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�_,.,-,,. ,. .,, . . .�:.;r�.�...�. <br /> , .,_ - <br /> �, �� • '' -_ <br /> Y< ;� 16.Eorrowora ftipht to Rclnetate. II Bcrto�va m:eta cenW oonfitlon�,BartowK eMi Aara my Kptd tp A�v�1niN8Knfqt', <br /> meoonmuw e�ua ano p�We to«oe p�e ay�(a ach ol�x Pcnoa u.ePecaas{nr m,r�6�o�ir ta r�wtxn�0 w,a.wr. . - - --- <br /> w.,��� Of NO VroA�b P�uYA to luiy pOwK al sW coniW�d N NH 6�cuGyy NtLUmxtl; or(D) �ntry of� (ud�rtxH eMadnp I�bl'rGtu.i�l <br />=T�;,�?'_,'� fnswmmt Thos�con6UOm ui ttut 0arowm(q prya LenCa U�vme w�kA Ncn v�ould be Que unda tN�BaWi1y Nelnu�nt-4ijd.0�d�'�-"- <br /> -" Hah o g ro rccvk��Can A:d otaur'.4 @) wr.� asy doltu!ot OnY otha ewen_nt n e�esmenu: (o) Dfl'� e9�:v�etiiwFi¢,i�#4�:.,.- _ .. . -..�._ . . <br /> ���' S1f.� WvoNp W� H�CUAb IntLtYnM1 kWmna Eut nol FtMttl t0. rolsombtl �nomqn' lear uM t� 1�� �urfi icllon b Linda tHy „ -_ ._ � �. . <br />_-�^ ,�„A �e!lo�tby�tq�'f0 lo t:eu�!IMt Ih�6!n ol IN� B�anAy In�YUmtn6 L�nd✓� dghtf N N� Dtopxa�n0 [1a�fOWNy eH�1I011�0 pq IIl� ___ . . .. <br />�"'����}%��•�� �umf a�w:ad Dy N4 BewiRy N�Wmml aA�A oomnve uncL�n9ed UOon reNmt�ment Dy Oortowu� W� B�awib N�Wment tnd IA�'� <br /> 4 1 ✓ <br /> , � OOEp11�On1�NUnG Mnby MU�x�MY�My�MIeIN�a M no�aoIMllon Md aocurt�d Ila�r�va,thu dphl to rii►W��hV nol ypy In <br /> `��� '; Ne a��of tacNEnlbn undx D��D�17. - <br /> " t9.8�1�oi Notq Olimpa of Loan Sarvtaar. rn. Notia « a pWY Nt�raat N No Note (wpuncr rrttA NIS 8eaxb ••- _ • <br /> ,.,�r,:::•.°�:, A� <br /> :`;,';•nt. = sAnaWmmO �y b�wid on�a mon IMn x11hoN ptlor notla lo Bortowa. A WO m�y raWl N � dnnp�N N�lntlqr 6�1Wfn U N� ' _ <br /> ,'��:,,"::� �O]LLosn 8xvlcx9 Ih�t aol�d�monlAy p�ymenb due unda the No�e end thN BaauRy InaWmen� fir�olao m►y M on�a mor�Mu�px - <br /> ���"�i��<-�;. �'�9 f thY Lom B�Moer uN�4IW to�tW ot Ih�Noto. II thae I��oh�n0e o1 tM Iqm BerMOV,Bortowor�W E�pHm wrNUn nolkw ol lh� <br /> iiN <br /> � r r�„�{�; �mqe N aoeordma rAth Dm+�+Ph f1�bove end epp0eabb I�w. The noYee vA st�u Ihe nun�end adNef�of Ihe nnv Lom BeMOer --- <br /> � �� _, d the edNass to whieh D�Y��e ehoul0 bs mede. Tho notloe w9 elao oontaN airy otha Intomutlon ropuMeA 6y epplppfe Yw. . <br /> ,,.,::,..r;x Z0. Nazardous Subctenooa. eonmvu anee not owae m pmnll Ihe preaonoo. u�o, dlaposN, qo�e9�� or rdw� of my .—,:_________. __ <br />�i.:�t�_S y.�. <br />_ �,y,� H�zarAOU�Oubatenua on or N Ihe Propery. Oonowa aM0 no1 do. nor otow uryons dee to da mNhNy dleciNp Ne PropaRj NU b N <br />-.i,', ,rr`:�t` <br />.-�ti��(��-'•�; vb4tlon 01 u�y Fmkonnwnld I�w. Tha praeEh9 Mo�onleneo�theB nol appy lo tha preaen00.ute,m slonpe on the PtopMly ot�mi1 _ <br /> i i�=`.'i7�`-, <br /> .:,±i�;:1,��t-- qumWro ol Nazardou�Subetanees thet ue penerauy roeognlretl to Gs epproqkm to namW resldmtlel u�ee �nd to mefntenmoa ol Ns `_ <br />'s ��t 5 �� Pro7eM/• ...- <br /> F `�ti# �4 Barowa sM0 prompty pNO Lenda wAlten notloe o�eny MesYgalbn, deM, demend,leweuR or olher�Won by ury pov[mmenW a _ <br /> '+�,�).;: raguklay ngency or p�Nato poily InvoMng 1ho Propttty end eny Wzerdow Subsl�nee or EnWOnmenlal lew ol whkh Bortowa Ms�dud �P(:. _--_- <br />� 4, �� .-: h��orAed9e. II Bortowu loama. or ia nolNad by anY pm'emmmlal or rcyuSatay authwity. Wt a�ry remov� a otha remoAtOrn W�nY �,-, -..--..._. <br /> h <br />���i�� i� HwrAws Substenee d1xMy Th� ProDH01 b aoauary. Bortarer nhel pra�tty Uka a1 neusaery �eme6al tetlone N accOrdvwl w31 i ( <br /> �, �! ` FmIIOrvnenlel law. r .� <br /> f ���tf 0.i uaod In this para{peph 20, 'Hatardws S�bs�nceY �ro thoie wbsteneos deMad as twde a heiardous w6atanoe� by t dj� p` <br /> p�f #� Emironmentel lew and the IoGOwNB su6stanua: gaeoine, kawene, other 9emma6lo or to�do poVOleum producl�, torio peslidde0 NC -- �: <br /> y��"$���f hardddet, vola4la aohente, meloAels eonlWNq esbesloe w famaldohyde. and redloeetive melMals. N used in Ihis puagraph ZO ,�,F'+ 2 ��'� . <br /> ,5,F9 7.�.�I 'EnWOnmenld Law' means tedaal laws enE laws of tho pdsd�Cpon where Iho Propery b loeeted lMl rekte lo hoallh. eeloly or �t�, �,��M' -.. ,':. <br /><%,iY��'14��'F env4onmenlelprofeWon. k��:'�"i,-:,,'i�--°� .. <br /> } t �� <br /> a�L;r� ; `"�"�` - <br /> } }1� NON-UNIFONM CAVENANTS. Bonower�nd Lender Nnher oovenanl ond agree ea tovorn: fi�;'jy`� r -• <br /> A;���" ; 21. Aooaloration; Ramedlos. Lender ahell glve notioe to Borrower prior to e000leratton following �{i�;�;.Y� u�r a _ <br /> 1 +f(, f � Bonower'e breaoh�of eny oovanant or ngreement In thle Beourity Inatrument (but not p�lor!o aooalerellon #,'?i R ��`f _ _ <br /> s� ; r�, urd�v aa.agraph 17 unlsss appllcablo laa provldss olhew..lea}. The noUee shall enaa�{u; (a) the defauly �_�ti� nn � ,^ - <br /> s}f�;p � " (b) the aatlon wqul�ed to oure tho dafault; (a) a deta, not leae than 30 deys irom the dete the notioe te �,�f z ' -_ <br /> u.,�k�Y���e„ givon to Borrowor, by wMcb the dafault muat be aured; and (d) that tailuro to oure the default on or '�' + r • _ _ <br /> F �,�ty�i�r�f before the dete epooHlad In the notice may reault in eooele�ation o} the sume saoured by thta 8eoudry "^�,t,t2�'t�,�, _ :, <br /> _Y�r(�j�. Inatrum¢nt and eele ot the Properly. Tho notioe shall turther Inform Borrower of the right to relnatate aftar � r4Y)Y �t�.� ,.: _ <br /> �„r��ti ,. eooelaratlon and tha Aght to bAng a oourt aotion to asaert tha non-exietonoo of a detault or eny other _ -��r +£.��y ,` � <br /> �t_ Jy tT�'h detenae of Bonovror to eccoleretlon end aela. If Iho dafault Is not owed on or betore tho deta epaolfled �.; K tg��`�,,,�. <br /> �1'1 j7�%'� In tho notioe, Lender et Ite option mey requlre immodieta payment In tull 01 ell sume seau�ed by thta '+s:rtr 'Fr� - <br /> �,.try�?'}�.-„ Soaurtty Inatrumont wHhout turther damend end mey Invoke tho powe� of eale end eny other remedfoe a��; ' � ���;. <br /> v ; C pormitted by appliaebla lew. Landar shell be anlitled to colloct all expenaee Inwrrad In purouing lho i' �' � - <br /> � � romedloa pmvidod In thie paregraph 21, Including, but not Iimited to, reasoneble attorneys'teea and coste -- "�} -_ _ - <br />, of t1Uo evidanco. -.;tv ;t�� j'ir - <br /> x� I f t ha power o f s e l e l s l n v o k e d, T�u s t e e a h a l l ro c o r d e n o t i c e o f d e f a u l t i n e a c h c o u n t y I n which an y n+j/� a t� jj�` <br /> ` part of the Property le locetod end ehell mail coploe of such noUco In the menner presorlboA by appllceble ��F:"�jp 1/,(�;K _°-- <br /> ' � law tu Bonowor end to the other peraona p�eacribed 6y applicable law. After tha timo requlred by °� " ,�4 Z,$4?yF/�'= -- <br /> "'��-. ., applioebla law, Trustoo ahall give public notico of sale to lhe poreona and In tha mannor preeor i be d by �;;;,`�t�S F�ff'�"""'"•%-�� <br /> I x le„q...:. <br /> -i...nd (fDJ'11�::: <br /> . applloeblo lew. Trualee, without demand on Borrowar, ehell eall tha Property at publio auotion to the ,� -;�,.( ; ,.. r�) <br /> � , highaet bidder et the tlme end place and under tha tarma dealgneted ln tha noNce of sale In ona or more �.;�`';,�,��'•L,E�;.•°if•r'.��-: <br /> percels and in eny o�der Trustea determinea. Truateo me ost one nale of ell or en a�cel of the `�'� } <br /> Y P P Y P :�=i"�: <br /> '�"`-'�- PropeRy by public announcemont at tho time end plece of nny provlouely schedulad eale. Lender or ite <br /> 5;:� deelgnee mey pwchase the Property at eny sale. _� <br /> Upon recelpt of payme�t of the prlce bid, Truetee ahall dellver to the purcheser Truatea'e dood <br />� conveying the Property. The recitels In the TruMee's deed ehell be pdma facio ovidenca of tho huth of - � <br /> � tha stetemanta mede theroln. Truetee shall epply tho proceeda of the eale In the tollowing ordor: (a) to all - <br /> coate end exponaos of exercieing tho powor of aelo, end the eale, Including the payment of tha Truetoo's <br /> teee ectuelly Incurred, not to oxcoed 3.00 Ye of the princlpal emount of lho noto at the tlmo of tho - - <br /> declaration of dotauit, and roasonablo ettornoy's foos as permitted by law; (b) to ell eume aecurod by thfe <br /> ? Socurity Inetrumont; and (c) any excoas to the porson or pereona Iepally ontltied to It. <br /> 22. R6COI1V0y80CB. Upm prymeN ol all sums 6ecured by Ihls$ecuriry Instrummt. tm0er shall repuosl imsloe lo rewnroy No - <br /> PlopeMy end 6heG surten0er Ihb SBWrfly Inswmenf end all notts er�dendng debl secured by Ihis Sotuny In¢Wmenllo husleo. huslee <br /> 6hlII t¢fAnvey IhB ProD�Y��ou!wlrtanly BnA w�houl tharge lo IM1O ptlson Or peKO�s�egally enfil�e0 lo �1. Suth ptt5on of p¢nons 6ha11 <br /> . pay o�ry�ecortlatlon cosb. <br /> 23. Substituto Trusteo. lender. a� ns opfion. mey Lom ome lo ume remore imstee ene appom� a succeesor wstee �o env <br /> ' Luatee eppoNlatl �ereunOer by en NsWme�l �xa�detl m�he cwnry m whit� Ihis 5¢CUMy InSWmmi rs reco�AeA. Wd�oul conreyanca of � <br /> Ih!PlOperty.euccRSSOt Ws�ee 6heG sutteetl lo all l�e Ulle.pOna antl au4e5 co��ened upon Tn�slee herein entl 6y eDVGCaDIe 4w. <br /> . . . • _ • _ ����� �_ . . •.� �. ����..0 � �i�����.�OMn...�i� �M����rAFI� <br /> - w. noquve� wr ..vueve. v�:.o..� .ry�o>�. ..�....w.e� .............................�....___ _� __....""""""""_ '..__ <br /> . b Ino Propxry AOAross. <br /> 25. RIdeB to lh�e SOturity Instrument ii one a more naen e�e exew�ea oy anA rewrAeO top¢Iher wtlh this <br /> $ewriry In6WmenL IhY covonanle enO agwemenls ol each such nCCr shall be fncoryo�eled �lo ana snau amend end aupPlemml Ihe <br /> - � corennnis end egreemenls ol Inis Secudry Inswmmt as�1 tho�dn(s)wtte a pen o1�his Secvnry ms�mmenL <br /> , - q9a �o�5 �orm!D]!9.90� . <br /> �. '� FI019AM0 09)1 �/� — <br /> s:i.' �•'• <br /> . `' f { + . <br /> 5�606 <br />