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.�y .- � a rnT j, -�- nr..�Y' T^. i t . ' ..-a �' � .'>R,a��3.-.'�4x. y.,i�_s._._ <br /> ;F� <br /> ' . 7+}�'. (�k l t�f��...:.Y:-;.��i '� 2 _ . — rsmvmx.,�.. <br /> ,' .,.. - - . .. _ �_a...�.r� _ "- <br /> '"'Yn1�'F,� � - �..,... -. ..... <br /> � ,E �,�� 7.Ptotootlon o}IandoPo Riphte In the Proporiy. B Bonarra(a9e to palam No oorenonte md e9roamcaN oonWmd N �-.� <br /> ,�r s, ��� Wo 8x�aky W Wma. or there i��Iepel procea�np�lut meY spNrtee^�N�aq lendMS Aylik N the Propary(wch ne a proaaSnp N ,K,. „a.a. �. . <br /> ,,.,.�rk.d'�1j4' b+^��tq.probeW,fa eontlarmalbn a tafaRVw a to enlace liw+or reyuktbns),Nm lenAa r�uy do entl pq lor wh�levtf If n�as6uy �;'"': _ <br /> i qv��z3•;.,,� ta prWaCl th0 reWO o1 Ne%oplry uW lendeY�Ayhb N Ne PropeM1y. lenEtY� �Won� maY HdudO Po✓^G Ny sume eoaraA Dy�Ien ��r� ��T s _ _ <br /> . - vmton�u�piw�y ovn tw 8ea�y 6otrununt appsaMp In eoun, wvlr9 reasonebb�tlombye taea and enleAnO on tha Prooeiry W mafw r.,,- : _ <br /> cS� 5f;`T topnEw MhouOh lenEet auy lake aWOn un0or ihl�peragnph 7.Lendar dooe nol I�are lo do w. '�h '� ,,,�^,�,�. <br /> „�� __:1 C;:' .a �.�, <br /> rr-_r,� My�nwunb AaDUnaO Dy lendct unAer We pareBrapA 7 eN0 Eeeama sd�YaW dcbt of Barovra eewred Dy tMe Beounry N�Wment ',i�F A`.� �.:•f . . <br /> >,r7 "" Unlea�8orrowa end Und6r a�eo lo othor leim�ol pnymen6 N�ae amounu��eA bev Nterest trom Ne date ol dle6uraomenl il Ne Note +., ,� � �, �- <br /> ry, f � -tgt y�h e „ ; •. <br /> �5 -k*,+ tC4a uW l�e0 be D�Y��0.WAh hIH03t upOn n011a 6an Lendcr to Bortowe�tequeaWp prymen4 � y �( in �, <br /> �' ���'�+ -3� &MOttgigB 111tU►iI10Y. II lender requ4ad mortQoqe hwnneo�a� eonQ�Ym of nuWnp the lo�n twured by Ihb BewMy -'�Yys�° ' r 1 <br /> fi,.,.,.,�.::_ Nstnm�cnL Bortowor�AaO p+Y�he premluma rowYed to msMta5�the mortyeqe Naunnw N eHaal.II.lor ury reaaon,the mortpt0e hsuruiw ':. �^�°, �;� r. <br /> 4��t F.,�-n���:i wvonye wquYed Dy landa bpna or u�we to be In Hfad, Bortower�h�0 pay Ne pramlumr requteE to obWn oovaaQ� wbsNnWLY y; � +i n. -i� , <br /> �� n:a <br /> + �,: eqaMlml to Ne morlp+p�Nwrance PrMovsly In etlxL���cost auontenWUy eQUMUnt�o th�eost to Bortowa ol lh�malp�y�Nsum+a �r � �t �'s' � �- <br /> � L i>s��� provbu+y In enaa, hom �n Nan�l�mortp�ye Nwror opqmed by lmdEr. N au6aunWCy eQuMticnt mortq�pe Inaunna oorenq�q nol - �° �T� {;f y 5' � <br /> ':i {4:;,.«�`. aaW6N. Bortaver ah� pay to Under axh monN e aum aquel to onslwolAh of tM yoady malp�pe Nwenee praNum boln9 p�lA hy !''-_;'�:;�,,�;� -:":i,.-1; <br /> `�:�� PlBorrowa whan Ns Nwranu ooveape bDS�d a eeawd �o be N ellaa. lendor w0�coep�. uee end iatdn the�e prymonro a � b�e ' .• . �p�z r _ , <br /> ,. �-:j;� reaone In Gau ol mohQ�pa hauruiu. Lof� micne pnymmtn mey no lonpa be requYeO, al tlw optlon ol Lenda, tl mo�p�9a N�uruia ?��,� �,'+i{�1��,� " <br /> a � wvsngo pn tha amount ond(or the palod NU Lcnder re9uYee)prorlded 6y�n Nauro�DW��M'Lcndor�yeN boeome�en0abl�uM la ''.' �� , i`�. ���-..� <br /> r .yy ti��(j; obtaNed Bortwr¢r �haG pay Ihs DrcMum� requ4ed lo malnWn monqige hsurana h eMed, a lo prorlde � los� resens. unli the -u��41�,c ;'i��z � � <br /> Y �." requ4emenl ta morlgape M�vruwo end�In�aordmee wllh enY vrtGtEn ayreemenl 6eHrem Bortower and Lander or�DP0�61e law. .'-�yf` �h��ry�f$�t4 Y�'- <br /> ::!1�'.:".:-':� 9.InEP00l1011. Lender a Ile�qenl may meks reafaieWa enMa uDUi and ImpeeUOn�ol Iha WoP��1l. Lender�hJ pFre Bortowa ,,;... `,:.:,.._,,;�33{ki?;;:' <br /> y:, . . <br /> notica�t Ne 4me ol a pAOr to en NsDeetlm tpedy4�9 rea�onable cause Iw tha Nspedbn. r:', -� y��, >• r rt:: <br /> 4. `.;�.- ��.i,S 10.CondOmnaH011. The praeeEa ol vry award w W4n br dvnage�. �roct a oonfaq�mliel. In oonneeYon wllh anY :j,�, .1�;��li'�i', � -•'� <br />-i,�;:,.;�.�..i;yf,� eondeimellon a other Lldnp ol airy parl ol N� P�operly, a lor eom%an�e N ieu ol eonderm�Wn. me hMeby�nsipned and eh�!be pNd ;,.x,�;.,_:;:.�=�?!st,'',C:' <br /> ,f �_�i.._.. <br /> !� b lmdec ' -, <br /> ' r T�!;^. N Ihe ovenl oT e totel teldn9 0l the ProD�'•1�e proeeeda alull 6e Bpp0e010 the wms eeatetl by Nb SewAry In�Wment.whBihw a -': y �iA�j��� _. <br /> ` �d� �t;. not then due,wllh any axeess peid to Bonower. In fhe erenl of e pWel Yldny ol the Roperty in which iha kk ms,lcot rdue ot the Propcfly .�t4 � � <br /> t �� - 'i: YnmeAaley beloro tho Wfh�q U equnl to or yealer than the emount ol th�sumf aewrM by thb Sew�y InsWment NmeAetey belae tho '.'�}1^ ,-��t% ; <br /> h1�t ?!.,.ct Wdnp unbaa Bartower end lende�oNercAse agree N wdUnq.t�e sums eawred by thb SewrRy InaWment aha0 be roduced by tha emwnl �:�' +�' tsr�`�L <br /> � zt`� <br /> y���It, o�h�*O�Ce��t Of'NC Pf�'�mmemnl�'rebolow(Ihe 1eMn e1My belanae slwG bea�rb B�ort�etr.N Iher�t'oi e0•��M� ol lh6 ia�'SF1YF'y��YJ���'�_ <br /> Y }%: cVel1Y eN P P� PNIa Id�W __, �� r�.(lii. <br /> - PropMy h whk8 the Wr mvkel veWe ol the PmpMy ImmeAetey belore Ihe teldnp b leas than Ihe emant ot the wme eeareE Immedlatey ,���y � � �s� ;° <br /> � -rf'i `tYt'r:, <br /> - f��, beloro Ihe teldny, unlasn Bortowor end Lmder othmMae epreo N w�01n9 a uNess eppfeable lew olhercASO providea,1he qoeeede she0 60 �. )�� <br /> � �� • t� . }��:'� ��_ <br /> ,� 4� �-�%�� epplled to Ihe auma atared by thb 8ewdy InsWment whelhor or not the eum�are Nm dua. � - d <br /> !a�t,;,ir;:�;�:,. II No Propaily b�bandoned 6y Bortower.or tl.e11er noYCe by lender to Bartowa IM1�t the candemna oltere to meko�n award a sallle ,�i:....;;;i-S�y'?:v',�'�:,?-: <br /> �3 - - i ��.:�y a WYn fa dameyea. Bortown faNf to�ospond to lentler wINN 90 drya eller Ihe date Ihe nollea b gNen.Lender le eulhalzed to eoGed�nd -;� ' �a l���'uii�- ::. <br /> � ;��+ epoN tha proaede,et Xi ontlon. dtha to reafo�etbn or repeir ol the ProoefN or to Ihe�uma eecureA by ihb 8eadly IneWmm4 whether �i�S �1 - i`ys!� �•�- <br /> f ��. '.}�`' a nol lhen due. : 1VU1f v.� _- <br /> ` ' - ����'� UNOas Lentler and Barown othercM�egree In wrWng. ony epp0eelion ol DrowMf lo pdndpei ahe0 mt exlmtl w pottpone No due ';� �"�{l�pj� •• <br /> a � �E r <br />;x�5:•,, � ` t�` date ol Ne monlMy peymentf relmetl lo In paragraphe 1 end 2 a eMnpe ihe omounl ol auch prymen�n. 'tp... � ;-�� ��R+: <br /> �-o,:l�_ :. tt..�t:,; ,.�..'�.�.- <br /> 11. Borrower Not Rolaesed: Forbearenoo By Lender Not e Waivor. Eamston o� mo ih,e for peymm� or -�, , i� t � - s--• <br /> � +5 ` '��'y moddeatlon ol emorUZalbn ol iM euma aeared 6y�hia 8ewdty InsWmenl prontad by lrnder ro eny nueeeseor in Inluul ol Bortown ahW � -- Y= <br /> 3� �t ,, ;'�-�'� not opaau to rNesse the 66Lry ol lha aipmel Bortowe�or Bortowers sueastae N Nteresl. lender ahe0 nol be tequBed lo wmmenee � -t��s �j,R; <br /> r7 ; � i;�� proeeMnys apeNst eiry auaessor N Ntereal or rclusa to wnend INn 1m paymen� or oNUwise mody emaUZeOOn ol�ho eumn eewred by � - �-. E� <br /> �r� --i;.'j lhis 3edxiy NsWrtwnt by refson ot eny demand made by Ihe odqhnl Bortower w BortoweP�wceessoro In Nlerest My fofbouenoa by " '° � �� <br /> Lentla h axMddng am/�4yh!a remedy sM7 nol 6e e waNer oi or q�UUtle Ihe exerc4e ol any Aqhl w remedy. (����'��,_ <br /> fi�5 t .8_�S\' I �J_!•: " <br /> ,����a.iy;�?�� 12. Su000asore and Aesi9na Bound; Jolnt and Severel Llebility; Co•eiQnere. The aoranente end eyeemmts oi t . �-..•,,,��.�,;=_:'--- <br /> � .; <br /> 1 -� . .t���(�)•. 1hb 9eadly Inswmmt nhal dntl end benefn Ihe�uaesson en0 �saigns ol lenAer enE Bo�rowm, sub�ecl to 1he prMflons ol paraynph �- �t;.Yi _:�. <br /> � � ., t 17. Baraver'e coramnls and eyoemmte aheil be joim �nd eweoi. My Bortower wno caeyne lhls 8ew�y InsWmenl Cul don no� • � �F1��•it� ,r, <br /> �i14•-��� exewU Ne Note: (e)b eo-eiqnYp lhla Sawdy Inswmenl only to mat9eye,pnnl, ena conrey thel Bonava's Nlereel N tho PropMy under ��' �i �1; <br /> ti 'i� ' Ihe temu of 1hU Seadry IroWmenC (C)la not peraonnly o6lpeted to pey the sums aecv�ed hy Nb 3ec_v0y Instrumenl;and(c)aqreea thal �•� � ��� <br /> . ._ R�.I <br /> }�•�i4:��'t�t���`}i' Lende end em�other Bortower mey eqroe to exlmd, mod�ty, lwbear or meke eny accommoda0ona wM regard to lama ol tnU SeaAy �' � -- '� � <br /> i� � -til�`.f`, InshummlorlheNOlawllhoullhelBonowefetonsenl. � _ _ <br /> ;� - r:�r � 13. LOan Cha�gee. 11 tha loen searad hy thia 8ecudry In�Wmenl b aubjacl lo a law which wla maunum loen ihat . --- � �� � � <br /> y..;..,;,. , _ . . .._ .. <br /> Mw b Me�y Nlerprotad ao Ihel Iho Interost or oihor loan ehar9oa w14UOd or to 6e wllooled In eonnedion wl�h t�o loen eseeud tha • <br />.i.S*::,:-_ . , '�r=_�'�".':. <br /> portMlad OmiU.Ihen; (�J any wch ban e�erpes s�all be retlueed Ey Iha unounl neeetsuy to reEUw N�eharge to th�pMmilteA iNl;�nd -._���. - <br />`�f`.y(;'{;>�, (D) vry sume �Iroady coYeUeO from Bortower which oxteeded pem0lod imils rAI 6e rolunGed to Bonorrer. lendar mry ahooae to rtuka . <br /> ; i,• ihla reNnO by retludnq the prNdpel owed untler Ihe Note or by maWng e d4ec1 peymmt to Oarower. 11 e reNnd reducee pdndpal.ihe <br /> `-F�� . rodudbn wlll be Vealed ee a pankl prtpaymml wiNout any D�epaymme chage unOer ihe Nole. � - <br /> . 14. NOtICaB. My notiCe to Bwrower provldeA for N ihU Seatly InsWmenl th�0 be pNen by doMaing X or Dy meONfl X by rtnt <br /> � �• - clea�mei uniost appllceDlo Nw requYm use of enolher melhod. The notice sMll be duected to Iho Prope�ly Addresa or vry o�her�ddresa <br /> , BoAOwa de3ipMio3 by nollee to Lmder. My nollce 10 Lender ihe�be gNen 6y fu31 tlass mail 10 Lentler6 etldrebe 6IBIetl hereN Or eny ' <br /> - othtt�Atlroae Lmtla Ueslgnalee by notioe to Bortowec My nollco Dror�ded for In�hu Securiry Inalrumenl ehell be deemed lo h�ra buen <br /> �; " gNen lo Bortorror o!Lendot when 9Nm ee D�oritled N lhis pereqraph. <br /> - - � 15. OOVB�n1Ofl LBw; SBVOfeb�llty. ThB Secu�Xy InsWment sheY 6e qoremed 6y loderel law �nJ 1he law ol fhe p�dsdictlon N <br /> _ _ ' whlch ihe P�opeity is loulotl. In I�o evenl Ihat a�ry prorialon or Ueuse ol ihis Securiry In6lrumenl or the Nofe ronNCla wtlh epplluble lew. . <br /> nuch conNet 6he0 nol Hlutl olhtt prorisiona ol Ihis Secmily InsWmenl or Iho No1e which rnn bo yNm e11oc� wilhou� ihe WnlGtling <br /> _ pmvisba To IMa ontl Iho proNalone ol thia Stturih Instrumml end Ihe Nole aro Eedeud lo be smcre0le. '--� <br /> 18. BO�IOW0��8 COPy. Bortawer shail be qNen one eonlormed copY ol fhe Nole and ol this Secwiry Inslmment <br /> 17.Transfer of the Prop9rty or a Beneflclal Intereat In Borrower. n an or any van o1 tne Property or any x�nest m <br /> � tl la eoid or VansleneE (or N a benefiWt N�erest n Bortowtt la soltl or Irens�med en0 Bonower is no1 a nalurU Derson) wilhoul Lmder6 <br /> �- - pAOr wMlen oonsonl. LenAer mey, el Xf op0on. reQuue Immedia�e O�Y^�enl In lu7 0l au sums secured by lhis Securiy InsWmSnl Mowerer. <br /> Ws ootlon sh.V not 6a exertlsetl bv Lmdn J exause is n�o�ibiled M IeOerel law as ol Ihe Oate ol lhis Sewriry�nsWmml. - <br /> 11 LMder ezetUaaa lhls oplion, Lendar shnll gno Bortower noiiu ol�ccelerafion.ihe noGCe shell OroviOe e period ol nol 1e65 Ihen 90 <br /> - -' , : Eayn kom the dele the nollte b tleWereO or maJed x4lhin which ihe BortowM musl Dey all avms sewred by Ihis Setutlry InsWmenL 11 <br /> � BortqrM la�!�o pay Ihene nums pdw to�hc exp'vallon ol Ihis periotl.Lendor may Inroke eny remeEiee pMm%M by Ihis Sewriry InsWmenl <br /> - w11hoN NrthM noliCa ot demend on Bonower. <br /> _.,+ - <br /> �(' _ <br /> ±,"':`t:.• M19e l 015 F/���(n"l�l!WCO <br /> - Fl019tM0149J1 <br /> - `�?�;�t� f //NI �• <br /> IY /�� <br /> r-�' '-;: +� <br /> r ` S , — <br /> s,cos <br /> i. <br />