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' _. , .. <br /> " ayy 1i��b1a iqw mzy o�ecity fdr roinsutcmo��l.6p o�i s 9 ��a 4P�Y�P��Urk1 to dny�el0�e�le F461Q�A 41�le , ,_ <br /> 0 iC g � p� <br /> s:�unq�touNm��ortt)edayocaivasmr�e�tAUBec�t(tY�tamih�n� '",i �,y.�.µ�'°"",,,�',_,� „ ,_ <br /> � VW'�I�det�If(uma wucn then�wputd pe Gub ondcr tl�!#�IO�nt�!cias�ulttenrcna�p��IX�u 1�r�m��i��i.�R��� � � <br /> - paycred,(b�cur{��ydef�PrApyq{��6Yfj{!k�l7.0l8$(GC11lCII{l��J n•e.-r F r � <br /> � . �'n-F�`.m.i(i� �Y�It��filil . ��iif�(Ed(R(�" 1fi 8 8tttifiiis't'f� anrQ.�d�tdke��qfon ot��n dW niay se;9ot��!Y i::•. . . <br /> � reqaUowasgurbtdartheilpnofihiaseourlry tntuument,[.Enaer9r18�leintha.propenye�Ir9orrowei9oCll8aQdo.toyay _q�d <br /> . �uma saw�d 69�hu S H tnyui�ineqt shall�sonNnuu vnpLmgea V rt rolmu�emem A �a1v rr, a�ia sec�riey ,; <br /> — Inat�umetlt end Ne bbligalT�oni ep�red Aeteby sNell randln fully s(fxNve a�t�no aooetemucntl,�boa,xm�at,.ttowova.lhie <br /> � dght torelnsrea chall rro�IpP1Y in Uw C€w ofaorcicro4on unQerpuega�h 17. <br /> 10. S�b M Note�CGwn�1 bt 1;pW BFrvk46'7Uo Noto or e ppttlal.intemtt N�+e Koie(t witt�lAis Sttudt� . <br /> Ins�wnenq� 6e s�ld one qr�nbte Ifinea without pdor notice ro Horrower. A�.vb may�eco11 n e ebnngb in fAe er@ty - <br /> (known m trye�Lom Uervlar'�O�ot coUxla monthly paymenu dup under 12w No:p etd trie Security Wtrumrnw 'il�ere�1» <br /> may Do one or moro ohangw ot 8�e Loan Scrvloer weotated to a�e1e ot iho Koie:ItQ�era idaehenge of ihd{.oan Servlocr. <br /> Hortowu wIU be givan wtltten notice of No d�enge In aaordenoe n1tA p 14 above enA eypflentife la�,W.;YAs ootfoe _ <br /> -- wiil etaro�Ao namo end addteas otttw nea Loan 8ervicer end t�o addrau t w�(C p9)mrnSRShuuTd 6esneda'77fetVoticrwl� . <br /> --- atwoonlet�anyo�hwlnformatianreqWrcdbyappllcnbialew. ,. . � - <br /> 20. Haeardoua SuWlanea. Bortower ihall nat cause or penntt�ho prcsenca,ose,dtap�ai;ctbmge ot raltaso ot eny <br />- _ HezeMow Substanaa on or in the Properry. Bo�rower s�all not do,nor allow anyone olse to do,myr�in$nN�t�g tha <br /> m� �or ge on Ao Pm�oleUon of any Hnvironntcntal Uw. 1Le prcceding two antenoc��hell tlot apply ro the ptesenu,u�e.or <br /> _ peny otcmell quendflw otHuardoua 3ubs�ena��het ue generalty rccognized to 6o apyroprlaro ro namal __ <br />-= .r rwidonddusesandtomalntcnencootlhaProperty. �- <br /> � Domowe.r ehall promptty give Lendu vrtilten noNx ot nny InveatlgeUon,claim,demend,Iawauft or other actlon by iny - <br /> govunmental or ngutatory ageney or p�ivato parry Involving�he Property md any HeurQoui SuMteneo or Bnvironmemel <br /> ��ta Law of whkh Bortower has ectuat knowlWge. If Bo�wer leama, or i� nodfled by eny govemmenul or regu�etory �- <br /> °�.�v emhodty,�M1at nny rumovd or o�iter rcmedladon ot eny Hazardom Substance pffecting�he Ptopraty U nerossery,Borrowu <br /> -°- •" ehetl promptly tete xll neoeasary remediel ectiana in aaordnnce wllh L'nvironmental taw. - <br /> -L q As osed in thia pemgmph Y0,'Harudom Subsunce�'are those eubstanoea defined aa toxle or hezerdout tubstance.+by --- <br /> ___ ,'� Hnvimnmental Lew end ihe fiollowing subsroncea: geaotine,kcrosene,o�her flemm�ble or toxic pUrolwm ptoduaa,roxic _ __ <br /> �7%i� pesticides end he+bicida,volalile aolvenn,marerixli conte3ning ubestos or fortnnldehyde,nnd rcdloaaiva materielt. Aa - <br /> �•�-�� used In ihl�peregaph 20,"Fnvironmentel Law"mans fWernt lawi md la�va of the Ju�Iadlction wherc�he Property fa laated <br /> - � [het rclata to health,eatery ot environmentnl protaGon. <br /> ,,' NONd1NIfT11tM COVENATPf3. Borrower end Lender funher covenent and egee u followa: - <br /> � 21. Accelerationa Remedles. i.ender ehall glve notice to Borroeer prlor lo acceleratlon toilow)ng 6onower'e <br /> _axzd'JiS� brwch af any msenant or agreement in thB 3ecurily Instrument(but not prtor m aaelerntton under perngreph 17 =__ <br /> _ `- <br /> -: untess epplicnble lew providee othernlse). 7'he notice shail apecify: (o)the deleultc(b)the ection requtred ro cura the -- <br /> -- dif9UlQ(s?a dak,nM!e�lhan 30 dey!hom the d9tt ihe netke le glven fo Rnrrnwg�hy whlch!he defeult mut!he <br /> rs,� � wcedt and(d)lAet fatlure to cure the delault on or 6efore Ihe date epalfled In ihe notlre may reault in ncceleretion ot -_- <br /> Ihe sum�cecured by thu Security inslrument end aale oi the Property. TAe notice sheli Nriher intorm Oorro�ver of <br /> ,4'� the rlght to rclnslete aRer acaleretlon and the dght to bring e wurt aMlon[o aaert the nomexletena of a defnuit ar <br />--`=�'�"' eny other defense ot 6orrower to ecceleretbn end sele. R the defauit ia not cured on or betore the dnto ipecifled In . _. . <br /> _�':P). <br />.;,:-.r's�,; the noptt,l.ender at Ita optlon mey nquire Immedinte pnyment In NII of ell wm�ucured by thie Sewrtty Inatrument <br />- -�f.,'!;� �vlthaut Nrther demend and mey Inroke Ihe power of eele end nny other nmedies permlttM by oppticable lew =---� <br /> ���-�$'+"` LenAer chetl be enNtied to mllect ell expensee Incurred In punuln Ihe remMiw provlded In thfe paragreph fl, - <br /> r� <br /> ,�G% includfng,but not Iimlted to,rwsonable etrorneya'feex end caste of Ilt e erldence. 6��3y„�:-- <br /> ^h__i� [f ihe po�rer of xele la Inroked.7}ustx ahell recard e noilce oT defeult In each munty in�rhlch eny pnrt ot Ihe p�',.a.'__.�: <br />,::_�,,_:. Properry blocetM end�hail mail mplea of wch notice in the mennerprcicrlbed by eppllcebte lew lo Borrower end lo �±?�:�,;.;,;. <br /> ,,-,� the other pereom prescrl6ed by apptleablc lew. Afler Ihe Hme rcquired by n�pIicabla le�v,7Yustee aheil gira pubite ,�� •i �� <br /> .f:�-- notice of wle to Ihe penona end in lAe menner prescribed by nppliable Imv. Trusfee,althout demnnd on Dorrowe. � <br /> f'10-{��,.,.,�: <br /> F��.- �'� ehnll sell the Property at public euction to the hlgheat bidder et lhe Ilme and plece and under Ihe krm+deslgnnted fn 1� i,� <br /> , _,' the nofke ot wie In one or morc pertt0 and in nny ardcr 7Yustce determfnca. 7Yustce mey pastpone aele of uIl or eny �;�x..�r•.. <br /> :., �;.;; percel of lhe Property by publlc announcement et the Iime end place of any preriausly aeheduied aale. Lender ur Ita �.F..�.-_ <br /> � };: designce mey purchase Ihe Property el uny snle. "�� <br /> � Upon recelpt of paymenl uf the price 6Id,7}u�tee shell delirer m the purehaser 7Yustec'e deed wnrcyfng lhe ' - <br />�� Properly. The reeftats In the 7}uxtee's decd slmll be primu fude evidencc af thc Iruth o!lhe alntemcnla made Ihcrcln. r/jyi�i �`- <br />•'��,!'•�: 7Yustee+hall npply Ilte proceeds uf lhemle fn the follo�rinR order: lel to nll cusl�end expensca of exerclsing the po�rer .,?.,{-;,_�,,.�- <br /> ... ... �Y.t.�- <br /> �:'.=� 4�i t'�s <br /> _ .»�r,.re. <br /> 1�Yij . <br />.. �k�j��,;:_,'. <br /> - �I'/-' ��%�%"�:'�-: <br /> �I,i ��4.,f.i. <br /> �,��..• Fii�m]OEX Y.'90 ip�e<<.qn�urr.i ��P�!M1 <br /> :^i. <br /> '��:r.-.'._ �.-= ..'-_ <br /> ,'. <br />. .. . ..M__�.-��..r:��C__ - '�_"_..__ . ... � r.� .rv e. . <br />- ^`._L..-�.. . <br />" �j. i <br /> �:�, ' <br /> ;;Sr;<4 . ' . <br /> ,-�'+aiie. : " ' . - <br /> :f ' . - .. . . _ . <br /> i _ .' . .'-, . " <br /> - r�_ �� :- - � -. _ - <br /> � . . <br /> .... a ' .� - ' .- . !,.`�� _ . - _ -. . _ __ .. <br /> � . . . .. . . . . . . , . ,._ �.:.s. ...._ _- - --'.. <br />