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. _ ..., . , - , , <br /> '^'a . , :. <br /> --• '�$"��.O��S. .. . ':;.-. .; <br /> , <br /> DerlaU th��l,�nAcr reyulnx 7Te i�lsurmoe certler pmv�Alup p�q Iotunnce�9t1�o oAossn 6y 8amowqt roiblea lotan&)$ _ : <br /> � pppmrnt{�Alct��rrot�unrca;on:btywlthtkld. lt6ortowttfalt�tbmalnteinwvera��edeenl6tde6ovc,�.rndeemey�at . - - <br /> — , LenCeRY� optleri.abutncovcra3ewprouotLcACertiBgnroinlheCiaoc�ylneaorQancawithpse�graph7. <br /> - All Insumnco paflq�e ond renowal��hptl bo wapt+blo tol.ender end ehaU Inctudq a 1landud mongega ciepso. Lt4dh <br /> _ , �raD�avethed�TlroAotd�hapoltsi¢eendrcnowaL, ltLenQe�rcqolrc�,BOVOwcre��t1 pmmytlygivoroLenduellraaipte <br /> - ot psld prcmlumi and�enownl noticea. In tAe event ot Ioa�,8arrower�hWl atva prompt�o�i�e�o mo w�c��er�a <br /> Lendor. Lender myr make proot of tau Unot mada prompUy Dy Borrowu. <br />_ . ... Unlcu Lcndcr and Botrower o�erv�iee a�ee In wtlttng,Inautance roaedi ehell ba applled ro rescomdon or repalr ot <br /> � �M Propeey damaged,lf�ho renorettm or rep�r la economlsa1,ry fca+40te end Lenrtut secud�y le rta touuud. tt the <br /> reatorcti�n a rapair Is no�economlcally haaf6ia or Lcnderb aecdrlty woutd bo Icasened,tho inaurance pcoacds ehall Ce ' <br /> — oppIled to ifio euma uxuad by thla Securlty Inswmenb vi6et6er or not thm duo,wi�h my exoes�patd to Bortowu. It <br /> �� Bortower eDandom�ho Properry,a doa not wwer within 30 days a nalco fmm I.e�tr Na�Oto Wurmco eanlu ha+ <br /> offend m cude e clelm.thsn Lendee may collcc�tho Inaurence proceed�. Lender may use the Drooudt w m or rcsWro <br /> — the Property a W psy aum+tecurcd�y tAin Secw[ey fnsuumenr,whe�hcr a rot�Mn due. 7fm 3Pday putod w Il hegio when <br /> - _ -- tho not(co L+elvsa _._ . . <br /> . v Un(eu Len6.n and Boerowcr ahernise ageo in wriWg.eny appIkatlon at procad+to pdneipal RheU not extend w <br /> .�;�yr� postyona�ha d�oo date of tho montAty piymew rcferted to in paragraphs 1 md 4 or th�nga tho emowt of Iho p If <br /> `_;;:_� uaderporagnpb 21 �ha A'openy 1�acquUed by I.endu,Bortowutir1p�t to any insutanoo policfea and p rautdqg <br /> �-•=-- - from Qaniage�n�he Property pdor ro�he eequttiiNon ahnll pav to Lender ro�he extuu ot U�e eum�eaureA 6y�his Security - _ <br />�`""'"""' Irewmentimmedie�ety prlorrolheacqui:INon <br />` �---�---'� 6. Occuponcy, Preaervadon, Rtalntennnce nnd Protection of the Propertyt Borroxer'a Loan Appliwtlon� <br /> ,M�� Leasehotd� Rorrower shelt occupy,es�e�lish,md ux�he Propeny as DomowerY prinetpal roaidence within nix dayr afler <br /> e <br /> �ho execueion of�hl�Security Inswmene and�hall con�inue ro oaupy�he Propeny m Bortowub principal resI ence[or et <br /> ����s' leeat one year aRer the date of oocupancy, unies� Lender aherwiso egrae tn writing, whlch conunt nhall not bo __ <br /> -�. ��� unrcmonebly wtthheld,or unlesa extenuating clrcumstenca exist whtch are beyond BorcowerY eonuol. Bortower�haR not __.___ <br /> �'�":';�f deatroy,dumege or impaG the Property,ellow�he Propeny to demdorete,or commit waste on Ne Property. Borrowu ahall "-� <br /> }6�,�A be In defeuh if any fafeiNrc acUon or proceeding,whether eivil or crimind,la 6egun�het In Lendal good teith Judynent � - � <br /> - •;' mutd rcsut[in forkinue of the Propaty or otherwim m�terially Impair the Iien crcated by ihie Securiry Inswmmt or �{ v� <br /> -��'' Lrnderb acurity imerest. Bortower mey cun aah a defeult ond rcinsta�e,w provlded in puagreph I8,by causing the ection �_ <br /> r n��A;,t, or proaW ing to be dismiased wkh s ruling 1hat,in Lcndert good feith dcicrtninotion,praludn torteiturc of Ihe Bortowerb �y�,.-. <br /> 4 �l� �j: intemt in the Propcny or o�hcr me�cdd ImpaUment of the lien creeced by Ihia Savriry tnswment or 1.enderL ucuriry �d* -'` <br /> -r[S�� intercst. Bwlower shall elw be in default if Bortower, dudng �he loan epplicatlan proceu, gave materielly fdse or �;' -� -� <br />--._i�?.��'�- ■m...-- � <br /> :.��,.��h inaccumte infortnation or statemems ro Lender(or feiled ro pmvide Lader with eny m�tedal 1nfo�matlon)in connation wiih ��.;;_ <br />:?`��_',:°, the laan evidenced by �ho Note. Including, but not limtted Iarep rtsenutiom conaming BortowaY oaupaney of the �^^�---: <br />�-"����';�` Pro u� dnet maidence. If thi�3ecuri Imwment io on e leazehold,Bortower nhall com I with all tho rovfsion+ ----� <br /> � .r i Q�!h' P_ Pil �Y P Y P �n: <br /> �)� oi me teau. ti norto�ver acquirca ice�ide w me Property,[ee ieasemiu and�hc ke cide:hdi noi mcrge uniw Lendcr egRCa ` "' <br /> J �.>, w the merger in wriltng. � ` .� - <br /> Ct Di 7. Protection of Lender'a Righb In the Properq. If Borrower teila to pedo�m the covuanu end agramenb �; <br /> „t�T i%, a+mained In thie Security inawmcnt, or there i�a Iegal proceeding Nat may slgniflCenlly eRect Lendert rights in Ihe `{� `-� <br /> � �-- floperty(such ea u proceeding in hankmqcy,pmbale,for condemneiion or(odeiiure or�o enforee lawx ar rcguta�ions),ihen --` � <br /> >�i �.= Lendcr may do end pay for whatever is nccessary to protat ihe veWe of�hc Propeny end Lenderl dghta in�he Property. E°�+--� q,�-. <br /> ' P�'iic. LenderY attions may Include paying any sunu xcured by e licn which has priori�y orer this Saudty InsWmem,appeating `�r1f X a f <br /> l�r`�+"�, under I i parasraph 7�Lcndcr�dceaYno�havc to do� on�he Property to meke repain.Al�hough Lcnder may uke actim +1is`;�'`� ; <br /> .c,. '� I; Any amaunta disbursed by Lendcr under ihia purngraph 7 shall baome addi�ianal debt of Bortower ucured by this _�-{n' ` �° <br /> t_ i-� Securi�y Inswment. Unles+Bortower ortd Lender egrcc ro odur�emi.s o(paymenL these emounu ahail hcar intercat fmm the � �t r�;,; <br /> 3�.� ; date oi disbursemmt¢t�Ae Note nR md shall be pnyuble,witli intercr,upon no�ice from Lender�0 6ortower«quetting . � f, � <br /> � 'r' : paymmt. ���C +�i4 - <br /> vr,t ��: 8. Mortgage Inxumnee. If Lender rcyuircd mongage imunnce ar a conditim of muking the loan securcd by this 4�?,,` <br /> ._ .. __ 4ecurirvinsvumc�u_Hoanu�ec.shal{.qay-iha�-prenNUmrreqaircdm�r�mintairtthemongageinsurmceirtefkc.rtf:-far-mry—— � .,� h _ <br /> ��}° rtawnT, the mongnge insurance coverege reyuircd by Lender lapses or cea+es ro be in etka, Bonower shell pay lhe �+ - <br /> . �}_�-.'� premiums rcyufred �o obmin coverape wbstantially equiv:�leN to lhr mongage inwrance previausly in eRat. ut a cos� -!�^ � �. <br /> �p ry* -;,� xub.laMiully tyUivalenl lo Ihe cusl Io Bormxer ol Ihe mongage msurance prev�ously m eilect,imm nn nlremate mongage � �.� r,,; <br /> ` in<urer uppmved by Lendec If subs�amially equivalem mongage in+urance covemge�e not xvailabl4 Borrower shall pay to I51t1xa{� , <br /> '" � LenAer each month eyual to ano-txclfih of Ihe yendy mortgagc in+urance premium Ming paid by Barrowcr when�he iy.,,.--- �- <br /> 1� insurance mrerage lap.ed or aaced to be in etfrct. Lender�vill accept,u�and rc�ain iSese paymm�s ne a Inss mserve in lieu �; :` �- <br />,_�s::s?� o(mortgagc insunnce. L�xs reacrvc paymcm�may no langcr bc rcyui�cd.:n�hc npion af l.ender.if mortgage insuronce „�:-.+�=�,...�. <br /> - ';. covera e(in�he amount:md far�he nod thai Lender rc�mm>) rovided h in in.urcr a mved b Lender a am becomes i -'.�;'�� ` <br /> j F Ik� I � P f• PP 3' R � . : t`�-.. <br /> avnilable and ir ubmined.Uorrnwer shall pay�he premium�requircA�o maimain mortgagt imnr�nce in efkct,or to prnvide a � t�i:�y� �� <br /> � - - Iacs resen�e,until Ihe rcyuircmenl for mongage in.unnce accordance�vith any�vriuen aFrcemeni ben�ren dorrower - (;� -- <br />�...�s`:�'� andLendcrarapplicablcimr. .: �'t'�•c.-• �. <br />�"���' 9. Ins cction. Lendcr or it.a�ent ma makc re:nnna6lc cnvie.u n:nW im waro of�hr 1'm xn Lcnder sbali '`'`�� ��!, <br />._.�.t,.t.;;`> P F Y Iw Ix' f' )"• <br /> - � � - � ¢i�c Bormuer nuliar at Ihe lime nf or prinr m;m in.peclion specif�ing rca.onuhle r.m.e for Ihe in.�clian. - <br />�`�`;��'�+ ��` 10. Condemnutlon. lltc ttxttJ.of an award or daim lix dam� u d�rtcl ur�onx amna�iun�•iih an- - <br /> �,.•.,' " <br />.-;:r�_.:.,� P Y S' • 4 ) -;.�` _. <br /> y�., .linpkfamd�..ILnNeNurFreEdkAlaeC\IiUR\fl\STHCtlF.\'f-1'mumn6nenam. 9.90 �Pu¢�t.�npit�a� <br />.e.f't�.,.•i��•• rnn Wn IMU.r far.lrc 0 . <br /> In��.Lt�yi IYnSDYIY]O�AA��3I911111 � <br /> � <br /> � <br />. . et�`}�vf•-?�';I:�r`rT".. . . ' . , . . . . . . i .:'�N:'�'.�' . . . - <br /> ��` ' <br /> ���.Z.�. �St a . . <br /> _.-."___ ____ _______ __ _ <br /> - '..t'..." <br />. }�: <br /> i\.• <br /> y5• <br /> :," <br />�.:�::" .i'4��� . . - _ <br /> . �,F�,:'. . .., � <br /> ..-:(i' r � � <br /> :':��:.[:�i.; .=5 . . <br /> ���� , <br /> ._`,`t <br /> '-:_Y7. . . , . .. <br /> t ' . <br /> , ' , ` � <br /> � r <br /> ar '. . • ; - - . <br /> .. � <br /> . . . . . . ._. .,.� _ . <br /> .�_ - ., .., ._ <br />