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�„�-_ . . .._ . . ..._. .. . _,�.._._ <br /> � ;s;'���y 17,Trsnster of fhe PropeRy or�B�n�4ota1 tnt�nat tn Oarrow��.u.a a eny pu� o� Ne i1c�p,xy a a' ` ;±f <br /> "n�'a9 . • eny Nirasl h tl 6i�old a Utnatmatl(a tl�OxiaSaW N'�xeat In Bortoxn b aoN w Vu�eftrted�n0 OortowM „no1�mWN �_ <br /> ,1 ��}' J ' D1nON witvwl Undab W6N wRNn oon0ent�lm0x v�YAI Rt oDllon�teqiM NvntMb MY�1 N M ol W�urtW OaavaO O�f :. <br /> �f��},�F�+� tMa 8�cifty 6�ttvmad Novrora,Nb opBOn�hd not Ce m�ertlsed Cy lendn Y exadse N ProM14�te4 Ey feQ�ril I�w af o14V ��;,..:--- --- <br /> 6ota af tlta 6am:y 6�sNS.-a,f. �—.. <br /> � '�zT,,� X lxider txxdsra Wa cDOOn� tendx�hu pks Barower notla ol�ooNaaUon. The notlee sMl proAd� �p�IOO W � � _. __ . _ <br /> r�� not Na�Nu� 00 dql�Lrom Ih�d�te Ne nolloe b dv6vmd a md�d wP.h6 whleh Bortaver mual WY d�vm�«waM �Y �,1 �a r -..:- _---. . <br /> �} I f ��! fGM1E�t7 P��6�Y�����111 W,IPMIYA11q11 NNCf OUCOtOl dilf�lll�h 8 OI�WO P�d� ltl1tlN INY NVOk� U�Y .�i {�LY't �, R..:__ <br /> t � <br /> Y� � V • <br /> _:C.'"'•:.,i::� 18.�ottowar'�Rlpht lo Roinatat�.u Baraxer mwc�o+n+h oonauon�. 8arown Hu!n�ve m� ApAt tn hav� ,;,^.;,-;__ <br /> u J o r a m e n l o l W e B c a ud ry Inswmml daoonWUid�l�n Y �P�lo Ne tuBa ok !�6 d�i y i(a aueh oNer DMod a� 5 �! __ .. <br /> v Z.I�� appfabN 4w mry apedy ta nlnnLtemmU belae nW of N� Property pwcuw to mY D��r of eda aNalnM N tlaf e . '� :-. . . .. <br /> " �� -� BwurGy NiWmenC W(DI MVy 01��IIE�IL7nt Mb(Oh1Q lhb BKWRy 41iWmM1.ThOf�OOndtl011f NO N�1 BOrtOWY. (�)PR'� �-ir;�� . <br /> l�j t� ���'.� lmdw d am�whkA then wouW Os dur unda thb 8wnRy NsWment�nd the NoU u tl no�ooNer�9on �4d 000unaQ (b) ' �.5��A � <br /> 4 ,[��i„4sj: ar�a W'OehW of ury olhx covmmt a �yreanmi�: (o) Wri �1 m�mssf Hwrtad N mtordn0 We 8ea�tly NaWmen6 0 �5r-} , _ <br /> r�j4{��5, hdudnp, but no�GMed to,rafon�bfe�1laney+'leee: �nd(d)I�1cea�uen idbn�s Lenda mry resson�by raquk�to aeaun ` -_ <br /> �� „�#�,is IMt Ne[en of tNf 8ecurly NtWmenL lendab Aphte h the Aoperly end Bortowefe oMpatbn to pey the euma �ecurod '_ y; .�-__ <br /> . ;,��.'�. Ey t1iN Sawriry InaWment thof OWAYMie unohenped Upon te8�sla\ement by BonavC. �hb sewny mewmmt end me � �___ + .. <br /> c 3 tA;Y -�� oblp�tlont BeartM hve6y ahq rmuM NQy lRBdN� at tl no aoodonlbn Nd oGarted However.Ihl�AgM to rcNaLte a�d f�,�4�� -^ - <br /> '� .�f���. not�ppN N tha aea ot eaUmtlon unda P�Sf+Oh 17. ,�;.,�y+�.,Y{� .� -- <br /> P-_ �ti+j- 10. BnN of Notei Chanpa o} Loan Note W a e pe�tlel Ntereal N Ne Nota (1Op91hp wM %SiT�t�{f�g�` --_- <br /> ,..-,'�.,:q_�n. {hq BewAry Nawmmq mey ba�old one or mae 11moa w11hM qbr nolbo to Bortowa.A aNa may resull N�dw�pe N the „�if���y;.:�,:.�._—. � � <br /> � +� 1,; yypye y p�ena,tt o»e eh yes'of I�e Loan SeMax�urvdated t�a eele ol N9 No�Cws b a dun8o o Ihe L'otn 6 s�F4f�n--• .. -- <br /> � : <br /> ,� - ��T'�. I.P�iCY4f Lr!M�9M M'lRtM 1101108 01�M 6hN�0 N 9WMdY1C0 1Mh pita¢#yt�10 YEOri �tN ep�8ca610 4w. TI�! ��? i � __ . <br /> F � . -�� nc;q�y sa�l pn rtma pr,A adi+rsa ol Na new Loan 8ervkcr end Iha address ro x1�1M pryrtKrtm etzanl De meda. The �i �.f t� y s� - --.�. <br /> *, �T noYee aD a:so emt�fi a+71 olhn hiFxcrtaTO�rcquFetl hY+PPOCabh 1ax. f+�'� ) .. <br /> ,! '+`.,!' Q0. Hazatdoue Sub9tanCOa. Bonoxu nna9 no� eausa a p�mn Ne Fr�zsenca uao, dspoeel. etorage, or rNWba ol �-h}�i,r?eq`�s}t, �7.,� <br /> . <br /> :-�r,:. y�y�udoua SLbsten:,ea nn ar N ihe Propeiry. Banowtt tha7 not do. ner�GCw�nyone elsa to do. enylMv,� eNeetlnp the F;%r :� < W� ``°�'.�_ <br /> ?. PropMy NH B h vio1�tion ol eny EnvtronmmlY Uw. Tha proeednp two am7ences�hel not appy lo tAe prcsmeo, ua0. ,���J{�.i,���t� .,,. . <br /> i�� _,�;, or 6tonye on Ihe Properry ol emeA qumlXlo� ol Hazertloue bL6sunqa Ihet ere penuaP� reeognized to ba epproqieta to �� t t >y �y_ss.e'`� <br /> �._� ; nmrol�Wdmtlel use�end to m�4�ta�anee of Ne Ropedy. .'.,?.ti ., .2,�i`�„'.=,.;R, <br /> �:' Bortoxer sAel promplly pMe LendM wrinen notlw ol eny hrea11ga0an. de4n, demend. leweull or olha�c11an Oy e�ry '�- �::;4 �i��i rx��... <br /> � S,-- ,'.` govemmenlal p repuklay egenq or pdrele perly hrahNy Ihe Property end eny Hezerdw�Subslenee or Em4onmmUl l.sw ol �,,.f��{ , f - '__ <br /> s - -�:' whieh 8onowu hea acwW Imowledge. II Barawa I,.am�.a le nolMeA Ey eny 9m'emme^lel or repuktory aNhoAly. Ihet em/ "� �; �!>.4g - H^_ <br /> "�� remoW a other remadetlon ol eny Hue�EOUa Subsunce �tteqNg PropMy le neu++sery. Barower eha7 prompfy take d ti+t.�,- i tf�.+ '" <br /> / Y . 1)�:.1N �W� "�_ <br /> -,�-;,;- r�o:r.i xir.�l aa'�s!n tar.^�^.r_wXh feWOrm!!�?�Low, - '� - -._ - <br /> �� -- �'�.� N uaetl in thle peregreph 20. 'Haiardous SLbaWncw' ere thoae subntaneea GeMed ae to�dc or M��dova aubabneea by °--'��.�}`�} f/ }".- <br /> � �,.-��� EnWronmmtel lew an0lha loEaNng au6eleneea: sofna, kerosena, other Mmneble a Iobc alydeum otlune, to�dc �i'1?,::. lr1� �#�-. <br /> : 9a P W $. ': t�,m��4�::.. <br /> poatkidee end ha6leldea vol�W soNOnU, malc+iab conWnlnq eabesto�or Iorm�lAehydo, end rcAOaUMe malMele. Aa vaad h `�` ' ' ` r� - <br /> � 't�l.:,. � F�_,. <br /> , i � peray�pp p0, 'Em4onmenlel law' meana lederel I�wa and lews ol the�utlsElcWn whn�Iha Roperty Is loeated 1he1 rdefo to •;c�,;�� - ����,,,. <br /> ' heenh.aetery a envkonmenwi pro�ecYon. '- ��t��+. _:; <br /> � �' NON�UNIFONM CAYENANfB.8ortava end Lmder Nither cormanl end eyee ee lolowe: � . -� ' '},+ ' <br /> �''• 21. Aooele�atlon; Remodtea. Lender ehell give notica to Borrower prlor to eooeleretion �,�n k��I �� <br /> r � ,iQ ^: <br /> tollowing Borrower'e breaah of any covenant or egreemant In thie 8ecurity Instrument (but not f _ i=; -,�N_p' <br /> prlorto aaceleratlon under parag�eph 17 unteas applicablo lew provldoa othorwlse). The notiae s ���: �' <br /> _ _ ehail epooffy: (e) the defcuit; (b) tha aclion requirad to oure the dofault; (o) e deta, not lesa than � -.- ' ,:t, :-�, <br /> 30 deye irom tho dato the notice le glven to Borrowar, by whloh tho dotault muat bo aurad; and � = - <br /> '- ` (d) that fa�lure to cwo tho defeult on or bafore the dato epoolflod In the notioe may raeuN In tI �'�'���!a• <br /> ��� �� acceloration of tha auma eacurod by thla Security Inatrument end aalo of tho Proporty.Tho notico !> <br /> ehall turther Inform Borrower of the dght to relnateto eftor accotaretlon end lho rlght to bdng a r �� ••� <br /> - court action to asseA tho nom¢xietonco of e default or eny other dofenso of Borrower to � _ '��-` '�`^�-�' <br /> �,' <br /> ecceleretlon end aele. If tha dofault Ie not cured on or botore tho data apecffied In tha notice. . ��y . <br /> - � Landor et ita optlon mey requlra Immodlate payment In full of all euma securod by thla Securiry . ;r�-� " _ <br />�. �. . Inatrument wlihout further demand end may (nvoko tha power of eale and any other remediea � t �� . <br /> . pormitted by nppllcable lew. Lender ahall be antitled to collect all ozpanaea Incurred la pwsutng •_ - <br /> . the romediea p�ovidad in thia peragreph 21, Including, but not IlmRed to. raesonabla eltorneye' � . <br /> � i foea and coste of Utle evidenco. <br /> -- . If tho powar of eale le invokod, Trustee ahell record a notica of dofeult In each county In <br /> - which any part of the Property le located end ahell mell copiea of auch notice In the mennor <br /> - prescribed by applicable law to Borrowar end to the other peraona preacribed by eppllceblo lew. ' <br /> � Aftar the timo requlred by appllcablo lew, Trueteo ahall givo publlc notice of eala to the persone <br /> and in tho mannor praeaibod by applicable lew. Truetoe, wHhout domand on Borrowe�, ahall sell <br /> tho Proporty at public euctlon to tho hlghest bldder et the tlme and placo and undor tho torma <br /> doelgnetod in the notice ot salo In ono or mae parcols end In any order Truatee doterminea. <br /> Truatee may poatpono salo oi all or any percel o} the Property by publlc announcemont at tho --- <br /> time and placo of any proviousiy achnduled sale. Londar or ile dealpnee may purchase the __ <br /> � Proporty at eny sale. <br /> _ _ Upon roceipt of payment of tho price bid, Truetee ahall dnlivor to tha purchaser Truatoo'e -°� <br /> - dead eonveying ihe Proporty. The redtels In the 7rustea's deed shall be pdma facle evidence of _ <br /> u.��...�w .d �6.. e�e�e...e��e �nudn 16erain Tr�mlcn nhall annlv fhn mecnadn o4!hn mlo in 1hu =-_ <br /> ' ' ...� ....... �. ...� _....""""' """_ '_""' �."' _"_ '"___"_' __ _. _ __ _ _ _ <br /> . }oitowing ordor. (a) to all coste and oxponsos ol ezorcis�np lho powor of ealo, and the eale, -_,� <br /> . Including tbe paymant of the Trustao's (eea actually Incurrad, not to exceed <br />