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al . ..-.— _ ..«,�..._._... . .-r r_ .�... . . . � i•._ . <br /> -�5.�,� , . . _ <br /> n ✓ <br /> i._. _ ' _.� ' . . _ .Y• . <br /> .. ..� � q�i� i�Uh�O, , - _. -_ <br /> 7'60BiHBR 1YYIYf{�Il lho Improvcmtnu now or hemaRcr etactpd•pti:l all easeman�e,appurtenwicee, ., <br /> -- and fixturca imw ot here�4r apu{of the propeny. All ropieoemmtp nnd nt�,1111om�haU dm be covcrc4 by�hii Bccvdty. _ <br /> -u Insmiment Allof��oforogoinglarchmedwin�h(sSaud�yln�wmrnc��t�n aropedy.' <br /> — HQRROWBR COVISNANf3 tl�at Bortowu le iawNlty ul:ed ot Iha esuua hcnDy mnveycd mA hra tho right to gmnt , ------- - <br /> end convay tha Propeny md lhnt tAa Ropeay I+uncncum6ercd,oxap{fm.enarmbrancc�of raord. Bwtowcr wortanro and ° - - <br /> - -- w10 defend gcncratly the tl�lo l01Ao Propcny egatnst all elatm�anA demsnAx wh)ect to anY eneumbrena�ot rccord. <br /> 7tii9 9E�9JRPfY INS'IitUMHNT combina uMfortn corcnnnu!m nntlnnel uso ond non•uNform corrnanta whh <br /> =„ _,—; llmited varintlona by Judadidlan to conaNtmo a unitom�cecudty Insm�ment covttfn@ mal propeny. . _ <br /> UNIPORMCOVBNAM'3. Darmwerendl.cndcrcovenantanAaBtaoe�fallmv�: <br /> l. Vaymeat of Prtndpal and foterat{Prepayment and I.nta ChnrQO►, ISorcowor shnll promytiypay when duo tAn <br /> � pdrtcips10(md Intercst on iho debt evidenad by�ho Noto and any propaymrnl md leto charga duo undcr�fio Nae. <br /> A [+Unda tor'Igxa enA[n:unna. SubJoct�o applicaUla la�v or tn a wriucn weivcr by Lendor.Oortowcr shall pay to <br /> ;;y�;.�-...-m--_�,,—�- Lendu on the dny montAly peymcnu aro due under�he Noto,umil tho Noto Ic paid in fuU.�sum('ivnds')for.(a)yculy — <br /> -:r;.�.n;y,� taxea and useumen�a whkh may nnein pdodey ovcr�hb Se�vdty Inttn�m�nt w o Iicn on No Propeny;@)yculy leasehnld <br />�`-..�;,.�,-= �ymenu or ground rcnts on �he Ropeny. if eny: (o) yeerly hniarA or propeny Imurenrn prcmiuma; (d)yently ilood . <br /> ,,.�:.,�s nsuronce premium�, if any:(o) yead� mongage iniurena prominmf, it any: end (�any eum+payabia by Borrower to <br /> Lender,in eaordence wltA ihe rovis ons o(parngraph 8,in Iiou of the Ayment of mortgaga inauranco prcmiumn. 'ILase <br /> :uu"s-;�° P <br />. ;.�;��-�:_;�;, icems uo catled"flscrow Items' I.ender any Hmo,collm and ha d Funels in an amovnt not to exacd iha max{mum <br /> =:!�ra�,.... amount a lender for e fedmlly rclned mongago laen may requiro far pommver's eacrow eccount under the kdoral Real _ <br /> .r;��uf;�'a�a' &tete SetUemmt Proadures Act of 1974 es amended from timo m tlmo, I3 U.B.C.�2601 n uq.PRPSPA'7.unloss ana�har -- <br /> �=.� .r,':-�.6,K'^. I�w tLat applles ro the Wnds ceta n Icsser nmount If w,I.enAer may,a�eny time,mllm and hold Wnds in en amount not to <br />�`���x;��-���°E execed �he luser emount. Lender may cnimatc �he amount oF Rmds duo on the bmis of wrttnt da�a end reason�6lo --_ <br /> ,��YR�;" a�imems of oxpendiw�of fuwm Facrow liems or othwwiss in necordence with eppIla610 law. '-' - - <br /> �i�'rk�,�ti}3 7Te Poinds shall be hcld in en instiwtlon �vhose deposi�s am insurcd by a fede�al agency, inswmcntality,or enHry e.� �n -- <br />_.,,j}ltr�2,,, (including LenAcr,if Lender is aueh m institmioN or in eny Fcdcml Home Loan Denk. Lender nhell apply the Wnds to pay ti,p= <br /> q ,.,�., �he Eumw Itcros. Lcndtt may no�chargc Bo�rowcr for hnlding and a�plying�hc Wnds,ennunlly analycing�he eurow ,.??L�i , <br /> `� SYf�`' aceoum,or vedtying�he Cscrow imms, unless LenAcr payx Bortower ntercal on the Punda and applicable law peimita �'�3y,° �-� <br /> r ' �-- 5-±. Lenda ro meke such e chuge. Howevec Lender mny requirc Barrower io pxy a ona�ime chnrge for an independent real ;�y,p�a -_:� <br /> �����y4 i� atato�ex rcponing urvia used by LcnAcr in conncetion wi�h thic loan,unless epplicablc law providea ahcrniu. Unlcu en �,,F• ._ <br /> � egrcement is made or apptlablo Inw rcquirea in[ercn ro 6e paid.Lcndtt�hnil not bo rcquircd a pay Bortowcr any intorcp or �r�-;�,�.-��t <br /> „y'- ,i } eaming�on tAe Nnds. Bn�wer and Ixnder muy agree in wminp,ho�vevee�hat Interest Rhnll ba paid on IAe Funds. [.endor � �c <br /> --� �' t�>t :hill givo lo Borrowm,wid�oot ennunl eccountinp of�he Funds,showing crcdiu and debita to�hc FLnds end thc .��i;lt•�s <br /> _�✓ 4�� Purpose for which each debl�to�he Funds wax mada The Funds arc plcdged as additlonal saurity tor ell sums aecured hy �5�;, , <br /> ;� �i: �hia Security Inswmcm. ,,r�iY �- <br /> �r�A�1�;{_ If the Ponds hefd by LenAer exceM Ihe ¢moumF pcmifttcd ro be Aeld by epplieablc la�v, Lender sholl eccount w �K f,: <br /> s y +;K,,t Bortower Por�he excas Nndx in accordance with��e reyuimmenta of epplicable le�v. If ine amoum oi�ho Funus hoid by ��;�StiF� : <br /> t Lender et eny timc is not sufticicm m pay�hc Escro�v Items when duc,Lcndcr may so notify Uo�rower in wd�ing, and,in !�t�� , <br />,i.Ki;:��;p such cese �ortower sAall pry ro Lender�he amomm �ecessary to make up �ho deficiency. Bortower sholl meke up the ' -�%� - <br /> � ,!u..- ;• deflcimcy in no morc ihan uvelvc momhly pnymcma ai Lendcr4 sole discrc�ion. f�nT �;F«� - <br /> ��T '�1� Upon paymcnt in PoII of ail sum. xxvmd by�hia Security Instmment.Lender sholl prompily rcfund ro�ortower any �s'��� , .-- <br /> � ,� i,. ` Funds held by Lendec IL under pungmph 21,LenAer shnll acyuim or sell the Rvpeny.Lender,prior w�he eryutai�ion or �L., '� ; <br /> '-''� sale of tlre Praperty,ahall opply anp FunA�hNJ hy Lender m�he�ime o(acquisitian or sale as a crcdii egnins��he sums Kt =- <br /> �`f�'�'yY����' seeurcd by�hfe Secudty Instrumem. �lf�idS---'� <br /> � 4}S:F ' <br /> - �� )F._f 3. Applfcatton of Pnymrnln Unless applicable law provides oihernise.all paymems received 6y Lender unAer �-�'i��t �, <br /> y�r paragrephs I end 2 ahall be uppBod:firti6 lo eny prepnymcm charges due undcr�he Nae:sccond.�a nmounts payoble under r���� � <br />'-:`!��:i�:.,'�(fx`,°S t,a.,. : <br /> parngnph 2:�Aird,�o intercs�dur,fwnh,ro principnl Jue:nnd Imt.ia any Ime chnrges due under�he Nae. 3�.� 19r>�t•� <br /> -�.j� �� 4. Chargex: Ltens. Uorroorr vhnll pay ull iaxc+, u,.us,mcn�s, chorgcs, fines und imposi�ions auribumMe to ihc r-�x�- ° �` <br /> -V - e ' propeny which mny a�min priority ovcr this Sccurily Imuumenl,and leacchold pnymcros or gmund ren4s,if any. 6orrower y;�:, � '�-- <br /> ,y���j�t? sAali pay�hcsc obligmions in ihe manner provided in pamgmph 2,or if not�r�id in thoi munncr.Boirawer shall pay lhem un ���;1�� . <br /> . `3�`� time dircc�ly m�he percnn owed pa�ment. I3onmver shuil prompily fumisA�n 6ender all nn�ices of amoums�o M puid under y«. �...,i�;--� <br /> -- A� y� ,i �Ais pvogreph. If Uorrower mnkes�hexe paymemx directly.Bortower shall promptly fumixh io Lender mceipis evidencing ,�i� ;, - <br /> -� r-„Y�_.:� �h�navmenlc. � -.-. <br /> > � "-` � Dorrowcr shnll pmmptly di+charge any licn which 6n.priori�y ovrr thi+Security Instrument unless Rnnox•er.(a)agrccx G•;�ty�t Y�'r- <br /> '-,:; in writing la Ihe paymem o!�he o6liga�iun ucured hy�he lien in o mnnner��ccep�abic w Lender,(b1 comes�s{n good(ui�h ihe C� f Ci - <br /> ,. --'- ,: licn by,or deknds agains�rnfnrccment of�hc licn in.legnl pnxccding.whivh in Ihe LcnJerl opininn opcn�e�o prevcnt�he tt . - ' �._ <br /> � �� en(orcement ot Ihe licn:ur(c)secum(mm�I�e hotder n(Ihe lien an ngrecmem+ali.factory�o LenJer<uburdinating the lien {�� �Y,�S <br />� S�_-. .._• F/....�: .�...i. <br /> ..✓�.-•., ro ihis Security Instrumem. If Lender dciemiines�hat any pan uf ihe Prapeny i+,ubja��o u lien which may a�min priority <br /> �� '�� over�his Securily InslrumenL Lender mny give Bonmver a nolice idemifying�he licn. Uorto�ver,h�ll}a�iafy Ihc lien or�ake Fr ', _ <br /> i onc or morc o(Ihe aciions scl fonh�Mvc wilhin 10 Jaya o(Ihc g�ving o(nolicc. - T� �, ,� <br /> �S 5. Hezerd or Property Insurance. Uona�rer.hall Acep ihe impravem.nn nm� ezi.unp nr hercaher ercacd an�he � <br /> + ' Property insurcd aguiroi lass by firc,hazardc includcd x�ithin ihc t.nn"cxmndcJ cov.ragc"and anr othcr haiardc,including C(� <br /> ��'r�'•�4:+: <br /> tlaods or ilnoding, far which I.cndcr rcyuircti mwrami. Thi. mwrancc�hall hc m:nntnnrd m Ihc amoama and fnr Ihc !-� �� - <br /> !�i•.-.9�. ` � - �� . . . <br /> p��."�3:-��: FmmN711 9.W irym:.ynrytr�i �: <br />.-�,i'•`•IN�l:Y� � . <br /> ,M.�� _ ' <br /> :.Sii.J:- , <br /> >:i.:�-.i�-. <br /> '•iC."5\I . <br /> ';y<:..�!'16p�.:�?rP.;E%.'. --_ � �.. ,..._.... . . . .. .. . .. - _ _ . . , . .. . . <br /> ='' <br />. . _.�'�" ._ <br /> -.�-.��r _- _ _ <br /> x � , <br /> i ' ' • <br /> 7) -a"7 � � . _ <br /> $1r � A. �. .. . <br /> '-'i�.'1''�'E''. _. .., <br /> �SY... <br /> ..'i::..'�,_ -:-•y'.�� . <br /> 1 �,� <br /> � t� � . <br /> ,,,_ � � , - <br /> . ., <br /> � :> -. ' < � � <br /> _� � . . <br />