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} I ' --�-r—•° .---. _ <br /> ti �' ' . . � . <br /> _.,: ,�. <br /> -- , ,:--" --- <br /> n_.. ��.. . ` ,. �0�����7�'�: r _. <br /> --�_- ,a M4c�Man vnrMbn.. . —_ <br /> (t�L�ynrpiwiNet��klNA,dunaonofmaum�wrpaymentarmodiMetlanottmoNratlonollnetum�NOUr1tl0y�i1 <br /> Da�dNTrirqpmntra iLaed��omy aucce:.rorinmtxee�o�eorrower n�nnotopen�ewr�tr��r,In��ym�nn«,a�rN�61Nd `- <br /> —° ollheoApinelBOrtowermd8orrowetiwcce�sonlnlntOrelLLlnderth�tlmlODreQulptlloeamm�nee roce1Q1e9� ��N <br /> �- tuohfuooestorortallo4toextendllmNoi ymontoromarvni�modiyamo�uuuonolu�ewm�NCUrad�yNUWado�P�Tivat <br /> by reawn o�em aem�na�mWe ey m�orPpinel Bortowm an0 Bortower�wooe�wre in NMrqt <br /> -_-- (D)ltndx4 Oowtn.YVINOUf uflecllnp tlio 11¢N�H of any oNe�peraon neble ror Nap�ymsnt of an oblaatlon�ereln <br />-.-.--.... <br /> ------ montlono0,9nOwllhouleBeoUnpthellonoronarpeotNleOaetlolTrurtupon�rrypoNOno1ffilVropKyno LtenOrlilHNofori `-'� �-�� <br /> raleaaeaoseaou�rytorNONllamountoten unpeld oDllyatlona LenAyer msy,hom tlmetotlm��nd wltl�oNnOtlNW r0N�aM�eY <br /> - — a rncronvey,otr opauae to bo oleesa�G or reeeonveyyed at eny tlma et leodafe Dtlon i ry W rcel,poNOn M,atl of Ns PrOp3n11. <br /> ;r,-aua M�sko or releeaa eny oNar or aacmonal eaoudry lo�eny obnpatlon horaln menflonoa,m(vl)make wmpo�WOn�or oMn <br />.,7`�f! artenpomanle wilh de6tore In ralaUOn NeretT <br /> ;==� (c)Fotb�uux�Ey bnda Hat�WaNn.Any brbontance by Lander In Bxerolalnp eny tlpM Or rom�dy hereun0at,or <br />-�.:•=c=,s. othorwise nftorded Dy epD��oe61e 18w,shatl not be e walre�of or preofude No ex6rol89 0l 0�ry tud�dpht or romeQY.Tl�e ---��� <br /> - proouramontoflnaumnceo�NepeymentoflexoaaoMerllaneorcharpaebyLeMarshallnotEeewalverotLenAeredpMto <br /> �:"�^,� exotercto tho malurHy of Ibo Indebtedneaa cacurad Ey Mie Deed of hu8t <br />'�-A�";� (�Bueatwn�nd MUpn�Bountl;Jolnf�nd B�veralltabllNyt C�A���T�a emananp end npraemanla heretn eon- <br />-__�;.�.�.� Iained Mall binA,and Ne dphte h8raunEer eAall Inure to,Ne reapeotivo euccoesora and aasy ne of Lendar enA Trualor.NI _ <br />__.�,,�,��;. wvenanq end a9raemonk o1 Trunror Mull bo�oint enA aevare�.Tl�o ceptione anA headln8a of tho paropreD�of thb Doed of <br /> � Tnret a�e Por wreanlanoe onty end ara not b Do usatl ro Interyrel or deNne t�a provinlone�oreoL _ <br /> '� - (e)RfpuerilbrNoUcN.Thepertleaherabyraqueatthatacopyofenynoticeofao�aullhoroundereMOwpyofenynotico _ <br />,;r;i,,-.- oi nete�areunAm bo mellod W eeoh perty fi thia Oeetl of Truat et the addrea cef foM obovo In No mannar proeaibe0 by __ -- <br /> r�i_,, eppliwble Iaw.ExceO�tor erryr o'Jr3r notlee roqulred unAar epplloaDle law to Eo BNOn in anolhor manna�,eny notlaa DroWded — <br /> torinthb0eadofTruttel�allbapivenbymo111n8euehnoNaebyeertllladmalleOtlreasedrollieolharparlb0.e1N88ddreeaeet _ <br /> ,�; kr17i a6we.My notico provlded lor in Ihia Deod ol Truat s�all be eHactiva upon mailinp In No mennar doeignnted hereln II �- .�__.-- <br /> •i�w�g.; Trusto�b more then one pereoq nolice sent to tho eAAreea eet lanh e6ove chall bg no0c0 to 011 wch pOraone. -�'- <br /> � ], (q InsyoeYmn.lender may make or ceuaa to ba made�eaaonable entrioa upon and Inapoc0one ol Na Propory,povlded R � <br />'-_'��` tnet�onda�snen wa rmata nonce prtor to e woh ma ocaon spoci n roeaon9b19 oau69 t�orolot rBlat9d M LenGe/s <br /> - B �Y P h� 9 �2 -. <br /> - r��: 11116f881 In ih0 P�lOyPBfly �,-•. <br />-:>�r�x� PropemanAenallau�do�IhleDeedofTrua endailnoiabeYvMancinglndabtednesasecuraed6�yWSDeed�otTrut oTN�ta9. .v^±�; ���' <br /> �_r; Truatoe ehell reconvey tha Proparty wiihou�warrany enA witl�oul chargo to Ne pareon or peraon�legaty enti0od Nereta �� --_ <br /> t-���f TNetOf 611811 p8y BII C0818 Of feCOfAetlOfl.11 COy. �fi��� <br />,c'-h��.,,(' (h) Panonel VropeAy;BKUtity Aq�9lmpn4 As eCAlUOnal aecuriry lor No peyment of NB NotB,TNBtOr horeby 8�0nb `E� �,f-�` <br /> .a'StundarNe�xE:aa:aU:N'mC.."mmc:eislC�ssx•�.".;Inl�re:•.!.^.eu!L��tee.MU�Crt!antartdemnrperaonatoraoem � -- <br /> �fi� usedintonnatlonwlihNarealeateleorlmprovementslocated�humon.endnotot�emisedaclareAOrCOemadto0eeperlol z���a, <br /> �r the real eeteto�eaurotl horeby.This InsWment ehall6e consvued ae a SeeuHry Agrpemmt undor ealA Codo,enA the Lender < �. <br /> � anell heva alNhe dghte enA remedlea ol e secured pery untler eeid Code 1n edanion tolhe dghte enC remodiee crealod unEer ��, �`- <br /> �{� endeccordodNaLenAerpurauaMtobleDeadofTm�CprovltledlhetLentlerbtlghleandremetlieaundo�Ihleperegrap�ehail F) +s _' <br /> ,,,�„ be cumulativa wlth,end in no way n Ilmltellon on.Lonaor'a tlghle enA remoOle�undor eny oNar eecutlry egreament a�0notl Uy � ri;,_�� <br /> �r�ti7: BOAOW810lTN8SOL f 1V..^': <br /> E' 9� (q Llens�nd Encumbrenee�.Truslor heroCy warrente enA represente tnel Nero la no dolavlt undor Ne provlaione ol any �;�,.r A =.,;:, <br />`���ry,;e:i morlgCyO.Aeetl ol trust.lea69 or purehese conlreet doseri6ing B�I or eny part ol IhB PrOpOrty,o�olhor cOntreCt�nelrumBnt o� �i.����*,f�''�::- <br />-.�.,,_T :::"!..?Fry�;�` <br /> . apraement conatlWling e Ilen or eneumbrence e9elnst all or eny part ot t�e Proporty(wllecllvely."Li9ne'1.exieling ea ol iho �t . , <br /> i.? Oeto ol Nle DBOd Ot Vuet.antl Ihel eny anC ail existlng Llena remain unmoUlfieE ozeeD�ea CIECi06Bd lo LenAer In hu6lo/! � ��A,�:' <br /> -��;4'.y- wdft6n diecloaure ol liena anC oncumbronws provided lor he�eln.Truetor Mell Iimely peAorm ell of TNetore oblipetlon& '�::°'��;r,'�:,rv; <br /> Covbnanl0.representetions and warrentlea unAer enyenA all exieillnp and fuWre LJOna ehall prompltylorwa�A to Lentler copl9e > > , <br /> �f �1+� W ell notleea ol Eeteull Eent in connecllon wilh any antl ell ezisung or Wture�ena.entl shell no1 w11�oW Lendare prior vaitton S 'P a�+�+._ <br /> i 7ilv)1;.,_. <br />`,��.`=.{ wneenl ln eny mannnr motlly Iho prmialona of or allow any luluro edvancea untlar eny exisHng o�luluro Llena. y�a�4�:,.�_- : <br /> 3 i U)�PP��utlDn0lPaymaN�.U�lof6otherwl8erequiredbylew.eum8pe�tlloLenderher8unC041nt1uAingwlNOUtlimlletlon � f��., <br /> n,_� paymente of ptlneipal ond IntareeR��aurenee proceodA eondemnallon proeoeCe antl renle end prolite,ehall b9 epplie0 by �_:n ' <br />- londerlotheemounWtluaandowinqlrom7ruabrendBOrrowerineuchorCOrefLenEeHniUSOleOiseretlondeematlesiraMe. '• '- <br /> �� (p 8evenblllly.n eny prwiaion ol�nia Dum;v�'.voi wn171tt6 wtth aPO:iWbk::v:ar:.C^.CR�[Cd!nxelid ot oNBrwil4 '�'=" --� <br />.- :r,�jt' VnBnfOrCB8b10.BuCh COn�lltt of Invelitllly lhell nOt 811BCi�he OIhBr pfOVleOn!01 lhi!D880 01 TruOt Of tl10 N010 vrhlGh Cen b0 L�-!,_,:<<;^_ <br /> ��'.o_�. pNenolloctwl�lloutthecon111c11npprOVlalon,enAtothieendl�eprovisioneolNiaDe¢AO�Try6tandt�oNOteareCOCleredtob0 :+�n-`;5;�_ <br /> �: rc�retaota.�.,,.._..�.�..� <br /> � ��e/M3311@7 stoF'antl"Borro�ver"shell IncluAe both 6inyuler enO plural.entl w�en tho hu6tor end Borrower �'�`_[`- <br /> a Ti, •a���pMYl01{e.N leidne ea ueetl In tM�Deetl ot Tma1 a�all ba imerchanpea6le. , \�;._. <br /> , _, (�qYp��Qp y�p�A ol Trust s�ell De govemetl by Ihe�awe of Ne Slete o�Nebreska ��� � <br /> ,. -: T ! ON�'C CTTN6t aa ol teo date wntten aDmo. � .�r� . . , " <br /> , � /i�e�+�w,�s.wtGV s i t J- <br /> ,', t+ . <br /> . REVIVAj. CQJfQt 4uaior � �3' '`. <br /> -�{, -�.6`7 {'�✓lM- no� L� 1�r _ <br /> .i']i_\ �/ � N610! 4.r: .�". �...: <br /> -:,. �)..�.. <br /> , .� BY: NOfduV4J J. KI 1 F <br /> _ �_ <br /> ;=. <br /> �:` <br /> _-;: _ <br /> _,,,� <br /> :'<`:s • <br /> .�.r,i'y> . <br /> ,��` <br /> ;_t` <br /> :,;:' <br />.,.1�,�':' <br /> �.v; <br /> .'I,;r;,; � . <br /> '`<._ <br />