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. .. <br /> }�,�!1 � q -.-- - _ <br /> - � ��7� �OW7�S —f _ _ _ _ <br /> oonAemn¢tlon or otAer taking of eny pcn o��o V�opony,or for convoynnca In Ueu ot condemnotion,aro hercby sssigned md _ <br /> chatl bo pafd ro Lcnder. <br /> !n the erent of e total �nking oI�he Pmpcny. �he Proaed+ 04�11 be applleA ro tha cum� �eeurcd hy�hl� Sceudry <br /> Inawmen4 whethsr or nollhen due,with eny exase pald to Boirower. In Iho event ot a panlel taking of��e{�p�ny in <br /> which�ho fnlr markel vatuo of tAe Propeny immedisiely beforo�Ae taking i�equal to orgrcater than the emoum of�e ium� �,� ____ <br /> cocurtd by iM�Becudty Instmmem Immediately bePoro�ho tdctng,unleu Oortower ond Lcndu aherwlw ngae In wr10e�. --��� - --- <br /> � Iha sume securod by thls Secud�y tn�uument sheil Do rcduad by the amount of Ihe proceeda muippIied bY ihe Poltowing - <br /> hactlon: (a)�he�otal emount of�he�ums cecured Immedintety betoro�he�aking,divide4 by(b)tM1e felr marka value ot�hv <br /> .�;� Pmpeny Immediatety beforc tho mking. Any bnianco shnll 6o pald ro Bortowcr. In�M10 ovem ot a panlal rokin ot ttu _ <br /> -�-"-- Ptoyerty In�vhich tho taVr marke�value of�ha Propeny ImnxAiotcty beton thc Ieking is lesa thnn ihc nmount of t am� -� -°- . ... <br /> -- �~ cccuad immedietoly botoro�he laking, unleas Borrowcr and LcnAcr oehefwiw ngrw in writing or unless applicable Ixw --� � �� <br /> ,,,p�,� othenvlso provide�,ehe praceeds ihaU bo eppliW ro iho�um�securcd by�hfe 3uudty Instmmcnt ahe[her or not thc sumi uo __ __ <br /> then duo. � <br /> �-y It the Propetty la nbandoned by Bortower,or if,aRer notlrn by Lender�o Hortower that the condemnor ofkn w m�loo �r� .._ � <br /> .6177 an award or cattlo a oielm for dnmago�.Barrower fall�to rocpond ro Lender within 30 deya aflor�he dete�I�o no�ieo ts glvrn. �.;,___..�- <br /> `-J�'j Lcnder U emhorized�o collat nnd eppiy�e roaeda,et lu op�ion,ehhcr ro rcsiomtlon or repair ot the Roperty or w�ha �a`-� •�� -- <br /> rV_ �rfs _cn.uv.a�a��' <br /> ,f� � eums secured by�hla Secudry Inswmen4 whet r or not then due. - — ; <br /> Unlus Lendu and Bortower othe�wi:e egrce In wdtlng,eny appliwtion of p�aceds to pdnctpai:hall not extend or .��.°�-- <br /> �.`,� poatpono the duo deto of the monthly paymenu roferted to in paraBrcP�u�end 2 or change the emount of�uch p�ymenes. i1� ��� � �. <br /> f_,�„ ll. Rorrower Not R¢leased� Forbearana 8y Lender Not e Watver. Exeension of Ux �ime for paymem or �,��� �'-� <br /> 1� modNcatlon of amortB.atlon of tAe�ums ceeurcA by�his Securit [nstNment gmnted 6y Lender�o any muasor in inlcrest f �.--��a?��� <br /> j?, � <br /> ,2 - of Botrower�hall not openM to rcleaso the Ilebility of tho orig nel Bortower or portox•erk xucoesson in INerest. Lcnder Q�rE3�; �__ <br /> � k`: ehall not be uirod ro commenea proceedings egainst my cuaessor in inrcrec�or atuse to extend�ime Por payment or ��tn '. <br /> �� 1, )a �` ...._ <br /> othuwise moli y amorti�ation of the�um�wcurcd by this Secu�ity lnuNment by rcawn of eny demand made by tho original �,Sr,>_.},� �___ <br /> + q-�:; Bortower or Borto�verl eaecesson in imercst. Any far6eemnce by Lender in exercising eny right or rcmedy chall not 6e a P'{��r :£ ---� <br /> :l;,,,;;t?�. aaiver of or prcclude�ha cxercise of eny righ[or remedy. ,�„.;,,._��._.—. <br /> , i ,_ l2. Suceessora end Anlgm Boundt Jolnt and 3everal Ueblltty;Co•slgasre. The mvennms nnd egreemems of thl� �E,�,=�rt � � <br /> -�}t; Securiry lnswment ahall bind end benefl[the suceeasoB and assigns of Lender and Bortower,subjec[io the provisions of t ; <br /> . �� parag,aph 19.Bortowerk rnvenonu and ogrcemema sAall 6e Joint and several. Any Bortower�vho co-sisns�hi•Secudty �4� �S�i _ <br /> r°� Tnatrvmrnt but does not exaute the Note: (e)is co•signing this Security Inn�ument only to mongnge,grent end canvey that f� � ''�y,a � ___ <br /> ��'�Sy BortowerY interen in the Propeny under the�ertns of�his Secudty Instmmenr (b)is nat personally abligaied ro pay the sums �nv r, <br /> � : � . � a <br /> :;.�;�,;,.� eecurtA by�hia Sauri�y InswmeN:and(c)agree+Iho�Lender end any other Borrower may agree to exxnd,modify,furbear n �> ,F�, - <br /> ���!�, or mdce en accommodations wi�h mgerd la �he tem�s of this Security Insirumem or�he Note �vitiwut ihat Bortowerl `� ?f � ���.f?! <br /> t Y ��',{.. �a <br /> .F_:{�.� COIIfC�[. �}'�f::7e.••1iry.,l•,:u°-. <br />_��2 i•j� chergea,x d�hetClaw'�la fin Ily ime��pre�d�w hetihc,inte��o,�aher I�oan cherges collected oar ro 6c callected In on ccllon ���[i.�,aSr�ijiY aian.i <br /> Tj�`, V%jjj�[j�y�yW1 yS�;,:d th:�m�it��ltmiU.�her.: ;e)en;slch!^�!�ha��:hall he rcduced 6y the emount neeessarv io rcdutt 7l.�e4,,e�T'k+ _ <br /> 3Yal� Iho ohnrge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)any aums¢Iready coticeced from Uonower whic6 excceded perm0led limiu will be ?f�; y�rrl�x ti <br /> 9 � rcfundeA ro Dorro�ver. Lender may chaose ta mnke�his rcfund by rcducing�he principal owed under�he Nou nr by making e il;��y )att <br /> � R <br /> {�i�' dirat payment ro Bomower. If a refund rcduces principal,ihe rcduction will6e uented as e panial prepaymem withoul nny �'f'y�,:tr;��'L:f.- ' <br /> wt.�_fy prcpayment chazge under the Nole. __ <br /> iu}1_ l4. Notleea. Any noAtt to 6onower providcd far in ihis Security Insm�ment+hall be given by delivering It or by V""+"�i t' � , - <br /> -- , • mailing{t by first clav mnil unless applicable law myuircs ux ot emther me�hod.'Ihe naeice ah�li lx dira�ed ta the Pmpeny ;,y�,f L�'n`j�h n a <br /> -°�t�"�1 Addres�or eny o�her nddresx Bortower designntes by notice io Lendec Any notice to Lender shnll 6e given by firn�clms :-..r �i�=+_l��,,,,,.,�j �y <br /> _�-" ��i'� mail�o Lenderk nddress steteJ hcrcin or uny o�her nddres�Lendcr designatec by noflce�o Bortowcr. Any notitt pmvidcd for :��;�'%�}t71.�..'jnYE7�'''� <br /> ..,,�� ., , <br />�"'�=��f�. In ihis Secud�y Inauumem shnll 6e deemcd m havc 6cen givcn ro BoROU•cr or Lcndcr when givcn ns provided in Ihis :� ;'���;,>;iJ�d;F y„ <br /> �-r�r7 ere ra h. ' �� ? <br /> p ' �' tt c-. <br /> 4-`�` P g15. Governing Le�v:3evembllily. Thi.Svcnri�y In,wmcm �WII be govemcd hy kJcral la�v und ihe luw of the -� ?�- �. <br /> _- i{Jf� jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is I«med. In ihe event�hm nny provi.ion or clnu+c of�hi+Security Insimment ar�he Nme f s 1 . �,•�''l� f�3 w"._ <br />_.:.5���t? conflicta wiih upplirnble law,xuch conllic�shnll not utkct u�her provisionc nf thi.S�v:uriiy Instrument or�he Nu�e which cnn . -:� 1 � �,,, <br /> ;;;'t:�+.,`. 6e given et&c�wiihout �he canilic�ing pmvi.ion. Tn�hia end tM1c provi+iam of�hi.Scarity Incvumem nnd the No�e nre r�. _i�-�;.�-f�,,;t11�,.;� <br /> �x; dcelere6.�Qorr reYs Copy. 6o�mwer chall be given nnr.onfomicd copy a(�he Nnte:md nf�hi,Securii��Insuumen�. ' r"�� a�� y>Y� �- . <br /> + t�' 17. Tranafer of the Pruprrly ur u QrneRelul 6�1a'n,i ln 6arro�cer. If all onmy p:m ot�hr Propety ur anp iniercs�in �- . '? ���� <br /> .. � }� it ia wld or Imnsfemed(nr i(a Mneficiad intcrc.t in Uurtooer i..old or�mnsfcmJ and Hnrm�rcr i.nut u nawml peronl :.;y�s�1 r� +� 1-,` <br /> ��'- �•a wi�hout LenderS prior�vrinen conunt.Lender may.m i�+np�ion,rcyuin immcJia�c p:ryment in full of nll sum..ecureJ hy "�;t�t�i . ---- <br /> '�5�'°, this Securi�y Inswment. Huwever.ihi.op�iun,hall no�be exerei,ed hy Lender if exerei.c i.prahibited hy Rdeml lax�a.of �z'� �°� ; '�. <br /> Kt,, . the date of this Security Insm�mem. �-�% �� . <br />..�7i...-�-�;, I(Lender ucrcias Ihis op�inn.Lender ahall give llamm�cr natiat a(:ucelcr,�lian. The nn�ice,hali proviJe a periid nf ' ;'� . <br /> �,.; , nol less Ihan i0 days Gom Ihc Jnic�he nnlicc i�Jclivcmd nr mailcJ ui�hin nhich 13nrmaer mml pay:dl.nm+xturcd by Ihi. '- .�a - . <br />__.�_ ,s."� Securi�y Inswment. If Rorton�er(aih �o pay �hex .mn+ prior �o�h¢eapir:ninn n(�hi+ �rinJ. LcnJer may invoAe:my ' , ,. .. <br /> ;:b. :` ' «mcdies pertnitced by thi,Security In.lrumcm��ilhoW furthcr nntic¢or demand nn Hnm,��.r. ' . . <br />-':-'.i�;`�d IB. Borro��er'.s Right ro Reinstnte. If llarmwcr mrci,rcn:nn rnndi�ion.. ISnm,��rr ,hail ha.�e �hc righ� tn havc . <br /> {._T_ enforcement nf�his Secnri���In.immem Jixnminued a�an} �ime pnnr�n�he¢adier nL' CO 9 day�(ur.uch olher peri�d a+ �` <br /> � <br /> :' t't! Smyleh+miy-FunnleVaoFrrdeirNarl]IFON�11��7H1NE�7 -.Inm�nnl'men�nN9.'9� I�VC�Jrifhrql�l �)' <br /> .�'�'�'+( � <br />".:_C:__., ; . . <br />_ _ 1 • <br />�1�. <br /> .-L� . .. {y/ <br /> - . _.�..'� T:�..�.7i:�`//a'IJb.:i.::�.._'..�.. . . .�' . .• . . . <br /> ��_.�. .. � , . . - <br /> �•�.�.�'. • • - <br />- ••:f`. �%:..�_� .:� � - . <br /> ' >.Y_',:I . _ <br />_� �:1j .. ' . <br /> `�� <br /> ' :.V.'� <br /> '-��,�'.`i l� . ' ' <br />_trF�+.�S_!f3-�i' _ _ . <br /> 'liC;•.T_ _ ' . - <br /> .���:. .✓' .'� . .. � . . . . .. <br /> r� ' , <br /> � �' <br /> y <br /> .Y : <br /> . � •.J..' • . <br /> Y .`. . '. .. '. � ' _ <br />