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\i � . .. . .� ._' -...� : . , •.=-- <br /> 1 {-_- . .. _ � ,. ; _ - .. _��� . t if�S�,��' ,�_ <br /> �O.��c <br /> RaymenW m�no longor bo the opUcup!I�rJec,�fip»ngago insurenro cavuaBo(In ihoamoum and(or"thppcdt�d ' ,-r— <br /> thet Lendu requira)DmvlEcd Oy�n Wuru eypt,�►agala Dcooma avaflnblo ead ta o61��w0,.8uROw�e ehai prpl �•. .. ;:. <br /> - - tiwprcmlam+tcqulredwmolntalnmortgegalnmwncolnefhct,at.toprovldoalna�tcurvo.until.thertqulrcmC1i1f4t1l1art8e$4'.... _ __ <br /> � insaranco cM�In aaordnnoo w��h any wdqen ngroemrntbanennAorrowcr and I.endee or eppifcv6lo taw. ° <br /> ------- 9.irspxtlon.Lender or tta egeM msy mske rcasnatl�SercNdlte upon end Inspealon�of�ha Propeny.Lcndu ehell gtve _ <br /> " Ctortower nodco et tAe Umo of or prior ta en Impx4on Fpxirylq4 mesnnnbio cause foT tho tnspealon. - <br /> t0. Condemnotton. 'Rio praacdr ot eqy awpM or daLm Por damegce,diroct or consequential. In connatlon tivllh eny <br /> oondemnallon ot o�hn�eking of any port of ihe Pmye�ty.ot�for conveyenco in Iicu of condeoma[lon,aro hereby asslgikd enA <br /> .,..---.-.-, shall be pald�o l.endu. . . . . <br /> __M In�ho event ot s rotal tnking ot tho Propeny.(M pmeceds ehall be epplicd ro tho wms exurod Dy thli Sxudty inst�upxo6 `° <br /> — whdher or�wt then due, with my exoaa pald ta Bosmxror. In the ovent ot e panlal taking ot�Ae Property In whlch Ihe(alr <br /> ` ° ° - - marka value of the Property ImmWletdy bofom ths taktqq la equel w or greamr�han iho amoum ot the:ums ctarcd by tAl� <br /> = -_ _- Saudry Instrument immadietcly betoro�ha ukina,udrtrs Borrower end Lender o�henvise agra tn writing,�o sum�secuctd by <br /> :__�?� [hb Securlry Instmment ahall be reduced by lltt m»unt of tha proeeeds multlpliod by the following fmction: (a) tAe rotel ' <br /> -`�%`"+a'+. amount of the sume cecured Immediately betore the�elcing,divlded by(b) �he falr market value of the Propeny tmmedirddy <br /> -_�_�"y,_f"� beforo[ho taking. Any belnna shall be pald to Bortowea In the ovenl ot a pMisl �eking of the Property In whlrfi tAe fatr <br />�-�1;;:;;:'t�� marka vfllue of the Propeny immediately beforo the teking te less�han tha emount of tho sums cecurcd Immediateiy betoro the <br /> ,.�.:aR��� <br /> - .,,�: reting, unless Hortower and Lender oihuwiae agrce in wddng or unla�eppliable la�v othenviso provida,�he pracea+ds slull <br />::.�;ti'��'j:•, be eppllcA to�he sums ucured by�his Secudry/nsnumene whGher or not�he ewn ere�hen duo. - <br /> 1 :��; _ <br /> ;',��,Xj If iha Property is ebandoned by Borro�ver.or If,after nodce by I.enda ro Borto�ver�hat tho mndemnor qffon to mafce en `_ <br /> ��1��y, a�vard or sa�le a claim for damegc�, Bortower teila to rvsrond to Lender within 30 days a4er�ho dete�hp notia ie givea, <br /> Lender is authodzed ro callect end epply the procecda,at its option,ei�her m resmmtton or repatr of�he Property or to the tum+ -,...-_._ <br /> �#��?`�y aecured by Ihis Securiry Inswmen4 whGher or noI Ihen duc. <br /> ,P;���t'' Uniess Lender end Borrower otherwise agrcc in writing, any appliqUon of prnaeda to pdncipal ahaq mt extend or <br /> y�f��j'o pempone the due de�e of the monthly paymenis referrcd ro in paiagtaphs 1 and 2 or change the emount of such paymenta �"°�' <br /> S, i. _ .,.; <br />-'-!S?;;�=?9 16 IInrrower Not Releazed;Ror6carantt By Ixnder Not a Nalver.Enunsion of the time Por payment or modi9ation _ —_ <br /> __...Y;pO�.�. — — _. <br />-•c^�yn<p,� otennrti�atlon of the wms savrcJ by�his Savrity Inslrument grented by Lender to any suacssor in intercst of Bortowcr shafl �; — <br /> ,;% no�operatc io release the Ilebility of�hc originnl Bnrrower or Bnvo�vets suaessors In interos�.Lcnder shill not 6e reqWrecl to � <br /> y"��+-`Y�-' commenw raceedin a a ainst on successor in imerest or rcNre to exiend time tor ment or ol�enviae modif emonizetlon S�'"�' <br /> i.w. P 8 8 Y PaY Y <br /> �°�ISb.o�s. Ni„-- <br /> ,-� of�k sum�securcd by Ihis Sccurity Instmnxnt by reaso� of eny dcmend madc 6y �he odginnl Borrower or Borro�vcr'a �,,Y�;_-� <br />-��r�;���%?}. succeason in intercst. An PorAearentt b Lender in exercisin nn ri ht or rcmed ahall not be¢waiver of or reclude th¢ " <br /> .,,.��.,.,,.r Y Y 8 Y B Y P �:?a'� <br /> r � �� exercise of eny dght or rcmcdy. ___ <br /> >^ --"- !2. 3��r�artd Astgn;EuunA: lnlnt snd Qererel Lletrlitt;t !'o-�Ielllt9•Thf envr.M_ntc A�w .grcemmix af�his o --�.;- <br /> r��i� Secvriry Insimmem shell bind aiM benefit �he suoceswr�and ucsigns of Lender and t4�rrower, subJect a the proviston+of r� � <br /> ' ��'�� m 1� I7. Bofrower'x mrenants anel a rcemems nhell he olm and seveml. An &�rromcr who m•si ns �his Secutit v i .r , <br /> °� i! P�8 P 8 1 Y B Y ^. <br /> �„�j�,,, Ins�mment 6ut dop nnt excemc �he No�e: (a)is co•signing Ihix Sceuriry fnctrumcnt only a mnngage, gmnt and comey that t __ <br /> ��-�'= Borro�ver's intercs�in�he Property under�he tcm�s of thix Saurity Inumment;(b)ie nnt porsonnlly obligakd �a pay Ihe iume ; -!:,-.- <br /> .'"::•°'•.-' saured b �his Secvrit Insimment:and(cl a rces tha�Is�xler und nn otlier Bmrowa mn e rce�o ex�end,madi( forbar or �-�."`.:-- <br /> it. Y Y 6 Y Y 6 Y. r o . <br /> ���;� mekc any attrommadmions wiih regard�o�he terms ot dds Security Insuumcnt or�ho Na�e withou��het Uorto�ver's mnsent. �� �j � <br /> '�1�5{'}t+�` I3. I.�mn Chnryle+. ff�hc loan xccurtrl by tl�fe:Security Insuumem Is xuhjctt ro n law which ceis mazimum laan chargea, �'S_y 3,.. <br /> o��rV. <br /> �hY,__t_ ond�hat Ix�v is finally interprc�eJ xn tha��he imerc.i or n�her Inan charge.cnllecteJ nr tn bo mltocted im m�nection wiih the -_ " <br /> ,{,is � 'J lunn exeeed�he permival limiu. �hen: uu nny wch Innn charpe.hull Iro t�dn�'ed 6y Ihe umaunl naoaxry lo rcJu�e 16e chx�g0 y�;_ = -- <br /> - '�.'�.��.��k�t w�he pemiinal limit:nnJ (M1l any+unu alwoAy colla�eJ trum&+rroicer which exccaleJ p:miiaai limin mill be rcfunded ro °.qf�:L�%t;`. <br /> _ �.::: <br /> ':'.;i�:•. &ifmo�cr. I.enJer m�y rh�use �n muke �his rc(unA hy nducinn O�e principal a�rcrl unJer ihe No�c or by making n dircc� '=}j;F��;-..� <br /> -.�c�- ' paymxnt �a [inrm��er. If a mfwxl nvluar+ �r�m����i. m� rea������„ wili hc �rcutcJ n. u paniul prcpaymcm �vithom nny � �e;; <br /> � � � 'i prcp�yment chargc undcr�hc Nntc. ` �}-% =- <br /> -:_.� 14. Nalices.Any notiir�o B��m�otr pmciJal far in�hie Security Imlrumem.hall he given hy Jelivering i�or by mailing ' ` - <br /> .�': rt by�m�cla�+ ntad unia+apphiahlr hnr r�qmrct u+r ol nna�hcr mc�h�d. Th�nnucc.hall ix JincRd�o du Pm�xrly A�hircm : <br /> t r�, ��' or ony other adJrc�z I4�rro�rcr dc.iEnalc� h�• nnliir In lAndcr. Any n�+�irc io Ixndcr .hall lu givcn 6y fin� cim+ nuil to ����,�.-�. <br /> ';,•":.:. e Lsmler'.idJrcsx .�a��J hcrcin or an��n�her adJre.� I.cixlcr de.i�na�c.hp na�i.e m IArtrmrer. Any nmiar providcJ for in Ihis ,�1;���..�=:` <br /> +� - Sc�vrily lmltumcnl diall hr Ji�mad la harc ba�n ginn ln Ik+rrnwrr ur I.cndcr��hrn gi�cn a.pmvidavl in Ihi.pataEraph. <br /> =-"�;,''�!`, 15.Gocernlnp lanc: tiererahllitr. Thi. Secnrit�� hrtrumem .h:dl hc gmern.J M C�rlenl law anA Ihe law ��(�6e ;'�:'�:`^-``:'.-. <br /> juri.Jiction in�ehich�hc Pmpcn��i.4�ra�nl. In�he.vcm�6:n :m� prnci.inn.v Ihi.Sm�ritr In.uumeN nr Ihc Nnlc ,�--ik[:� <br /> �„��n„�..van:���r��i,i.•i���..�.i�.,�„n�a+h.Jl nnl allitl olhrr prat�.inn�nl Ih�.}�iunlr In.lmmcnl nf Ihc Y�+te��hich aan hc <br /> �,x; .. gircn ctTcc�x�ithnm Ihc cun0ining prm hwn.Tn Ihi.cnd�I�r prm i.inn.ul�hi.ti•t�uriry In.� Ih. tial¢are d.xland . <br /> ta M.crcmhlc - - <br />- t::�. <br /> 16. ISorroocr'c Cnp}.fb�rtuamh:Jl nu.amtbnmvl aup� .+I lhc\.ar.ind ol�lu.tiavnn Imtrum.m. -� <br /> Fwm 3028 9�D0 � <br /> .'-. _. .., :� ! <br /> � � . <br />� �''�.•" /. <br /> .) .:a,' _ _ _ " ' _ <br /> ' 'i. . <br /> ' • ta�..-_ . . <br /> i��' . <br /> .+;� • <br /> -�"�2:::'; . <br /> --: y. �;. '�. <br /> .:�3r;Y,.,: ;. <br /> - .�;, _ . <br /> �� , <br /> � <br /> , , <br /> , ; � <br /> ; <br /> . _ . . .._ -_:,. :�,-_.,_ . . _ .. . _. ._ . . <br />