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sz;a�.,,.,� - ..., n.:..... .. ... . .:_ ... __ <br /> i`}`��'� po�wN m�Y au�eueA �de�u:l end rotn�uth af prmld.d H pvopraph 18, Dy cnuahp 1he e� a prooae�p rc a ....z .� <br /> � r�-�:� , , • d�M�ead��Mh��uNB th+L h landWs pood WN CetavluVOn�preWd3a ta+t�'tw�W Na Bw�a:•r�Intuesl N Ne Yirop.xp�a . ..._ -_.-..__. <br /> � r i • oNR�ivW iripWMnl ol IM W�auttd Dy IhN &wdy NtWCMt q IM:ANY �IWAd Y11�7131. 80110'HM�Ril WO�/0. <br /> f%,.,;�. �[_ N dtf�LLf tl Oortowt6 durNq N�Wen cmDYraCm proaa�qw rrrtNYfy hlae or N�oouMe Nfomxtlai or t4�temenU to Len6N . — — .. . <br /> � e c `_:'� iwtrirrJ�ea ca r�ew�.+�utlau�eon�p�0„ort�ow�o�auDN�n��eN p Dm�Y�rtt Qmo�1.A n�tliM&a�9y� — ' ` <br /> 3,�°.�,,. ., MaWm.�t h�n kucfioA. 8orto�a eh:!oonpy x4h d tAe pmA�bns of the NaN. II 8orrow��aqi6�i b�We to N�. � _— ... . . . <br /> Woperty,th�Ixnehdd md Ne lee We eM!nol morpe uUts�LEndar��ea�to lho mc+p:t N re�I�Jn6 <br /> �, � ' _ ..._. .. _. <br /> N �, 9. Protcotton ot I.onder�Riphta In th� BORqYH hi! t0 D������MNU Nd/�OH11N�U ' <br /> « nT" ��1. <br /> r h,, , oonwnaa h we sa�xy mmw�4 a NKa b�kpY WoutQnD N�t mry�1pn'laniT�r dlad lanAM� AyhU N Ih�WOP�OI� � <br /> u <br /> sY i �7i �? (weh lf�P���O N bNhuptOy, oondmntlian a lala9ura a lo anlaee 4vri a repA�tbnq� Nan Unde1 r+ry � -_F� <br /> � ; {-�r' do�nd pq fa wha�ara la n�onauy ro proleet�he nlue W�h�Frop�ty md Lw�dt+'s�ta�N t�o Mopcety. Lmdar'e aotlmf _ - . . .. <br /> "� mq Ndude pryN9 My ewM17 tlw�tA Dy� IGn whkh M� P��I 0%M W7 BOaulry N6WmM1t, epplLtnp N OOUn, p�y'n0 . . .. <br /> a �jr},�F 4� rxaomCle a�tana�a'IePD end entaAnp On Ne kopMy to moJcO Kp�YO.AAh0u9h lmdlr mq IdcO ldbn undM ihif Dul�Dh �'�vi <br /> t�`)J r,`t���' 7,Landn doea nol hero to do to. `i:,v�,y�. J"j: <br /> ;' rli�`!, 'r;u•k MY+mWMe dshumed by lmaN undu pamgraph 7 enJ 6ecome �ddi�wW debt of Barowa aaurod by Wf ` i> r >4 ,�. <br /> 3 tf;�! �„';; BeouHry NeWmenL UNaae Bonava end Lender e�oe to olhr tum�ol peyment,t�oae emoums�hs1 Ew Intaest from "r �";��s_�=_ <br /> _� ��_ .s�r�,,� Na dela ol AaDUra�voml ut t�e Nole nto en0 aha7 be peyeble,wAh NteroN.upon nolke kqn Lender to Bortowa req+eath9 !;?i�< r ' __ <br /> y ,.i't. WYmonl .,, __," <br /> h�r�:n� 8.M'ofl$9$D 6nEtaTinCi,tl lenda reyN�nd malYaBa hroua�ea w�earBYOn el matkvj tlw Bsm dawrod bY tAN t -t a�� . . <br /> 9W <br />.-.�9ai%�?�`��'� Sea'dY H��nmt Bwrow�a1n7 Pal the Wem4ma rzquYM 1a m24ea1+tM m�ag'+l�svra+w tr�e9xd.BL IG oy�» < �bf� ik t�i,��f�'Y�,{ :; <br /> ` Pl t�•4 t + r <br /> �. �'. ,'.3,� mort�p�msura.�we ar�c+eGe�e�leM h�.ender MPee�a acesa a ta f�dsect BwTawer sna7 pry mr Pcad�m+ tt�+'xdW '`';: 7 y�--. <br /> ,�vU}`.; obt3h eorerape s��6slanWPY e0.+�alrm w the mort9x9e Y�EU�noe pm'IOW�f t�efSecl �1�cost eW�IViGary eWNdenl H Sn � ����yi`.a f a�}'�`''. <br /> r �f�i<�,�.� cosl to Bortmrer oi 1he matyepa In�urenee prevlousy In eflod, from an e".emm� mortga8e Ms�nn apyimed by laWer. tl �Z,i,��p��w�`-_-__. <br /> y� , }k ::i::� onHweNh o11�haHal[nlmmortB�o Neuruiee�emNmi�nnol�ereAeble.�rtowerhanlheNarmce eor ge lep�ed aoei eEto ?}fx5+.ff`��xr;�-.-,: <br /> °Yr "`u; be h e11ed. Lend w0 eoeepl, ute end rePlah Iheee paymmU e�a bse rosavo N Geu ol motlg+pa Inaurenca Losa rssene ,� �1 y .�r rat � <br /> n� --�. peymmb mey no lon9er Ce requtred el ihe oPYOn ot morlpage Inw�enee coretapa (In the emount end lo�ihe pMOd �tf '(.i� j�r`y.- ' <br /> { �- 1Mt Lender raqukes)proNded by an Injurer �pprorod by Lender eqJn bttomea ew9e61e enA b obleNed 8ortower ahaC p�Y t �'.`�yY��f��'' " <br /> � ��. Jb1r.� a_ -�- <br /> ; "_-��� the prm�um�requtred to meMIW monyege nwrenee In e11at. a to provide e loas reaene.uniB Ihe requYemrnl ta malga9e !,`�.f .�.�i�.-:,''`="� <br /> ` Yuuranee onda h aceorde�e wlth efry mitlm egreement 6aRVem Bortower end Lender or epploeble Mw. ._� '��{ � irver� <br /> _r - t(f.��y�- 8. IOSPBOt100.lmOe a Ile�gent mry make reeaoneble enW�s upon and hnpedb��ot ihe Properry. Lendet shall qke �;�"tS,r s'�it '_�'- _� <br /> .-,�,� Bortower nollee N the 1Yne ol a p�lor to en hapeWan epeoYyNg reasonable uuae la Ns WpeWm. .;T,il��i� " ;;,, <br /> - -f+;� 10. COfId9111110tIDt1.The p�oceedi ol eny award or olelm for dam�pea, dred o�wnsequenYeL N oonnaction wllh airy _r t ;�c a ._ <br /> J�i� eondamntlon a olhw�ekine ol o�ry put M 1ho Propwty, or for eomeyance N leu oi wntlemnatlm, are hera6y ss6lpned end �' 1� �u� `- <br /> jr <br /> ,.s�, ahalbeP�dtoLenaa. j���; �� <br /> + . In the menl ol e total Wdny ol Iho Property. Iho D�oeeeda �he0 be appAed to Ihe sumf sewred by thb 8eaally ��;�? .� — <br /> �� In�Wmm1.whelha a not ihm due. wlth my excma P�to Bonaver. In the wenl of o paNN WdnB ol 1he Propary In }rElk� �i 4f5 -' <br /> { :vY� N:Nr°flt�.'�'..d:O.�JC h'�NC P(CF��2�9�°�'L'°-�_Mw�ha Lkin9 4 at�uel�O O!M22IM 1hN Ne emount ol Na sums _.. 1 �`�� :_ _ ... <br /> - eewrod by Nb Sopuiy InaWment Nmetl�tey bebre the teldn9•aNaaa Bonower and Lmaer olhavrise o¢ee in wAlhg. the � � �- fi f�� _ �� : <br /> , � euma aecuted 6y ihb SeaAry NeWmmt eha0 bo tedueed by Ne emount oi iha p�oeeeda mull�pfed by the fo�orAn9 iraetbn. L t•� ' ��+�+n> <br /> i ' t ) <br /> f �' ' '' (e)the tolel unount of iFe eum� eeared Immedal belore Ihe IaWn . dMiAed b �b)Ihe fa4 muke[vofue ol lhe PropMy < . J' �� ,e� <br /> ;., -� Nmudbtdy belae the teldnp.My belenee ahatl b�id to Bonoxrec In th�erenl ol�perliel takN9 0l t�e Proparty N whkh s7 S�a.. . S}3.�r.=:_ <br /> � -;�.i Iha telt me�kol value ol�ha Properry immedaley balwe t�o tekNy b leaa Ihan the emounl of the eums searetl Nmetllatay S_il, - f}� „ --- <br /> -�- belora tho WdnB� uNess Barowx m0 lmder oNenNSe agree B wrltlng w unleas eppECehle law o1ha�NSe Woridaa. No <br /> l , .r'-„'`�y `„%r,,. . <br /> a s } � <br /> -�„��=�: �, ..,i� ptoeeede ahN 6o epWed to Ih�auma eewrcd 6y Ihh 8ewtly InaWmeM nhelher or not Ihe aume ero Mm tlue. 4,�;�.},��..��f` � <br />",,%�- ��� ��•,j II tho RopeM1y b ebendonM by 8arowa. or H, e0er notlu by Lentla to Bortown Ihal lhe candemna ollae to m�ke�n 2.•;:. :.;��.`;•s.4' - <br /> --�if�i� ewmd w sUYe a deM for d+mapee, Bortarer IeO� b reapond lo Lendar reMhin 90 deye eRer Ne deto the notlee b 8�• i :' !:'��L=-,�_� <br /> ':,{:� Lmdor b aWhodxetl lo eo0ed end epDb lhe proeeede, el X�optlon, oXher to reataeUOn or rep�tr oi the RopMy or to 'Kt -_. <br /> .� ' the t�ms saa+red 6y fhta BewAry InsWmmt,wholher a nol thm duo. 1I .,{ � ��' "- <br /> � � ��-=- UNasa LmAel �nd Bartmer othervdse egree N wdling. eiry�ppliuYon ol Droceads lo pNdpal �MI nol ebond or `_ _' �� ii; <br /> � - �'% posipone tho due dtle ol ihe moMhty peymmle roferted to N DengnOhs 1 end 2 a ehenge Ihe emounl ol weh peymente. r ,, i ' ?�E ;� <br /> _�a_�:: 17. Borrowar Not Releesad; Forboarance By Londo� Not a Welvor.�ams�on o�me Ume tw peymem w - -;;�; - <br /> � modAwlion ol emonhetbn ol No eums aecured 6y Ihie 8ecu�iry InaWmm�grenletl by Lendm to eny sueceaea N t�ttrest � ��� _._ <br /> ol BotrawG 6M1 not oppelo Ia rdWe the De6A'iry ol t�e odBNel Bortowa or Bartower� auoceuora N Nlermt. Lmder aMll � :_ <br /> � ' not be rOquYed to Cammanoe proCeednga �pehal eny 6ueteaaw N hteresl or reWSe lo e�OMd�Ime for peymenl or olhefWiss 1ppp... ,;jr�'•!�'"'�!"— <br /> � � moGRy emoNUtlon ol the wma aewrud by thu 9eafiry inswmmt by �wson of any demand mide by tne o�ipSial j .�.. ? -'- �-. <br /> i f •,. <br /> - . _ BarowM or Bonowete euccesno�s N Nleresi. My Iwbearence by Lmder In oxttdsMg any Nflh�a ��^�'/6�e0 nol D� a `..- .�kFi,,_:_ � ��. <br /> waHer ol or pedude tho exerdee ol my�i9ht a remeQy. �-.'��" �� <br /> ��� � 12. Buooeeao�s and Aselgne Bound; Jo�nt and Soveral Lleb�llty: Co-signora.n�e corenenu .na � <br /> ib� -• � ���� �greemmle o�IMa Sewdly InsWmenl 6haA bind end bene0 tha sucussora and esaipna ol Lender md Bonown.aub�ad to Ue � - <br /> -:;m��' qoHalone ol pam9�+Vh 77. Bonowere cormenla end eyeemmla ihell be)oim end tevaal My Barowa nho co�+lgna Nb _, <br /> - 8ewdry InsWmml bul doea nol axecute fhe Note: (a)b walynhg Nin 3ecuriry InaWment ony lo matgep6 q�ent end eomey - <br /> . fr� - Nat BartorreV� inlaesl in Ue PrapMy undtt Ne Ittms ol Ihis Seatlly insVummC N)t+not pnsonaly oDYpnted to pey Ihe <br /> � Wma icared by lhis 3editNy�naWmenl: end(c)eprees tha! LmdM antl elry ol�er 8ortower mey agrM to exlmtl.modAy. - <br /> Iabtar or m�ke eny eccomnwdalbne Mih reqertl to Iha Imns ol t�b Sewriry IneWmml ar Ihe Nole wilhart Ihet Bortmwis =_ <br /> ' - � canaenL -- <br /> -� � 73. L0811 Ch8f9B8.��Ihe l0en neared by Ihis SewAly InsWmmi is au6jeci to e 18w whlCh self inexlmum ben <br /> ,� thargef.�nE�hel 18w is fuiaV/Nletpreled to IhN ihe Inlneal or olhet loen Cherges Wlecled or fo be eoleUed in conneclbn <br /> - � wil�fhe loen oxcead 1he pe�mlled Gmile.Ihm: (o)eny nuch loen ch�rge alutl be rcduced by Ihe emounl neuaeary lo reduce <br /> Ihe e�erpe to 1he pemJlted imil: end(b)eny aume atready ca0aled Uom Bo�ower which exceeded pemulletl Frvls rri1 <br /> , _� be reNnOetl lo Bortmer. Lmdn may choose to make IMS �elund by �Mucing I�e prindpal owetl undn ihe Nol¢or by = <br /> mnldng e dued paymml to Dortowtt. 11 e �efun0�educes pdndpal 1he reduUlon .riY be Vealed es e panie� prtpeyman� <br /> xilhoul eny prepnyment eha�pe un0er the Note- <br /> 74. NOtICBe.My nolice to Bortowtt p�mided lor in ihis Searity InsWmem shep be ghen Uy EMiverinp d or 6y mailinp il <br /> ; by hal daee me➢unieaa app4aEle law requires use ol eno�ha meihod. T�e nolice nheil be drede0 Io I�e kopMy AdNns _ <br />' !�� m eny oihtt eddrca+ Bononn dos�gnelea by noliu lo lendcr. MY �eliu �o Lendn ahaY be gken hy frt�l Ueae nwi 10 _ <br /> ' _ �_,'�"_. . . . .. .. . . _ " __ _"_ _""__ '""_ "".__._. �. __.���� n.,......... e�,.. �..,.ma w m - <br /> ... Lmoera eaa�sa amw nvrn �� a�q�.no .w.wo ...,...e. ....y...o� ..s ••...•.� •_ ^•._..�.' '"' "'____ "_"_"_ - <br /> -� Ihif SeaAly Inftrumml ahBll Ue deemeE�O have been ghm lo BortmM ar LendM when qMM ea porWeC N I�b p�ngtPh. _. <br /> -- - 15. �overning Law; SOVBBbl�ity.TNS Sewrily�nsWment aMO oe pmemea ey �eawai �ew me me�ew o�me _ <br /> , -' � �uA�dlcUOn M which Na RaO�Y�a���� �^ ��^�+'ml Inet em/ Prorisbn or dause o�Ihis SlN�Ny Ntlrummi ot I�e <br /> - Nole conNqs wll� eDDp�ble lew. such conNU sh�G not efleU oNtt prorislons ol Ihie Sew�iry losbumml or the Nole wM1ich <br /> " ' " an be gMm elled+.ithoul Ne wnRCtin9 O�orialon. To Ihis end Iha provistons ol IMS ScaMy Inawmmt end fhe Note ere .- <br /> ,y' - ElNplld l0 b!6¢vNtb1Y. <br /> , -' 18. BOflOwBlB COpy. Bonower aMY be pken one conlom�M copy ol the Nole end ol INf Securiy Inslrvmenl. <br /> . ';.___ -.' <br /> ". Ft]161M0 OC9b c�Ce l a�5 _ � <br /> - .•zy�..y.� _ <br /> ��, <br /> ....> _ <br /> _'. . -_.. <br /> ._. .. . : <br /> - ^ �o000009 <br /> I <br />