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f . �..�. .� —_.. <br /> , __ <br />_s�_:�'_�� — _ <br /> _.___ _ , ��3• �o��s '--- <br /> perioda�6at Lender requlrce. 'ILo�naurenao wricr provlding the Inauranca�hWl be choun by Bortowcr nuGlcet to LenAerb <br /> -__-- � npprovel whkh eheU not bo unmaeonebty witAholA. Tf Bomower falla ro mdntoln covornge desedbed above,S.enAer mny,at _ <br /> I.enderY option,obtain coverage to p�otec[Lcnderb dghu In tha Property In axordanco wuh ywagreyh 7. <br /> _ AII Insurenca poUciee end rcnewub ihell bo ecceqeb�e to Lcndor end�hnll Inelude n cwndard mongego alause. LerAr.r _ <br /> chall havo tho rlgAt ro hold Ne policia and rcnowaia. Itl.ender roqulma,Bmrower ahall promptty give wl.endet aU caalple -�---- <br /> ,r�.�rn„i� ot pnid prcmlum�and rcne�vni notla�. In tlw event of loa,Bortower�hell give prompt no�ica ro tha Inrurance wrrier end _ - <br /> ='°— Lender. Lcnder nuy meko proof ot Iwe itnot mndo promp�ly by Bortowcr. <br /> , h � Untes�Lendu end Barower otherwiso epee In wANng,Nmrenca praceed�sheil he�pplled�o reato�atlon or rcp�ir of <br /> �he Propeny darnaxai. It the rcstomtlon or tt�alr fa ecortomically feeiibte end Lender6 cecudty ia na Ieauned. If�ho � ,r., .-. -_- . <br /> m reao�atlon or rcpafr te not uonomlcaily fautble or Lender6 ucwiry would be leae�rcd,dro tneurenco pmtted�shall Ae - -- - <br />�.�:��_ '`- <br /> .,.�-r,� applicd�o the�ume securcd by thla Sau�tty Instrumen6 whetha or no[�hen duo,�vith my excce� p�id a Bortowcr. It _ <br />'�`°�""� 6 paty,or does not enswer whhin 3D da �a notice from Lendor thut�ha inauranco carrler haf <br />. .�,:., ortower e6andonf the Ro Y <br /> -�;;:,�.;�Y ofiercd to«tdo e cinim,�hen Lendu msr coilect rhe insurena pivcada. Lender mny use tho proaeda to�epair or resio�o <br /> � � �he Rope�ty or to pay aums cecurcd by�h4+Saudry Insmimmt,whether or not�hen duo. 71w 30-day pedod will begln when _ <br /> � t., �he notice i�given. --� . <br /> ;,;.._.:-,- Unless Le�Aer end Bortower otheiwiu agrce in w�t8ng,my eppIicedon of prvccedi ro prineipal ehell not ex[end or -. . . .-.. <br />,-`w;;;;ii f:� posrpone�he duo dato of the monthly paymeoro roferted to in patagrapha 1 end 2 or chanpe�ho anoun[o►tho paymcMt Jf <br /> ,y +��:�. undcr paragmph 21 thc Pmpetty te ecquimd by Lendv,Dortower4 rigM w any(nwranu policloi und praaed�«auldng _- -- <br /> �„�4� from dnmego to ihe Propeny pdor�o�he acquicirion shall paas ro Le�cr ro tho extcnt of the mmn sccurcd by lhis Savdty <br /> �,`��`s,. Inanumem Immedinteiy pdor ro the eequtsitlon. �_,.._ <br /> -s� 6. Occupancy, Preaervetlon, Matntenance end Protectton of tho Propnrtye Borrower'a Iaen Application� _ <br /> ���r�' Leasehotds. Domower shnll occupy,ateblish,md use�he Property es Bonowert principnl rcaidenco wh6in slxty day�after - - <br />....,Nc,�t;� the execution of�hie Saudty Insuument end chnll continuo�o ar.cupy thn Prvperty ea 8ortowerk pdneipal rcsldentt for nt - <br /> ?i� Ieas� one ytar aRer �he dato of occopancy, unless Lender atharwise agmca in wriung, which consent shall nat be `-° <br /> A�,�'?;� unrcasonably whhhetd,or unioss extenuating cireumxtances exist which arc Iwyond Borto�ver§controi. Bortower�hell not �r ?_ <br /> ,�,a,��� deafmy,damego or impair the Propeny,allow�he Roperty ro detedomlo,or commit waste on ihc Properry. Bortowcr ihall y �_. . <br /> r .�kSi' be in defeuit if my Podei�uro eaion or procetding,wheiher civil or criminal, In bogun�hat in Lender§good fnlih judgment S�t�.� <br /> 1-r�+-'- could result in fodoiturc of the Hopeny or ahe�wice materially impair the Iien creeted by tNe Sceurity Inspumem or {f1�. <br /> ',%5.�1 i � Lendery security intercat. Bofmwer mey curc cuch a dafault end romnate,a�prorided in paragnph IS,by causing the ection ,� -�:�* ,--.- <br /> � )�'�'�� or proaeding a 6c dismissed with a rvifng thut,in Lendcrk gaod fai�h domrtninetton,preciudes forkimrc of�he Bortowerh C r�>;#�- <br /> z-2'�J�`i inrorest in tho Properry or otha mn�erial impairtnent of the lien crceted by �Iw Secudry In:trument or Lendert�euudry - zF��zS r'� <br /> �, h{;' intercu. Bortower shull atso hc in default if Hortower, dadng �ha loen appttention procea+, gave ma�uinlly felu or � ��^� ,_ <br /> � ���, innccumte infommeion or natemenn ta Lender(or failed to provido Leauler with eny matedel Infonne�bN in connation w(th t�'1+r+� <br /> ,.� t .s• the loan evidencod by the No�c, includfng. 6ut not limited ta repreremetiona conceming Borcowerh accupancy of�he 'M <br /> ' ,z3k�-��j. Propeny aa n pdneipal rcaidence. If thlx Sewriiy lnxtrvment is on a Ienaehold,Bortower ahail compty with all�he provisiona �s��p��i'1, - <br /> H • nf�he lenxe. If Bnrtoiver ernuirea fee title to the Proparty.thc Ieasehold and Iho fce tille shell not morge unless Lender ugme+ )- t h - <br /> 'e .,F� ro tho morgcr in wdHnp. a ��"rJe <br /> • 5k+�� 7. Protecflon ot I.endor's RigM1U In Iho Property. If Bonowcr fails co podorm the covenents end agrecmema , {��z�y gy <br /> `� S)�i comuinal in thix Security Inr�tumen6 or �horc is a leaal proceeding �he� mny xignfficemiy effrct Lenderk righta in the � „� " <br /> 11'��. Pn�eny(xnch na a pmcecdfng in benkruptcy,prohnta,for condemnmlon or foReimre or�o enform laws or rcgulelions),then .e. �Fa� <br /> ��,.�. <br /> �,?f,�, Lvndor mny do and pny fnr whawver ix n�resury to plwect tho valuo ot ihe Pmpeny a�Lenderk rights in ihe Propeny. i}}��(t?'��h; <br /> :;< Lendork nctionx mny includa paying uny xums xcurcd by a Iion which has priodry over�hu Security Insuumen4 appeartng ¢f -�'�i <br /> . S�i�� �.. in cwn,pnyinp rcasonnhle aaameys'fees nnd entering m[he Propeny�o make repair.. Al�hough Lender may take action ?�Zf�r+� Y«'� <br /> �';'��� undcr ihis paragmph 7.Lcndcr does not havc to do so. ,,,_ ,_ 4 ��,� .. <br /> !s�.?�*: Mry amounle dixbwsed by Lender under�his pomgmph�xhnll bocamo xdd(tional debt o(6onowef securcd by Ihis i ', , �� t�t� :- <br />- �Y`+ �•A Secudty Inxtmmant. Unlcu Dartowcr and Lcnder ogrce to other tcrms of payment,tlxx nmounts+hell6eu intcrcst from�he �3 �;��:�;r- -- <br /> -°=F+�?f dntc of diebunement ut Ihc NoM1 m�c nnd shall 6e o ablc, wi�h iNercel,u n notia from Lcnder ta Bortower r uestin :-'��;j=.�=:��'�Y-:;- <br /> })S t.,r p Y P� W 8 r � .i� �, <br /> , i- pa��ment. -u, L . <br /> �4it�;� 8. Mortgegt Insurnnce. If Lcndcr rcyuired mongage insumnce os n condi�ion of muking dm loan sccumd 6y�his rr�:-.., ` 7 <br /> t� Securi�y Inztmmrnt, 6ortowrt shnll p�y�he prcmiumz requircd to meinmin the mongage insurnnee in eRat. It, tor any „!,!�, j1;t' ". <br /> 3-��` rcmm�, the mon a e inm�ance covem e rc uircd 6 Lender lo . s or ceaxs to I+c in eRec4 Uorrower shell u �he ��";" �t�q"-� <br /> . rta 8 F B 4 Y P�� P Y �:} r , <br /> "�'tif) •� rcmimns rc uircd �o o6�nin covera e su6.tamiall e uivnlent to ihe man o e insumnce reviousl m e((ec�. a[ e cost „t.i;•:'`7•,.y:�p,��,; <br /> � �• P 9 8 Y 9 S B P Y � .,h � <br /> �p::ar.fia!!;:Geiralcnt :s e"c ae-t t^a»tn:rcr o(ahe s:a.^.e����.^_r.:e prcr3^s•.Iy irt clkri.trom an alttmure mongage � . . <br /> �s `� -� inxurcr npprored by Lender. Itwb�taNially eyuivalent mnngage inwmncc cnvcrege�s not nrailabtc.Bormwrer shall pay to r - +� � � '-- <br /> 4- - Lcndcr cach munth u sum cyunl w onrw�clllh af�he�e+rly mangnge insumn�e premium Ming paid by 6orro�ver when the � ._ � . <br /> _ - t inwrance coremge Inpud arcemeJ to Ik in effect. Lender will accepl.ux and reiain thex p��•mema a.a Irns reserve in lieu _ <br /> of mongage inrumnce. Lm+mterve paymems may iM longer he rcyuircd,:n the nmion u(Lender,i(mongage insurance ' �-� � • <br /> coverage(in the omuunt onJ for�he periexl�ha�Lender nquim•l prov�ded by:m in.urer appmved by Lender again becomex <br /> - availablc nnd is oM1lnined.Bortou�cr tihall pay Ihc prentiunn rcyuircd lo maintain mohgagc imnnncc in efkcl,nr lu pmvide a - 1 f�.-�- <br /> - lass rcxrve.until�he rcyuircmem for mnngage imaranati enJ�in accmdance with an����nnrn agrcemem M�x�een Dorrower �-+�°-��� <br /> .: ` anJl.cndcrorappiicablelna. �! , . <br /> ' 9. Inspecibn. Lender nr i�.agent ma� make mi mahlc envic.upm and in.�xcliun�af Ihe Propeny. Lendenhall <br /> 1,j��,, give Dofmxxr nutice a�ihe�ime af nr prim to m rcawnahle.auce for�hc impection. � <br /> :r:;�:',-..` 10. Candemnatlon. "Ihe prneceds af eny aa�vJ nr da�m fnr Jamage..Jircct ar m�nee�imi witA any <br />;_j':r^".:;• � - - .. <br /> -���;i� smF��Fanuly .Finnie\fae/4Feddk\lacl\IkY�R\f1V]TItC\6:]T� Imbm�(l..rnmn 9.9� ��vrrl../ryrycn� . <br /> .,�.�'7. �,..��..,�.�..t�.�. ■ . <br /> -� {� i 4�Nf1�Y Id4DSbW9C�Al6LLT41111 ! <br /> ...,la"'��` .- <br /> :r.,,s.:y ' <br /> rh�� <br /> .�:.U:..._ <br />. ... --. _. <br />_" "iT�vmCf.�.—i:?�'� ...:l.f°�.Lf..>}il...-r.. . .�._.. .. .. <br /> . -._-..-_. . ..;hyf,.. x.- . � . � .- ..-::,Y,:A•c•.:r.:'. ^"- _ �._.._. : .•:.�::'v,:..�,�"•.: -_ <br /> .:A.• :'.a! . . <br /> _ ::. "/,_._. _ <br />: ... ...::..:. <br /> _-.. _ . . <br /> ;<.d . . <br /> . .._—_�___ ___ -_ __ ' <br /> �-.-...,- . __-._ —. .. <br /> _" -.i.._ . . " . . . <br /> ,�(;: " , <br /> ;'�L . <br /> �.: .. . <br /> .� e:. • <br /> �i�. t T <br /> '�J45 .•\ - . . .. . <br /> a <br /> t !�. ' _'. <br /> � � . . <br /> 1 <br /> � J ' i . <br /> . ` 1 ' .' ,":_ ' �L� _ <br />