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�Y'k ��r�--n���g�-•:.,� �,��= -..,,�,t- �_:.•���,�....���-+.r - _— r� e ' A:-�` <br /> fa � _ ..- r i �. n ---- <br /> —" -� - � . . t .. (t ____ _—___ <br /> 'IY)08TH8R WITH dt�he Improvemcnb notiv or Qerwitcr ercaoa on No p�OpenY,�ell etfem�ut�ie�1��as.�14 <br /> Hxturca now or herceRu e pwt of the pmperty. All rcyia�nxme end eOdiHon� sMit ¢!so Do Oovere4 Oy_a�a�:sew��y,;�=�-_;:_ <br /> —_ trquument,Ailotthefonegotngisreferrc�ltolnlhis6xuriryf�ISin�mema++he�PiupeRy.' - ..._� . ,� :. — _ <br /> BORROPlAR COYBNAtY!'8 ctiet Borrowu Ie Im�Nlly selse4 ot tte amro hettLy ooliveyed onA huRho rigtu w_�nl end �:� ,� <br /> convey the➢roperty eM�hat�ho Ptopeny 1�unencumCerod,oxocpt tor cnwm6mnm ot rocord,liortower warrWits'und wlit_ ,. ;_ "�--- <br /> � dcPond gcaerelty�Ae Ntlo ro tho Properry egalnst ali ddms eM demahde,eubJat ta eny enaem6rentts of aoortl. > . -- — <br /> --- 7WI9 6ECURITY(NSIRUMBPPI'combince udtorm tovensnt~tor naUannl uso and non•unitoem oovenante wl�h Ilmltcd <br /> vazlatione by Jurisdtalon to aonctituro e uNfom�taudry inunimont covcring aal pmperq, <br /> - - ,- UNiFORM0OV8NAN7'B.BorrowerendLenducovenantendagrooa�folla�w: . ,=_.r- _ .. <br /> "��'� 1. Paymcne ot Princlpal and [ntensg Prepqnxnt aad I.ata CAa�ge+. Borrower shell promqly pay w6en due �ho — <br />- — principal ot and Inrorat on Ihe debt evide�oed by tha Noto and any prcpayment and lete eAergee duo undu tho Note. ' <br /> 7.FUad+tor Taxa an0 Iasoraaa. SubJat ro�ppliabla law or to a wdtton walver by Lender.Borrowcr ehell pay lo <br /> -- Lendcr on the day montAly paymenu ero due undu the Note,unGi the Nota la pald In NII,a cum(•Funds')for.(�ycarly taxw <br /> --- end ussessmem�which mny attaln prlorlty over thia Scarlty(nstrumcn[a�a Ilon on tho Propeny:(b)Yw�Y�cazehold paynxm� <br /> _-_�-_� or ground rcnu on tha Property.if eny;(a)Y�ty�azud or propeny imumnoe premiuma:(d)Yearty flaad ineuronoo prcmlums� <br />- �-- If any;(c)yearly mongage inwrsnce prcmiuma, It eny; end(Q any�um+payabto by Bortower to I.ender,In a000rdarwo wlld <br />:,�� tho provlsiom of paregnph 8,in Iicu ot tha pxymcnt of mongago insuwnoe premiun�s.7T�ese Itema are called'Bscrow(teuu.• <br />-"f" l.ender mey.�t eny dmo, collect end hold FUnde in en amounl not eo exoxd�im mnximum amount a taMu for a fode�elly <br />'�'�'.F� rclated mortgage loan mey rcquire for Bortower'�ucrow e000unt undcr�ho kderal Real Fatata Setdement Procodurea Act ot <br />:;*,r�� 1974 es pmeMCd fiom timo ro 8mo, 12 U.S.C.SecNon 2601 e�uq. ('RE3PA'),unics�enother law�hat epplia ro Qte Fuo1s <br /> :;� sn�e lesur unaunt. If m, I.ender may, at any tlme,collat and hold Funda in en ertroun[noe to excad the lesser amouct. - <br />_ ,i,,,�_��- Lenda may estimete tlro amount of Funda due on[he basis of curnnt dnta end rcasoroblc estimata of expenditurca of future --- <br /> "--i�•° Hscrow Gems or o�hcrwisc In accordana with a IICiEIC I0.\Y. <br />�:>:�;ffv:'.-• PP <br /> '�`�ifi;".' 7fie FuMa shell be held In an instiw�lon whose dcyosha ere insured by a kderel agenry, Insuumemality, or entfry <br />:`�:i�./;�: - <br />-•;�.fi;-.;{ (including Luder,if Lender ia�ueh an inuicutlon)or in any Federel Home Loen Bxnk.Lender shell epply the Aunda to pay the <br />�.-:-.:c,;sti'a� <br />;:,:.,,:a. 0serow I[ertu.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding end applyfng the F1nda,ennualiy enalyzing the cscrow nocount,or <br />����i��'��; verirying�ho Eurow t�ems,unlea�Lender pays Hortower imcreat on thc Funds and applieable law permiu t.ender ro meke such <br /><C'��r�;3;� e chergc. Howevcr, Lendar may require Bortower[o pay e onc-timo cherge for an Independent reel eatate tex reporting�ervia _=� <br />:--�..�;.�H•�-' used by Lender in rnnnection whh this loan, unlen applicahle lew provides othernixe. UNas an egreement Ia medo or = <br /> =;::=t�% eppliuble lew requirer intercst�o be paid,Lender xhtll not be required to pay Bonower any intcres[or eamings on the Hbnda. <br /> ''-'�•Ati5 portower and Lendcr:ne ra in�vddn howcver,�hn�interest sAoll 6c id on the Funds. Lender shall Ive to IIortower, <br /> � Y eB 8. Pe 8 <br /> ss;�j�; withon[charge. un ennuul accouneing of the F1mda,ahowing credi�a and debi�s w�he flmds end [he purpose Por which each <br /> ' f_--�- �rkit tc t:u FLods�.:;:.-."..^.7Ts FurAs arc p:dga!a adda;�::icy f_^r a!!:u.^.s�:�^�;l.h3s�o�lt;!r�VUm�n[. . . _. <br />�i�::i.+1�- <br /> -----`- � --- <br /> -��;�� If tl�c Funds held 6y Lender exceed the xmouma pem�ined Io be held by upplicable lew,l.endu shell account to Iiortower <br />��`!"'��1. tor thc exccss Fundx in attnrdanec wi�h thc rc utrcmentn of e Iicable lew. If�ho nmount of�he Funds hcld b Lendw nt en <br />-(�-`Ya,. 9 PP Y Y <br /> -= tinro Is not sufficfent to pay the Eurow itemt�vhen dua Lender mny so notiy Bnrrower in writing,nnd,In auch caw Bnrrower .--- _ .. . . -- <br /> r � chall pay to Lender Ihe emnunt necessary to muke up�he defleiency. Bortower chnll make up the de6clency in no morc than es—. <br /> {�J; ' twelve momhly paymemx,e�Lendcr's solc discrc�ion. '"� '- <br /> -�� i�„} Upon payment in full of oll sunu secured by�hix Security Instrmnent, Lender shall promptly rcfund to Borro�ver any i -_� <br /> -.-.�}�;�`�, Punds hcld by Lendcr.If.undcr pamg�aph 21. Lcnder chall ecquirc or xll�hc Pmpcny.Lcnder,pdor io tho ecquisitlon or wle < f a���s, ---- <br /> `$�'�r of the Propeny.sAull apply nny Fundx held by Lender nt the time nf ucyui+i�ion ur sele ss o crcdit ugainst�he aumc xecurcd 6y z�� i�in�+*� <br /> i yt� �hisSCCUritylnsuumem. � F�-� t'�'�_ <br /> ' ,`f���'- J.ApplleaUon of Poymend.UNcss upplica6lc luw provides athenvix,nll puyments reccived by Lender under pamgreplu k��t!1,z� - <br /> m <br /> ' I enJ 2 shull bc upplicd: first, to uny prcpaymcnt ch�rgex duc under�hc Nntc;second,to amoums payable under pafagraph 2; ���' - � -- <br /> ani- ihifd,to imercst due:founh,to principal due,nnd lust,tn nny lure chnrges due under�he Nate. v}tyit�,�`Jf i �s. <br /> 3=�, 4.Chary{es; I.Iem. Flnrro�rer+hnll puy all mxes,u�u.cmenu.chnrge+, fines unJ impiaition<auributable w the Pmpeny �\,�, +f!:�1�sn -- <br /> +� --t which moy a�min nriority nvcr this Sccuri�y Insirumcnt, a�xl Icauhoid pnymcnts or Fmund rents, it any. Bmm�vcr shall pay "����+ju`� -%� <br /> `�r�� thcsc nhliga��hc manncr pmvidcd in paragnph?.or i(nn�puiJ in�hm mmmcr. &�vou�cr xhall pay�hem on�imc dirccdy #-x�`s'"y '"'�'_:;. <br /> � i� -� tn Ihc per�n ox�cJ payment. &�vmrcr,hnll promp�iy furni.h�o lsnJcr all nntica o(amoums lo bc paiJ undcr ihix parngraph. �� f'.iy'�{�'` - <br /> - 1(Ilnm�wer makc.�6ac p��•mems Jircaly.&rcn,a•cr�hnll pmmp�ly fumi.h�o lanJer raripi+evidcixin@ the paynxms. }5�-��;,�'�` at`. <br /> '1� .t� Ik�rmaer shidl prmnpUy dixluirgc�ny licn�vhirh Ivu priorit�a�cr�hi.S�auriq In.vumcm unicti.6orrower.(al egrecs in � 3� f� � 'i�_��. <br /> Y !�; <br /> �vriting io�he p:�pnem af�he nhiiga�ion tiavravl I�y�hc licn in m m�m�cr an�apiahle�o la�der.�M gaxl faith�he licn ,-.;�. �;.+,;r-. <br /> � hy. nr JCknd. agniml eMnrcemem of d�. lien in. IeFal pnxirdm�. �c6ich in Ihe Lemler'. npininn oper�ie to prcvent Ihe ''i)i:!t7:",'.���6��??r;� <br />�-�;�-i.���:'�� enfonement nf the lien:nr rt1 arvre.G.,m�hr hnWer o1�he licn�cmn ���IwnJer.uMvdina�inE the lien�o ,((('i¢:;--<i.�;„y�i;� <br /> 1hi.Snvrity In�wnum. If IsnJ�r J.�rrmin..Iha�:ma p:m ul�hc Pm�wrtp f..uh�ccl In a lirn which may auam prinrily ovcr �`�t+,+= i.. <br /> Ihi.Sccurily In+muncm. I.cnder mar gi�c Hnrran¢r a nuUm�Jcnulnnf�hc hen N��rr.mer,hali Ihc Ifcn ar IaAc nnc or � }4�7;� � � ��-- <br /> f _C <br /> marc nf Ihc fnnh ahncr a�i�6m 111 Ja�.nl�hr Ening nf nnlfae s� -(�lt �t�.; <br /> �� � <br /> Fmm 3028 B180 ��/� ; <br /> � �pr]nrh 5� - <br /> �.�. <br /> "• <br /> . . <br /> :i_•.'xtl.`vr-�n�..-�-._�....r.—._._..� .. ' .......15'.. . --�-v..-_.�.�.:u . . <br />- .�.._'`; , . <br /> .'r•� <br /> �� <br /> �: <br /> ����'�� . <br /> _ '9-' <br /> _ .J�\l. <br />... �r�.�y,:.�u <br /> .. ... _. . <br /> � : -_>.... :- "-. .::-. :. .- : <br /> { .' 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