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f'. .l...rr� F' � ' — `-_ 1� -`'I ' t la-k� ; r i�,f �l..i,_7�'�'�.i� � { •Iru''t��� �t��lfi, ' <br /> � ,� --� - � ).r �s i �ti ! - 1� � i -'�� '!�7 �� �` �C!�t ' ��I,,' �t .7. <br /> Z /p/� r <br /> n � ! '��T}/�.y � rts r, + , <br /> � -. .,-1 5 .. .T . c - - � .,%. 1�4 'J °t< < . . SRf 7� �7 '�i <br /> � pertatu,�hett;endei�eQutEe�� 7i�aww�uwac�ilarpjov�ngilwLuur�deAdl,Ob�iw)RnD9�araR�t�i�D.�ii�4RltdFl�. � , ;_ <br /> ,� ., ..��_�.�+, ..�:�.�s� ..�, <br /> - r 4l�iMttti6pUobefii� iioi�i�mip�itywlihnctJ- iumni�t�t+�i��R.���°�`�,t4peq�W�IbP��Dnp g�`•�„",•}�'�,'�,� S *i � <br /> ,oLtelncrove otogmestLepd�rM�hn1nfho�� y , , ,. <br /> A111n"suieno0p"oIICiN tencwalanqlFD�.AOaeptabteta�en arand�iectudeae d m �goct�uae tkhdcf• � , <br /> - - shdlit�kvoi�d$hl�ohol�tAdpoiloio� ptendwsi�, ItLen4arreyuIrcP,Bott4N�raLill p�ptiy'�14pYoLSq¢eYWIt[DatllC1' '. <br /> ' ntpaiA p[�m��1�4me en0 renqwpl gotlooi.�p�ho event o110►g,DqrtoWce ehml�tvo promAt qqti�p t�.tl�o In4prohq�,patYlor ppd�. - <br /> I,enAerc.ikn�bYMbym e,proefotlox+lfridtl�ado p�aiA ly:qyAQCtoWbn .<:' � .• �� •� 4' �` �� <br /> ,t, Unitif I�ender and�ortowce othcrwisd egr¢e(n��ng.(tuurance�����t 9ha11 ha SPDIICd Itl TCAto�0AQt10►fF�B!!df <br /> --, 1fa ptoy�{y dcmoged, tt ihe ioswie�ton:pr rcp9ir ie xo��romtoWly.tas �Iti e andI�W erY ser,ydty Ie aot tes,s,en , -ft eha . <br /> tos�Qr�tion et repwr 1�not,xun�icaily fwsible br Lendor6µeuiity Woutd be'IoEsEneQ,th9 Inswensp p�aKdt be <br /> applted la the�um��rcd by�h e SecUrity inttmmcn4 whether or not dun duo,ivtthqny oSCeti,pald to Sortowef, ,It <br /> 8orrowor ebandona tho Property,or daes�ot m:wer wtihln 30 daye n notice from I.cnder thet the In4weiic0�artloF(t+� <br /> offered to settle a olatm,�hen I.endcr may eollce�the lmureneo prooeeda. Ccnder moy uso the praaede ro rt�elr of rcstorv <br /> tho PropoM1y or to pay sums cecurcd by�hin Sccurity inatmmen4 whother or no[tAen due. 'Ihe 30-0ey perlod w II blgin when <br /> . ...——. tho no�fco I�gIvon. - .. <br /> Unla�Lender md Bortowa othefwise egree(n�vdNng,any appIleetlon of procaeds to pdndpel ernU cot qatend o� <br /> pastpone U�e due daro o!iho monfity paymenn rskmed m in pxmgreylu i and 2 or chnnga tAo amwmt of thep�ymenU. It <br /> undu pamgmph 2i Uro Properry is ecQufred by Lenda.Bortowert dght to any insurnnco policia anA proxed�rtsuNng <br /> from dnmage lo the Prope�pdor to Rrc ecquicitlon shell pms�o LenEu�o iho oxtent ot the cums secured Ey th15 Sawiry -� <br /> �--- Instmmcnt{mmedlately pdor to the acqulsiNon. <br /> 6. Oaupanc�, PreservaGon, M17elntenance end Protectlan of the Prope�� 6orrotrer'e Loan Appiicatton{ <br /> [.easeholQ+. Borrower ihall occupy,cctebl{sh,end uce 0e Propeny e�Bortowerh pdnepa1 realdence wf�hin dxty dayt atter <br /> tha execmion of Ni�Savrity Instrumem end�hell comimic to axupy tAo Prapenx as Hortoir:rY pdrrcipal rtaMena tor et -- <br /> �,���'�� least one year afler the dato ot occu{mncy, wiess Lender o�henvlse ageea m writing, whlch conaent nhall not h <br /> �:_.;r,�„ unreatonebly withheld,or unleae extenuating cireumxtanew enis���hidi aro bayond Bonowera comrol. Hortowet sheil not <br /> --i" �?F•..�.; destroy,demege or im{uir�he Property,allow�he Propeny to deieriorau,or commie avte on the Propercy. Bortower ahall <br />��-`=�re���'� be In defeult if any fodeitare ectifon or proceeding,whe�her civil or criminal,ia begun�hat in Lenderb good fe{tA judg�nent <br /> -����;", could mault in fode8urc of the Property or othenvise matcrtally impair the lien ciee�ed by fhb Suudty Insimmcnt or <br />����ti;1.-`�'±:,<�� Lenderk secudty interest. Bortower may curc wch e default nnA reins�a�e,m provlded fn pnwgraph 18.6y causing the ecuon � <br /> --•:��yY�Ytj���' or pfoceedin;ro be diamissed wi�h e mling the4 in Lenduk good faith detertninetlon,prcclndes farleilure of�he Botm�rerk <br />".�n�•.:„- ,�ig;:, <br />-_..,;�.+l:��lef inrercst in�e Ropeny or dher meterial impairmem of�he]ien creaud by�hia Securiry Inswment or Lender�seuviry <br /> ��`.,�;tiiti'y�,���.�,i ineavrate Ntormation or�st��meru m Lender(o Ba 1 d io p ovid�e Lendu vitfi nny mater ein fo�marion)�in eonnationswfth <br />.'�;;�',;;4�("��f �he loan evidenced by �he Note, including, 6ut not limited to, representaAons conceming Bortowerh occupancy of the _ <br /> :.,.�}.4;�;i;iZ Property a+a�lrx'spnl maidenu. If�his Secudty Instmment ia on a leaschold,Borrowcr ahall mmply with ell the provislon+ <br /> ,r v� ���4i of the leuc. If 6oaower ecquues tce[nlc�o t�e 1'ropeny,�ho Ic�seboid ond�he iw tida chall no[merga uniesa isada agw <br /> , "�}r� w�Ae mergcr in writing. <br /> v FK�.t�yti�� 7. Protectlon of Lender4 Righta m ihe Property. If�ortowcr fnils to pedortn tho mvenante end ngrcemcnls <br /> t�t •r!; comeined in �hia Sxuriry In+wmcn4 or therc i+e legel pmcceding thot mey xignificantly nfka Lendcrti dghu in the ' <br /> ,•�:iqn;i:�tzS;� Propeny(auch ae n procecdtng in bnnkruptcy,pmbaa,forcondemnutiou or(odeimrc or ta enfomo lawa or rcgulo�lons),then = <br /> �''`�7 � �= Lender moy do nnd pay for whoicvcr ix nccessnry�o proicct the vnlue of thc Propeny end Lcndert righ�e in tho Propctty. - <br /> �i x�t3�; Lenderk ac�iom moy Include paying nny xums ucurcd by n Iien�vhich hni priadty over�hta Secudty Instrumen[,eppe¢dng = <br /> ' '��/:�5'�. in coun,peying rcasono6le auomeyn'kex ond entering on �hc Propcny io mnkc rcpain.Ahhough Lcndcr mrty teko acdan _ - <br /> � �f.';;�..; _ <br />-'-;�1:ii �1i��i; unda chls parogroph 7,Lender das na�harc m do m. - <br /> -=:'•;::�\:, - <br /> - �.1,•. Any emounts dishuRed 6y l.endcr undcr�his parngrnph 7 ahall httomo addi�ional dc6t of Uarto�ver ucured by this _; <br /> �9��`v;,,. Sauriry Insuumem. Unless Bortuo•er und Lender agrce m o�hcr icmu of paynun4 ihesc omounts shnll bear intacat(rom the = <br />-:,,�';.J�.S.,. date of disbursemmt m�he No�e mic and�hnll 6e p�ynhle.�riih incerc.�,upnn notice fmm Lender ta Uorro�ver rcqueaAng €. <br /> y-:,�,.,Sr;:-� pnymcm. ti�: <br /> �.r';.•b,i1f•�. - <br />- ;;;r:•..rf;;: 8. Mortgage Insurance. It Lcndcr rtyuircd mongage insurnnce u a condi0on af making ihe lou�securcd by this <br /> ��'�}ti���• Saurity Insnumcn6 Bortoucr+hall pay ihc prcmiuma rcyuircJ ta mainmin�M1c mungagc inxumna in cf(cct. IL for xny <br /> � �ry ���s.+ reawn. �he mongage inmrnnce aovemge rcyuind by l.ender lapce+ or arax. ta be in efke6 6ortower shell pay the <br /> L t:u <br /> �5.��,s;�i;;�j•;i premiums rcquired �o n6�nin coveroge xub.lnntially eyuiv�Jem m �he mungage inwmnce prcriousiy in effecl, a1 a emt = <br /> -.,;,t substantially equivalent m�he cmt to Bmroo�er of the mongage incum�xt preriously in ef(a�.from nn nliemate mongage <br /> �..?.�s"3. insunr epproved Ay Lender. If+uM1slamially��yuirai.nt mongage incurance coreroge i+noi avnilabte.13ortouror shall p�y lo r_ <br />��`�`•'`��� Lender eech momh a xum eyu:d�n une-nrclhh nf Ihe}rary�num�ag.imnran.z premium I+eing paid by Bortower when Ihe - <br /> �`��{H� -,^�`; insumnce�overngc lapsed�o Ix in effe.�. Lrn�kr.�ill:rcepi.uu n�d rctain�hex paymems os o loss rcxrve in lieu <br /> i:_ , <br /> :;�.,Y,��;:-�,J; ot mongage inxuranm. Lm� rexrve�mymenn may nn langer M rcyaired.a��Iw opian uf Lender,i(mongage insurence _ <br /> �-,Fe.: �_:jy„t covemge(in�he amounl and for�he peri.xl iha�Lcndrr reyuirev prm�i�kJ by an inwrcr apprnreJ by Lender again bernmes <br />,,�.r:'�;-'.:::;�� nvailable anJ ix oM1�aineJ.Borruo�er,h:Jl�xq��M pmmium.rcyuind m maintain�m,ngage inwnnxe in effecl.or to provide a <br />= loss re+erve.untillhe rc�ryircment fnr mnngage inmr.nxe acrorJ.nk.ui�h an�uriuen agrcemem Mtween Bortowcr - <br /> -3R i -`' nnd Lcnder or applicahlc la�r. = <br /> _ - :.�"� 9. Inspectlon. I.ender nr in ngrn!ma� ma{.r rca.onahlc.ntrir.n(x+u a�xi m.RYlinn.of�hr Ropcny. Lcnder.hall = <br /> '`':;;�. ..,."; _ <br /> � � � n '��x . •-if i e.nanahl•aau�t Inr Ilk im •tliun. - <br /> - a7'�+ givc Borrmvvt nwicr a�Ihr lim<<f�r pn.�r� nn i �a )n g� . �x <br /> �,!.r:.... :'�,i - <br />�-,•q..''�:'�S�1J� 10. Condcmnatlun. Thr pnk� am :n�arJ urcl.�im fnr dama�c..Jrt.ct nr m�nRlinn wilh any <br /> ,'.�i`t:<���t}; ��� timylrim�tl�- Funde\larirrddn���aal\INIk\II\]fHl\I/.\'f �1-ml.mitlnrmm� 990 pnc�!.•lnp.c�u <br /> -•t.i��°t�r m.w Iin Iiww Fuw.�v ■ -. <br /> •�.• <br /> M1.Ik.NIJY 1lIAlNATI:'lU61�1f1-Illl =. <br /> �:ti' " - <br /> i <br /> .. .n. .. <br />.._� _.•. �y <br /> , ."_.�.'.'::• ...-2..- );S ' 1Y...rr�-.- . . . . .. <br /> -.. - .. -.- ._�,:._ s. r'.'_'.._ __ _._ . " ' _ _. _. . . . . .. . . ... <br /> . _.....ic;.. <br /> .',t-i- - -. . . . <br />. . _ -=,�1.: <br /> .:;:t:j..__ _ j, <br /> r t Y�y`f. <br /> :i�- :Z'� _.)}a.: . y�. � <br /> {`jrv <br />� :,i,. �.'Yr,F:�"i) . . � . . . . <br /> 4a F.'� <br /> i�U <' <br /> ,�.�� �.a�.r..���5 . <br /> .-t�i{�ti• i1 . '� . _ ' ' <br /> �.�d:,�. e: ,5 � �Y.' . . _, - - - . , . . <br /> ,r! . <br /> �•i�'_ - •l.; - _ . . <br /> . . . �1: t_ ..._ _ '_ .. ti.,;i . ... _ .. ._ - . _ _. �. . . .. _...,..1 ._. . . _ . <br />