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j}j 3 N�,, ;ts� ft`J:i�'''.�a. ,,,, :�.�:.�i�!:_-., .,... _ , �;. ... . _ <br /> _ , .. <br /> ,�4_� I� _ <br /> � 7'00[i7'FIBR WITH uil�ho Improvemenro now or hettnfter croncd on cho properry,end aIVEdSfmcn�e�Q�OF�t�a,anA - -- - <br /> -- Oxlurc� now on c�rcaRer o pan ot Ne property. All rcpleccmenu end addhlon+ shall elco bo covercd by thli &wdty <br /> - � Inxtrvment. All of tho forcaoing If rckrtcd to In thia Sauflty[nslrvmenl a+tho'Propeny.' ' _ <br /> ,,,_„� IIORROWBR COVBHANTS Ihal Bvtruwu is ILwNlly ctladd of�ha eatata hereby convCytd and has the Hght ro gront and <br /> ..�y mnvey�ha Vropeny end ehoi tho Propeny I� unencumbcrcd,exapt for encumbrancca of rcwrd. Dortower warranu end will .. . . . <br /> . „�.,'�� Jafmd genemlty the tftb to tho Property ageinst all deima and drnund�,�ubJect ro uny wceumbronoe�ot raord. - �--� -� <br /> -'�'��;� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combina unlform covenxnta for netlaial uu and non•unlform covenanta wlth Iimited <br /> ` � � veriatlone by Juddiction�o constltuto a uni7orm eacudty instrument covcdng renl propeny. <br /> � ` UNIFORM COVBNAN7'9.Rortowu end Lcndcr mvenant end agrec m follows: _ __., ,___ <br /> ;=F'� 1. Payment of Rinclp¢I and totereatt Prepoyment end tate Chargw. Borrower shell promptly pay �vhcn duo tde - � --� <br /> ` , �� pdneipal of nnd Interec�on the debt evidenocd by tho Naro end eny prcpaymrnt ond la�e chargp due undor�Ao Note. <br /> � ,-�< 2,Fund�for Taaea and lnsmance.SubJcet io eppllcablo Imv or to a wdnen�vaiver by Le�Mer, Bortower shell pay ro <br /> - Lendcr on�ho day momhly paymenta arc due under the Nac,until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum('Funda')Por.(a)yearly texp ��,��r <br /> , �ti}" end uuumenn wh(ch muy ettain pdority over this SavBry Insuument m e Iicn on�he Property;(bl yearly leasehold peymcnte � <br /> A.a.i_.__ or ground rcnn on the Propeny,if eny;(c)yearly hu�ard or propeny insunnce prcmiunu;(d)yearly(load insurcnce prcmlum�, �ti -- <br /> +.--� if any;(e)yearly nangege insurance prcmiuma,if eny;end(p eny sums peyable by Bortowcr to Lendcr,in eocofdance with w < V� ---� <br /> ld<ai�'� �he provision+of paregreph 8, in lieu of Ihe payment of rtwngage insmance prcmiums.These itema arc called 'Eurow ftems.' �t <br /> �'` `' I.ender ma el an �imo, roticct end hold Funds in an amoum no[ro excecd�hc maximum emount a Icndcr for a fedcwlty rtz� �.-.. - <br /> ,���� rcleted nwngage loam m�y require for Bortower's escro�v eanun[under ihe fedenl Real Psuu Seulemem ProcMuru Act of �'��'`0"'� ' <br /> 1974 az ameMed from�ime co iime. 12 U.S.C.Scchon 2601 a seq. ('RPSPA'),unleas nnothcr lew that npplies ro ilw Fund� ��Z � <br /> �tn, � �a a Icsser emount. If m, Lender may,at an;�timc,mlla�und hald Funds in an emount mt to excad �he lesur amoum. a k <br /> ;,`- Lcndtt may cs�imare�he amaune of Fu�s due on�he bazis ot cunent date and rcawnable estimates nf expendiwra oi Poture ` -`- _.__.- <br /> �r Fscrow Item�or o�hefwiu in acmrdenm wi�h appiica6le lew. �� t` `- � .- - <br /> � �-�� Thc Funds xhall be hcld in an inuimtion whose dcposite ere insurcd 6y e fedeial agcncy, inurumentality, or entity 45�' �-?�:�_ <br />-u:�,YL t��� (includins Lender,if Lender is such en instiNtionJ or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply lhe Funds�o pny�he ;�N���{�iit"— <br /> r J,�rtl�' Escrow Itema.LenJer nwy not charge Borrower for holding and opplying�he Fundt,annually anely¢ing the escrow nceaunL or �r3;+,+q(:�;,_._. <br /> t��.��_ vedfying�he Fscmw Iten�.c,unless Lender pays Oorrower intemst on�he Funds xnd epplicnble lew pemiits Lender to n�ake such �y+1�2 _lXx.._ <br /> -� t a chargc. Howevcr. Lcndcr mxy rcquirc Bortower to pay n anc-�ime chxrgc Por an independent rcal csmtc Iax rcponing aervicc v�"f�t�i <br /> `.�,�- � used by Lender im m�nection �vith �his lav�, untess applicable low provides o�herwise. Unless an agrcement is made or �r{ y.,:Yi��� '_ <br /> � v++; appliceble la�v requirea imcrc.0 to be p�id.Lcnder shnll not 6c rcyuircd m pay Borrowcr any imercat or eemingx an�hc Funds. ��,fN;i�> ;�� .__ <br /> - ���` Bormwer and Lender may agrcc in wriiing.hoo•ever.�hn�inlerest shell 6e paid nn the Fvnds. Lender shell give to Iiorrower, `� t��yi o x r. — <br /> `�}��i�� wiUiout ehargc, an annuul accountinF nf�he Fundx, sM�ving crcdi�x and dcbits io�hc Funds and thc puryosc for which cach E�"���ti;,w� __ <br /> � x'�i�- dChi!!0lIM'I'U�5 WH'111?!�t.P.M FL!!i�c gm r�gAe{M wc ryl�lilinnnl u�n��ilv(n�aII vllllc xltlllCA M1V lllls SCC11111V IIISINIIICIII. f� � S�+ _',_ . <br /> ��"��n��� If�he Funds held by Lender exceed ihe anmumx permitted to hc hcld by npplicable is�v. Lender shnll eccexmt ro Onrtower i jj� y� �iY - <br /> _t 4(f7f{i for the excess Funds in ncmrdence wiih�he requiremems nf�pplicnblc Imv. If�he xmnunt of d�c Fundx held M1y I.ender at any a �asl r _ <br /> �i yr',� time is no�sumciem a pay Ihe Euro�r Items when due.Lender mny m nn�ity Onrrower in wri�ing,nnd,In xuch c�ce Oorrower 3{fi(KS�f7.��Vsx�+L=__- <br /> i� t� shull pay to LenJer ihe omomn necessary ta make up�he deficiency. Oorrnwer shull nwke up Ihe Jeficie�xy in nm m�re �6an ��}`�,�yay�f��y�r�. <br /> �4�r��`� twclvc mon�hl n LenJcr's uilc di.crt�ion. V'fl��) ; <br /> r ��.� YP Y 1 �» ya;�:,�i� <br /> Upon p�yment in full nf all wnu xcurcJ hy �hi.Securiiy Inurument, l.enJer xhull prompdy rcPond �a &xrower uny I?4'y�.s�.k.r��r.,:�_:- <br /> S���� �und:hclJ hy l.cnder.IL unJcr pamsraph?1. I.endcr sh:dl n�yuirc or mll ihc Pmpcny.l.endcr,prior ta�I�e ncquixiiinn or sete �_���y���fn�Y�d,�r -. <br /> , t, % of�he Propeny.s6nll npply nm�Pund.heid by 4nder ut ihe�ime of uiqui.itinn nr s�k us u crcdit agoinst the sume securcJ by � ;��C��Ci#bti i _ <br /> r �4��f1� Ihis Sttvrily InuNnunl. tsy ��t{`i� � � <br /> i�a��.. 3.Applitatlon ot Pxvments.Unlcsc appliaAlc lax proviJc+ntl�cnvix.all pa��mcm+rc�eiv.d hy Lcmlcr under pumgrnphs �th�{��.y'q�14J✓`13 3:.�. <br /> �'%1 I anJ 2 xhnll be appli�d: firs�,m uny prc{rciymcm chargc�Juc unJcr�hc Note: wtt�nd. �a amnum.pnynhlc undcr paragmph 2: , �F,ya. ttTj��1t .' <br /> +,��`i� iliird.m imcrcsi duc:founh.m princi�nl duc:md In.t.m any Imc chur�c.Juc mnlcr�hc Nn�c. ,C���� �A" .-. <br /> . t.'� (h'�f,� n sxm -�• <br /> tg.,: 4.Chorges; l.lens. Uorro�rcr ahall pay nll�aze..a�ce�tintcmti. ch�rga�. fina+anJ imp,.iunn,�urihmuhle�n�he Propeny ;,::�•�;����'���'t `,�: <br /> i��J�, which mny auain prinri�y nvcr�hi. Snumy Inarmncm. �md Ica+cholJ M1q� grnund rcm.. il'uny. finrron•cr.hall pay (�}�,( t�4 �a . <br /> �- � �; �he+c tht mann.r prnriJ.J in�a�ragraph' if ix+l paid in ihae mamur. l3nrroxenhall pa}��hcm nn tiuu dirccU�� - �L tdr 7i���tm - <br /> (! E 71 xi�r,4,i�€ <br /> .�.St- a lo the pervm nirttl ry.�pncnl. &xrnucnitail pmmptly fumi.h 1n IrnJcr all no�ia�+nl amnunh�o hc paiJ mxlcr Ihin M1�ngraph. { �4tf� �i �b <br />.. - �'��: If&xrnwcr nwkC.IM1av ryrymcnl.Jirt.Yly.Bnrra�ccr dwll pmmpll}� fumi�h In Icml.r rcacip�.cridcnring Ihc pa)�mems. �� rl{S f(��iL���`� • <br /> .-.t��� [kimnvcrshalipmmpllydicc6argcam i����"i,��nn:�.�r��,r��. �,,,��i��.s�,����cq In.Irumcmunle..Onrro����ngrcnin .-:'?,9���,¢5 �/.f.,:;+.�� <br /> ��-�i:•' �vriiin ln ihc � mem of�h.abli atian x.vrcJ A lht licn in a ntanncr ac�x IaMa In lrndcr.�hl �xd(ailh Ihc licn l . � i � "` ..-. <br /> ,. .: F P�Y 8' ) P E tac ' {`�� �v <br /> �_ :� by. nr dekixl+againa enfartemem ��1 Ih. hen in. Ic}al pranztling.��hi.h m Ih. L¢nJer'.apininn n�kr.rte Io prc�em Ihc <br /> ,�':��,:' enfonement n(Ihe li.n:or�rl xrarc.froin Ihe hnider of Il�c Ill'll.111.1!!RY�IICIII VII�IOA��f\ 41 L.nJ.r.uM�rdma�mg�hc lien lo .�,'��i�C�.y-,. � <br /> = ihi�Sauriiy In.lrumcm. II landcr dcicnninc.Iha am �xm.d �hr Prn�m i..uhµ<� d�a Iren��6idi m:n a16nn prinn�� nacr - <br /> V r. . <br /> - �his Snuri�y In.trumcm. L.ndrr mac gi�r IAirrnn.r a nnu:.idvm��hc hrn {M.rrnacr .hall .ati.l� Ihe hcn nr Ial.c•.nc nr t - . <br /> .;'' ,.:+1 <br /> mart af thc atlinn.v�lonh ahme witLiu lu Ja�,of dk rnmg�.1 nuu.r . <br />�:[y.; -„_i Po�m 3038 8�80 , <br /> uy_; r,v�:. . y . <br /> ' �:� ' . <br /> ' :_ . . _ . <br /> ,-�t`, <br /> ,;.,` _ >�j.. . <br /> - el' <br /> +,;`'�.. _.. � <br /> ;;�'i i�:r:� <br /> '•:4.:}j.[F! - <br />'..i'�:'{� <br />'.'if'�r1��� ' _ _ <br /> .�:lri.._ 1' . . . <br /> i .. � t <br /> ,� <br /> . . <br />