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i,�}�,��{]�n <br /> t trYL ... . . ._ _ ' . �$O �V�7�M!* ___ <br /> D. Flnard or 1'roperly Insuraaa. Borrower shdl tecy the Improvunenu now ot hueaRu eituw ort dte <br /> —.-- Propeny Iniurcd egoinst tou by Iiro, haurda tnctuded wlihin tho tertn 'extendcd coveroga'end eny other Aa�ds, Inc1u01n� <br /> ----- flood�or fiood(ng,for�vhich Lenda rcqutrci in�urumc.7LIe Insuranca chV16a mafmaincd In tAe artwuntt oiW im�he pulodt - <br /> --- tha�Lsndcr roqulrc�.'Ow insumnce carrlcr pmvlding No Insurenoe cha116a cNoun by Qorto�vcr subJoa to l.ender'�opprovnl _ <br /> - -� �vhich thail not be unrwsonebly withAeld. It Horroiver faile to mdntaln covcmge deudb;d aboro.Lender Lender'e <br /> ,.�a_=-=:� opNon,obtnfn caverago ro protat l.ender9 dghu in tha Property in eccordaneo w(th paregreph 7. <br /> -- All Insurnnce policica nnd rcmwals�hall be acaptablo w Lendor and ehall Ineludo a ctandard mortgrgo claux+. Lendtr <br /> _�z„^,�,� �6a11 heve�ha dgAt to hold the policia and rcnewd�.lt Lcndor rcqulrca.Bortower�hall promptly givo to Lcnder all moelpq ot <br /> " paW prcmlunu and renewal notlees.ln the event of loss,Bo[rower shnll Qire promp�notice m tho inwrenoe carrler end 4nder. �_.. <br /> � Lcnda may mdcc proof oT lou It not medo prompily by[fortower. <br /> t�*� Unless Lcnder and fiorrower whonviae agra in writing,insurence pr000cde ehWl be epplled to rcatorction or rcpalr of tho <br /> ^�,t'l,f,a'!� Propeny danugcd,if the rcstoro�lon or repalr is aonomlalty kasi6le and Lendcr'o caurity li not leuened.If�he rdtoration or <br /> �,_r � <br /> ;�?'if. _7y_ repair is not economlcaily kasiblo or l.endm's savrity would bo Iccsencd.�ho inwrencc prooeod�shell be eppllcd to Uie sutn� <br />:-,,�, ,., . <br /> r <br />�_,+.:�.,..��j`:,;, securcd by thls Secudty lnstrumen6 whether or not then duo, wlth eny enceas p�id m Bortower. It Borrower obandons Iho <br />�-�-'���:Srint<< Propetty,or daoa not answer wl�hin 30 deye a nditt from Lendcr�hnt tho Insunnoo wtrter ha�o(tercd to�uUe a claim,then _ . <br /> .n�:�g.:�,f; I.ender may collav �ho insumnco prooada. I.endcr may use �ho proceed� eo rcpair or rcstott the Property or to pay curtu <br /> '; -(`-�''��� secured by�hin Secudry Ins�mmen6 whahcr or na�then d�c.Thc 3Pday periad�vill bcgfn when U�¢notice B glven. <br />`'�� ��"`;'. Unlas Ceader wd Borrower othenvise e rce in wridn , m e Ilutton of roaeds ro dncf I ehall nat extud or <br /> ;'. �? ... ; 8 8 Y PP P P Pa <br /> �-��'a��!�"�• st ne�he due daro of�Ae momhly paymcntn rcferrcd�o in paregrephs I end 2 or change the amount of�ho paymenu. If <br />- . ..i. c;.., Do Po <br /> _.�:�•s.a�?';tc Pa B P P�nY +09 Y 8 Y P� P 8 <br />-;-�;,��,:���,,Y,�; unda �n re h 21 �ho Pm 6 uirtd b Lender,Borrower'�rI ht ro en insumnce Iicip and rooeads ruulHn from -- <br /> �;sy_,,,,:,,;,; demage�o tha Property pdor ro thc¢quid8on shall pass to I.cndcr to tho atcnt of tho suma secured by tAo Sccurity Insnument _ <br /> ��,� :', immediatety pflor to the acquiaition. -- <br /> `'S` i�' 6.Oceupancy,Prcservedon,�lalntennnn and Pro[atbn ot the Properlyi Rorro�ver'e Loan Applltallon;Leasdiolds. °- <br />�'"";�F;�^�i Borrowcr shell oav cstablish,end use�hc Il 85 BORONCf 9 rincf 1 raidence whhin sixc da a after the execution of — <br />:,�:�.,.�.-...;,. PY. P� Y P Pa Y Y __-. <br /> `��:r-L1�,'d r�� �hia Secudty Instrument end shall antinue to oavpy�he Pmpeny m Bomower's pdncipal rosidrna tor at Iwst one year aRer -_. <br /> ; S+..t.:�( __ <br />-��._;t�,yj iG�.�tp �hc date of ottvpanty,unleu Lcnder otherwiu agrces in writing,whlch mnsent shell nat bc unrcasonably alihheld, or unloss . <br /> r�^ t� exrenueAng circumstenccs ezlat which orc boyond Bortower'a eontrol. [iortox•cr shall not dutroy, dam�ge or impair �he ��� <br /> ,',, ��;`'? Property, ullow �he Propeny to daeriore�c, or mmmi� �vastc on �hc Pmpeny. Borrower shall be in defautt if any fodeimrc -- <br /> � _�:, �..s•< .. <br /> i; ii::�'.. c,`:: <br />��;�.���:;r`.cF eqion or procecding, whether civil or criminel,is 6egun thnt in Lender s goad fefth judgment muld resul[in fadeflurc of the __ <br /> -��'f:*�b�t Propeny or otherwi5e materinlly impuir tha lien crcnted hy�his Savriry Insuument or Lender s security imerese Bortower may -�_ <br />�`''�f";::•;;:.. <br /> j:�,:i;�,.�;,;±!,�. curc svch a default nnd rcinstate,ns pmvided in puagraph IB.6y causing�he netion or praceeding ta be dismissed with e ruling :�- <br /> �- �;_ �hei, in Lendcr's gucd feith detcmiinntian, precludcx lodci[urc of�hc Oortower s intcrcxt in the Propeny or other marerial <br /> ;__:������.,' impoirtnent ot the iiun creaced'oy min Security Imi�unrcni ur isrJcr'.x.�eia} i�de.u:. B..'rt•n.� :ha::a:m�i.^.�,r_�y�� �r �. <br /> c_::��-,�.t�.,).� Oorrowcr,during�hc loun nppliceiian proccss,gurc mmcrially falu or inuttvretc Informa�ion or s�atemenu io Ixnder(or feilod �:�� <br /> ��;.r...;:;�•:. ... <br /> ,-��.;,,�,,, ro provide Lender wf�h uny mmerial infortno�ioN im m�nectiun wiih�he Iwn evidenced by�1�Note,including,but not limited F:,:,. <br /> � ;, -. ta,rcprcsentntions wnttming Oorrower's�x�cuponcy nf�he Pmpeny ac a principal rcsidence. If�his Security lnstrvment i�un e _.. <br /> ,.�.�,r , ��..4-� Icaxhold, Bortowcr shall mmply �vith all ihc provisions of the Icasc. If Borcower acyuires ke �ide to ihc Property. �hc �;�:-� <br /> �CE> IcauhulJ nnd thc ke�itic xholl nn�mergc unle�a Lcnder ngrcex�n ihc mcrgcr in wrrting. �t.:� <br /> t.�'��:'f 7.ProtcNlon ot I.ender's Righix In thc Property.I(BoRO�vcr(uils m perfami�hc�brenams ond ngrcenwnts mntaincd in <br />�,Ut��i�r;`V�f, this Securi�y Instmmen6 or�herc is n Iegul pnnzeding �hm muy.ignificantly affa� Lender s rights in �he Property(such a�a __ <br /> {rr� ' pro��ccding in bnnkrup�cy,probmc,for mnJcnnu�ion or forfci�mc��r to cnforcc lawx nr rcgulations), then I.cnJcr nwy do nnd <br /> --;N:,��*��. pny (or whatever ix necexsary �a prorcct �he vutue of�he Pn>peny anJ l.ender's righ�s in the Pmpeny. Lender's actions may : -" <br /> "�`�;��_��s. includc n in nn wms accund 6 u licn which hm riarit avcr �hia Scarit In.uumcm, a arin in murt, a in �;:-. <br /> ��' �. - . P Y 6 Y - Y P Y Y PP�' 6 P Y 8 <br />.F ic''j;;,r:.: rcesonablc mtamcys' kcs unJ cmcrinp nn thc Prapcny tn nwkc repuir.. Al�hnugh Lcndcr nuy iakc uction unJcr this pamgrnph V."' <br /> ;;.:�av.-1.° 7. Lenlcr dacs not huve tn do ui. n.�.� <br /> ,'"'..� ` �:. <br /> � .'.�.-... .�_ Any nmomus dis6U�a1 by I.enJer wWer Ihi+ pnragraph 7 .h�di hecanx aJdition:d Jehi nf W�rmo�er secured by �his '-'_,. <br />--,.ir-._�:.^ . . �.,' <br /> S�:cuuty hulivmcnt. Unk�, �nmOCl JI� IAINCI�12:K1'10 OIIII(Il'llll\UI Y.p uwni. ,i�i.i.�;s:unn dull h:ar intcmt (rom thc p�_ <br /> fl � �- dotc of dishunemcm :n thc Nmc rac anJ .i„�n n�: �:�y�ni�. .�nn inlcrc.l. upnn nnlitt fmm isndcr to @irn�wcr rcqucs[ing 1._- <br /> � � N-:_ Paymcnt. p <br /> - - "_� 8.MoMgage hitimgnm. If L.ndcr nyuircd inunFngc m.unike a.a.nndi�inn o(making thc inan+eivnd by ihi�Sc�vrity ` ��� <br /> -.�-,-`;r� " In.Irmnent. Ik�mnrcr,hnll pny thc prcmium. rcyuircJ m maimam ihc mnngagc in.uran.c in cffca. If, fiir airy rcn.on, tltc � '. <br /> ,,.S:n.,�C, <br /> - IIIOfIFYr,C IRSURIOLT l'11VCfdFC fl4Y1M1YI I1Y IRIkII'f IJ(Nl•�Of CC:IK�[O F1L` in cffcct.Bnrrmccr.hall pay�hc premium�rcyuind m �^`�- <br /> -- � � o6min mvcr�gc eub.tumiully cyui�alcm m�hc mnng:�gc in+unu.r prcrinmly in tf(cct.:n a cn.l•nML+mially cyuivalcnl �o�hc t:'. <br /> � . �. <br /> -_.,�!.:�1;('.'. l'tltil IU BOf�OU•M���lI1C IilOfi�':1�'l'Ip\Of:llil'f �fCP1111bI\' 111 d�rdA. �10111 0p Jlil(11JIP nwn�age mwrer apprnvcJ hy Isndcr. If 6;b. <br />- ".`!t�f� � aub.tantially.quiralcm mon�:�g.irour:mcc ao�-cra�c i.nn�availahlc. &,rrrn��r.hall pa��m Lcndcr cacl�mnmh eyual to [.. <br /> onc-twdflh of thc)r.�d��mnttga�c¢pranii�m hmg p:nd h� Harrnucr��htn Ihe inwrancC rmtrage mmed 10 �-. <br /> ' I1C 111 C�LCI'L LCIIJCf WIII�l'Cl'�11.UX dptl fl'IAlll III�P r:l\"Illtllh:l� :1IO�� tt•cnr m liru ..1 munEa�c inwrancc. L+.� rcxn�c F' <br /> ,�•.-• � <br /> ?:- - - Fo�m 3DY8 9180 <br /> _'(�; .a ..� <br /> ;,.:'�'- �,:,� <br /> j <br />.....-„�;•y „ <br />.��e i'?i'i:..-',.- <br /> �!` ' � . ._ __ , . r ... , <br /> .. . .. <br /> ..1�:.... <br /> .. � . ... ,. ..._ .. .., <br /> Tf�,- ._ , .:- . , .s; - . <br /> S�t`'r <br />. - �. ',.:' '. <br /> ::i,•._;'� . <br />�-.-e�iiy-.: .,,'.��:! . . � . . . <br /> �-":i`.�.'-'-',` ' <br /> 4`r <br /> - :�]r'-, '�y.��. • <br /> _ ':.L�;i�L;�• . , , <br />__( ;tF, ; ; <br /> ,.',_�.,t?.'i,�,�ii' � _ � - . <br /> :.�..: �Y::• `� ' _ . _ . <br /> t � . S . � � . .._ <br /> 1_ y � � _. - � ' '. _ . <br /> t � <br /> ) � l�. . t_ ' -- � _ <br /> iP ( . ., .. ♦ t � •. ..�-:hq . ._ . " - .� . . . _.. . — �r� - <br />