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.� {' —�'•.S"' o—�_"' . . .— - ,:1� ie�4'.h �,�� }� n t� � d ) xn�t� __ ' ' <br /> -i 1,, . .r ,". , ; 6 ` . <br /> _,_��_ ., .. � ' . ' � r � °�4'�•� - r 1 �.a, '� _.__. <br /> .. . .. .. .- . . .. i , . � '.t S: r ,. .1 <br /> _ candemo�ilaioraherllklNotuiypaatqtllie7royertY�afo[conroYUb;koUlitu0f4wWe��ptlop,crehsrc�Ya��i�kdpib <br /> —-- ch:ll p8arol.i�tdea . � ' <br /> �m6 ev t qt ti tolal�akiny,ol tha Qioperty, iho��adi tnotll�ey�ne4�o�fio�ii�tfayrcd�y,� ti�ecurl�y� ,,,, <br /> "" --- inauumen� �(si ee on w ihen duv,whh any oxoo�e� o tlPwdti,.tn 9Y;pi ollt_ d 1�I1��Citi9 �y N <br /> � wt�lch afn1Y mArkot vo�tuo of ihe Pnpe+ay ImmedlMefyyyig(e I�ie lskinp li e�unito pr grc9�ap�1�an Qie�fgnm o � tury�� • <br /> �xurc�by ihl�Ae�uflry fmimnlint iriln,�cdip�ei beforo tho Ipkl�y�uplo��DompWdt'anG�anAOe omo N�p OgMo x�ftlnd, ., `: <br /> the�umf coeurod by�hl�8c�odiy In�tNmen�i�ni'bo�dudeA bY�he en�pu�it:oT tho pr�� mult��laf by IN4 fotto�yidp.•+: , •,a,; <br /> frnc�lon: (a)ihe totel emount of�ho sum�wwreA mmedlmal befom the teking�divlded � ).tho t md�8�ft VN40.9f t}�a. <br /> ' �' p�ojxny Immediosoly tioforo mo taklng, Ady 64anoo�hdl�epg�d to Bo�Yo�ot: In the aven{ot e pmiof tpklng ef tM � . "" <br /> Proyony in wAich tho tah m��kot vatub at the Propony Immedlalely betoro the taking 1�tu�th�n�he unbunt ot p�6 Wm� - . . <br /> ecsurcd�mmcdiatoly boPoro the �eklng,unloa Dortower nnd Londu othenvlae dg2o In wriMg or uniesa pppllcable fen <br /> o�hcrwlw provldo�,�ho procadi�hall 6e applled�o eho ame ucurcd Ey mis Seeudry tnawmont whc�heror�ot tM eum�ero <br /> then duo. <br /> _— [f tho Propmy b nbendoned by Bortower,or if afler notico by Lendor to Dortower thet Ihe condemnor ofkn lo meYe � <br /> en ewurd or eenle n clelm Pordemnga,Dortowu fai�s a rospond to Lcnder within 30 dayi efter the dete�Ae noNae fe�Iven. <br /> — Lendor b euthoriud to colla�and apply tho proaed+,et iu option,e(�Aer to rostoro�ton or cepxir of tla Propqty ot to iha <br /> ---- eumieecurcdby�hl�3ecudryTnstNmem,whnhxrwrrotthradu¢. <br /> -- Unless I.endcr end Bortower otfiuwise agma in�ntttng,xny applkatlbn oi�vooeed�to p,iacipsl�Aatl not extend or <br /> — poscpone�ho due da�e ottha monthly paymenu rctertod to in pazngmptu 1 and 2 mchange tAe emount ofiuch paymenle, <br /> {V.� il. Bovoeer Not Releascdi PorDearenca R Lender No! o tValeu. Bxtenalon of We �Ime for�metit m <br />_:�,�,�a modiflcation ot amonizallon ot�he surtu acured by t�is Secudty Insuument granteA by I.ender ro eny tuxeuor n Intereri <br />��.::}'�(� of Bortower�tull not opercie ro mlease ihe IfeblUry ot�ho odginel Bortower or BortowerY sucauon in Intcresl.Lender <br /> ;� - ahall nw be requircA to commma prceeedinge agdnst eny suoassor in intcrest or rctuse ro exrcad Nme tor payment or =-�---- --� <br /> � o�Aernlu modify amottimtlon of Uw aums�ecurcd by thi�Sauriry Instrumrnt by reason ot any demand made by the odglnA <br /> z.�' Bonower or Bortowuh auocesson in imttosG Any forbeemnce by Lender in exercising nny right or remedy shall not bo a <br /> ;�r�;c waiver of or prcclude�ho exemice of eny dght or remedy. <br /> ;:;}3f`t;,iy/,� Il Succaswro end Asslgn�Bound;dolnt end Severnt LleEllity�Caslgnere. 7'i�e covenanU end egeemems of thif <br /> - --"��t��`A Sccudty/muument ahail bind and benefit the wccexson nnd nasign+ot Lender nnd Dortower,subJect a the ptoWalona ot <br /> �.� t i peregreph !7. Bortower§mvenanta end egreemems shall be Joint nnd ceveral.My Bortower who ro�igns thii Secudty <br /> r�� In:wment 6ut duea not exeeute IAe Note: (e)u caii8ning thi�Saurily Instrument only�o mortgege,gnnt end convey Ihel <br /> .._.,.`�`� Borrowerh intercs�in�he Propeny under ehe ierms ot�hia Saudty Inauumem; N)is not personnlly o6ligeud to pay�ho sum� — <br />-- ;.mre sewrW by�his Secudly InatrumenC end(e)agrcca thet Lender and eny wher Bormwer mey xga to extend,modify,forbw <br /> �^•o or make eny eccommodaflom with «gard �o the�emu of ihis 3ecudty /nstrumeN or Ihe Nole wlihout that BortowerY <br /> =°-t?±"vt} � consent. <br />.::;;.;��,�3=,r�. 13. Lonn CAa�ges. If�he loen secured by this Secudty Inxuument fa subject to n law which tW maximnm lonn <br /> ,�j�r�kTt�� -- chergea,ond Ihet Iew Ps flnuUy imerpteled ao Ihn�Ihe imetea�or o�liet loan chnrgen colleeled or�o ue coiieaui in wnnedion °'----- <br /> ;f_,t;{rl�. wUh�he loan exceed the peimined iimiu,then: (a1 any:uch loan charge shall bo rcduced by Iho emount naesaery�o redna <br /> ,, �3t��# the charge in�he permiaed limir,end(b)nny aum�eireedy rnllected trom Borrower which execeded pemdned limiu will be __ <br /> �<�',�.i refunded io Bonower. Le�der may choate to mako this rcfund by rcducing the pdncipel owed nnder the Noto or by making e °_-- <br /> �� tii-f dircc�puyment�o Bortuwec It a wfund redu�c�principai,t6e�cductian will be ueeted aa a p�rtiel propaymm[whhout any --�- <br /> ,'�;l'�. prcpaymcntchergcundcrtheNo�c. -���--� <br />-':�;�;c}1���' l0. Notica. Any notice to Uorrower provided for in ihis Sceuri�y InaWment ehell be given by delivedng It or by °i��- - <br />�^,�4�n%.�iy���' mailing it 6y firs�cims mail unlass¢pplicnblc lew requlrca use of another melhod.The nalce ehall be dirccled ro the Ptoperty �"-r <br /> ��-? � i Addrccs or ony other nddrcu 6ortower dexignnte■by nolice�o Lender. Any noqa ro Lender shell be given by flrst cless �J��� <br /> - ����( mail ro Lendcrh addrcss a�umd hercin ar uny othcr eddrcss Lender dc■ignatea by notice�o Bortowcr. Any noticc provldcd for �' " <br /> . �i�- .r�� in �his Security Insuument sholl be dameJ to have been given ro 6ortower or l.ender�vhen given n provided In Ihis ;" <br /> ) y <br /> i -r i.-!- Py�BroPn• fF(rs .;,� <br /> '' t i _! IS. Covtrning Law:Severobllity. 'Ihix Saudry Inxlrument shell 6c govemcd by kdcml law end �he Inw ot the �i-�,±� _� <br /> . � �� jurisdiction in�vhich ihe Propcny is Iaca�ed. In�hc evem ihut nny proviiion or clnuse of�his Securi�y Insuunxnt or tho Noto - <br /> j� � can0icn with opplicn6k lew,:uch conliic�shoil not affect o�her provisians of�hfa Securi�y Imwmen�or�he Noto wh(ch can �1�r/;,_�-6 -� <br /> s�'_i�f7� he given ef&et wi�hout�he canllicting provision. 'Ih this end ihe pmvisions of ihis Securi�y Insuumem md dw Note ero �(tK1- -- <br /> t `t -'S declered w be xcvcrubla :}`+i�i�r- <br /> - - -� ; 16. Borroo�er'a Copg Oortower.hall M giren one confomicd cupy of ihe Note und ot ihis Securi�y Inswment. -��-- - <br /> ' ��? :� 17. 7}anshr of the Propert,r or a IteneOcinl Interex�In Rorro�rer. If nll or nny pan of ihe Propetty or eny imercat in f � �f' '�� <br /> { ` � il is sold or imnxfcrtcd(or if u hencficiai intem.t in 6artu�rcr is wld or�rnndcrrcd xnd Oorrnwer ia no�a netuml perwnJ �'S. 44.�-: <br /> � t�-��, ai�houl Lenderk prinr�rriuen ii�optiun.rcyuirc immcdia�e payment in full of ali sums xecurcd by 'i--:_.-`'_ <br /> 4t. : �;, ihic Securiq In.vumem. Hux�ever,thi.op�ion shall nai be ezercisuvf 6y LenJer i(ezercise is proM1i6lted 6y federal law a�ot � rr?:° <br /> � �hcdalcuf�hi.Securi�yln�lrmncm. tiy;;, <br /> If Lender eceni�es d�is ap�iun.Lender+hall giec Bommcr nolice of accclem�ian. 7Le noiice shnll pmvide a periad of �� * <br /> nrn Ic�,�han 30J:q�.frnm�hc Jate�hc nn�ice i+Jclivercd or maikd�ri�hin which Aortower must pay aIl sums sewred by thl� <br /> -,C%'c.�'� ' Sccuri� Insuumcm. If Ilunow-er faih tn r�hc.�c wm. rinr �o �he ex ira�inn of ihis riod. Lender ma imnkc an r`�.''=z��'•" <br /> Y {w. P P I� Y � Y -.,,?�-%. <br />. remcdies pennitled M1y Ihi.Savrily In.Irumcnl aithnut(unhcr nolitt or dcmand an l3nrrnncr. '' _.�;';--- <br /> IR. Ilorrmrrr5c RI hl In Nrinxinfe. If Bonm�cr mcc�+ cenain canJi�ion,. Ilarrawcr .hali ha�a ihc ri h� m have �"�•-•�- <br /> R F �'_.. :. <br /> eMorcemem ahhi�$eruriq-Imlrmnenl di.enntinued a�:m���imr prinr�n ihr eadicr nL• eal 5 dayx(m wch u�her period u ; --... <br /> r'.i7•.i;t:. <br /> ' -� timp4Lm�d.-FinNeVar�F'reddieNacl�6nR\IISSIHIVF.�T..I�minmcmrvm. 9W y.�¢��.�Inry�u� !�.;i:'i�: <br /> � :i'1'.:j." <br /> ,.b. <br /> i:. �•1. <br />.�1'.--. _:' - . ' - <br />. ,. . ':r: _. . <br /> �'`'c�C:•..-. ' . <br />� .:s•� ".���.- <br /> '� ���i�.3' <br /> �i`•.'..f�� <br /> _ _ _ "�''�f��� . . .. .. . <br /> { �... ..�t� '- . . ._ __".. .�.. I .:._ . . . ._ . .__ . .... -���'.._._: . _ _. . ._ <br />