ctsi.deuce. If this Security Instrument is on a Ieas�hotd,.B�:iz��a�er shall comply witb aU the provisions ?_s�=� �
<br />'�F;�%��<: '��• a���:.:g�'.$ �a�.'r�sires fee ritle tathe Propert1r.thc leasehofd`ajiQ thc�eer':�^�:sh�ll not merge untess Lender agmes �;__� -_
<br /> ;�. �., .: . � �--__�
<br /> c� to l�E iI1Cl�C[:�itT72II2�L',. . ..'.": . •
<br />•- . ,:•: X� _ __; 7. y�i+a�tctisn�oF.�:e�ee'S Aights Ia the ProQeatf If Barrawer faiis�x+� e-a�riorm the covenan��and agreements �`��r�_
<br /> ;:;� . cantained 'ui e�is�$eear:���s'�nment,or ch�re is a legal proeeed'sng.s�st mav n�td'uanily affect l.endet's• rightr;In tha v;��=-
<br /> �•.
<br /> • ' ,�� .? Propetey(sdc�i as a proceeu=�&in bankrtiptry.pro6ate,far candemnatian or forfeituie.¢r to enforse fai�s ar regutatiuns),then f�;-�y��;,.-
<br /> � �°�~� Lender may�and pay for.iihatever is rtecessary to protect the valu�bf the Proper�.�d l,ei�iterarigh�5 in the Property. ���=:�..:;�:
<br /> ��=':':� ;�.
<br /> L,ender's actians may irteluite payin�e any sums secured by u lien which h�s priorisy e-�'�'?his 5ecurity Instrument appearing � ''�.:`:� ",�:' '-=='_
<br /> in court. a �n reasom►bfe�»ttome c fees and enterin an ihe Pro rt to make r �.:Althou Lenrler mac cake action ,'1`' � '' •°`:�-
<br /> P Y� S Y• S Pe Y �' Sh
<br /> � � �� . •�- under this paragraph 7.l.ender daey nat have ta do so. � " �sr,,.':��
<br /> ' �. F:'
<br /> . Any amou n t s d i s b u r s e d by l.e n d e r u n d e r t h is p a r agrnph 7 shall becamo additional debt of Borrower�ecured by thi� �*�:`�,]r
<br /> •`: . :r:,'•..,;�
<br /> � Sccurity instnimem: Untesy Boaow•er And Lcnder agrcc tv vihe�temts of payment.thcsc amaunts shall bear iraerest from the � .:�.------
<br />_ ' • ;. duto of disbursement at the Note rate and shall 6e payable,with intere+t,upc�n nrnice from Le�der ta Sarrawer reyuesting . __
<br />' puY�oen� • „-:-: .
<br /> .� " _ S. Mortp„pge lnsuranee If Lender required rnoAgage in�urnncc u+u cancfCtion of making the toan yecumd by thi� . -��
<br /> � "' ? S�curicy lnsuument. Borrawer+hult pay the premiums rcquimd ta maintain the martgage insurance in effect. If. Far any � � ;�'��-:--
<br /> . �y!..:,.. .,�,:�i;T•`
<br /> _'��=�• - • r e a s o n. t h a m a rt g u g e i n s u r an ce c o v e t n g e r e y u i r e d b y L c n d e r l a p s e ti o r c e a s e s t� h e i n e f f e c G Bo c row er �hall pa y �ha - � :,.,���,5_-;_
<br />= - '�._._�.�:�r;!;
<br /> ���. premiums required to obtain cavemgv�uts•tantially cquivulent tu th�n.ortgage insur.mre pn��ruusly in effect,at a cost • .• r.�:,`��:
<br /> � �r" �ubsutntially eyuivptem to the co.t to B��u•.:er oi the mart a e insur�-• re��ivu�t �o rt'fett. �COrn an niternate m�rt a e , , � . „_�: .
<br /> „�� ��;,;ti` '
<br /> - , . , S � �t P Y, _ �, g 8 : 4�,>�,�'..
<br /> _ insuner appraved by l.endor. lf'sulntantially equiv;dent mortgage insurwace c�►veruge i�nat ava:iabw.Borrower phalt pay to •. • -
<br /> Lender each monih u�um equal m oneaweiPth��f thc ycarty mo»gage invuraace,premium being paid by f3orrou��when the � � . . '��
<br /> � � � insurance covemge lapsed or ceayed tn f+e in effcct. Lcnder�+•ill arcept.use und reta'sn the.re payment.r as.�loss rr�crve in licu .
<br /> `�" ,;�-� of inaagage insumnce. La�s nscrve payment+ may nu te�nger rie rcyuired,at thr optinn uf l.ender,if martgage inrurance •
<br /> �..,:;,�.' . � �:�
<br /> , �;.r; �r'; .. •
<br />•.'+�� � !;,.• coverage(in the amaunt aad for thc penaf that l.rndrr rcquires�pro�•i�i:�hy sm in�urct appmved by Lender again becomcs ! , . .M :,... ,
<br /> � � ' ' ' ' availubte and is ubwined.Horrowcr�hall pay thc prcmium�rryuircd t�s L;�aintnim m�ngagc insurancc in cffcct.or to providc a � ' „ . �
<br /> "'-`�'': ', �lo�s rcserve,until the re ai�:ment fur murt a�c in.urancc endy in accordance�vith un w•ritten a_r.recment bet�veen Barra�ver � •, • �-
<br />, . _. q R b y �;�?!1;
<br /> ' . : andLcnderarnpplicablciaY��. '
<br /> ' .r:"'��. .` ; . . 9. Inxpection. l.endet or it�agent muy m;ikc rca�onablr cntri�w upon:md in�pcctian�uf'thc Prc�perty. [.endcr�hall '�t`� • ,
<br /> . ' �' `S� , ive 8orrower notice a1 the timv�+f ur pri��r to m�in+pecti�m��xrifying rc,nanahle cau.¢fur Ihe in.peciian.
<br /> -- - ,�,. . g .,��.,
<br />_ _ ,.;�:��_.: , : . - :
<br /> ._E�c.,,:?�,';'��::�� • . t0: fond�mnAtioo. The proeeed���f nny.n�:ird ur claim for dan�uge�.direct ur eun.eyuential.in eanaection�vith any �,, . �;.�.,:
<br /> :�.,.: ,4.� .,�':.
<br />•, ,� ' ;' ;:.,. •. . . .. . Kinglr kunAy•-�:r.�3e{fae;FreQGie 11x l��li'I)R�11Vti7'Rl�1F:4'P•-t m:nnnf�s.�tii.mt. 9/9Q �lu;�-±��f 4���ig�•.i . .
<br /> - . - , . i.�'; ,
<br /> . •�4�1.;�� •• • . . (RfdlLllflBIHYI�SlF�fP7:�hIC� 1 , .
<br /> �+ t���;!r'%`fi'S.i',.' . .. � , . Tnlininfdlf 1•H04,4SfF!1�`l7?"SF�{10��i7��1•t11� �
<br /> ��� i!' ?i .
<br />. :�,'ti.�- ' �:�?e ' ' . . ( .
<br /> ;:. -.. f� ! .
<br /> . _.� .. . . '.��........ ---� = —�---. . . _. . . . . . . .. ... . _. ,- . ----_-__ . ,
<br /> , , . - -.-- . �_ ,
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