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::;;�-�-�--_-,----•- . , <br /> l 3 / ', <br /> . . . .�.. . ' - .♦ <br /> �i1'.' " . . _ - . _ .. � � � �._.__ .__ ._. <br /> -- . :.. 8� �o�s �� ------ <br /> ♦ a�ylicaAle Inw moy spoclty Por rcinstatcmen�)boforo�ele o!tAf pv�sumt w a�y pp�vcrpt�e contaiacdin:�At� � <br /> � HeSu�lry inswmem;ot N)enlry ot o JuAgment enforcing�Is Becmt�fitimr{n. 7tiwo condidon�Oto IAaI RGnoWFJ1.(o3 <br /> - - p�ya Lender dl sums which�hen wouTd bo duo ui�dei�ht1.Sacai{i�fiiLiimcni tnd tha Kate as t!ao xmtetaUan h�!. <br /> oecuned;(b)turnanydePoultofanymheroovenenuotogcEe�h:nq�Sp) #y+nllexpemoslncurtedlnenforeingNUBlCWily <br /> _ Insuiwmenb Ineluding,but not IMitcd ro,rcasonaDte�ltomeYL'trcnt�(d)tata�uch eetlon��Lender msy rcasonebly _ <br /> requiio ro uwro that Iho Iicn ot tMe 8aarliy lnswmenb LsnderA dg1#�tn 1M Prop�hy and Rortowcr!obltgution top�yliie <br /> = ium� eeeurcd by �hb Secud�y Insdumcnt chaU aom{nue uactanged. Upon rdtnstetcment hy Bortower, Ihif g "ecuAty <br /> In;trvment and tho oD1lgallon�sxurod hercby�AnO rertuln(�ttiy e(Rcqm as If no¢acicrodon hed occuaed. Hnwever,thl� <br />.. . _. dg�tto rolmuu ahell na epply in�Iw uw olaactere�loa uakr pttqqrt�p`a:17. -. ..,--,._-.. . ..... <br /> 19. Ba!o ot Nole;Choogs of Loaa 8ervtcer. Tlw Nae or ap�tIrAJnterost in tho Noto(�oBethw wi�h�Ab Secud�y <br /> InstNmrnt)may be wld one or moro Nmc�wi0om,ql�npUm�a Bwrmir.r, A selo mey rceul�In n change In the emhy <br /> (known es�ho'Loan Servlar')Nat mlion�monthly p� rmrivdw im�:c�h�Noto u�d Nis Sceudry Inawment. 'Ihua elw <br /> — mny ba ono a moro chengq ot tho Loon 3enicer��d tn a solGOl.i4p Naa If theca ii a changa ot the Loan 8ervlar, <br /> -�`� Rortoxtt wW be Biven wrinrn notice ot 1he chenga in acconHixie with ptc�g,�xph 14 eUove end epDIicablo law. 7Te notla <br /> = w1U s�ato Na nnmo end eddres+ot tho new Loan Scrvicer wJ�hr eG&ns ta.whkh paymente ihould bo made. 7ho notice wlll <br />��=:-=. also wntain eny other infom�ation rcquircd Uy eppIkoD!e liw. _. . . . <br />• -= 20. Ha�s�dou��14stancea. Bortowcr sAall na rnutio m p�rmN aheµmscnce,uw.dispose6 erorege,or rcleaso of eny <br /> -���++ Haza[dous SYbs[anas on or N tho Propeny. Oortoxcr eklll�nM da ncv eliow enyone elae Io do,nny�hing nffeain8�he <br />-"�`° properry tAnt is in vlole�lon of nny Hnvimnmentel L►w. 71n prirnding two�ranonae shali not epply ro tho prcscnu.uso,or <br />•��'•�=� storege on�ho Propeny of amall quantltlos ot Hazartbua SaMUrrsc that ero generelly recogntud to 6e epproprlero�o nortnal <br /> ` rcaidentlal usea and ro meintenanca of the Propeny. <br />--;:� Borrower shell pmmptly givo Lender wrinen naite of any InvesUgetlon,claim,demend,lewiuit or other actlon by my <br /> govemmemal or regulatory egency or privato pany Invoivtng the Property and eny Na�aMous Substence or Envimnmmtnl <br /> -_ Law of whkh Bortowcr hm aavol kno�vtedge. It Borrower leam�, w ie notifled by any govcmmental or rogulotory . _ .,__. <br /> - =-° authodry,that eny rcmoval or aher remediution of my Hezardous Substena affecting U�e Pmpeny L+nccessery.Borrower ___ . <br /> � ahell promptly�ake dl neassery rcmediul oqians in wcoNance with Environmental Law. <br /> _n%� As uuA in this pamgwph 20,'Hnzardous Su6stancp'aze thau substencea defincd es toaic or hezardous substanas by ���.�,_.. <br /> pnvironmentel Lew end iho following�ubstunces: g�soline,kerosene,other Flemmable or toxic pUmleum producla,toxlc <br /> ":� ticidc�and herbieides,volatilc aolvenu, meieriuls conteining nsbestos or fo�moldehyde,and ndioeuive matoflals. A� �, <br /> {!';q uxd in thi�paregreph 20,'Pnvimmmcmel 4uw'means fedcml la�vs and lam of�he judsdialon wherc�he Propeny is lacaad �,�`rt W-�_-- <br /> � l that rcla�e io hcalth,ie[ety or environmrntal pm[ceHoa <br /> NON•UNIFORM C(WENAN7'S. Borto�rer end Lender Potthercovenanl anA egree o�folla�vi: �'i"'�" <br />