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{� {�"'--__ _ . ..:(' ,! �� y �`'..�q ' ,�� \�i�i i -_ <br /> �ra .. _i. . li� � T:� - i � � ez.. <br /> - . . , ����r�i� � ' � '_—. <br /> -..: _- _��_ _ . ... - . _ _� ,. .... ._. <br /> . • � < �.�4��41:� : <br /> r,on4cny�ad�4notq0ur�akin8afa�YF?f�ol�4eYropony�otfPt+ucpreYr,iiypylleuoNwnde��ibn,nmlia�epXwsignadend�t ' � <br /> . ehal�L�D�kttoLxiider, py rpp�a afiyl 6o rypi(ed to the 4uhte tau�ed�0y mi#l�ec�ty , <br /> !he evrnt Ot�total�nBing O!`the Properiy, p <br /> Imaunien6.xfie�her or nvi�n due,fW�h�r�y'exo�e�pald ro EoqoiFSt.._fn�ho even�of.panisl tNc�of tA6 ay in = -- <br /> • wh1cT�"Ne fatr mdtket vatur of t�e Vroperly ImmNluely 6eto� he ieking iaequai#o o� tctthm 16o`imouN o�o um� � <br /> c�cure0 by Wb&carlry Inslrumrn�1mmWletoir 6Ctoro tho�ak�ng,unlesa Qotrower en�nGU othenrUe ogrce1����np, � <br /> Oiq sum�eowueA Dy thW Seeyd�Y(nsttuinent�hall Do rcduced,by llw nrytowt ot tM aroecod�muItIDIkA tiy Na following <br /> fn:�to�: (o)�M total amoum of Ne sume�ecurcd lmmediateiy betoro the leking,divlded by(b)the fWr market vatue d{tha � - <br /> ". Pmpe�ry immodiately bofoie�ho Wcing. Any balenoo r�all W pild Ib Bwmva.'In Na ovent o!a pvttal t�N$ot.tho- • , <br /> Propeny In whkh�he fdr merket vatuo ot�ho Property immedlaely botoro�ho taking li leu thm thb emount ot a�a tum� ° <br /> securtd imme0latdy 6oforo tho ulcina,wles+Aoirower and I.enCu othnwlae agrco in mtting or unlus eppllcablo 14w <br /> o�herwlm provldoa.ihe ptoceed��hell be applled to�ho wms securcA by thit 3ecurlty Inshument whether or not�ho eumf aio <br /> then duo. <br /> I[tho Property b abandoncd by Bortower,or If,aQer nodco by I.endtt to IIortower ehe�U�a condemnor ofkn to meko <br /> m award or ee¢io n cloim for danwgei.Oortowsr fetU eo rcspond ro I.endu whhin 30 daya atter the dato tGn nnttce!a given, <br /> ' Lcnder is authorized ro collect and epply tho proaed�,at tu option,elihm�o rosroraz�o¢or mpati ot rta Ptcp�m Go�Do - <br /> wu''s err.virol6y thb 8ceudty[namment,whmher or not�hcn duo. <br /> _ _ Uofrss Lender md�ortowu othonvi�o egrce In writing,nny eppllcation ot prooecds oo pdoc�pal�CaL uot�a�aA a <br /> _= postpone�`r.d:mdateotthomomhly paymenrorofomA�oinparagrephaland2orehangedmxrtrountoisucspoymaus <br /> Il. Barrouav tize Releascdt Forbwrance 0y Lender Not a 6Yitrau Frctenslon ot�he dme fa p;ymrat or <br /> modlflenNon of�oiavx'rxi of the eums secured by tht�Security(nstnunaw g�a,.zxd by l.ender to eny euc�uar in Fatrne.n <br /> ot Hortower sAall cot o,�.° rcleaso tho Ilebtlity ot�M1e originfl BoROrer cv Botrowerb cuxeason In Inte��r -: <br /> -- eAsll not 6orcqu4ed to«c�aam+e proceed�nga agelns�eny succasor in inrtseat or mNso to exiend ume for ppmcaz cr <br />-�e�a mhorni�e mod fl y amatuza3on oi�Iq sumscecured by Ihb 3ecutiry tnstcumea by rcaaon of eny derend meda by the arigtc�l ._ -- ���-�---- <br /> — ➢ortower or Oorto��ub suooa+wn in intercst. Any forbearake by Lender iu ezercldng any dght or rcmedy�hall raot ba n <br />��-_:i;'J waiveroforpacludatheexereluofenydghtorrcmedy. _. _ <br />--'�1� 12. 8ucassan und Assigm Bound�Jotnt a¢d Severel Uebllity;Co�slgntn. Tha wvenanu md ag¢emonts of thi� - <br />�-..,;;a� Secudty Insmm�ent fieil bind end 6enefit tho wacsson and nsaigns of Lender xnd Bortowcr,eubjcct lo the provielons of � <br /> � parngreph l7.Oorrower6 covenants and egicementa■hall bo Joint md aeverel. My Bortower who w•si6nc�hie Secudry — <br />°'�17 Instrument but doea not execute the No�e: (e)la co-aigning thi�Secudry Inswment only to mortgege,grent end wnvay tM1at <br />-- , Bortowuh Imuest in the Propeny undor the tcrms of�hii Saudty Incuumenr, (b)is not personally o611gated ro pay the sum� _ <br />�-'��'� sccured by UiB 9ccudty Insuumem:and(c)egrees�hat Lander and nny other Borrowcr may agrec�o ex�end,modify,forbear - <br />;•,:,�.j or meke eny�ecommode�tona xith rogard to�hc toima of�bia Saudty In+trument or the Noie wi�hou[ �h�t BortowerS -_•- <br /> -- consent. --- <br />----° 13. Loen Cherges. If�he loan xecurcA by �his Sccudry Innrumrnt ia aubJcct m a la�v which ats maximum loon =__—__, <br />