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` - .��._ � �,Y �- ri.� ..��im��_ . .___ ___ .. . . "' -- <br /> -1� J.:'�• � ' � <br /> 4- � • <br /> _...__ _- - _ __ <br /> S 3. i��T:_ <br /> �u , ACKHOWLEOQEMEW'f OP DBED OP TRUST 93� ���a, ���, <br /> -_= °- -- TAUBTOR flFAQ TiIIS SEFORL&'ONIN(k <br /> ,—�n -. - <br /> y � fruetoruntlanun0�tnalMSaaaimentmatTrustoriaabouttoex�eutelesUeedolTrutt�ndnolemon�eye►n4Nat�poxrr <br /> otetleCroNQoOtuilnNeOeedOlTNftprorldouuDl�nllalry01f1orenlAghteendobllgatlonstoTruatorthen m6AG3n41n Oevtrd �� -� � <br /> .:;r;;r,�.�,�r� ol�def�NlorhroleholoLtlGWonunQorNeDeeAolVu�Llnoludlnp,DutnotllmlteOto,Nelenda��nphlw�wNhevroperqrw:d - - � -- � <br /> ��� by No Truetoe wiNON any Wdlclal procoedlnp.Truator reD�eaenW and WartanW Nel fhls acknowledpement wee oxacufed Ey <br /> -� Truitor bltora Ne�zaCUtion of Ne oOEd 01 TN6t . n ����. L �� <br /> ,,cn�^°� <br /> i ! �;s y S' <br /> __ ;i.+..�.lH � iY.Y�• ..� ..v _-- . � ., __.. <br /> _:�:;.'.��}'",''�l . <br /> {� �S i �7..� -...—� <br /> TN6t0/ �1 <br /> s � i`ik� �� -- <br /> 'SI '`'. �. . <br /> �'�� -�-- OEHD OP T�iU8T WITN�UTUIiE ADVANCE8 �.�,=*, :_:— <br /> q Sq,k�J:' —.- <br /> r' t ,-i;� TH18 DEED OF THUBT,la mede ea ol the 4t day ol �� ��e 93 by enA emon9 F''-`' __ <br /> i c�fSl' REi _ �n aw . �.._ <br /> d4�iytr:Po RNV I VA1 (Y�"°' E'w t;1 r . -_-_ <br /> rr1°',. i::�- Iho7ru8I0�. 68801 -� - - <br /> �� �j�� whosa maning address ia 1023 NF�T 7TH SiTt�T. GRPPD ISUND. �E m � fyf - - <br /> , •. i� <br /> erein'Tmator,-w11eNBr ono or more), ,7 trctq . <br /> ',���4���}K_' IhBTN8tB9. ����e nn��mc oewv e nCSlRdCICA (YY7PMATI�I (�;J�CE,�) <br /> �Ys�}F�}`�� whosemnilinpaEEresa1BV,P 0 BOX 1507 (ItIY�D ISUND. PE 68802 �herMn'TNMBB��Hfld ll�:, ��� �- � <br /> u f �Yi 1 <br /> '�1:•,',•'.'s: F�VE POIMS BANC . r��,�,±".±� , - <br /> t -A °f{�.. 1he 8Bn011clery� �t il < �r� �--: <br /> � j��i��'-' whoao mailing addro�e�e241° u artnl�iN-1� raAN1 ISUND PE 6880]-1507 maraln•Lenderl. ;'-`' r �r�. - - <br /> h ,: ]t b'.Jj*�-' <br /> �,- !a�.-,���� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.Ineluding lentlefs exlenelon ol credit IdenLlletl herein to �--`.i �s/+�+{-� --- <br /> .> f � � +% tis.°,s�i �¢�' � <br /> - �.t ����c; (�ore�n"BOrrower,w�ome�one or mora)and Ne Wnt�erein cree�oC, J r:� z,� ,� __- <br /> the recalpt ol which ia hereby atknowieGgBd.Ttuslor hereby IrrevoCebly grenU,Irenefen,conveya eM eaNynf to Tfualoe.M �` .y'`+�i3 �{�; �YJ� <br /> +!r���`.' TRUST,WITHPOWEflOF8A1.E,lorthe6enB111 C o ntl e ct n iafl �'';i� � � <br /> 4 .� � �onh.tnareaiproDerty�deacebadaetouows: �a4�� f�� �^4� Y�'t, ��`��-�Y�'��f. �I�iU�f�D � 't'�.��+(,i`�= - <br /> �Y r!t�� '�. G -- <br /> t = ir ;� Fi1di ADDITiGtd, i.illi TO fILY3i IS'vY�D, iWJ. Ct".�.'�RY "-•.P'.PJiSlf� �`�•Ct` x =� <br /> , ,/`,,; al.-3rM� - <br /> 'i h i�-` ti FRqCTIOPHI. LOT FIVE (5)• IN FRACTIOMN. BLOpC SEVHJ�EQJ (17), IN 1VN�.ICNS' ADDITION� /ND ITS f L_��r�n�r,�„R� - <br /> 0�4PI81�IP. TO WIT. FRI1CTIp�NI. LOT F111F (5), IN FRNCTIaMN. BI.00K TFIItFE (3). IN ROLLIDS' g+,�`Y� <br /> �,a(!'�,',y - <br /> t��i� -��`'$: �;.;F�V�;�' �,ta, <br /> _'� ami�QV� B°,�k� RFS'�i AD4�riors ro J� cijr oF �unn isu�w nts�w ,.. � � <br /> '�r�� �,, o8emer a�Fu ng9, mprovemenU,t:tmea.e roeU.el eys,paasegowayd,easamenie,right�p�ivil¢ygy enA eppune• . �j �}'s3 i�-_ _ <br /> ��, nanc881oCatBd Ihereon or In enywiso penaining 1he�elo,antl Ihe�enW.ieauea and pro6te,reveraloro end remelMe�a Noroof,end 5 �j iy p r�n;_� <br /> ��IU 4�'- <br /> , such personel DropeM�hat la et�eeheA to 1he ImD�aromenls w es�o consnMe a lixl�re,IneluAing,but no�Ilmited to.healing end 2`;�� _ <br /> Fi°. <br /> _;}�;E.,,S�tr;�": COO�IngOpu�pmBnCanAtogelhe�wllhih0t1om8ate8E0�med1811n1orelW.118rry•whichin18r86Ue�ohe�ebyreleaxdendwilved:ell .;�J( :� '.r� ""- <br /> r,+�jt� � o1wNCh,InelUCingrOp�eCem8nlaentledUNOnaNBrelo.leherebyUeeieredto6eeparlolt�Breelealet9e8euia0by1h6118nO11his �-�;'-, ��s "����'u`_ <br /> . �1-�t r�� Deetl of Truat end all ol ihe Iorep0lnp belnp relened to herein ea�he"Property". •y;_;�� S q ..r . � a- <br /> f i r _ r .�� <br /> '��14�"���:� Thia DoOd ol huel ehall eeeure(a)ihe peyment ol Ihe ptlnclDal eum anA mteret[evitleneed Dy e D�omUaory note or creCit ;' z �� }£"`' <br /> , '1,�P !: ' _- <br /> M4Y 14TH 1993 JIFE 1ST 1998 �'.:ti f�r <br /> �� ;ti y'i eg�eement deletl .heving a meNnry dete ol . 1 ,�; - <br /> . ,r- .t7.' � <br /> l:+l f ,r 5����0.0� � S �f�� <br /> { In ihe original ptlneipal emovnt ol E .ane any antl e11 mod�hcatbnL extenfiona enG ronerieb ,yt! <br /> 4��� k�-:� thGCOt or NBrOto BnA eny e�d en na��.a nnvnnew�pnd rnaAVnneon ta 6orrower for any o/ihom 11 mao Ihan ono)hnra�uMO� ` } � f -,-; :, . <br /> � .- r^: pursuant to one or moro promisaory notes or creAit a9�eemenu(heroin eailad"Note'):lb)Ine peyment ot other sum�edmncod Dy , +� �f ' <br /> � �°'�•.,-a•� LanderloDroteellhesacudryoltheNOte:(c)mepedo�manceolalleovenanleantlapreomemeolimstoreetloM�ereln:entl(E)ell ,,. t1 ...i,d"i <br /> � `�' present an0 fuWre IntleDtednesa en0 obli at�ons o�Borrower(or an o��hem li mme tt�an one to Lentlor whotho�diroct i�Alreet '�� �, " - <br /> Y Y ) S� � C�J : <br /> ; ` -`x' ebsolute or continpent entl wh6lher arising Dy note,querenry.ovurOralt or otherwiae.7�e Nole,lhis DeeA ol Trual enC eny entl all n Yy�v(,';s... <br /> '���� -S�'� ol�ordOCUentlNflttocurelheNO�eorol�erwlsaexeculeCinconnecuontherow7lRmclutl�nqwllhouli�miletlonguaran�ees.6oeuriy .,� �{f�y�+� �}t��f•� <br /> ��y+'-�� �� � Bgf88men18 enA BbElgnrtlB��E OI IBOa08 end ren13,bhell DB reierretl 10 h8r0�n 9e Iho"LOan InStrumGnlD'. (1 ° ����1'.�°�: <br /> nas�'r�f�. '�<� Truebr eovenenb end agreee wi�h Lender ea lonowa -. �..l}- ���� - : <br /> ,��1�1��r,�(-.. 1• PLymOnt01111d0b10dnCif.AlllnAeCletlnOSeaecurotlh0r8byehBI1DB08�tlwhe�CUO. ' ,��j'�- <br /> :;s{`._:�-. 2. THIB.TNl�Or I!Ihe owner OI Ihe Property.�BS Ih0 n8�!en0 euthOnty lo Convey Ihe PrOpe�ly.e�d wm�BnlS Ihel lhe lien f, ___ : <br /> ���;�, :.. .: crealetl hereby la e�rat enA ptlo���en on Ihe PropeM.exceD��o���ona anU oncumOrancea 6e�lorin y Trusror m wmmg end �. <br /> dellverUdtoLOnAOrbeloreexe�yono�l�ieDeeGOl7mal.anOlhee�ecu4onan00ehroryolih�bDoCdof7NSlEOesaolvio�atoany _ - <br /> _:t-,�;,_;'_,,,: fAnUeel o�othe�obllgetion lo wMCn Truslor le auD�ecl ' - <br />,,3,,:�r_ :'�= 3. Texo�,Auoum�n4.To pay Oelore dolinquency a�l u�es.sDeua�assnsamems antl a�l otnor cnarqus e98�nst tno Pmporry - <br /> �. ( now or nereafter IevieO. j <br /> ."%�,'f� ` ' 4. InWranee.TOkeept�oProDenYinsureEaga��sl0amaqebyLro.hela�dsmdudeOw�INnlnolerm'exte�GOOCOVerege".enA � � <br /> .:ji�'t'. but�oNe��ezerCa ns LenAer may ropuire.m amou�B anE wiN compames attep�nble lo Lontler.nammp Lendor aa en aAOition0� - <br /> � ���.�! �� namod Inivte0,wit�lob!peYable to Ine Le�Ee�-In Ceae o�loss unOer sucn pohcies.lne Lentlo�ia auNOnied fo a0)uat c011eet en0 � <br /> h-' <br /> y;f`?-,;';''� ' COmpmmisB.ollUe�ml�hOrBUntlerBntlehallhBVBIhBOD��a�o�eDD�Y�ngallorpa�lo�NemSwnnWD�oGeMS(q�oanymtlebleAnese — <br />;t;r;,`•��Y_t:,;� 6ecureO�BrobyBn0lneuthortlCtBSLen08rmayEelermmr.p�)IOfieTruslo�tObou5etllo�IhoreparcO�re3�ore4onolf�oProDe�ly <br /> -�,y5;,j;. orpip(or�nyottlorpurposeorobjetllnb3lactoryloLe�Ce�wdnoul6��etbnglnobenolihqDee0o1Lu6tfariholui�amounlnecu�etl _. <br /> !- �i'�;. �ereby bo�ore such Daymo��ever took O�ace Any eDD�'�a60n Ot protee05 lo mdeDlfGneS!6hell n01 PkipnU o�Uob�pDn0Ih0 EVe <br /> --- - ���( AeIB ol any peymenlg untlor ihe No�e.ot cure eny de�auil Inereuntler o�hNUUnUec _ <br /> � S. EtCfOW.IJp00 WIiI�E�dB(Mnd by LBOdBr,Tmb10�S�E�108y 10 L9nAM.m SuM fn80�01861BMff T9y OCSiQnA10.9u�LG2�1 <br /> � n�L�..AMiuna n.m nne n.n��vn nl�M 1n�lnr.m!d ull lnxnc a<m<amnnit nNl MMI flNMntanIDncl <br /> _.� .. • .��Y�I��M�����..n <br />".:t.---.s::':,-._ . � avr�r��v�����.�.��...v�...���.1.... '� ... .. ._� .. . - � <br /> t�e Property.(li)Il�e premiums on Iho properry inswance requ•�oE ho:eun0or.an0 4��)iho prommma on any mongago msu�ence <br />"_:jj."'�, ..•� �� r9quir8E by LenEer. <br /> 8. fdalntoneneo.Aopeln en4 Compllanee wilh Lewa.Tmalor anau keep tho Propery m BooE conOit�on entl reDe�r,anan <br /> :...[�".'i;' '• p!Omptly ropalr,or ropiate eny ImprovemeM which may De Oamago0 a Aestroyed:snall not commil or permit eny wesle or <br /> - '�;y;.�"': AelerbraXO�o11hB Properly.ehell not rBmove.AemoOa�or 6uDSie�bai�y a118�eny ol the�mD�ovemenls on the Properry.a�ell nol <br /> commi�8utler Or permil enyact lo Oe EOno in or upon the Proporry�n r�olafion ol any law,orO�nence.or reguiation.anC e�ali pay an0 <br /> - D�ompUy tlisc�erpe e1 Truabr'e cos�enO expense a�l Lena.encumb�ancee a�tl cnarges IevieO.�mposeE o� essesse0 egairmt 1he <br /> ;- 1�.' PtOperty or Cny perl t�ereol. <br />. ����•,j`�_� 7. Emin0nl�omeln.LB�EOr u noroq easipneC all compansaean.awer0a.demages ontl otne�paymente o�rehei(ha�ema�fe� <br />` ''O?.s.��--� "Prxeed3')IntonnectlOnWilhcCndemnetionorol�8rlekingollhBProportyorDenih8reo1.orlorCOnreyene0����8u01COnCemne• <br /> :ay;�f�.�','�L �on.LB�Aer ehall be enlitted et Its oD��o��o comme�te.aOPear m antl prosecule���IS own name any acuon or DroceeOmgs.en0 <br /> . �•�y„ „: Y P � 9. 9 YWrtonol <br /> a:=� s0e11 eleo ba enhli0tl lo make en com rom169 or BeUlemeM in conneclio�wilh cuc�t9 in or Oame o.In t�e evunt an <br /> �` : <br /> xxxe��xw.vK.n.uo..a+..,o.o • � :r. l .�.. <br /> O 1NOHnaWltNa�Caww�rwT�w�Mf�^K�4w�a�m tmow Mw�n� <br /> �l . . ..i. . _ _ . - . _' . _ . __ I <br />