_ � !! - - _�'
<br /> �
<br /> -.�<{ <� - _ - -.<<` - - -- — _— _--- _ –
<br /> '�1 4.� `�•
<br /> �3 �F f.... , ` . ' . _ ..�.. - _�-__'-_-T� --
<br /> .- ___'�"�,._ � _.._.____�_ _ ___ __ _ ' _-__ - ' . _____-__ -_' .'
<br /> ��.- .- �: � .� . _ _ . . - - . .
<br /> ._u.i'�ti.STii� __ _. .__ ' .— ' ' . r � • , `. ... . . . .._ - ._ r : ' _ _
<br /> _ / . � _ `._.` _` . ` ` ; . . . . . . ` ' ' ,. �� ������ �
<br /> ` � � �ppliahie 4ir mt�r spe�fy fa c�d�dot2 6efae sak d the N+upe�ty pmrs�wat w�ey por�r of sab��ia tds'
<br /> ' � �Securi�r.tmita�meo�cr N)a�ay oE:jud�ar mfun.ios Ihis Sen�y�e�e�. 71w�e roaditions aret th�t�Boao�wee t��
<br /> p�ys Lendec all wms whid�tben.vroutd b�due mWer tdis Sec�aity iaguument and ttie Nate as if no aocekntioQ!�d
<br /> �ccurte�(bl cQes�my d�fmll af aoy atha covenan�s or�groements:tc)P�ys a12 e�incumea in eeforcing Mis Se�aiitg
<br /> Lnaumrnr.iaNudin�but rwt.limited ta.reasonaUk aucm�Ys'fas:and,(d�t�i�es such action as i,eeder msy�son�bip
<br /> require to assu�e tit�t th��►of this-�titiry 1a�(nmt.l.s�de��s tights ia the�Plope�ty�nd$oriower3 obliguion�o pry iht�- .
<br /> � soms �c+tQ �jr.ttis Soc�icy InstrWnrnt si�il caYinue um�ch�nBed- Upoa nin�atcmast by Botrnwed. this Secutiry --
<br /> _ -•-- �wr�e,��irl d'k abti ' s�eructd�et�hy slsat!rem�fad�y�t ' ' lr.�acssme�-i�Iowerer:lhis-
<br /> ` d�t to r�iu�ta�si�ti�i�►tbec�se of acceieiatiaa uudst par�graph 17. � _ -
<br /> —� _ f9: 8�it af.N�G�e ef l�sa S�!*icer. 'l�e.�Jote.ot a partial intet�t in t1t�Nate_(togethet wittt t6is Sec�iry — _F-
<br /> = - [nstrumtat)taay i�e soW�ac teati a�nes withoet pt�o��Iise ta Barawec A sak may rr�ilt in a cbaage in ti�e intity
<br /> (l�wn as the."i.aao Sdvioa"3 t6�t coliaKS moothiY P�Y�due w�der thc Note and tlns Socurity Insontma�t. 'llye�e also
<br /> - may be aae or mo�+c�of B�e Lo�n Servicer uimelated w a ssk of the Not� If theoe is a clsn�of t6e I.wn Saviou,
<br /> --- 8amwa wiU be givea writtea notice of tha cluirtge ia aaror0aaoe with paragnph!4 above am applicabk law The�wtioe
<br /> -- - ` . wili save dre narae aod�ddress ot the aew Loa�t Seniicer a�d.tt�add�rss ta which psymaus s6nuld bt tn� 7frC aodce will
<br /> _ -:' � alsocaswiaanyotlterinfanpadc�nralairedbv�ppl"�cableWw. acte{t�seofan
<br /> . ,•-` ------- - 20:-8�S�ti�ce� 8wraw�r shalEnot-capse•or pennit the presence.use.disposal.smasSe. Y -
<br />' :�°i�=� B�onvwer shail not do.mr a11uw 9nyone etse w du.anY�B��8�
<br /> :-_:��- lia�rardous Sabstunces on.ar in tht Prop7ty.;.
<br />= ' .. pbopeRy ttnt is�vtotation of any F�vimnmenW iatw. The pcoepd'u�S.two ssateoces shalt nat apQly to the p�esence..use.ar ,-
<br />:;.�;�: stv�ge An thC Anpe�ty of s�ll qu�adties of Huallous Substa�s that nre gener�lly�ecog�ed to be apprapriate w tiomu�C-
<br /> - nsideatiat uses aM co muntenaace of the Pr�opecty. � �'` :..:::
<br /> - - Bamwer s�U p�ompty 8►ve Lender writtrn�Miee of any invatigation,cltim,dematd.tawsuit a�othec aaioa#�g si�Y.. °;._':-
<br /> '};:; �v�a��ay;-�ry,a p�iw�,te parey involvmg tAe Pmpacy aud aQy H�dous Sabstance ur Eav�a�L.':`-�:�•:: - ___
<br /> � law oP which Ba�wer lus actual Ftawledga if Barawer:karas,ot is notified 6y anY Sovernmental a'iegaT�� �.":::.. --
<br />:-+;':==' a�unodt�r:aac any iemwai or ahec�et�'iatian of any tiaz�+dous Subuance aa'ecting the Ympecey is nxessuy,Horm�er -. .•':- --
<br /> ' sbail�omptl3►tal�e a11 rleoessuY lernedial Actioas in accadanct with Envi[unmartal l.aw. �. � � _ ':: --.-
<br /> , As used in this p�Qh 20."Hazardous Substanc.es"aze those substsnces defu�ed as to�ic or harardous�by'. ?.k=` ��_ __
<br /> s
<br /> ` E o v i r o n m m W L aw a n d t h e f+�l tow i n g suDstances: g a s oline.kaosene.other flammable or toxic peaoleum piodr�cs.toxic • r��
<br /> �� -
<br /> _ , pespctdes,i�id he�bic�des.:��'su��7e solvents.materiats containing as6estos or formaldehyde.and radioactive�a1s• As;�.: ,��.,,�� -
<br /> .- . used in this par�g�a�h 2(j;"�ntal Law"means federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction wbe�e the�is'toca� ��.� �
<br /> ` . that nlate w lx�alch,safety or envfitonmerttal p�rotectia�t.. '��'' �" -
<br /> i. . --
<br /> �,,:;,.': `''� � NO!WUNIFORMCQV�TANTS. 8oimwer and I,�der further covenant and agree as follow� _ ���,►�-i
<br /> :7�y, to Roero�rer rioir to Accekratiod[oilavri�g.Borru+�et`�.,. � � n� -
<br /> .:�r: 21. Aaxlcrat�;� Leader sl�alt g�r-�mo�ioe P .��`. ���'� �'�
<br /> `�°,;E� ` Ue+qcb ot asy ooveaant�n�reea�est is thi�S�trtt�F,�trumeat(bat aot prior to accelaat�oa�ud��=�?'?;�.� .`r_s�.'":___` -
<br /> �- ,�'. `;�, ae�spp+icnr�le I�nv pr�rci�Yea ai�er�v�se). The eoncz s�au spectry: (a)tl�e aeuipn;tb)tbe a�ti��i��s+e w� ��
<br /> 'fY' •i�etsdh,(d i��e,oot 1e�s tbsa 30 ds�t;om t�e dste t6e notice is�ives to Borrower,by wWctr�e d"efartR�ust��e - � -
<br /> ,�"�R� , -� caeedt s�d Q�i tTp�ttailaiire to cnre tl�e de�N on or before tLe date specified fa t6e eotke rtwg aesuil in aeceieration a� , �.�
<br /> aa
<br />. �;�;,:�f� '� ' tLe a�ss sec�td by tid Secarity iMr��me�t asd ssk ol tbe Property. T6e aotice sb�N fiw�lier i�form Borro�rer at �"` .-
<br /> the ri¢t to rei�tate alter�tecekratbn aed the Hght to 6rLng a court acttoa to�ert t6e non�existence d s defauh or �-�.� �r
<br /> - `; asy dl�a�dehase d Bareoyver to Aoceleratbn aaf sak. If t6e defsait is not cured oe or before tbe date specJfkd in ��S<� �_.�"=
<br /> �+:....:".,°:`� t6e eotia,Lender at its bpt�oD ms�y require immedtate�wyment in tuU of a0 sums secured b tb�s SecvritT lastnument � �
<br /> . •.j:5 ao otlier rmitttd by appli�Dlt iaw ���.��``� °� '_".
<br /> .: ,� . �T�.��;� . �rit6ort furH�er demand Aad may ievake the power of snle and y �e�eedks pe
<br /> '<4:�;;i.�. .,�?r..t��.� 'I.tede�s6�11 be eatJded to cdlect all expeaSes incan�ed in pursuiag the remedits provided in t6�p�ragrnph 21, ' .
<br /> ' �' ' '1�'�`��- . iacl�ding,6at�wt limited t0.reasonabk attorneys'fees and costs ot titk evidenc� ' -
<br /> .;:i;:�.� . ��.i:, ,
<br /> .. It tl�e po�rer o�sak Is iavaked,7Uustee s6a[6 ceoord a notke ot dtfault in each caanty in whicb aay part ot the _
<br />' Property b bcated aad sUall m�ii copies of such aot�in the mAnner prescri6ed Sy appllcabk Ixw to Burt�a�er And to k
<br /> ;.:�'.. tbe aber persons pre.scr�'bed by appUcabk law A�r the time required by appUcabk taw.7tusta sha0 give public �� _
<br /> • � ; aotia dssfe W the persons and in t1�e e�anne�presiarlbed Dy appikabk law 7Truste�wlthout deewnd oa Borrower, ��� � , _
<br />_:�`r;'�1;� ,
<br /> ;tr.;;,; . ��•"''` �� sh�ll sdl tb��raperty at pn61k auction to 11k highest bWder at the time and place and under the tern�s dsig�ated in • _-
<br /> :�;h�,.� . � ,
<br /> ;. s.��:�` � . ihe notke d'sAk ie one or more parcels and in an��order 7irusta determines. Trastee may pastpone sak o�sdi or any t .
<br /> • �•����'�,' : �arcel af tre Property by:Qubtic annouecement at ti�etime and IACe ot an prevMusl schedukd sala Lender or its t �. , •
<br /> _-',:.��:, , P 9 Y `�;!;°',;`: • ,
<br /> � ��'��'i�, • . ,.���p jpt of.p�gment�ot`16e prke b1d.T.rr�tee shali detiver to thef,pu�c�asee 7bastce's deed conveying the j:�>{?�•;``�. • '-:
<br /> • t�..'�`r��;�° U �.._ •,.
<br /> �, '�4'��if'.;;';;�,( Praperty.'1f�rtrecitais imr tiie 7Yasta's deed sbaU be prlma tack evidence ot iK�rnth of the statemeets made therei�. .. ,. l,t��.i�r'� ' : f.;
<br /> :. -��', •�' 7lrustee sM�'i y�pDly t6e proceeds of the sale in the fMlowing order. la)ta ail cost�and expe�5es of exercising the pawer`�' . . '.�,`.. . __
<br /> �- � +. �5- . �"�t��.;. -=
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