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��� � ���� . . ... _ �Q� np � _ _ <br /> — 17 7Yantter ot ihe Property or o Denellcisl[ntercat fn�orrower. It ell or anp pan of tho Pr�ZH7��!3n�lftsrcet In i� <br /> �-- le wld or lranskmd(or It e benelidel interccl in Bortowcr If wld or trcn+krrcd¢nd llorrowcr le no�a nowrd penon)without <br /> x-�,x�.. Lcndcr9 pdor wriuen conscnL Lendu may, a� Its optlon, requIro Immtdlato paynxnt In full of uil �unu «cursd by thb <br /> -� Savdtq Instrument. However,thi.n�uion chell na be exerelsni by t.ender It exerciw is prohibieed by fe4emi law a+of Ihc da�e .-- _ <br /> � � otthls 8avdty Imnumcm. - --- - - ... <br /> « "� If Lender oxercisea�his op�ion, Lertder ahall give Oorrower noqce of accelereUon.7'ho notlm�M1all provide o pednd o(not ` ___ <br /> >„s.4�'.,t Ieu than 30 daye from thc daeo�ho notico i�delivcred or nwiled wl�hin whlch Bortowcr must pry all wme eceurcd by thb __. __ _.. .. <br /> Secudt Instmment. If Borrower fells top� �heae wm+prlor to the expimtfon of�his pedod.Lender mey invoke nny rcmedlea <br /> , �� pc�mltt�by thb 3avdty Instmmenl wt�houl Nrther notfcc or demand on Oorrowcr. - <br /> wn��n,.,- I8. Oorro�rer� RIght to Reinstata If Oorrower man artdn conditlons. Dorrowcr �hill have ihe right �o have <br /> enforeenxm of�hia Saudty Instrument disconqnued nt my tlmo pdor to �he mrlicr of: (e)S day� (or wch nther pedad m ._- _ <br /> r�i eppllcablc la�v mny cpcclty for rcins�memem) beforc wle of tlro PropCny purauunt �o nny pwrer o( salc avntainal in ihis - -- � <br /> ;��:�,1�; Sccurity Insuunxm;or(6)cntry of a judgmcnt enforcing�hi�Sttvdiy Instrunxnt.77�ox mndlNan+aro�h�t Qnrmwcr.(n)payi ���sM.,_� <br /> }�,�.__ l.cndcr oll �ums which then�vould bo due under thla Sccuflly Instrumcnt and�hc Notc aa i(no aceeleretian had occurrcd; !b) ��4,. , �� <br /> ,,,,, cum any defaut�nf any other covemmi or ngrcements: (c) pay�oll t�penses inevrted In enforcing this Secud�y Instrumem, s ��� - <br /> {��' s ; including,6m no� limiud ro, reasonable mtomc�i fca:end(d)akn such uafon+u Lendcr may rcasonably roquirc�o auuro iN�� ,.__. <br /> „ ; �ho�thc ticn of this Securi�y InstmmmL l.endcr e dgh�s in thc Propeny and Borcowcr's obligatiun�o pay ihc sunu atturcd by ���;��� , -,;,,;��� <br /> .:u this Savriry Imuununt shall mntinue unehengcd. Upon rcinstatement 6y Borro�vcr, this Savnry Instmmcm end �he �s-0, , �:.,, <br />-.-i{�;;;,;�� o6ligaqo�u secured hercby ahull remain Polly effec�ive m if no accclemtfon had accvrred. Hmrever.this rigM ta rcinstntc xhell ��;x�__ � �.-- -� <br /> --;j,, no�epply In�he caso of accclemtion under pamgmph 1). ,I�'; �� -�. <br /> �-,y,�;�� 19. Sute of Note; Chunge of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a panid interesl in the Nole(loged�tr wiih this Secudly ,E?';, F3 ,fl�;�•_ <br /> �-;;,�y,i�ry Instrumen0 moy bc sold onc or morc�ima wiihom pdor noticc to Bortox-cr.A wlc nuy rcsult in a chungc in tlu cntity(kno�m jjr.:.�}t„�,�,__._ <br /> 1� y:.. as the'4oan 5ervicer'I Ihat colloas monthly paymenis due under the Ncee und thix Securii Inslrumem.Therc a4o may be one 'j :- <br /> y . <br /> .�,-1`i±+.'v,: or more change�of Ihe Loan Scrvicer unrelaced to a sute of�he Note. If ihere is a chmgc of the I.nan Scrviar, �orm�rer will he �;��fi.y,._- <br /> ` lr�sy} Biven�vrirten nodce of�he chonge in accordance with paragmph 14 uhove ond applirnble Imr.The nmice wiil.�ote the name and i ,� , _ <br /> + address nf thc new Luen Scrvieer and Ihe uddreas to which paymems shuuld be mnde.The notice will alw mmnin nny oiher F ;� _ _ <br /> �` --,•+� infnmw�fon rcquircd by applicable le�v. '�a '�}x —� <br /> ;' .'• 20. Hnmrdous Substnnm. llorroa�er shall nut ceuse or pemiit�he presence. uu. Jispnsul. storuge, or releuse of nny ��u,.; <br /> �h`�>'� Hazardous Subsmnccs on nr in �hc Pmpeny. Oorm�vcr shall nn� do, nor allo�v nnyooe elu to Jo, nnyihing n(fating the � '�i� _ <br /> ' --�"' Propeny thut is in riolatinn of any Envimnmemul Low. The pr�eceding iwo semences xhall not upply tn�he presence, use,nr �,��f���s �_-`-�: <br /> ' ti .tnregc on�he Pmpeny of small quamiiics of Hamrdous Suhsmnccs that urc genemlly rm�gnital io bc uppmpriatc to nomial ��. � r <br /> , ��j - rc+idcmial uus a�u1 to m¢imenann of�hc Propeny. H� ous�.-`� �"-- <br /> _k�j' Bnrtmver shull pmmptly give Lender�vmien m�ice nf any invea�igniion. cloim,denund, Inwsuil aro�her aNion by uny � �g � '�� <br /> -'�7ig>j.,� govemmenful or rcgulotory agency or privutep�ny involving�he Propeny unJ+my Hm�rJam Subsmnce ar L•m�imnnxmal La�r ta• -- <br /> "4. •��r, ., :6•s''. <br />-'`.i.(,r:,,�`� nf ahich Ourro�ccr hac octual knnwicdgc. If Ik�rmwcr Ir�ms.or is nmifi�tf hy uny govcmnxmul nr ngulamry uwhority. �hat {r?t;;;_y��'y°rv{�:'-°� <br /> `^r� nny rcnwvol or othcr rcmediutian of nny Hmanlo�s SuFsmncc nffcaing thc Pmpcny is nc�1ssnry.lM�rrmvcr.hall prampUy tukc e;;;�' y���� r_.__, <br /> ,..�,.�'j: all nn�eswry remalial�m�ion+in xrnrdunce wi�h C•nvimnnumul 4:����; `�� �--.. <br /> + A+uccd in ihi� rn m h 20. 'HnzurJou�Subs�amr.s' nre thuu mbsmncc>Jefincd uc�ocic�+r ha�nrJous suM1s�unccs by �j��,� J � -_.._ <br /> --�4_ �':�:fi:��::^:�! �::. M 1�;,Pdl...,.��n .nh.� �." • on..dinq, kern.ene. nlhe� Onmmabie nr Inxlc pclmleum D«�ucu. lnxic p-;_� Y {I s�_ =. : <br /> ..4�'�'� _ __. <br /> ; ��• pca�icidc.and hcrhiridc..volmik solrenn, ma�criuls comnining a.l+aan nr(nm�aldchydc.ami ndinactivc nnterinl..As uscd in n't���' . __ <br /> �his pamgmph 2U. 'B�viromnemul I.m�' nuanc f�deml luw.anJ Imcs nt tM1c juri.Jinion a�hcre�he Prapcny i. IorauJ �M1m � '�;,,,>S gj . - <br /> � 1 4�` rclntc la hcald�,safcty ar envimnmcmnl protce�ion. 14� �l yF � <br /> t [k �p' _ _ <br /> 2/Accelere�tlon:Ren cAlaNl.ender ahnll�gl c nn�tice tn Borrmrer�pd�r�tn etteleretlnn�follmdnR�rmxrr x hrcuch �"'���ntt��` j����-� <br /> ' � of nnv mrenant nr ngreemenl In Ih[s Securlty Insirnnunl (bnt nnt priar ta ecceieretlnn under peru ra h 17 unl� �/'J ;, <br /> ��-��' appllrnAle Im�� pmrldes nnticr shnll xpeclfy: (n)the defnul4 (b1 tl�e nc���m rcqalred In eure the defuull: ���j�ir�i ��q-.r�::. <br /> - . ' (e)n dote. �mt Iexs IAnn JO dn}�s fnnn the dete Ihe nnllce Lcµ(�"en In 6nrrmrer, b,r��61ch Ihr default muri be curcd;und �;ty� Fj y,�}=__ <br /> - � � (d) Hmt fnllnrc In curc Ihr Aefmdl m� nr hefore thr dnie specilied 6� the natl��e mn�� rcwlt in nccclerullon of lhe xunts -��(¢ $r- kw-. <br />_.,;�_�;;�;'. xecured by this tiauril� Insvumcnt and axlc n�thr Proprrt��. Thr nnllcc s6ull funher Infonn 13nrrancr uf ihr rlpl�t In �11`�)-•74•si-^;��.� <br /> e rcinstute nRer neceiemtlnn nnd the Nght �o hrinC e rnnn xctlnn �n nturl t6e nun•rxiatence uf n defuult or mi,r uther ��!�Itf 4$_�f �i��"�x. <br /> . :' ' drhnse of Unrm��er In nceelemllnn nnd alr. If Ihr defnull Iv nm curcd nn or befare the dote s�xcifkd In tlu nailce. � _l}1t �i�i tt3 iz: <br /> � I.ender,nt Ilx aptlnn, mny rcyulrc Immedlntr pnyment In 4dl af xll +wnc aecurcd bc this Securlty Inatrument ��ithnm ��„� ,+ i�., .. ' <br /> : , �s <br /> ei�,^ NNlicr drmm�d mid m�p�fnvoke Ihr pnv�er of xnle xnd em nthrr remrdlcs prrntiltiKl�hp nppIlrnblr Im�. Lendcr shall hc -�+'f �` � �'+�? : <br /> !�j ' entilled la cullal nll rr eiees Incurml In urxufnA tlu remedies ro��ided in Ihh xru�ru h 21.Incladin�,but nnt Ihnl�ed �i�%�� r4 ���""" -�' <br /> y_ P P p P 1. P � f E�. �F ���'�{�t� � <br /> In,rc��sonu6le aitnrne}s'fm+nnd m+fs nf tltle crldence. ' - <br /> if[Lr �roci �d+xle b imu6.d.Trn.t.Y tihull remrd n nntkc nf dduull in cnc6 cnunH h� shlch xn)' pxri nf Ihr i���:�l� }��� nr;' --. .. <br /> t 1'mper���Ix Yrenled m�d shnll nmil rnpirs nl'euch nnlice In tlie mm�ner prr+crlhid b� upplia�l�le 6m in flnrro��cr nnd In ,:�� yl#q -r �- <br /> ,`�-� the nthrr penonti pre.crilxd b,r npplknhle hn�.,\iter Ihe Ume nvrytred b�nppliw6le hm.'I'rnc�ce+hull ul��c public notice ---il {�< �'}� `: <br /> i af wlc�a Ihc penanc mid In�hr mnnnrr pn�crl6�Yl b� nppliniblr Ixx. "I'ra.lic. �dthnnt dcmnnd on IM�rcmccr.shull ccll � :-� a.�L a t:; -: <br /> '�,,•�:=- �'' Ilw 1'mpen}�m pabik nncUon m lhc Id�l�i�l biddrr m�hc Iimc m�A pince nnd undcr the Irnn.di�.lµnnirJ In Ihc noU�r nf -''-.,:,. �>+i�zy�y?�=��.� <br />.:.'`.=- ��' mlc In nnr m•mnm ynnrh m�d in mi� ardrr 1'ru.�ce delcnninc..'fruva• m�q rc� nnc.:dc nf�JI nr nn} �nrcrl nf 16v -, :.�-l;:.��:,�s;::- <br /> Ix P ��,�:�, �- <br /> Propetl� bp public nnnnunarmenf nt lhe �Ime nnd un� pre�luad} .chednled ad�•. Lender ar its �ni�nce mu� �q:�.., >��"i;;.1,'•. <br />, �' purchucc tlic Prnprnc nl m��wlc. il;;�.._- '.;,�`(":r:-. <br />� ;� � ��� -� �; <br /> ; .; : <br /> Foem 30Y8 9�80 <br /> r.r�..�r .. <br />. . . .. � <br />... - �'.,i` . <br /> ;I <br /> iii%�' <br /> ( <br /> 'S�t'•'.'��.�.,i •i.1 <br /> .:�;�,3 7; <br /> '�,:'s. ..,; • . <br /> . , <br /> . . <br /> � .__ . _ , ' — <br /> . . ._,.�` <br /> I <br />