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t �_ .,�,:,, ._ .�.. r, ------ <br /> t . . <br /> . Zo��a� <br /> paymenm m�y no longu bo rcQufrod,m�he option of La�du,it mongago insuranco mG�a(in 1�e emounl end tor IM pedod <br /> �Aet I.cnQer rcqulrasl providad by an Insurer epproved by Lcadu ngoln bcoomes avcllablo and is oblNnt4.Bonowct�hell poy <br />. - ihv pmmlumf reqnlrcd�e meimatn mortgage Insureace in effxt,or to provldo a lou rcurve,unttl tde rcqulrement for mony�go -�__.__._. _ . .__ <br /> . insutaneo ende in axordanco�vlth nny written agroement between Ilorto�ver end l.ender or appllcable law. -� <br /> -`"- 9.ln+pectlon. Lender or iu egent mqy make rcawmbte tnirlea upon end Inspatlons ot the Propeny. Lenda shall givo <br /> Bortower nopoa et�ho time of or prlor ro on Inspcalon epceifying ressonablo c+usa far�Ae Inspootion. ` <br /> -�_'?� I0.ConEemnatlon. 'ITc proceed� ot any award or clelm tor Jamega, dirca ar oonxQuentlel, im m�nxtlon wfth eny <br /> ---- condemnatlon or other ulcing ot any pan of eho Propeny,or for eomeyanco in Iia of rondemna�lon,ero hercby asslgned end <br /> -� �hall be paid lo Lcndcr. _ _ _ __ <br /> - In the event of o mtal taking of�ho Property.�he pmcnMe ahell bo applicd ro tho�ums ecarcd by thia Suudty Instrvnxnb `-"-- �- � � <br /> - -�%�� whuhcr or nn�tAcn duc, wi�h eny exca�psid ro Bortower. In tl�c ovcnt of e panlal nking of tho Propeny In whleA Iho fefr <br /> ":"�x,;s'� n�arkct valuo of tho Napeny Immodlately betoru thc�elcing le equal to or grcatcr�han thc omoum of tho wm�sccurod by this <br /> �:,��>r� Security InstNment immadiately be(oro the tnking,unlex+Borroxer end Lender othenvi�¢agrce in wriQng.�ho�um�euured by <br />`,"_aq��..� �hls Sceudry Inumment aAall bc rcduoed by the omount of tAe prooxds mul�lplicd by the foiladng trealon: (e) the lotal <br />-'=��:�}� emaunt of the sums�avred immedlately beforo tho �eking, divided by @)tho fair merka value of the Propeny immedlately <br />_«;:;;i;� betore tho tnlcing. Any balana ahall bo paid ro Onrtower. [n the event of a panial �elcing of�he Properry in whieh tlie felr - - ��� <br />�-��;�.':�-� markct value of�ho Pmpeny Immediutcly beforc�he teking Is Iw than�ho emount of�he wms seared inmodiately betora Ihe <br />�'�;;;�� �aking,unless Bormwer and Leader othe�wtae egree in writing or udess appliceble law othernise provides,the proceeda�6ail _,__ — <br /> Y.� <br /> -�f,�� be eppl(ad a thc sums ueurcd by this Security Instrument whGhcr or not tho sums arc then�ua -- <br /> ;, ,.� If the Prapeny is abandoned 6y Iiorrower,or if,nfter nolia by Lendcr to Borroxxr Ihet the condemnor of(ero to make an _.__.�. <br /> -'�6?'n��= a�vard or unio a claim for damega, Dorrower fails ro rcspond to Le�cr within 30 days eRer tM1e date the no�ice fe given. __ _ <br /> < ; <br /> '� Lender la euthorivtd ro collect end epply t6e proceeds.a�ip opiion,elther to res�ow�lon or rcpair of Ihe Property or ro Ihe wme _ ____ _ <br /> ��``+'; seeurcd by Nia Sccurity Insnumem,�vhc�Aer or no�then dua t�, -.. <br /> �rZ, Unless l.ender and Borto�ver othenvise ogrce in �vrtting, any application of proeceds [o principal chall not extend or � <br /> 4��-^ posipone the duc date o(the nwnthly paymentx rekrrcd to in paregraphs I nnd 2 or change the amount of such payments. �jif�S'�.-� r --__ <br /> . +t.;'� . �_- <br /> _ �5 11.Borto�rer Not Relmsed;For6earence 6r t.ender Not e Walver.Exte�sioa o(the�ime for pay�rent or nwdi6cetion � --_ _- <br /> ��; of umortizatlon of the sums securcd 6y ihis Securi�y Insuument gfanted by Lender to any sucoes.u�r in interu�of Borrower ahell <br /> _�-,�,�'�t� not operaM to rcicasc Ihc Iiability of�hc original�orroxer or Oarcowcr s succesmn in intercat. Lender shall not be reqWred ro �� _- _ <br /> �'�Y rnnmenm p�ocrodinga agafas�any succesmr in imercst or rePose to extend tlme for payment or atherniu modify emonization ��,Nt �_ -- <br /> V�` of thc sunu savred by �his Sccudry Insuumcm by raunn o(any demand madc by thc original Bortmver or Borto�rer a '�ty�q�l ' <br />� a�+'�r� successors in imerex�.Any Por6earonce by Lender in exereising nny righ� or rcmedy shall wt be s waiver of or preclude the ta�� ��, ,,,�,,,.. <br /> :. ��,; �„n - <br /> .':=L�;E�` cxenlu of nny dght or rcmedy. �1.>x,':sc+-. <br /> y�.,+•.) :%,.:•:b:� <br />��.:' ::,��. lf. Successon and Asslfw Boundt Jolnt nnd Severel LlaEility; Caaignen. 7Te mvenents e�d egreements of thia �;.,.,,�Y�__;,,__ <br /> r'�'�'.� Stturity InawmeN sMll 61nd and benelil the succesmrs ond atcignc of Lender end Bortower, xubject io the provialons of �n �' <br /> ��'�� paregreph 17. itorro�rer's mvenams und ngrcements shall 6e joint and scveral. Any Bormwer �vho m•signs this Sccuriry �;;� '. <br /> �, !}� Inswment hut doex nn�ezecme �he Nrte: le) is m•signinp �his Securiry Instrument only to mongage, gmm und mmey�hat !����i-: ;,y :;_ <br /> _ 4�'j Barrower's imerest in�he Propcny undcr�hc�emx of ihis Saurity lacwmena(b)is�w�per.mnnlly obligated w pay�he sums �,�{,{"�;k',�� �.�- <br /> ti.��'`� securcd Ay�his Security Insuument:nnd(A ngrces�ha�l.ender unel uny other�xmwer inay agree to exiend,mndify,for6qr or � �#n � - <br /> Fj <br /> .i�- nwkc any arn�mm<da�ianx�vi�h rcgurd�o thc tcrms o(Ihis Sccurity Inswnunt m lhc Na�c wi�hout Ihn[Uorrowcr's�nnsent. ��}i�i,�i+ P9 = <br /> .-;,Y.f�; l3. luen ChnrRa. If�he Iemn secunrl hy�his Seavri�y In+uument is+ubject to u Inw�v6ich ac�s maximum lann charges, z,_-7,���2 dJ„c,.,�� <br /> .�:.r.}4,-..., ,�_;ea- <br /> �,l�,t'r and Ihnt Imv is finally intemrcleJ x�thut ihe i�uem>e or mher loan churge+mllceteJ nr ta he a�lleaed im m�nation �vi�6�he -_ n�$ y � <br /> ft� lo;m exmed�he permi¢�d limi�a.then: (ul uny wrh 4un chnrge+hull be nduml hy �hr umnum necetsary�o redutt�he charge .Y + i; n�3 . <br /> � -��' In Ihc pCrntiltcd liiltil:and(M1I:tny•um+alrcaJy a�llttlad fn+m IAirm�t.r w�hich cxcttd�tl {Mrmilicd limils will hC refund•d ta -i'a'.�.���� <i:. <br /> .-�,;if� Oorro�rer. Lender m�y chnnse in make thi. rcfmxl M1y nducing Ihe prinripal o�r�vl mWer �he Nrte ar hy making n direct �- tia' +fs <br /> "i I���Y <br />-.�);,'7�:i� Ppymem ro &�rrnwer. 1( u rcfunJ rcdmc. principaL We nduc�ion o�ili Ix tmutd �. a p�nial prep�yment withuut nnY .r,.i�t:�.y...;._,` <br /> -�YR!^; prepaymem chargc unJcr thc Yotc. 4� t..yi i 7�}�ns i:�. <br />....:�;,.i�. 14. Naticcc.An��n�nicc a�Uorme�cr prnviJnl fnr in�hi.Saurity Inurumcm,hall hr giren by dclivcring it or by mailing �_`,..; "},�,„_'`;`. <br /> vf :- it by tint dus muil unlec.applicahte hm myuim.u.c nf anodicr mcth�d. Thc no�i.c,h:dl M dintyN�o Ihe Pmpcny nJdrcss �� x,; �r�,�,. . <br /> >�5�1 or any othcr udJre.. IAirrna�cr dc.ignala M1y �xnicc m l.cndcr. Am� nntice �n LcnJcr �hall M�ircn 6y fint dan mail to z 4; ,r;_.!�i?�.--. <br /> -?r �`; Lcnlcr i nddres�s1:ncJ hcrein or any nther adJrc.ti Ic�dcr datiignala I�y nnlim In Wrtro��cr. Any noliec proriJcJ far in lhis q "'.,lNi�i�.z1J:;, <br />' -��.)�.; Sauriiy Ine�mmeN�hall Ne Jeenxvl�o haee Iwin given�a Oorrmcer or Lender nhrn gicen a.proviJ�d in�hi�paragraph. '^':.3'.�1#7c:.. <br /> 15. Gorernhi� Le�r: tieeerobillty. Thi> Scrnritr In.trumcm �IIJII Ik }ul'CfIK'tI Il� (l'JU2I I:1\\' JOtI Illf Imv of Ihc � -�"i,z{'� - <br /> ; 4 .. t ,. <br /> :,�. jurivliclion in�vhieh Ihe Prnpeny i.Iaral�yl. In Ihe cacnl Ihal an� prori.iun��r alauu.�f Ihi. Saturily Imlrunteni or Ihe Nnle �_ r- •`� L'�� <br /> .-.',>!'`•-' conllic�.��-ith appliraM1ic la�c,wd�cnnllie.h:dl nm aff�tl olhcr prari+inn•aC thi.ticruoi� IndrunmN or ihc Notc��hi.h can h. .:. -:(;�.� ;¢.��_; - <br />- >°�';�^�-� givcn ef(cci���i�hout�he cnnllirting prnvi.inn. Ta Ihi.cnJ Ihc prn�i.inn...l Ihf.kaunl� Inarumem anJ the Nole arc declarni rt'.,�;;. �•''�:;;`-:" <br /> rS.�;; . <br /> �:J+ :: 1 <br /> �d".f" ' <br /> In hC�CVCf�h�C. <br /> Ib.Rarra��er's Cnpr.IA�rn+wcr.6all hr}i�cn onc omlomirJ n+pc uf th¢Vote anJ ul thi.tirmril� Inarumcm. �i_�.. . <br /> �",,�;. + , Po�m 30Y8 9�90 ' .. . _ _ . <br /> 'iF.;`�t .i .. ., t. <br /> ; <br />.. "�'.T:.^. ,,i:.i/.Y.�fn .. .... .. . .� _ .._ . . � f:i.:Ij ' . - .�.�.�. . a• �. . . <br />�� .�'�:i-� . . <br /> _ ..i.. <br /> '..-i-: _ _ . _ <br /> _.�1 , <br /> `�i 'S' <br /> ::i.. <br /> -'t: _ <br /> :� <br /> ?:4.:_. .. . . __ . <br /> :;i:.:'. . . , _ ' <br /> .,�;.+;pP;..A�`'•� _. . . . <br /> t� { 5-. � . . - . .. . .. . <br /> v � - " � � � e ' - � <br /> vt � . � . . - - � . . � . � _ <br /> . . <br /> 7 . " . - -' _ - _ _ _ ; <br /> . . - . � � ..... . . . . <br /> i -.t ... . . . . - - .-._. . _. � ._._. ,. - .�. _ . . _.. _ _ . . _ . ._.,. , . ..... _ __. . . ."___ . <br />