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.. . . „r .�. ..vM �,.�. ., . . ._ ___.._ � _... . R i2f PvT.R`+ .aavs <br /> 4�l ( l � - <br /> '2����� 1I01 10 C%CSCd 1h0 flfNm114m emW�i e landa IOr e tOGaE� ro4itOd �toHgLgo laen mey tequ4e fOr BMOVid9 oSUDw�COOU�t LI1dN NB � ^ � <br /> 3 ,n,.Si� . z . _. <br /> �A�f� (aQoN flael EiUto BatUommt Proceduros Ac1 of 1874 ca amondad kan Umo to tlma, t¢U.B.O.EBOf at�o�pREBPAry,unlaea enalAa lew rn� ,— - �� - <br /> , ��+ Nq lppAoa W No funde ab�loasar emount II�a Lendar moy. �t eny tlmo, oolaq and hold Funde in�n �mount not to mwao0 Na .�`u� - <br />- '-'��."�...� . �c.�.:.,s,_. <br />- Hsta unwnt Londar may nUmato No um�nt ol Nnde duo on No boale ol wnem dele w�d roononehl� oaWratee ot urpandWroa ol „��r__ <br /> i . .,." Wturo Eeaari Ita�m ar athernke N accardmco wlih ay�w6la tr�r. . ._—�— --- -.. . <br /> }.�� TAe iunde nheE bo hald In en NaUWtlon whoee depoalro ue Inwrod by a ladael ogency,Neuumenlefity,or w11ry pndudlnp Lcnder C ���T`�, ^h�_ �� <br /> �'s� r `�� Ltndsr b woA cn NatldNonj or In a�y Fedetal Hane Lofn Benk Lmder�heA eppy tho Funde to pey ths F�aow noma lu�der mey not B+ ./_' � « ifw-. <br /> ! �� eharpe Bonovror(w holdlnp and epp!�Mp Ne Funda,ennuaCy anv/ring the osuor� aaounR or rafying tha Eaami Itemf. uNeae lan0v 5 �i rY p?� <<; -� <br /> 3���t,.��`�`s,;� paye Bortower Yueresl on Ne Funde�nd eppCea6le lew D�ne lmder to meke�uoh e chmpa Howerer,lendar mry roquUe Barorrw to �'r�Q"t , y�. .. <br /> rs �;{gt7 �pey a moUme eAerpo fa en NdoD�dont rql oateb laa ropoNng teMea uee0 by Lander N wnnaotlon wAh Nls loan,unlet�np0'��a dw �; � �,�s ;�tSAi 4 -.._ <br /> ��{,����� prorlda o�hpvAaa. Unleea �n epreement b metlo w �pP���le kw requirae inmrort to bo pdd. Londer ihall no� bo requtred to pay F� �xii�, -; <br /> r ����i Bonower am/hterat a eeminqa on Ne Funde.Bortowa end lenda mey ogreo N viAWg,howwer.that Ntorett ahN bo pald on Ne Fund�. t.r,`: n ,�t n� �ol` ��. <br /> L'`�i ��� lendor�hoA�Ire b Barov�a,wlthoul ehupe,an uinuel acwun�np o11ho Funde.ahwMp aemb end de6A�W tho fundf�nd N�purpo�a `,f{r ',� �� :- <br /> -,v��SYr�. � 1»t w . e :. <br /> ta. fa rAJM w'.h doD4 to Ihe FunAe we�m�da The Fund�ue D�edpod ae addNond eawrly lo��7 evme�eewM �y Nie Sacurlry InaWmanL :, �� },.. ._ <br /> ��+ �% �� II the F�mds hdd by Landw ezeeed th�amounU pemYltod W bo �eld by�OPO�aa Yw, lenda th��uwM to Oortorix lor the -,� 'ESf;, �����*�•' <br /> 6 <br /> e ti�5 �1�_ oxoess FuMa N aeeor0ena vAth Ne requtramonte ol eppC�able law. il the unount ol Ne Fund�helA by lande��1�ny tlm�Is nol iulAdml - -,_; ��6 -,�,� ;� <br /> ?�r'...«, � �to p�y the Eeaow tlame whm dur, L6ndet mey io notly Bortowa N wMnp, �n0.In Wch aa�Bortowa tM0 pq to lMAer IM unounl � n -- - -:,,.,� <br /> +'� �P�'� naw�wy to make up th�dolldanry. Bortona theG m�ke u0 t�e dellGency N no ma�lh�n ivreNS monNy prymeniti�1 Undcr� eW� � �,�' +S�Y!t`'�{' .- <br /> � ..v .?;-_ Abaetlon. -; P/� � . i,� , <br /> � -- "';• Upon poymont N NO ol W Nma tecuraE by Ihle 8eady IniWmonl. londer �ht1 OrompVy rohnC to BortowH ur/ Fundt hNd 6y , ;�} �'�"�i����:y .� <br /> � - 7 -� Lendor. II,unda panqnph 21, Lenda th�G uqu4e w soG Iha ProD�Y• �a^der, Prlor lo NO aeQuisllbn or�eb ol Na Proporty,Ma9 eDpy 'k � r)tit'1{tt,• <br /> ]v ti �� <br /> ; - eny fundi hWd by Lmder�l Ihe Wn�ol�rqulfltlon a�ele���aetlN eqaMUt Ne�ume�ewred Dy thls 8eally InaWmenL �t.;,�l, � x f,��',;. <br /> ' -` 9.Applloetl0n o1 Peymonte. Ude�e epp0ubta�vi paAdea othe�wlee.�!peymenla reeeMod Dy lendar undor peraqrap�e 1 end ��� StC<�r; <br /> , /,' �� �'.�' 2�hal De�pPlod k+t. lo ury PwPeymml oherpa� due under the Noro: taond to emounU Payeble under ppragnph?. Ihird to Inlare�t n`�*� ± `�?� :; <br /> t,3.r:! dur.lourlh,lo pMdptl AuK�nd leal to�nY�te eMtpa Oue undu Ne NoU. r� �r 1 rs:, �. <br /> r r< <br />�'r'�r--•"':'�.+'"- A. Chergae; Uo08. Bortower sh� pey d lua. euessmmu. Uurges. Mes �nd 4nposXlon� �tHtutabW to the Propaty v�Neh ' .,�.,. {.j Y" - <br /> •.4���:•�i:n�-!� me e1Wn ora iNf Bewd NaWmenC end IWSehWd paymmis at ntl renb.M en . Bortower 61u11 Neae obn auau m tne ���::5:;::;;.:I;�'�;:'�•'�'��;�'.: <br /> > `'> Y G�b �Y 7W Y WY�non owed eni 5�:; �z{ +` �v+"v�� i'. <br /> ��` i� t:Sj; menna prorlAed h paraynDh 2. or N nol pfitl in that mamer. Bortower t1uC pey ihem on tlme dreeVy W Ne p8ym (� F� _. <br /> 't� �:' ":��.?it Bortower the0 prompty NMeh to Lendu N nolkw ol �mamt� lo Ea peM unde thb penyaph. II Bprower meke� Ihate paymm�e �i. �{ r���„ <br /> iy'�- ;„ d40dy.Bortowm sha0 PrompYy NMSh lo lender teNplt erltlendnp Ne paymenU. -.�` j q�'' -� �� <br /> ;< � ' `n,:� 8prtaxtt thaC promply tllachargo eny Yen whkh hat prIMH over 1�i�SeaAry InsWment uNese Borrmnr. p)agren in wnlin0 to Itw 'ai-'F� `�' -�}����"a <br /> � y i f Jyr'�4'� D%�ml ol Ihe obYpeOon eecuted by lhe fun h a mennq eaepW0le to Lmder; @) wnlesls h qootl kM Ne Yen by,a defendf apeinsl ;i`�, 't l k� 'y�ig:;, <br /> � �� l����� avt�-oemenl ol the Gen In.kyel procead4�y�whieh in Iha LendN'n opNlan operele lo prevmt the mloreemenl ol the len;a(e) eeaxes Uom . !� f.1� \��7�1P. <br /> �. y !` Nh t:r�::.. <br /> -n•r�.1 tl�e�alda ol the Een an eyeemmt sallslaqay lo Lmda aubord4ieWg t�e Gen 10 ihb 8eadry InsWmem. I! Lender delerminq ihat vry e, �.+f�y�,•a <br /> �+�,(�1({;h•Y,��, qrl of tAO Pfoperly b su6�eel to e Oen whlch mey a1Wn pAO�iy orer IMa Sea�ity In�Wmm� Lmder may qhe Bortowa e nolioe Idmtly4q '� r '�-'���{.`--= <br /> � <br /> i 'm, �:�,:',�. tho 9en. Borterra aha0 aeW y tho Yon or Wk�one or moro ol lha�clione tet lohh ebove wI1hN 10 days ol IM gNYp ot nolice. `��j.� �S.!:�ar_>— <br /> r i r , 13 ,{� - <br /> ��` �'t���r ��: B. Hazard or P�operty Inaurenoo. eonorr« sh�u kery tho improvemome now eWYny or h¢reafler eeGed on th� Roperty '' i� �� y�;iy <br /> ' ��,1i4��•; NsurM e Y Y � ^Y 9 9. _.} �.�� .". <br /> � yaNSt btt E h&Mze�Aa Nduded w11hN Ihe lerm 'aatended eorere a antl 8 other huardt.NGUdin IlooOe or IlooWn Iw -�) '' r� -�; . <br /> �;;_ `pn.::�.+,h�,;: whlch Lentlor reQU4ee Nsmnee. TIOa insureneo shell6e mnNteined N Iha unounU and lor�ha peAOds IMt Lender requ4q. The Nsv�enee .�;,p�:;.�_ r;��;7';�; . <br /> '�i���Fl������•(,• wrtkr plovltlMp th� Inewenea ah�ll be chosen by Bortower eub)eU to lmder's epprorN whkh ehal not be urveasquNy wdhhNd. II :•;�+�t 'S i1�7 � .��J��C? <br /> °`°.�� .� Bortoww H9� to mnNleln eovorage desai6ad ebovo. Lender may, et LenAete opllon,obtein coveraye to proted Lenda'e dyhb N IM ! � �?`��i <br /> ''�i�;i:'::�..: .. .:���'.,�y ,Vi <br /> .C:::..�,e.',".g?:, HoP�Y N eteortlanee vMh peregnVh 7. .;'�..n.t�1 N. <br /> �{`� : ^�{h M Wurenee poYUas enA renmvals ehail be ettrD�3�l+7;Lentler and a�a0 Ndutle a alendard morlyege deuse. Lmder shel hava Ihe ��, .�;;,;=_� <br /> � "- dqM to hoitl 1he poLdee an0 renvxePo. 11 Lander mqWw,Bortower ahaU prompty gNo to Lmdtt ell muipb of paW preMums end renexal _ - �.1; <br /> _.-•.;%�-:-,,`',': noliva. In tho event W lose. Bortowar eha0 pivo prompt nooce to the Hsuronce canler end Londer. lmdtt mey mako qool ol baa M nol , _,s. - �� <br /> :�-i:-..� . :. mtdoPromplyDyBOrtowtt. . _ <br /> F� 7 _ - ": <br /> � . Unleu Lenaer end 8arower olhamise eqroo in wriling. In�umnce OroceeCS ahetl be eDVGed to rnlontlon or repW ol Ne Proputy _ <br /> dameped. M 7he rotlaetlon or reDeir la xaiomiee�ty leasib�e end LenEe�'s securiry Is not Inaonod. 11 Ne ra6lwelion m rep�ir is not �. - <br /> ��-; '�,�f oeonoMpVy foatibb a Lendar e 6eaudry woul0 be leasened, Ihe Nsurenu p�ouMa ahN bo�OPOed to Ihe�ume taattd by 1Ne 8ewAry ; � <br /> • °' InsWment.whelher u no[Ihen due,wilh e'ry exceea pald 10 Bortower. 11 Bonowq ebendona iha ProDerty.or doae nol�nawM wNhN 80 , - - ��� '• , <br /> ''. . . y. <br /> " � dfyro e noliae trom Lmtla ihet Ih�Nsuranca cardtt hen olle�ed lo eetlle a claLn Ihm Lmtla mey coYect tht inaurmco procuetla Lender �.: '.:��'. <br /> �����'.' i� '�i� mey us�Ihe pmcaeda to rcpn�� or restore Ihe Properry or�o pey auma aearetl by Nie Sewriry InswmenR Y+hetha or not then due. The � . � �. <br />�ti__:_n)'. <br /> : , � BPGy petlod w�l bepN when tho noUeo b qkm. �t. - <br /> �,�,." �� Unless Lmder end Bartontt othe�wise oyae h wrling. eny appGCellon ol D�a�� �a P�Upel eheG nol oxtend w poatpone 1�e due � <br /> tlele 01 the monthy paymeMe lelertetl to N W rofl�epha 1 enA 2 or clungo the amount ol th0 paymrnls. 11 untler penqrayr 21 Iho NopMy <br /> - ' , . is acqulred by Lender.Bortowera dght lo eny insmance po�Ues entl proceods�esulling irom damage lo Ihe Roporty pdor to I�e¢quu0lon <br /> �� ♦i. �� aheA peea lo LenAtt lo Ihe exlent ol ihe aums aewred by Ihis Securiy Insirumenl immeEUtely prior to iha ecquieition. <br /> B. Occupency, Praservetlon, Malntonanca end Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loen <br />� ' �� Appllcetlon; L09901101d8.BonavM 6ha0 occupy. eSfabGSh. and use Ihe Properly as Dortower's ptlndpal resi0enco wllhin sMy tlays <br /> - �IIM IhB B%OWII011 OI Ih19 SCWII�y 11181N111M1!�C shatl conlinuo lo occupy the Properry�s Bo�ower's printlpel resldence/or el kasl one <br /> , yenr elter Ihe dalo of ocapanq. unlase Lenaer olhmwiso egreea in writinq.which consenl shaG not be unreasomby wdhANd,or unleas , <br /> � � eatonua4nq dreumstencee edil which ere Dtyand Bortower'e contral. 8ortower shall not Aestroy. tlamaqe or impe'v the Hoperty,elow Ihe - <br /> ' _ PropMy lo deledorate. or amnil weaie on�he Proptty. Bortowtt sha�l be in de(eutl 11 eny IoANlure eclion or proceedmp.whel�er tlr�a <br /> • - fJ(� bepun Ihal N Lmder'e qo0d�aX��uEgmenl COU1E txsuM1 in IoAalure ol Ihe ProDerty or oIDemise mitelie7y Impev 1he fMn aealEd <br /> by Init Seatlry Imwmen!or L¢ndere ncuriry InleresL Bortower mny cma such a Oelau� en0 re�ns� pmrl0etl In peregraph <br /> - -- ceuaNy the eclion a proceeAln9 lo ba Gismissed m7� e rvlinq Ihal. In LenEeri qood lanh Ae�e�mmaUOn. preUUdea lotlenum ol ihe <br /> �� - Bortowora htorost In I�a PoDerty or olher materUl impairmem ol lhe i�en ueateU by Ihis Secuuty Instrvmem or LmCOra aecurXy Interest. <br /> On�wu�A��J�n lu In AJU�O N NMnr� HnIM Iha 4un CI�IIGfl11M (1t�LOSS hc'Y9 TYIPIIfYV IiISB Ot W[[LIYIO MI�TtlIif1I1 (1f[I110T01111 <br /> _.. . ..�..�. �.. . . .. .� _ . . <br /> - to Lender (or IaileE lo proNde Lendar�ri1h any malerial inlomalion� in connttlion wilh Ihe loen aritlenced Uy Ihe Nole.�Gud�p,bul nol <br /> � limiled to. represenWUOna conceminp Bortower's occupancy ol Ihe PwpeM as e pdnUpal residence. If IM1is Security Inslrumenl is on a -- <br /> - Ieasehold. UortOw¢r ShBII tamply wllh 911 Ihe provisfons ol Ihe 1¢ase. �� Bonower acQuves lee Gtle to Ihe Rop¢Ily,Ihe Ieasehold Bnd Ihe <br /> � fee We sM0 noi merge unlns ihe Lendtt a8�ees �o Ihe meryer N wril'v�g. <br /> ',A. <br /> -' . ��-�•': [cV• )ar S i��m JD]�9/9D <br /> � ;Y.' "�' ��0]9.lMG N9b /1 _ .� <br /> i; <br /> 'r,1'i'.s" �t.: Q� �A <br /> , {�' <br /> �• �'� s.aa �� Fl } I <br />-_ ,. ..,_: i-a . _ . . . _ ._ ` __ _ <br />