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, , <br /> �..,� <br /> -�a - _.._. .... . . - . ��=--� --- <br />......_�.�. _", _; _ �/� . <br /> . .-._ "Y�� �"• � ' • , . -� .: :/r14 n.-. .n� �,--.-.—.. __._ <br /> _� �prop� .ii�duBenorG�mi9�NnQm�hellBovoN�oDUOn�inluwle�naeEeoNtacl�crWornto�D b�a+i��A�r�it�� _ _ <br /> : �,�ti�nqtlfar9omsRw:tiCnO�%p,-,t1�1114uttqpyRtfta3nnlotlOn� wlq�eun�Pt?oee0e,�y�nenp �!!'�vr — <br /> Mr�by��ndlnNon'aQ�t nUnaam1yQ610rmlds�pttO�ppN�I1WCI1p�OCNdA���rWCh6ku01fOnf,bdiff � O�qN <br /> == DmpMryLponwohmnGiftoon�a�lanaumnyaatormine.Mr�ypnoctlanotProosad�m��pbtsQnet�et�ailnptoxr„rtEOrpoi�aN �—°� <br /> Ni QW G�b ottny pqm�np undn N�Nota,orouro my Q�f1uh N�r�unda a h�rounda�.My unnppllod Nnd��RUID�p�ldto -- <br /> =:;nzaz��; Trusto+. <br /> = B,/pkrnWqe�!y tMQe.UpOnNrocaurtenoeoNa6Y�nto�D�tMlh�rounAer,orll�ny�c11�4k�(1"ollpolOrocifdl� <br /> _ comminoeOwhloDmaluli7yaHect�L�nA�I�InterWlnNePmpxy.l�ndMms�rinluowndlunMOn,EUtx7tlloutoWlwtlonWEo <br /> "' °r:=. {o,pnAwllhoNno11x1oae0em�nCuponTru+rorandwifhoutreteeNnOTruttor rom�nyobllpaBOaCOanyuelwldchYru�torAaf _ <br /> _ _, :-_.-. ... ...._ <br /> �proedCOlhlltloCO�nAm�ytlroao�nyoNerw�Itdeemaneceaaryloprotaellne�eouAry��rao6Trurto�MOtl,lmmotllt �--- — <br /> s,.gr, upondemend0eretorbyLenAOr,Deytolendereilcoeuandexpenea►inourreA�nOwm�oxpendadbvUnJ�rinconnwtlonwl <br /> _„��;-�'� Neex�rolse0y LanderofNoloropolnprlphte,lopeNerwllhlmorealthereonelNedalaultrateCrwlOedlnNeNotAwUlcheMllta <br /> e0aetl lo tho I�AOblBtl11�W CBOU�Gd�O/ODy.LOMB�ihIIll 110t IfICN O�y II801111y DOOEU60 OI en�hlny it mey Eo or omll to do <br /> Y �',`t�°� harounCOr. <br />;�`;:~t;;2z„�} B.Hawrdou0 M�Iad�N.Truetor ehnN kaep Ne Propory in oompIlance wIN ell aD�UOeCIe law6 or0lnanoee and repNntlona _ <br /> .�.,�. ,.,.._�_ ral6tln010 Indu�Wal hypleno or em4onmonlal proteotlon(colleoWery reterreA to hero n a�^HnvkonmenW Lawa�.Tmator�nN1 -.-._ <br />�'>;"•'+��"'�r.WeN nbtt04to `- <br /> �<-���(���,. �erelno"HSUrdaoMalatlale�TrvofartqreDywarrenteendraproaenatoLendarNe�NOro�ronoHwrdou�MditlaUonor -- <br /> ��q-#��_ unCarNOPrOpOtly.f�vOtarhotODyEOroeetontlomnlryenOholdharmlaulendeRiteClrootore,ofllcar0.employeo�anCeyenU,�ntl _ ___ <br /> eny nuocoasoro to Lonciof�mlarent tmm entl epainet any and ell ckima deme9ea loasee and Ilablupee arl8np In oonnactlon wNh � .- �_ <br /> .,.,�r„"1;!. No prosenqo usa,Uit�powl or IrenaDart ol eny HaiarAOUf Mater�a�e on,unAO�,Irom a eboul Ne ProDerty.THE FORE(OOINO °4 � - <br /> -' �-'.'�'� YlARAANTIE�M'DflEPREBHNiATI0N8,ANDTRUBTOR'BOBIJOATION9PUfl8WWTTOTHEFOHE401N01NDEMNRX8t1All M'��^��-- <br /> ' � �- BURVNE IiECOhYQYANCE OF TH18 DEED Of TRUBT. �r �;. <br /> �(`�e�'a��_ t0.Anl�nment ol Rrnls.Truetor hareEy eeaipn6�o LanCOr wa rente,lasuoa and D�ofi�e ol No P�oparty,proWded NatTruYor ��{ 7-__� _ <br /> yEr ;�:' e�all,untlllY�0000urtonceofanEventolDelaulthereundor,hevathedy�lbeollBCilndtBtEln6uChronW,ISiu998�dDroNS9lIhBy rpL, �; -----��- <br /> _ �,.�, ;��,', Dacomo due and Oayabla.Upon the ouurrenco ol an Evan[ot Delaul�lanCOr may,eNhor In parwn or Dy a0o��•wIN or wlNOUt . <br /> t - - DtlaO�^9 any ettlon or pt0eeeding,o�6y e teoalve�appolnlaC by e court entl w11hoN regerd to Na nAapuecy of tte ssev�iry,enWr +% .: <br /> s�'y���_ uponendtakeposaes61onoltheProporty.oranypertthereol,lnlllOw00lI�IBOtIONBnUrt100flt10TN6tBB.0nOd000y0Ct8WhIChR � �'V% :t � <br /> ,�<<� i�� dp9f1�]n00De3SryO�dBBUeMetOp�88BrvON9v91uB.mBrk6lablllry0rtente6111ry01IhBP�ODOrry•OrO�ryPortlhBre010�In18�e3tNe�eln, ��P i4-� <br /> "+� inoreaae No Income Iherelrom or prolect t�e eecurily horeol and,wft�or wi�hoN tekinp po8aesalon 01 N9 Propeily,aue br or :.� � <br /> _,r�i,���` Otlionr159 CoIIeGt th6�Bntl,I�lue!enG profile 1�6reo1�IOGIYGIf18 Ih0i0(l8D1 CYO 9fIC YII�IBIA,8�O BQply NO 681118�I85�C0618 fi1M � ;:-� - <br /> r�, �,`, oxpanteao}operationendcollectlonincludinpenomeys'feeauponenyindo6tadnos�wcure0horeby,ellln8uchorAaraalande� � ;� , <br /> �� : �;, moy Cetermina.Tha enterNg upon anA ladng possoasion ol Iha ProDarry•Ihn colleclion ol sueh renf&16auea and profiy erW Ilw r �y���-� <br /> ,__,;;,o�.r ppplluYOn thereol af etmeaal0,ehall mt eure or waMe eny Oelautt or noUee ol doleult hareuntlgr o�ImreliOale eny eel dono In ;'��i+:an:;. � <br /> �� responsatoeuc�detauROrWreuanttowehnouceoldeMultend.nolwi�hsmnd�ngtnewntlnuancelnposeesslonoRhaProportyo� ,"��r.; � -- <br /> h .r �_� tha cdleeNOn.receipt and appncatlon of rente,�uuea or profite,end huttee entl LanCm Ma�l ba amitloG lo exerelsa every tlgM r i ` __ <br /> , � provlCOdlorinenyoltheLOenlnalrumenleo�bylawuponoccurroncaofanyEventofDelault.intluCinpwl�houtllmltatlontiwtlght �?��i' f-____ <br /> `,- ��exere�!luM+�ercl�'er.ymoo�n.wm�diw.�nearw.parayrapnananeewmwauvaWm�analnnowaye �Y 1..' -_. <br /> ` ' - � IMtletlonon.Lenqeretlp�bendremedieauntleranyauignmantotloaeeaentlronteroeorAeOagein6tlhePropeM-leeAOr,Truttee ���si/��� <br /> r �`y��. end tho receiver nhall be liabla to eccount only lor Nose�enit actualy raceWetl. �Sy}'� )' �� <br /> '*-t� ''� 11.EW nb o1 D�huIL The tollowing nliall coMtlNte an Event 01 Delault under Nis Deed OI Truct jhq}� �(*) „� - <br /> �; .-$�- (a) FaOUre 10 pey ony Inslallmont ol prinUpal or Inlereet ol eny oNer evm 6ecured ha�e0y�v�on due; iKa� -- <br />_� r ,fi @) AbreeC��ISOeeOolTruste�ryoftheloeninstrumOnte,oteny �� �'a-+� il'iY+��-. <br /> __"-:�r�Q_:� oNer Ilon or aneumbrance upon the ProPeAy, �3.���"i.�S���r, .,,,.:�. <br /> - �i, .,J (e) Awtltolexea6onoretleehmeNOranyeimllarDrocessahallbeenteredayainatTrutlorwhichahallDecomeellonon ;�'�' t '�'�t <br /> � r �� ���i <br /> .�`.'�: ':`,< the ProPeM or any poNOn Inereol or inlereal Nerein: :_?:,1`_K::�z�'.,N� . <br /> (tl) There eha�l be Iiled by or agelnnt Truabr or Borrower en eclion unAer any presenl or IuWre I9dore1,alete or oNer ; , <br /> ;'ijt j��' steMB,law or repulallon re190ng lo bEnkrupicy.inso�veney or oNOr ie��ni�nr eamnre;or t�6r9 snell be app0lnletl any Irustao. :�s=��;4;�V;�4�kj."�+°Y�: <br /> ` E-J��Y recehreruliquidatorol7�uabrorBOrrowarorolelloreny0erto11heProperry,orNerenla.iaaueaorprofnaNOreol.orTruetor �. 1 fi ti <br /> � ,•. or Borrower ehell meke any penerel aesignment tor�he benelit o�creEttoro: � -- _ � � b� - � <br /> '� � �' (e) The sele.Vensler,lea6e,aasignmenl.eonveyance or IuMer eneumDrence ol all or eny Dart ol or eny inlerent in Iha � � ..: <br /> y ' ' <br /> � ���`, Property,eilher volunlarily or involunlenly,without 1he oxprona wrinon eonsent ol LenAOr,provitletl Ihat Trua�or a�ell be 1 --��; .���ii .�y �-:: <br /> - `� ,r� permittetlloezecuteeleeee o1NePropertylhaldoeamteonlalneno0�ontoDurMaseenANOle�motwhiehdoeenotexeee0 r {, y.: <br /> :Ag oneYear: �. �i . � _- <br /> i ' i, o <br /> . ; g @ Abendonment ol the Properry;or .;, '�� �� � `� <br /> �+yp (g) ItLUS�orlsnotan�noidAUaLme�ssuance.aa��er,aaaignmentconveyenceoreneumbreneeo�moreNenetomi r; _ <p<��{� - � <br /> �t t ��Of�y : p? j i_.. <br /> � ol percont ol(il a cOr00�ation)its�6luoU antl outslantlmg 810Ck Or pl B pahnotahip)a totel ol Dereunt ol �il� ` , �� <br /> '�" paMarehi01n1ereela durin81h8 Deriotl Ih�s Deod ol Trust remeln�a uen on I�e P�operty. �S'� ; �'" v_��� <br /> _ i �' 72.AamedloKACeeI8q11onUponDelaultJnNeevenlofenyEve�tol0elaullLenAermay.wiNOUtnolitoexteD�ae�BqWreOby '" r yri:..;,.� <br /> --�'�"�`� law, declere elllndebleEno6e eeeure0 hereDy ro De Oue en0 paya6le end 1he eame s�aii�hereupon become due 9�d peyablo - - ��`s�:`;;c:`�:_:� <br /> wilhout eny p�eaen4nen4 tlemen0,profeet or nouce ol eny kmE.Thereatler Lende�mey. rr - �'�� ,�i - "' <br /> (B) DemOnA thet TN8180 ezercfae�he POWER OF SALE grHMEA herem.and Truslee S�all t11B�ee1�M COU68 TruabtD � - � _ <br />_ ��;;� - Inlereat in No Properry to be soltl anC tne D�oceeCS lo be tl�slnbu�ed.eil m t�n manner Dwv�detl m t�e Nebruako T�uet DeeGB t"i. . . <br /> • Act <br />- �'}�� - s (b) ExerC�se any en0 ali nghie prowtle0 br m any ol lno Loan InelrumoMS or Dy law upo�occw�ente ol any Event of - _ - <br /> }..:, . . <br /> ..,): Oelaull;B�0 ' • <br /> . ;,�;,,; (c) Commenceenaaionm�o�eUOSeih�s�eeaoiimstaeamoripege.appo�nterecerver.orapoa�icanyemorceanyolthe � - - � <br /> - ;,'i corenant!nereoL , <br /> '�:1 NO romOtly h0�e�n Conl8rro0 upon or reeervetl lo Truelee or Lendo��a mtenOeC�o bo extluaWe ol eny o�he�remetly her0m.m IItB - <br /> Loen InslrumeMS or by len DrovftloA or pormitic0.Dui each ahoil bo cumWatrve.BOn110e��aCd�4on lo Bvery olhnt remetly gWen • . <br /> ' heroun0er,inNeLOa�Inatrumenlaornoworhureelle�exi5bngatlawonnepmryorbyS�nWte.anOmaybeexerc�se0concwrenlly. � <br />��-y`` Intl8p6ntl8nttyo�eucceasnely. <br /> - " 13.Truate6 Tne Tmalee may�ea�gn al a�y ume wn�out cause.nnd Lenaer may ol eny ume en0 wMOUt cause appoml e _ <br />- � eutceawr or substilNe imslee.Trualue sha�i not bo��ab�e to any Durry.mNutlmB wnhout 4mnelion Lentle�.Borrowor.7metor or eny - <br /> � _ Durchaserolt�eProporty.lo�any!o55orCemageuNegsAue�oreckie5sorwdllulmisrontluclanOS�allnolbereqmreGlotakunny = <br /> BCIIOfI�O COIIDEC110�WiIA Ih0 8010�GBmCn1 OI Ihib DBBtl 0�Tm81 unIB9!m0Em0�LQtl.m Wn6py.10�dll C09I6.CO(11P2�98hOO 0� -' <br /> ex0entef whitn may be a�soc�9letl Iherewnh In a00�bon.Trus�ee may become o Owchaser at ony 981e ol It�e Property Uu0�Ga10� <br /> - undB!NB DOW¢t Ot!!18 G�E�1BU harOml,DObIDOnO IhB 90�8 0l ull or Uny pOtl�On OI I�E PrOOartY.a5 proviABtl Dy 18W.Or S¢Il thv — <br /> ProDeM as n whole.or m eepara�e perce�s or�ms a�Trua�ee's Oiscmuon. <br /> 14.Foo0lnd E1pOnfot In�ne evenl Tm6�ee 5eI19 t�e PrOperty 6y Bxe�PSe OI powe�ol eele.Tm51ee 6heli DB 8MNe0IO oDGly <br /> '� _ 't a�y eete procee0a firal to peyment ol all costs a�0 ezpe�ses ol axerciu�g power of mle.mtludmg a�i Truslee's feea enU LenOe�a <br /> - entlTmSlee'8atlom8ye18BS.0Uu0Ilymcu�reUI08x1enlDe�mnle0by80D��Ceble�ew-InIh80venlBOtwwBrorTruelOre�o�c�sesany <br /> - tlghf p�oriEeA by�aw lo Wre an Erent ol De�aull,LenCer snall bo unt�llotl Io recover Irom Tmalo�eil costa anC e�ponsea ectueliy <br /> �` � IncwrOU Be a r08Wt ol Trus�or'9 AelBUlt mNudmq withoul Lmitnimn ell T�uslee's and atlomey e� 1he extent permitted by - <br /> � epplicable la�v. <br /> - 75.FuWn Advanee�.UDOn reques�ol Borrower.Le�Aer d6 OD��O�.mBkB BtlO�il0�8�!nd IUWfB 8Ev80088 9IIO t8- <br /> - �� �i._:-� e0V9OCeilOBOftOWB�.$UMetlV6nC099�Ur08EV6nC89.w�1�intBlBSt�hO�BOn,5�E11bUSBCUreCbylhqD0EU0�TrU81AInOtlmB6�e11 <br /> `!,4S-�:i.�. t�eprindpalamounlollhemdeb�etl�eee6ewreObyth�eDeaOOlTruel�olmgWOmg sumsativancetlloproteGtneaecuntyollnf! <br /> '-;��'i:�i Deetl ol Truat exceeC the original D�incipat emounl slale0 here��.0�S 50.000.00 wp,cnerer�a qreater. <br /> :.'a. , . . . <br /> ,.-:, — � _ _..� <br />