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. / .-_ �I� -1 " ��•F . I <br /> :.i...r.t� .:s:- i i.. .r i �-- :,< <O .:' .� ,--0- ir .--,i � , i.,t ':,Jf.t�� ;�. <br /> :, i - ; :. :5 . �_i -- _ � .:( i _ . . � - jdty (��7"� <br /> _ -l) ii 1�,-=•�i - . �i <br /> rs - . r , � c� •._.. <br /> , U ` .- i ,... -,r'..- �, �: ( r� -.-��q q � �'_ � �, ;"y p i� '-a`yi��; <br /> :. ':�,1'q'Q�}!�H 1Y►'�elt Q19(my[avet�lcnJ�hqW 4�IigjeAl�c(.qteftal pn theyroperty, d ail easc'n en�e:gpnu�tenqnccsi _ <br /> _ 6nSYl�tur.a now a=hercaRer a�utat�Eopcc�rty 111t ivplesemenu iuid�ddli pne ch�lur(rv soy�by�g���Y <br /> , Ini�iumem.�Apotthotorcgothg]e.rctortrAfpfe�h(�SauNtylnEwment+u�h.Q��Etty.. . , . ` , . - <br /> - - -- $OAROWBR COVIID1ANf8 Na!Rortowtr 1�IoivNity�OIASQ'of the otk�o herct�y sonveyW and hm tiq�i' 1 to y,t� ; � . <br /> and�vey U�a propc�ty and Q�at�Ao Propeny ia wenwmbe►ed,ekap�tor cncumDnnco�otrecoia tfarco�Yer.w�u qn� , <br /> will Aetend genenl(y.tNO Gtio to�he Propeny bgalnst etI clelin�and Qemande,wb)ect ro eny encl�m6rMa�otmord� <br /> 'fHlB 9CC91RITY IN&7RUMBI�PI'comDNo� unitomt covenonu Por ne�ion�1 uao uM non•unifotin covennnb w11h` " ' <br /> ��-,• iimtted vutatlons by JuilsdtcUon to mnsNm�o aunitonn sawtfty insnument mvcrin8 rcal proporty. <br /> .._� <br /> UNIR�RMCOVBNAIYI'S, BoirowerandLenAucaveneatondepteeulollowe: ; <br /> 1. Paymeat ot Prirtdppl end Intercap Prepayment and Late Chareen. Bo�rower shall prom tty�+�y when due�ha <br /> princlpal of nnd Intcrost oa�ho debt ovidenxd by�ha Noro u�d any prepayment and lero ehu8ai duo nnSeruio Noto. <br /> -- 2. [Nnde tor 7�cee and Inaurance. 3ub)x[to eppticnbto law or to a wrltten wetver by l.endw.Horrower�hell pay to <br /> I.endu on Ne day monthiy paymenu eie duo under the Note,until the Noto ie peld In NIi,e sum("I§md�")tm:(a)ycpNy <br /> taxea md asussmentn vfilch may atlain pdorlry over thle SecuRty Initrument ae o Ilon on the Propeny:(b)ywly Iemehotd <br /> -= paymenro or�owd reme on �ha Pmpuq if any; (c) yeariy hazerd w propcny Inaurnnca premiuma; (d)yeetiy Oaod - <br /> irtswaece pmmhmu,it eny;(e)yearly mongage Inaurance prcmium+,tf nny; nnd(n eny num�payable by Bortower to <br /> t.enda,L�oxmdenoe with�he provl:loni of pa�egraph 8.In Ileu ot thepnym ent of mongaga imuranoe premiam�. 7Trse <br /> ---- itertu aa callttl'8:.emw Rems.' Lendu may,et eny dme,collea and hold Wndi in an amount not ro exooed�he meximum <br /> - — amount a lendu for e frdereUy reteted mongege loan may require tor Bortowert eacrow account undtt the fcderol Real <br /> ---- B�tate SetqementRoadums Act of 1974 d amended trom time�o time,lY U.9.C.4�01 er seq.("RQSPA'),uniwa enother <br /> .__� law th�t apptlea to ehe Wnds cels a lesser amomt. It co,Lender may,�f eny Umo,coliec[end hold Ivnds in en amounl not to <br /> - -- excad �he lesser amount. Lender m�y estlmnte the amonnt ot NMs due on �ho basi+of curtent date end reesonaUle ____ <br /> - aUmatw otexpendimna of fature Eacrow items or othenviu in eccordanoe with eppIicable law. <br /> -� 7T�e Wnd�ahNl h held in en Irotimhon wAou deposi�s uro InsuttA by e fedemi egency,inawmenWiry, or entity <br /> ,�,��!,.� (including I.etider,if Lcnder ia auch en institation)ot In any Aederal Home Loen Bank. Lender fiatl npply�ho Aund�to pay <br />�-�.�jY; 1he&ttow Icemz Lender may not charge 8orrower Por holding and e�piyi��ha Aunda,ennually n�udyzing the escrow -- <br />�. 'i"- accoun6 or vedfying�Ae Eserow Item�,unleaa Lendu pay� Hortower mcereat on the Ponds end npplicable law permits <br />:�,�:;�};R'��' LenAer to meke auch e eharge. However,I.ender may require Bortowcr eo pay e ono�ime chergo for nn independent rcal �„ <br />:�-�-.,;1,.;^ri;fr eatxm�ax teporting servia useA by l.ender In connutlon�vith this laen,unleas appIicable Iaw provides o�he�wlse. Unlesa an <br /> ' _i1=�r� egrcement is made oT eppIlceblc lew requirea Intereat ro 6e paid,Lender sheil not be rcquircd to psy Hmrower my Intcreat or =-_ <br />:,`.-Y':I.�.i J� <br />, ;,j�},3,�;, eaming�on the PuncU. Bortower and I.ender may egra in wri�ing,ho�vever,ihat Interest ehall Ix paid on the Phnda. Lender ___. <br /> �. ��.,,- �hM give ro Bortower,without cherge,en annuei eccounting of�he FLnds,show{ng credife and debita ro Ihe Amda ond Ihe <br /> ��"�v�'�.; p�upose for�vhich eech debit to Ihe FUnds was mede. The FLnda nre pledged n addltlonal secumy for nll sum�secured by = <br /> -�.r�i�'�' this Saudty Im�Nmonc _ <br /> ' '� !!U:e W:tda held 4y l�.�!��1Y� !hR P.1^^Rpl• 'e.^..^.i!!t�!^i^ 1!!lA b;esr]iEnMe Inw,l.uider�hdl eccomt ro �. <br /> r`��,�5�ii''�� Borrowu for�ho exceas FLnds in acwrdanee with�he requiremema of applieable law. If the amount of tho Wnde h¢Id by = <br /> i t��r,�5�7,74 �,p�der et any time b not sutflcient to p�y the Facrow Irem�when due,Lender may ao norify Bortower in writing,ond,in - <br /> ._�c(��l3 wch casa Bortower shall pay to I.enda the amount necessery to meke up ihe deflcieney. Bortower shell meka up Iho ��' <br /> „ � ''t''� deflc(ency in no more�h�n ewelve monthly paymenta,at Lenderh sole discrc0on. F_-- <br /> c.c ��.: Upon payment fn full of a11 suma ucureA by thia Secudty[nstmment,Lender ihell pmmptly rofund to Bortower eny � <br /> 'i+`� - -� W nda held by Lender. If,undu paragmph 21,Lender shell atquiro or ecll the Propeny,Lender,pdor ro�he ocquialtion or P_. <br /> `SS����; sele of the Propeny,ehell epply eny FLnds hcld by Lender ot the�ime of ecqui:ition or sele af a crcdil ag�inst tAe aums k :_ <br /> •,,�t-.j�r «curcd by�hln Security Instrumem. e <br /> ,_v ,y_ ). Applicatlon of Paymenta. Unleas �pplfrnble luw providea otherwise, ail prymenro rcceWed by Lender under �-'�' <br /> 1� e ".��;{ paregreph� 1 end 2 shall be eppiied:fin6�o any prcpayment eharges duc undcr�he Note:saond,to emoum:payable under -,. <br /> ,,�� : paragmph 2;�hIM,ro imerest due;fourth,ro pdncipal duc;end les�,to eny le�c chergcs duc under�hc Note. k <br /> ""r , 2 4. Chargeai Llen�. Bortower chell pay all uxes, asseumem�, chergce, ffnes end impositions anributable to ihe ! t <br />�-�"- -�'•- Pro n which ma auein riod� ovcr ihis Stturit Inswmen4 and Icauhold a mcnts or round rents,if en Bortowcr - <br />..:t_;��.;;- P� Y Y P Y Y P Y 6 Y• ,:; <br />-""��.�'- shall pay these obliga�ia�s in Ihe manncr provided in pangroph 2,or if not paid in ihnt menncr.Bortower shnll pey thcm on <br />�._ik4�.';; , <br /> ., ,.,,,,{ �ime dircniy to�he person owcd paymene Oorrowcr ahall promplly fumish lo Lcndcr uil notices of emounts to be paid undcr F;�,�, <br /> +'���5�``s' �his a re h If 6orrower makes these menti direcil Bortower shall rom d fumish�o Lender rcai ia evidencin -° <br /> -_.,:x.s;• -:: P re8 P • PaY Y. P P Y P 8 t'�._. <br />`-;�•,,;,-b;:� �hepaymrnu. G.` <br />__;;�1���;:�+ Borrower shell promptly diuherge eny Ilen which hns priority orer this Security Inxwment unleu Bortower.(o)agrees r <br /> :�h r in writing ro�he payment of�he obligelion uwred by�he lien in n manner aaepinble io Lender,(b)contests in Rood feith the C"- <br /> '`"':j�:`it lien by,or defends against enfomemem of�he litn in.Iegal proceedings which in the Lendert opinion operau ro prevent the '' <br />��.ii",'�rr; enforcemem of thc lien;or(c)xeutta from�hc holder of the lien en agrcement xetisfactory�o Lender subordinating�he lien ���i` <br /> k`-�z�.^':' ro thia Securiry Inswment. if l.endu dnermines that any part o(ihe Propeny ix subject to a lien which may anain priority �"�' <br /> ' '''� over thie Stturity Insvument.Lender may givc Bortowcr a raticc identifying ihe licn. flovower shxll satisfy iAe lien or�ake �`��� <br /> �=`��"'"� one or more of the actions set(onh xbove within 10 days of the giving of no�ice. �p'�. <br />`:{:;�+�K�_it: S. Hazard or Property Insurunte. Bortowcr shall kup ihe improremems now exisiing or herextter erccted on the p <br /> �'��t,_'%: Propeny insuted agains�loss by fire,halerds inAuded within the mrm"exlended coverage'and any o�her hmrds,including e'+-� <br /> >�i - floods or Oooding, for which Lender requirea insurnnce. 'fhis irouranar>hall be mainteined in�he amounu and for thc r � <br /> �• <br /> 5 - '. <br /> '�1?;,:7:" Fam30S8 9A0 rrv1�S.gnrym� �;,.-,- <br /> 1 �Si r <br /> � �• � <br /> f � <br /> e <br /> .i^`^°'_"_V.�s�'rN'l.:rle`..::�i'_."_':�__..:_' ' _' _ . . : .. .. .. . .7 r.°6:';r"1. C , ,, r.m'—.. :9- <br /> . �j <br /> �T - - t_ ' - �t�. ' . <br /> � :+ . <br /> -y� i�jsr; * '. " .. - _ <br /> F��f�J�.�'t}� _ . _ . . . . _ . <br /> 5 J l�:�C 5 - - - <br />._:�H'4`:.�.:..�t.�_4;_.`!I`. , _ _ _ _' . <br /> i t� 1 <br /> �'t �tQtiT � ' 1 - � . <br /> -�.}f`1.,...:" - _ <br /> v <br /> ,:t.�� : ',�q�r i; �t . '. .. <br /> ' `,; `.; . . . _ . . . . <br /> �� i;��.. ..r- . - . . , • . . . <br /> i ' 1 . <br /> ` j Y ' . .� <br /> U i'1 - � . . } . . _ <br /> c� ,- . -�- . . <br /> �� y-.[t. 2 Y:- � . . . . - f -- . ..�. . . - <br /> � • /} � . dl , . _ . . <br /> � Z 4 --� t� , ! _ _ " - � � _ �� <br /> � (:l � t � �i . �i � .. d - - ' - - t ,.�; - . � <br /> 4.n . . -� . .".. , . . � . ' - ... - . . . . _. . . , . . _e <br />