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<br /> �.
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<br /> _ �,.. � - ...-: -- --., .. . _ _ �.
<br /> __ . �, -�-- - - -- -- - - - -- - --._
<br /> ,-�-,r ._------ :><:.� -----� ------- _ -
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<br /> _- �,.^ -=�--�- - ,��' ?:;a-{: ,..�'T' _•�_ � _ -- --- -- _-- ` : _, - _
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<br /> . . � �,_.._-------------_..-...�- -- ---- ------ -�-- - _ -. -- -- - _ --
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<br /> _ i ... . . .` � � eme�ts nov►r a��a►!�PmPectY•��11;e�a��T����eS, . . .
<br /> . '!'aGEI'HFR�ViTH ap tbe unp�ov
<br /> � . aid fixpires aa�r ur hae�r a pat of the p�oQe�ty. A!I�s and addition�sUali alsoR be coves�.bp tLi&.�Y,
<br /> . - InsWtti�t. Aq,af the foiegang!s refet�ned w in this Socurity Insaume�t ac the"P�npcRy."
<br /> � 'B�.COVFNANT�ttsat Bo�mv�er js tawfuity seise�af thc_csc�te Gereby eo�veyed and has t6c right co graat:
<br /> = �.aad comrey the Ptaperty and�hat t6e Aope�ty is uneacum6ered.exn:pt for ericumb�anccs of rocord. i3otmwer warrartts and
<br /> ° `will defend gent�altSr tho t�tk to tl�e Pmpeety a8a�ns�t aR claims aed dem�nds.subjec[to a�r encumb�anoes of rococd.
<br /> - � 11�STR(JMENT combines unifoml eovec�nts for nationat ose and nat-uniform covenants vrith - -
<br /> -�-=- --- - - --
<br /> _ �. _ ____�_____�.
<br /> __ -- limiced v�ritilions by juns�cdun ta cautitine a umforta seCUraY aat�i��T4ov�rgteat p:op�cty:` . _ -
<br /> -, - - :- _ _ . UNff�BM CQYENAr1TS,�.�ot�ru�!!!et and Lender cave�at�t and a ` :t9 follows: _ - _
<br /> 8�
<br /> . l. Pa��t d Pri�cip�i s�d IiterN;�repsY��i.ate� �wer si��i�►typtly�y�'�d=sG t!�. - -- E__ _ _
<br /> princ,tipal of snd i�qn 4he debt avidencod by th�Npte and anY P�PaY����.tate charges due under the Note. e _ _ -
<br />-•;,".;}' � � Z. Fsirts faE'13�sesaMl�nee. Sub3�ta applica6fe law a to a±�r�4u:a waiver by Ltnckr,Bortower stwlt pay to , _-- -
<br /> '��'{ S, i,ender on.tl�e day mvathlY payroen�s.ate.due w�d e r t d e:Note.unti l t h e.N q tR is p�i d i n f u l l.a s u m t"F u n d+")for:(a}yeut y . . --�
<br /> ; Ib)Yearly teasettoJd " - _ _
<br /> - tues and ass�ts which t►�Y aua�n p�4�+iY.ovei this Securiey,jor,mament aq a lien on�he Propecty: ��_ _..�
<br /> _ au �
<br /> '�:= '- p�yrneot�pr gmutlQ..iqtt�.an,.the PtupGtty. tf Atty:i�? Y�Y;t�iard�ar.propecry ia.�srancs �ums,td)Yearty ttoad � �F_� --_�_
<br /> • . ; -- insu3aneePrefn!ums�if anyr,(e�Yeady�mrntSaBe+n�CdPce P��p�Ps-.if.anp;��nd(iy any sums RaYabie•by Botrowu to �.� � �
<br /> � � ' :- �L�uxacaordanca with tl�p Pmv�smns of paragtaph.$.ia lieu of[he paymed�af mortgage insur.ux:e prem�u�:- �� - - ,
<br /> ` , F-, .�•ite�.arecaUed"F.scruw t�" l.ender may,at a��:time.collcct aad hotd Tvnds�ia an amaunt:e�of�w eacce�d tha mazimum � z� � ::
<br /> T�l . •
<br /> a¢i A.a�a te n d e r far a federa!!y�related mattga�ge toan may ctquire for Banaweis eserow ae.�QUnt unr#er the.feckral Real k;.,��".�_
<br /> ,.�`<� .:� �st�c SeuIetn�at Prnoedutes A�ct of!S}74 as amended from time tn time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 rE se ..t"R E S P A").un less a n a t N e r _:i�',,,±��
<br /> ' ':-°:'taw ihac"appli�s ta tde f�nds secs a L�er.ama�n� If so.L.ender maY•ac aa�r�pme.cotlect and ho�d Fnnds in an a4l�wnt na co . "'�s�=
<br /> -' }` . .;,;�T�excood tbe ksser�moun� l.Mder may escunate the amount of,Ftlnds,due.ae t L e b a s i s,o f cument.data �nd reasonable - . . 4,.�..
<br /> _ . . mou . . _
<br /> � _ =estim�tes ot'expe�Widities af fatu[�e Esc�ow Items or otUerwise in�ccardat�ce widt applicable law. _��.t � T,-
<br /> ` �, • 7t�e Fvnds s1�a11 be helA in an insaq►tioa whose depositg:a�,ins�uied by.a federal agency.inswmentali[y,or e�nitY ,': '.
<br /> . <,. ;.
<br /> .. - . .�`. (i a c l u d i A g L e a d e r.i f L e n d e r i s s�h a n i a s t i t u t i o n)o r i n a n y F e d e t a l N o m�t.o a a Hank. l.ender shaU a p ply the Fw�ds to pay • ��,-
<br /> ' g app the Futlds,arumall anat the esCZOVK �" `.-r` �-
<br /> � the;�e'qv Items. Lender may not charge Sorrowec far holdin .aad: 1�ing Y Y�8 - .
<br /> ,sf=• c' �.-� a�c„v�v e r i f y i n g the Esemw ltams. untess Irender paya Bom�wer int�est an the Functs and applieable law pem�ita: � . . � �-;�--
<br /> . . `ti, . . 1.e.ndei�t��,�aake such a charge. Hm�Never,I.ender may requicc Borrawec to pay a oae-time,chacge for ati in t real � -
<br /> .. .;.'';. estatc tax repo�rt�.5aesi:ce nseb ir¢��nderi�i cauMOttion wid�this laan.untes.s appticabie izw provides ott�env��:. E-'�- - . Y
<br /> � ` ' �.� agreement is madei�¢�a��able Tac�`arquites inte�St w be paid.Lender shall_not 6e required to pay Bormwer any inter�st or ._ a T;?
<br /> z�:� :'`•:,.:,.� eamings on the Functs�:;�cstv�;eF��ender may a8ree ia wnnng.however.that interes[shali ha paid on We f�ds:•.i�nder• .���_
<br /> � ` ` shall give to Barrower:�itttoat�r�ar�an annual accounang.of[he F'unds.showing credits and debits.tar t�s:�ds�a�tha •� ' T.� �a
<br /> . �
<br /> �• 's'• `, i;, pur�wse for which each debit to�L�iinds was made. The Funds are pledged as additimtal Eeasriry for.ati.s��rd.@y • .. � !�.�
<br /> ' '�.�.�� .�r..• this Security Instrume�t, •-', ' . . - • . ;' , -��
<br /> _ j�t°. ; :�'� .. =-�-
<br /> ;�, ,, .. ,r.'..• [f the Funds:h�3sy Lender exceed tlre.amounts pe�mitted to be hetd•by applica6Te.�aw. l.er�er s�a1t avca¢��:10
<br /> ••-�., % . � Basrower foG the ez�'-�unds in accurdance with tho requirements of.applicai�le law. If the amaant o€tP�e Funds hetd b�r ��-
<br /> ' '` ��. �is`u�t sufficiem to pay the�.scrow Iteins when du@.i.ender may so notify.Boaower in writing.zad.in, � -�~_-
<br /> . b;;-'� �-�uY u t deficiea�y.� Borrower shall inake ug:tfla, . ,..;� -
<br /> s�cEr�;c�$�osrpwer shatt pay�to:�der ihe amoant aecessar�r.to make �'���-_
<br /> up.she , ,,:,:;'�„�
<br /> -:.� 'i�; `',�` q elves�,a,tblypa ents.atl..endersw;ediscretion. - �'.' `'�`.' ��
<br /> •,�y:�';°�:;�, �eErri�i� o morc ihan iw Y� � r
<br /> B i:4'• �
<br /> � , ,T?C.'J,�� �.e...�� • . .���'::... :.ati.� _
<br /> . � �:�, , t u�€,7 a Y m e n t i n f u l l o f a�=��s s e c u r e d b y t h i s 5 e t�u i�.g,�;�.�ntinen�Lender shaif.p c e e n ptly refund to Bortvw�r ai►}r � � {._:��.��;: .;.
<br /> •�•tt°r+%,:�.:. , . •>.;;,.G. .
<br /> '•:',:�s°q;�;�t•` • Funds�t�7d by Lender,It�under p^�,�raph 31.Lender shat4�:gi?i.�.or sell th�Property.Lender.pdor tathe acyuisition or : _
<br /> ,� ,t�`J1`1,� ` , ' s a l e o f:1 h e P m p e rt y.sh a l l a p p l y x�;;.�c►d s he l d by L en der x t i h e t i m e d f�o q�i s i h o n a r s a l e a s a c n e d�.�g a+n s s t h e s u ms � . ,��:�
<br /> � �:�-k���: J[�;"�i' ' ' 1 � � � , .
<br /> , ",'., ' rc:t���.,;r: secure�5y.thisSecuritylnsWmert.� :
<br /> �_ .;,`� ���;;.�._ 3: ,Applicatbn of Prayments. .Unless applicable law���aczdes otherwise. all payments receiv e d by Lender under > , ,. .
<br /> _ ;:`i,.�;' �}�yJr�-�-�`J��1 and 2 shall be applied:�ir�t.to any prepaymentc�r�es dus under the Nae:secand.to amounts payable under � ,.t.i.�.;:,:,;:�:�.:.�
<br /> �7:I�t�1 L. � . !�^P�"� �:- i"`_
<br /> , ._;;;;�y�}���'.�:' paragrap(�2;third to intetest due:fourth.to principat due:and 1x�.to any late char�es due�utder tha Nate. � . '.,•-,��.',:::.`
<br /> ';�-•�;���• 4. C6a�es; Lieas�. 8ortower shall pay all taxes. assessments,cha��. finos and impositions amibutabte to the � 1�;','!';.`'�"'
<br /> .a''""f''�` • Aroperty which ma�'a'�a;n priarity over this Security Insuumenr.and lease�a�d'�ayments ar ground renu.if any. Borrower r � '.'; "•:�:;-.-�-
<br /> �;:�=:`�j;}, , shall pay these o6ligy�e:�.c in the msuu�er pcovided in paragraph:3.or if not�4tF��ni that mnnner.Boaower s:�al!pay them on s..° „-�:r:;�•" . �`
<br /> -- - ���`''��:%<•>; tlme di�X ta tt(�,pe.:�on owed pa?ment. Borrower shali pc�mpr�w,€umish ta Lender all notices af amaunts to be paid u�der � �;�°.�� •�ti�%-, •. ��'
<br /> . -...*� , ��"� fumi�lito Lender reCei evidenc':n ; . •"'•:':�'`�;�;� .
<br /> ''�..r',�f'?�;;;<", thls Fcc:"�ph. If�Crcower m'a4:�.:t"tese paymenu directty:Bcrr+�s�wrt shall promptly P� S .,;,;,•. •.
<br /> �� ,°�1� �� thepaj'�:sts. � : f ; . `jr}�, ,
<br /> � ,��'T,t ; 8ocrowet sh�i`��mptly dischazge any Iien which ha�prior..y over this Security lnstniment unless Sercnwer.(a)agrces �
<br /> „f ;�.�s. � ` in wri�ng to the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien�n a manner acceptable ta l.ender.(b)co�irc good faith the � , • ,.:... ' .
<br /> . -��=,.:<i�,t;,. , tien try;a�,defends against enforcement of thc lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinian aaerate to prevent the ± , _
<br /> ' -°•,�;:t:;tl�: i. '.,,: .. .•._
<br /> •- �� � er�i�u'�s„�i of the lien:or tc)secures from the holdcr of the li�at an ngreement satufactary tu.l.ender subordinating the.lien : ,.,.��,,:. .
<br /> • '�'::•�;�t�"� . w this�,�ery Ici�,.^�ment. lf Lender determines that any pnit�df:r:te Property is subject uy:�lien which may attain priFriry :::'`:4;~•. '
<br /> . _�t„.�'.,�n�J.' I
<br /> „ �;,:.ti�M;;,�: over t hi s S e c u ri ty�s�'CS�m e n t.L e n d e r m a y g i v e B o r r o w e r A t t vtice.identif yin g the lien. Barrn,�•er shall satisfy tho lien ort�ke . ' f . .
<br /> •� one or more of tfte�i��ns set forlh above within td days of the giving o�notice: [ , •.
<br /> '`.,., :N. ::: .�� 5. HaTard x Properly Insunnce. Bortower shatl kec�g the impravements now exutin�or hemafter erected on thv ; .
<br /> . 't"' '�•;�: Property insured against lasw by iire.hazardc included within tF►e tNnn"extended coverage'and nny othet har.ards.includin� , � �;
<br /> '�`'�' '''':`..;il"; � ilot�ds or floodi for which L.endei rc uires insurance. Ti�is iisumnce xhall bv maintairted in the amounts and far tlze � • :.
<br />. . `�: �:• ;a. �� a , -:;,.:
<br />, .,� -.. . . �Ofal.�� 9i� IJNl�;P1 Pf A f/Qf,Pil . 1`,! .
<br /> . ._ . . . . ' . . _��
<br />; ' =�j , �. - ; � i:' .
<br /> � . � � �' . , ,.
<br /> :�� .....".._""' ' � . . - ' .. . , _ . �
<br /> .��.'
<br />. •'�, _ . . � ' . . . . , .
<br /> � .� � r ' .. . . . - � . . �.
<br /> - • • /. . � ' • " .
<br /> �.�� .
<br /> . .. . , f
<br /> � . ,. t . '. � . � . _ --
<br />