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.� I ��,4��f��K'>t;Ry�;{!�M'N it'.i� ts.ji �-:'IAY�di.V.�w3l _ _ _,tt".��n �u.t5. ..�� ... . ._: . <br /> . ._.__�s.�...�+u-��t. , . .. <br /> 1 � c. _ <br /> .t..l3((i�t� �- ._.__ <br /> �� G'`;;�: TOtiSiTl�FI N7M �f tho Yrproremcnt+non a hueaRa ttcUod on th� propay,m4 aa cucmcete,eppuRmenon,rnd .- - -_-.. <br /> �r �'t--! •GM07 IINY 01(IHQtRH�p1t101 iha p1 Af rapl�amanW�nd addWns eh�l cao Ee oovereE by INe Bcouf�pl NsWmm4 . :- � <br /> >�y�'z� • N 01 N!1or`pNi9��tMxr►d lo h th6f 6 aa 4 N4Wmm1 le Ne'WOpuq.' <br /> '� �,u�u�� 60Rf10Yhi1 004ENAM8 Oul 0ortana IcnNPy aNaad ot tAO oame hnchy oonveyad and M� �Ao ABnt to pnnt rn0 �-t _ _� <br /> arvay tha 9mpsb aM thst Eaa itoDab N�nw+rAeraG exa91 Ia tncwn5renae ol reowe. Baraxa w�mnu�na � —�-�V- . <br /> �, " _-.,'� rA dafbnd Om e n H N�utb to M�RoP�+�Y aqahst n1 tlLLin�ntl aaw�ua suoyed eo ury anamW�non ot reoad �a - - _. ... <br /> � 1Nl8 6EOUA M IN81AUA4�1lt aomMne� untlarm oovenon4 ta iw1aW u�e md nawnYam oovenmp wTh !`�_z, `� .-- <br /> '�� `7'� 6ra�vaAitkns by NA3EIC{ibil 10 COtICLMO 0 WLMOPIII 6�NlWIIIMI ODYH6IY fNJ D�OPMY• R'�j � � <br /> � �:�. UNIiOHM OOYENANTB. Bonowe�md ltnda oormtpnl enA tWtae ae IoGaxe: �+� � _� , -. <br /> y 4 x� ini� due In ea�dmad oi u�a binnid R^n doberMdinoOd Cy�t�he Nole�nd mY WM�YmeM enBd�IO dk�BeO Nua undd NO � n�r� n n _�- <br /> Nota t �f,, „� r; <br /> "} �--�`� S. Funde tor Tuca�nd Inaurano�.suuJea�o�vN�e rw«�o�x,mm wuver by unda, eo�rmrn�nu pry � � -, � = ' <br /> 'O �, y%,i lo LuMa on the Gy rtwnl�y ptymente ere due unAer Ne Not0. unli 1he Note b peld N NI,��um('Funde')f� U)Y�' ;'O�� i s,'7 <br /> a._u,� , n uxe�and uaeaemenu wNCh mey uaui pdaM1y ovc+ tNe BawAry Mswmant u a Im on �ho Ropuly; N)Y�M k+aehoW ^°�1 ci�: �3 c : <br /> , -F[ ��-;�; p�yments a�ountl ronb on the PrcPaUS M my, (o)Y�N haurA or propary Nsuranoe pttNumr, (d)Y�N Ilood Nfunna - f:'t; i-t� �h�r a `. <br /> 7 r,;'i fdc.,, preMumf,tl my, (e)YauN monp�0e hw�ana MmYume.M enf md(A�Y�umf pqabio CY Bortowor lo Londa N a000rNneo ..� r 2 t� ,; � _. <br /> �� <br /> ��.t +ti� rAh Iha DroMabne of P��PA B.h!w of N�pryment ol mon0eyo hwranoe pe+nlum�. Thesa tlmu mo oalod 'Eaaow „�, '{t .-. <br /> OM - -V '� Fi) zn . <br /> y----.` "- � Mam.' Lender mey, at eny tYna oo0ed end hold Funda In en unount not to meoaeE No me.dmum �mounl e lendx lor� :��-�S�y�?k;���'.`.� <br /> _.,�,l� ,1;�� ��y�y �ey��nqrtpege b+n mry raquYO fa Oaro+YNe esaow eaounl untler No laderel AW Eetete BntOm�m1 Proeedurea �is�_., u� � -� <br /> ,�,<<f�; +,_�- Acl o11D74 ea amendod han Wne to tlme.1R Ub.O.B Y601 el tt4 l'11E8PA'l, uNese enolha Ww thtl �pplee to thf Fvcv3� �„ �, �i ,�'S s'j�. ... <br />�3��ylf"���;_:- aele e loa�tt omount II ao, lmAer mey,et eny Ume, eoGed end hold Funds N�n ertaunt not to exaed Ne Imm emrn+t .;� rEiat'< r k3 *•_- <br /> Lcndd moy eslhule lAe snaml oi Fund�Me on Ihe basb ol curtrnt dale and re�aona6h estknatea N n�rpmRlxea W Otxra �.J�, <br /> � +9 �i:-�,�; Etnmv ftene or WEand»t+w:emdinee wlih eDDloo6le Nw. --��>.l ri�-4 i�n.� <br /> n� „}_-i r•,�. The Funda eAi7 tre AHO in m hstMm whoae deposRe era Insured by e i¢dn�l apenry.iuWmsKtaCy. or mtty p�Wdny '< <� ` ,t� _ <br /> lCndtt�M Lende'6 auM e+t�stMHn)or t�s*/ FedeM Homa Loen Benc lentlz*sAS7�pp.y ��e Fu�d3 lo p]y�he EsCfv+/ :�.�n } � �,;r . <br /> s''r� .tii ttmu.Lenda m+Y no�ciwCe&rtower br�aWng enA eDPNh9 the Fund3.e'uv.uiy�m.yri+p tea asaow accoun�, w reri�Mp _.-r_' l.� +�}�+ _--_ <br /> , � ,��h(`i the Eaerow Itann. uNaa Le+Ma paYa Bonowa Nteresl on Ne FunM �n0 �pp[eaDS� iaw PmNb Lmder to mefce weT � °�, r -; � <br /> , <br />�,,,.. . �. .._�F Muge. However� LenAer mey rtqutre Banower Io Pey o onalMno eharpa for�n ti6zDmdml roW aeute w reporWg�eMw ::�;��!��?t`::<�'.. <br /> ��- - .: uud by LenCU N ao�nedlon wllh �Mf baR unleee appiWble kw proridu othmrisa Unlesa an egreemenl la mads a .' � -_T�,�.. <br /> t s }a `��' eppBGnblo hw reQuYa Nletest lo CB pnl0.Lender tha�nol 6o roqu4ed to pay Bortower eny Nlerast a eamNps on lhe Funde. ':} �i�t�� r_ <br /> s-•_.;� ponqyp md Lender mey aqrea N wrllhy, hvxertt, IMI interesl thaY be pald on Iha FunEa. Lenticr nhatl yNe to Bortowa, s'�•- �' '.1; `n <br /> � L - ��.��•, wtlhoul ehvge,m ennual�uowtln0 0(Ne FunM, ehowNg aedll�and debXe lo Ihe FunAa and the puryoae for w1�kh eaoh +�'; �}Z 4 y+ �i,s, <br /> , �r„t;��. Oebn to tha Funda wna mnda The Funde are pleAped ea eddniontl�ecudy for�0 wma aewre0 by ihe 8ewdly Innwment. ->.-,' t`+�t j a.r� - <br /> �:u.. <br /> - ���� N ihe Funda hdd by Lendm axceed tha unounte pertNltod to bo hdd by eppkable lew. Lenda ahN aernunt to Bortowa = '�f 7� <br /> �.i �,�."i��..i?° /or Ne exoesa Funda In�ceordenco wllh t�e requYamonW ol appOw6k lew.11 Iha�naunt ol tha Funda held by LenAe/et eny �_;}i,t �±.,.{i.t.i r��"., <br /> � -� - �.nfy:�'- Wne ie nol eWlldmt to pay Iha Ewow tlema whm due.Lender mey ao notity Barowa N wA14iq. end. N euch uee Bortowcr ..:!', r - 1�-.'�r�t=: <br /> tt_: -- Y 7. '�� •.�. <br /> ; �,1' nheY p¢Y �o LenEer the emount necasxry to meke up tho Celldeney. BoROwer shel muke up��e dalidency N no maro then -_ . <br /> � tndre mon�M'VnYmenb�et lendele sde Alsae�lon. �Y. � f 1 iaa-:_. <br /> ��44t '�x Upon peymeM N IuA ol el eums aewrad by 1hU Seeudty InaWmmt, lender aheY prompUy reNnd lo Bonower etry l-:'ry h� --. <br /> � � �{r,�i Funu��oid'ry'Lmda. il. onda P�+W�'vh 21. L:�ds� :r:t�r'�::e::d the f4;=S;.La:de.F�te the e!'S�u.xkv!n enV - �� i ._�_ <br /> ' - �1�r�S ol lhe Propaly.ehoG eppy nny Fundf hWd by Lendur�1�he Wne ol a ulsXion w ule u a aoCit a Nat tha aume�ewrad '' <br /> , �Jr,�v ,.-'1 pr Wn 8aw�msuument. � �' y. > �7�t�i�E• <br /> ' �� 3. Appl cetlon of Peymenta. uniea,�ppncawe�aw vroddea omwwba au cer��a reccaea b��maer unaer :� 11 "��' <br /> _ ' - � pu�grophe 1 en0 2 aMY bo eDVO� any prepeymm� che�pes due untle the Nole: aeeond to amounls peyable unCa .!'. V 'i��'Yi � <br /> - - , - penpreph?1hHd,to Nterast due:lourth,lo pMdpal due:and ks4 lo e�ry laro chergea due under Ihe Note. � : ''��rL�s'`_ <br /> - A. Ch8IgB8; Lione. amower eneo Pey eo laxee. esaoa�menu, chargea. Mea and 4npoahbne e141Mneblo fo Ihe s , • <br /> �;'�` Property nhlCh mey GIIeN pAOAF/ over Ihb 9Bwdy InsWmenl, end leeaehold peymenla oI qtound rmle, tl ony. BoROwer , � �L' �r ' <br /> elul Day Neae oNqeUOro N M�menner provWed N penpraph 2, ar X nol peld in that manner. Bortower eheY p�y ih¢m on '-i+�7�t � <br /> Wne dtrody to the O�on owed peymml Barower aME promply Nmish lo �eneer eo notkea ol emounte to ha W�d under ,- , j�1 'K,p.� <br />- `�-'".� IhU PereprePh. II Bortower meKes Iheea papnents tliredy. Bortower ehaG P��PN' NMSh to lender reeNpla evidendnq � � � �_3�i'�'_ <br /> :' �.�.,...� NO PeYm �.� . <br /> _ BOROwef e�00 plompy'tl�SthNyn My IIm which h0e P��b�� I�U SeCUtRy InfWmenl uMB53 8ortowef: (e)epreef �.. ,:'f��:�.�:ty <br /> �: ��� N wiXhg to the peymml o11he obCqation aeared Dy the lien N e mannm aeeeplable to LmAer. @I coniosla N good Iailh ihe • ,• <br /> '��I���i, �+ 7m by, or delenEe egeinat enfacm�ent ol the Oen In, legal proceed4�ge whlch M Ihe LMdK6 opinian opmte t0 prevenl i �,+� '�'-,"!` <br /> - ' ��� �- � the enlaament o11he Ilm; a(e) nearea from the hWder of the Ikn an eqreement�eWlactory to Lander nuborOlnNNg Ne , . . <br /> Yen b thb 8ecu,ily InsWmmt M Lende tlelemines Ihel eny ptrt ol Ihe Property b sub�ect lo a Ilen whieh m�y atteN D�io�ily _ <br /> ma thle 8ew�iry InetrummA Lmdar mry ghe Bortower e nolice Idmtilyhq No Im. Bortower MeA aellaty Uo Ym or leke - ' � <br /> � me or moro ol Ihe eeliona nel lonh ebova wMh 10 deya o/thu qNNq ol nollee. � - - <br /> � � 6. Hezard or Propady Ineuranco.eovower shae kcep me xnproremm�s now wsung or h«eaner erencd o� me �� - - <br />- - Roperty 6wred eydnat bsa by ke.hazutle hcludnA wXhu I:la lertn 'eximdeA corerpq�' entl any othn huerda. Ndudmg jS <br /> �'-� - Iloads or 1bodNg.tor which lmtln reQUires Nsurenw. This Nsurance aheil 6e matrnelned in Iho amounts enE lor lh�pMOtlf {- - <br /> ' � N�t Lendtt reqW�ea. 7Ae Nsuruiee cartin WoNdmg ihe In6unnu ahall be chosm by�ortaver 6ub�eU to LmEer'e epprwel . <br /> � wNeh sha0 not be wreanonehy vriihheld. It Bortowtt faJs to meNUin wvemqe dearnLetl above. Lrntler mey, et Lmdete , , <br /> " � op0on, o6�in eoraepe to proted Lmdere N9hle N ihe PropMy In eccordanee wilh peroqreph 7. � <br /> , I All InwrenCe poGdon nnd tmeweU nhaA be eccepleble Io lmder end aho0 Nduda a ElenOerC mo�ge9e deuse. Lendtt <br /> 6Mt hew I�e d9�<<o holtl Ihe pollUes end�mewels. 11 Lentler requires. BortowM ehall D�omply phe to LendM ell recdple ol <br /> 1 p�id promWma and renewal notkea. In Ihe nml ol loss. Bortona shan gbo D�ompl notke lo tne insurtnee cenler end <br /> Lmder. LendM may make prool ol loas X no1 meAe promp�y by Bortower. <br /> i UnICn LMIdM end BortoHH OItleMise apree In w`I4ng. fn5urdnCa proteeES shBO be apph¢C fo!lSlo(eUOn OI fepe4 0l <br /> IA� PropMy dam�ged. tl the rtalwatbn a �epetr is economicely least�e enE Lentlers aeaNty U r.ol leaaened. 11 Ihe <br /> teatoreUon or rep�@ I3 nol economica7y ieasmle or lmder'n secuMy woulA be lessened. Ihe insmance proceeds shell 6e <br /> eppYed Io Ne 6ums secmed E7 ihia Sewnry Inslrument. whelhtt or nol inen due. wil� eny exc�ss paiE lo Bortowtt. II <br /> � BonowM �bnndone Iha RopeM� a� dces nol answer wehin �0 Oxya a notfce hom Lender �het t�e insurmw ramer Ms <br /> ollttld lo Eellle a LkM, I�en Lendet may CoAetl I�e inw�ance D�oteeCS Lende� mey usa t�e proceetla to �epa4 w <br /> �eslore 7he Nopetly m to pay sums sew�etl by IhU Sewriry InsWmenl, whtlher or not Ihm Aue The 00�Eey pc+iod m9 <br /> begin�vhen I�e noGCO la grcen. <br /> Unlesa LendM enC Bo�rqret otherxise aprce in wilNq. +�rry appficalion ol proceeds lo pnncipai s�aY not exlend or <br /> I p061p011B IhB dOQ OfiIC OI 111! Ilqnlhly wymM�6 lCIMe¢d 10 �� paragro0he i anU 2 or [hlnQp Ii18 YTOYIII OI IhP -. <br /> peymmle.II unAtt peraqraph Y7 Iha RoD�Y�acquired 6y Lender. Bortovrer's righl to eny inswnntt policiea end prxeeda <br /> resuNng 1mm damape lo the PropMy pdor lo �ho acqu�si��an sha0 Wsa to lender to 1hx e�tent ol Ne sums 6y Ihls Securtry <br /> InaWment ImmeQUley pnor�o me ecqmsmoa <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Melntenance and Protecdon uf tho Property; Borrower'a Loan <br /> Applle8tlon; Lea9eholda. Bonowtt snan oceupy. esub6sh, ana use�he P�oyeny �a BoROwerb DMtlpol�esidenu <br /> wMN sWry daye a11M Ihe execWon ol lhis Secudty ins�ummi�nd ahaY cont�nue to ocwpy the Propttry as Bortowei a prin6pal <br /> reaWmce Ia at Ieasi one yea dltt Ihe Eaie ol occupanry.onless Lmdtt olhmviae egre¢a N aAlnq. nhich rnnsenl sh�Y no1 <br /> 6e unreaSOneWy wilhhMtl.or uni¢aa exlmuaiinp d�wmsiances eusl nhich ere beyond Bortonef's connol. Bortowtt shetl not -� <br /> . datroy. Eemego m impnu Ihe ProD�Y� e���Ihe P(oO�Y�o d�e^oute,or cpmm xres�e on I�e PmD�Y- Bortown shall Ee <br /> N delaull X eny IodMlure ection or proceed�p. w�elher chi or crimnel. is bequn I�el in LmOa's qood ladh 'rytlgmml coulO <br /> . resutl In lodeilure ol 1he PmpMy or olhm�ise maleAaM�mpe'v Ihe Gen pcaietl Dy Ihia Secunry Ins�mmenl ar lentle+'s sewriry <br /> Nittest. <br /> -�`,� Fl]16AM0 OOyll Rp�1 0l 5 _ <br /> ,� I i <br /> - - ' - - - <br />