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r l� � . <br /> 1�/� � <br /> ._.-� 93� qm�.�4q --- <br /> 6. flturd o► Propccty Iosaruuc. Ooiro�ver �hell keep tho Improvcm:nu now oxlsting or horrafter ereNed on the <br /> --- Property Inaund agalmi Iav �y Oro, hozeide induded wlthin�ha tcrm 'on¢ndcd covemgo' end eny other h�verd�, Inch�dlt�y <br />- -- - - fload�or fl�wding, tor whkh IanAor rcquirca imurafrce.Th6 imurunac eh�ll ba nteinwintd In tha emounis and tor tAe perlads : . . � -.-- . <br />_-=_- �hnt Lender requlrc�.'ILa insurenca earrler providinp the Inwmnco�h¢II bo chosen by Oortower wbJect to I.endePe opproval <br />- ��-�-- wAich shall not be unreasonnAly withhcld. If Oorrower fei4+eo melmeln avcrege dcxdhed nbove. Londer nuy, et Lmder'� _ ��� . . <br /> ,�7�r"� aptlon,o6toln covcrega�o protcci I.endcrY rlghte In tho Propeny in accordanco wlth paragraph 7. <br /> - All insumnco policla ond rcnowala ahoil bo acceptable to Lcndcr und shall inctudo e standard mongego clauso. LuMer <br /> ;�:=�;� ehnll havo�ha rlgh�to haid tho policic�and rcneswl�.l/Lender rcquirce.Bortowcr shull promptly glve[a Lender dl rooeipts of <br /> '—,a paid prcmium+ond rcmwal noHcp.In�Ao ovcm of lou.Bortowcr�holl givo pmmpt na�ice to the insu�an�e carrier md l.ender. �� ^-_°_°- <br />'.._�^��-��;°" Lcndor nwy make praof ot loss if nm mede promptly by Borrower. <br /> .' A Unlocs Lendcr and Borrower e�hc�wisc agrce In�witing,inaurente prooecda�hall be applled to restonNon or rcpair nt the - -- <br /> �z�,�y'i, Pmpeny demaged,ii the rertorneion or rcpeir b economically feaslblo end Lender'e secudry is nnt lasened.lf the«stomtlan or <br /> '„ repdr i�nm coonnmlwlly feasibla or Lendor'a kcudty�vould be Iessenod,iha inwmna proaMs sh�ll be eppllcd to the�wm - <br /> -.`�-=; uarcd by thls Securhy Imwment, �vhether or na �hen due, wf�h nny uccu paid �o Bortower. If Borrower eWndom the �'== <br /> '�� �� Propeny,or docs not mswer within 30 dnya a nntlee from Lender thet[he inwmnce earrier ha.ofrered to se�qo a clalm.�hm �'�`-�--- <br /> ..i;�`zty' �-..-•.- <br />'`�41��^s; Lendor mny mllat thc fmurancc proa+eda. Lendcr mny use tha proseede[o rcpair or rcatorc thc Propeny ar to p3y auqu <br /> al�.;�i securcd by t6ie Saurity Instrumen6 whether or nM then duo.'Rio 30-day pedad will begin when�ho noqce b given. � ___. <br /> �sy!!.! Unlou Lendcr end Bortoner othcrwise agree in writing, any eppliw�lon of procetds to pdncipnl chall no� cxtmd or yp� :- <br /> f���' pnstpone t6o due dete of�ho momhly paymema rekrred ro in pnragmphs I nnd 2 or chnngo�he amount of the p�ynxnts. if ��'u'.`- <br /> ! r�'/� und¢r m m h 21 �he Pro ert u ac uired b l.endar, Borto�vePs d ht tn on mwrenco Ilcies end rocceds rctultl from -� <br /> ��.q`:; Pfl 8 P P Y� 9 Y B Y� W P �8 f .: <br /> - _r ,__ domngo to�ho Propeny pdar to�Ae acquisition�hnll pass w Lender m�ha exiem of the sumi securcd by thl�Securiiy Imtmment -„;�. <br /> fsY f� immodia�cly pdor io�he ecqa(sitioa `Y "' - �- <br /> °�'(;� 6.Occupaney.Prcservatlon,Malntenantt end Protection of the Property:Borro�rer's Loan Applieatlon�t.easeholdf. `r --� <br /> e,.�;': Yi t <br /> i�� Iiorro�ver shall occupy,establisM1,end use�he Pmpeny ss Oortower'a prineipal rcsidentt within dxly days afier J�executfon oi �� 4{a i"7-;LL,,. <br /> � ,���,' �hie Securiry fnsuument end shall mntinue�o occupy�he Propeny s.Borrower a principal rceidona for e1 Ieast one yeer aRer s y�'r�;., <br /> j,v ? the date of occupancy,unleu l.ender o�henvise ngrca in wri�ing, which mnsem ahnll not la unrcasonebly withheld, or unlest (t i�\+;�it : <br /> f�Y .+�: <br /> �i-�9 exlenualing circunutnnm eaist which arc beyond Borrower's cnntrol. Oortower ahdl nnt dos�my, dumngo or impair the �t E�;r�`.;. <br /> F � o.::F�r+f:�,. <br /> t�}:'- Propeny, allow �ho Pmpeny �o daeriomte, or mmmit wnste on the Propcny. Dortower shell bo In doteult If uny foAeiwro `,P�,f•• �,e- <br /> _ �?iy naion or procwding, whethcr civil or criminel, is hcgun thnt in Lcndcr's gaod (aith judgmcm could result in Podciturc of the �r}+ f'x�ql '; <br /> ����hd: Propeny or nihcrnise n�a�crially impeir�hc licn crca�cd by thls Security Insuumcnt or Lendor's savrity iNemat.Borrowcr may '+ ,��y,,�?5.� -_ <br /> �ol,' curc such a dcfeult and rcinHato,ns providcd in pangmph i&by causing�hc naion ur pmcccding to be Jismixscd wi�h a ruling �t ��i,�},f,' "�- <br /> _+`)�;;i �hat, in Lender s gaod falih detcrmina�ion, pncludes forfciwrc o( �ho [tarro�vcr's imcrcst in ihc Property or other n�ateriel {;;?;+k%?{?j;t(°,�`"� <br /> )-fi�:� impelmxnt of tho licn crceted by thie Security Inumment or Lemier's security interes�. 6ortower chull dso be in defaul� If �y e1-;�� '; <br /> �-=?'•,�'�� [torrower,dudng�he loon opplim�inn prcvxsc,gnve mx�erially fnlae nr innccumte infomw�ion nr sta�emenn�o Lender(ar fofled �t_�jf�y'�F;,�is`�' <br /> --f ' to provide Lender wiiA nny maurial InfommtinN in rnnna�ion wi�6�he Inm cvidenced by�hc Notc,including,bu[not limitcd � � h���`� ���•.: <br /> �es. ` " to,rcprczenm�iorts mmm�ing tinrrowrr's cecnpnncy ot the Pmprny ns n principal re+idence. If�his Sauriiy Instrument is on a *����-t�{r�r'._ <br /> � - `` Ieasehald. Borto�ver shnll mmply wi�h oll Ihe piovisionc of Ihe Ieace. 1! Uormwer acquires fee �itle m �he Pmpeny, fie ����i���'�ts,.,,� <br />_�-���-Y Icasehald and�hc fcc tidc shall nrn mergc unless I.emier ogrcu�a�Im mcrgcr in�vri�ing. � r- {,r ,_� <br />�.:�'t;�-���' 7.NntttUon nf I.cnder'A RI h4s In Ihc Pro rt .If Auvo��rr failx�o rfonn lhe aivcnanis ond u rccmenu mnwined in Y����� " <br /> . R P� Y P� S t1��4 �tX° �. <br /> s :c �his Securi�y Inxtmmcn6 or�hcrc is a Icgul prncecding ihm nu�y+iuni��rndy nffect Lender's righu in�hc Propeny lxuch as e d, j , �; <br /> �!?ilr.`<9 procmling in bnnk�upicy,probaie. fnr rnndemm�tion ar fnrfciu�rc or to enfnrce Inws ar regulaiinntl,ihen Lender mxy do and n•���{,3i.,,<;,_..�- <br /> :•..'a;a, >,�-� �;e:.,i;1 �. <br /> _� y pny for whamvcr Is nceccv�ry io pnntty �hc r�luc of�hc Pmperty und IAnioi c ri}his in ihe Propenp. LenJcr's uctions may z # . „� j;" <br /> .:.�r.ti.:- includc paying uny sums sccuml by a licn o•hich hn. prinrily nvrr �hi. S�curity lnaramcni. appraving in �roun. Paying ,i, :'ii,�.,,,�I,:: <br /> ,_, -,k rcamnablc nnomcyi fas and emcring on thc Pn+perry to moAr rcpnin. N�hnuph l.cnJcr muy u�ke x�ion undcr this pamgmph �. i1�_�, <br /> _..,r�¢',t( 7.LcnJcr d�xs nm huve m Jo�.a. .R;y'1i.s�;.�j'i';-�. <br /> �.�',s1'; Any umnunis Jisbursed Ay lAixlcr undcr ihi. ��.�F��i, t .hall hntunc udAitinnal JeM o(Ikxrnwcr secvrcd by this r �:�Aq� r. <br /> � `.4 Security Inuiumem. Unlco &itmicer;md I.etder a}rce In alhcr�crm.uf�urmenl. Iha�c umounl..hall 6tar iutercsl (mm Ihe . -,:i::. <br /> ��•:: dnte n(dishunemcni a1 Ihc Nalc r.tle anJ +haii bc payaMc. �ri�h imen.�, upm notiae from IAndrr to Qnrm��•cr rcyuc+ting `� '�::� ..o'.'- <br /> ' puymcnt. tr 1�. � .:. <br /> -�,i' A.f+toH a c Inxuranm. If IwnJcr rc uird mon a�c imnranrc a.:i amJi�ion nf m�kin�ihc In�n.c�vrcd b��his S�tvrit� r�� <br /> R F 4 b ! b ) S j�i::. <br />;.�R.. .-.� Inswmcnt. Ik+rro�ecr.Iwll prry�hc prcmiunu reynired �a muinlnin Ihc nu+nga@c irounmr in cf(.a. lf. tnr anp rcaam. thc _ . _,��--: <br /> .s ........ <br /> - monFugc inxuranar�viecngc rcyuircd hr IxnJcr la�.or rrau>tn h in cff�a�. Barrm�cr.hall�+:�� �hc pnmium.rcyuireJ to ��°���`._ :,y:�- <br /> �-%' nhlain mvcragc wh.tamially cyuivalcm�a�hc mongagm� m clfre.�t:�.o,�,uba:mtially cyuiralcnl to thc <br /> �r }.� <br /> co�l lo IAvma�cr o(thr mnngagc m.unnar pr.�iou,h in cllta. 1}nm :m ahcmatc mnngagc ���.�.,.:������.�«� i,. Lcndcr. If <br /> +ubslanlinlly cyuivalcnl mnnpngc insur�mr co�cragc�.nnl a�utlahlr.Horrm�er.hall pa) tn I.a•nJcr mch nunth a wm cyual �n '� '�t°'' ,' - <br /> � . <br /> rntc-Iwclflh of Ihc ycad,v mnnguEC m.unmr prcmimn hcm}p:��d hy &,rnw�cr��h.n Ihe m.uranm aaecragr Iap.iJ nr r.x.�d la - . <br /> .��i--� M1c in cffca.IanJcr�cill aa.p�.uv anJ rc�afn�hr.c p:n mcm.:n a i.�.. rcxnr m hru nl mm�F:�fc iuwrancc. I.�n� rocnt '� � ,. . .- <br /> .`,`f..=� - Form3028 8�90 f' ... .. <br /> `i, . .. <br /> ���. <br />. .......,. <br /> -... . - <br />: :'zi..::- <br /> t.',':�,"•.�>T:zr.:'::a.."_;._ ., .. , ., . . .r: ... ': . t . . � <br /> .:�.. ..r. . . . <br /> ,�'..i:;' _ _ . <br /> _'1'i.' ,_ . <br /> _,_ _ .r�,�.: . <br /> :;;,-�:-�,- -- -_ -. - . <br /> ''ii• <br /> _'t����•�:•i`.-., ... . . . . <br /> �-i ,.;�• . . <br /> ' ',:is,,.. _ <br /> ��,i,::_ '�:,. <br /> _r°1�.::��."�.: � �- <br /> •'tstr.�+,.t'." . .. <br />�'�.yl.Yi�'`. -:"�' - ' _ <br /> j . ` ' ' <br /> ' =i � <br /> . ,. , .. <br /> , .,, . . : �.�� <br />