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�,� ( _;` + �`-' � � -r'- �..� � '�' ��. �. t.� i's i� ia ��� ,dT,. . __ <br /> i4._ ! " I � -. '� ) l � 1 ' i l S <br /> f - •t. - ��(j1� � S j � . _ . <br /> -.", - _ � .J . .(, 1 -- �} t ��I+ �,1� l ! t�/-. <br /> � � �pglleoble t�w apxity_[ac rstr�i��swe4�)i�fsa�+�ip ot�ia�Pm➢€M1Y�k1b1�o�1+f�P��!}' r.ot 4��lnsd�t 16t� - �� <br /> �Wins�tu �ttbfsn(sy tl�iaj��tttti9�¢sK tylfkUU�eril .. �t�!'r"� --- � 5 <br /> � ':,a�Y, 1 FndSS e1�cu 1N!1C�tMn'would I»�44��?i�f��Y�a4umeRl..._4� a NPja:a�!�M,a�Cie(�tia{6� _ - <br /> ocewre�(D)cun+rnyd4fsuttotany a�lhe�coven�num�g�esmente; o) aliex�pe�swlnwmdlnE2Tni�G�Bthis�t�uets�r- r� _ <br /> 1n3trunlmt.Inoludltig�bot�iot IlmifEd tq Yeason9Elp qttQ(n0yq'fua�en��t 4�ucA t,ct pp qa.L4hdff,iluY'(��b��' ' ,. <br /> �„ .ioqqltotossauro�hae�holleno��hl�8a{��tyln{w��nt;1.e9Gc[Rrighulntqe _ rtyai�Q�qm?t�er►'obigAttnfiSo a �hu . . r ; , <br /> idmt xqired 6p Ihls'6ku'fl fnswfient�etuil sonttnpC ��II�E�. Vpb�Ins Akmem b Boiro�et, �Ws iy <br /> Tristiumei{t Wa Ow oDligatlon ryskuredhercby eAe1(rr.mrttn fu11y effaTlvo a�(lno•ncoeletdtlori 6hd oMuhW� No1�0 C�hIO� � „ _ <br /> �igi�ttoielt6tate�helirioiappfyNUacuootecoelerotlonunGuou�gnDh(7. . <br /> 1 9. e R l'p o(N o t e S A��I n g e o t I A}n B E t v k e h�7 h e N o i b t�t Ppu�n l t n t e r a st in t�e Note(toge1NCt w,IN INt Q e F uH t y '. <br /> irtsWmrntj inay pe so�d ono or moro Gt�'a wNhout�1nr nWico ro II M rower. puiie may ruu Tt In e chengedn t he co�ity• <br /> paiown a�Ne'i.oan 8ehIat^)thet coueas momhly y�ymtenW dYa oifde�the o(a end thb Saurtry Instrvmo�R 7hue eiao. <br /> may be ono or moro ohnnga of�he Loan 8ervimr unreleted lo a eato o!tho Noto. tf cNero ia e change of tlle Loan Sarvlsc�, � <br /> Bomo��er wlll De given.mitten nory¢a ot tho chango tn eccordnneo withp�aph 14 abovo end eppIicablo lew,.7po notlop <br /> wiil iteto�Ao name and eddres�of tho now f.oan Ssniar and the addrea�ta wldd�paymews�hould be made. TUe notioe wfil _ ._.. <br /> elw ooptaln any othcr into�ma�lon rcqulre4 by npplfcaDle laN. � � <br /> 20, NcrarEow HuLst6nces, 8orrowcr chill no�eauw or pemilt Are preseuce,uu,d'upo�AA�scaa$o or reieeu oYany ' -�'� ' <br /> Harardoua Subswnaee on or In the Pmperty. Bortower shnll not do,car elto�v enyooa+eCse w d�A,mD,yi�ing sftaqng Wa .- <br /> PropertyUWLfinYiotatlmotaqyFnv4umaealalLaw. 7tapcecemngtwoseoeeoerssfiaAn9t GartTaproseoF4r.ubo.or �: ' <br /> sCaage oo rpo Ropet�y olamall quanA7tes of 1[azazdow SuEsmn�+es�Eat eta geuerallY ce�i��o�AI�V��tA S,o�`ioPndl .. .: <br /> tat�ott�l uY�s end to iva[ae�anse oi t4e Prope�ty. - . . - - - <br /> Bam!rer s6al1 pmmptty gire Le�:r wriuw nariw of aq invesrigaaeti cletm,(kmand,IaweuR oi_ahet ecfi?u 4 e�� <br /> govemmemai a mgutatory egency or prtvate pury involving�he Property and any Hazardoue SuEst�rce„w Hn�+t4pm - - <br /> Law ot which Bortowu ha� actual kno�vledga If Hortower team�. ot la notlfled by my goWeCtnneMal or rtgutetory . <br /> au0arity,lhnt eny nmoval or o�her remedietion of any Hezardout Substence pfke�ing the Properry 5s nexuary.8mrower <br /> shall promp�ly take eU neoessary remediel actiona in eocordence with 6nvironmentel Lnw. ' - -- <br /> Aa used In�hla paregraph 20,'H�zardona Subsiences"ere�hoso eubrenoaa dofineA ea toxk or hazardoue tubstoncea by =- <br /> Hnvironmental Lew and�ho following m6stencea: gasol(ne,kerosena,otlier tiemmeblo or toxic pewlwm produeu,toxlc <br /> pcaticldp and Aubicide�,vola�ile iolvem�,mn�erid�con�afning m6ettw or fomieldshyde,u�d redloactivo materlal�. As <br /> uxed In�hi�pan�nph 20,'Bnvironmenrel"meam federol lawe nnd laws of tho judsdicdon where ihe Property Is located <br /> �hat rclsu�o healih,eefety or environmenu�l prota[bn. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVHNAN75. Bortower nnd l.ender tunher covenant and ugreo a�(ollows <br /> 21. Accelerettont RemMia. Lender ahatl give notice to Borrower prlor to accelaallon tollowing Borra�ver'e <br /> brench ot any covenant or agrament in t6�i Securlty Instrument(but not dor to accelerattoa under paragrepi�17 <br /> unles nppllcnble taN providen otherwlse). The nolim ehell specity: (u)the Sefaulti(b)ihe action requlred to cure the <br /> deiaotl{(c)e aplq not less than 30 deys hom the data I�e notice u glven ta Borro�vep by which iho detnutt muei 6a °"°° <br /> cured�end(d)Ihet tullure to cure the detault on or before fha dato spocliied In ihe notice may rault in acceteretion of <br /> tha surtu secured by thia Securfty Instrument end aate ot Ihe Property. Tho notice ehnll Nrlher intorm Qorra�eer of <br /> tha right to rcinstpte aRer acceleratlon end the right to bring e court ecqon to naert Ihe nomealstentt ot e defauit or - <br /> eny other defentt of Borro�rer ro occelemtlon nnd sela If Ihe default 6 not wred on or before Ihe date spedfied�n r- � <br /> the nolice,l.ender et Iro option may requfrc Immedlate payment tn NII of aii wm+secured by th0 3ecudty Instrument �._� <br /> vvfthout further demend end may Invoko the po�rer of sate end eny other remcdtea permtittd by epplicable Imv. -�::_:_. <br /> Lender�hall be mtttled to mllec� all expensea Incurred In purav(ng the remedles proWded in thb paregrnph 2l, �a}.=�- <br /> Inciuding,but not Ilmlted to,reasann6le nttorney�'fece end casla of tltle evldence. � `F;,`._: <br /> tf the po�rer of ante la fnroked.7YUStee�holl record e notla of deteult in exch munty In ahich axy part af tho ��(� ' <br /> Property le located end shall mell mplea ot sueh noilce in Ihe menner preacribed by opplfcable lew to�orrower end to e�� -- <br /> the other persom preseribed by appticabie Imv. Aher lhe time rcqulred by upplicable la�w 7Yustee shell glve pu6lie F��e_(-' <br /> notia oteale lo Ihe peraons and In the mnnner preacribed by epplicable la�r, 7}ustee,�vithout demend on Borrover ;�'�`� <br /> -----ehMl-eNFfhrWopeuyacpublio-euNloMo-Fhe-hlRhesWWder-ntthNime-n e ermv eagne n �.e:t`-". <br /> Ihe naiice of anle In one or more percets end In eny order 7}uslee determines 7}uatec mny postpone aele of nIl or any ;:�;;,;_._ <br /> parnl ot ihe Property by public nnnouncement at Ihe tlme und place of nny preriuucly srheduled sele. Lender or tln `{>i,:;';;.. <br /> designce may purchese fhe Praperty at any sele. S�"='�-^' <br /> Upon recelpt oP peyment of Ihe pNce 61d.7FUFtee xhell delirer m Ihe purchacer 7Yusta's deed conveging the Q,���}.)i-� <br /> Property. The rectlxlx In Ihe 7Yustee's deed sAnll be primx facie ertdence ut Ihe Irulh of Ihe stekments mede thereln. {r„�_,-_. <br /> 7}uctee chell epply the praceedt of Ihe sxle In Ihe fullowing urder: (nl lu ulI cusls xnd npenses of ezeretsing the power �},;,�... <br /> c;v' <br /> 4:::...:::.... <br /> �::);.,i�: <br /> Gk•., <br /> `���;;_ <br /> Hrtml01X 4'90 qacr�,.ln��ren� <br /> �,�* <br />..:,.:._�._;,ip..____"....�..'..-.p..�:"�'i:L�f:7° �: �� ..- i..: : .'�. . .. . - � . -.s_:: _ __ .—.-..-1� . _�:I�l'r <br /> . . - . . . . . � . .�i�f _ . . _ . _ . <br /> �:L .. . . . . . <br /> /.5 <br /> '' - /. '�- . .'. ' . �... . <br /> � y ,,; - <br /> _' ..i:•i'�i. �'r . . . <br /> . ��i. 'f 0'•._i� " �.. . �. . <br /> ".- _ . ,. . ' .. <br /> 't <br />-�-},i' J'+. " -u' .. . . _ . '. e . .� . . . ' ' _ <br /> ,.. . .I." . . - - . . _ <br /> -�. �' . ' . . . - ' . . .:}�..;. <br /> . � ': . _ ' . _! _ <br /> � �-` �". .Y _ � F.i� .. . .._. _�.•� <br /> � Y) <br /> �.. Y '. . - , . 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