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. '� . t - � ' � F �+ f _ i - .,i tl -�'� � ��`�° <br /> ' � r . . . :. � _ � i •.� � � ` t � �� , � S l� '� A __ . ilt . <br /> J�j� r- ! ] <br /> > �. - -I '� - -�; r -- -_ i . �T�1/I. � . ��rl o �' <br /> � TOt1BIfi8FtWPfliallmelmprovamcaticaw9+hrtraRaqnctFd�l�"*•�Mnv .n,,�h�.iw+�,u,..wv. <br /> ..-�--iif��ikta�i3r�ryojWi'i2f�1Rt711 b1�iy P'tupc� }`ilit'�pfKfmChN'�S1i�iFFuub'�slli��"�fEVtRiwrwcuvjNu�uvFw�q� � - <br /> _. . tnsWmeni'Allotthofoiegoldg�retartedtolKtAt�Seewitylnstnmkatt.ltRd 7ropary._: � <br /> " DOttR04�C0i+8NAt1!'B�etBuifawart4laVifUlly�sxfs�dvttQQe�tjuaherktiyconvaytdandtia�lh4�ili�ito�rw�t , , <br /> anAOOnveY.�eProeeriyendNatQmYropenyUUnei�Wmbered,oxqcpi{orcircum6rana.tofraoid:�or�pwetWarta�tfan0 <br /> �Ylildettndgaletal(ytlielittel9thoPtopeRYeBVIpstWelitMfqnddemulEe.�ubJocttomylensUmbtanopapttecor0. ' <br /> 7Sq8 SE�.iTRPfY d�1$1RUMANf combinw wUorin oovcnanls for naftonal,use anA nun•pnifortq covcaanu_wim _ <br /> ' °. 14Ntedrazl�Uonsby�urisdisdonwcp�sdiutoounlfotmcecarityinsllumrntoovqingaalpropehy-• - <br /> �QM9�VBI1ANt9� Qottrower6nd4�Atrcovenentmd ailollowa ' ' � <br /> P�ymeotoiPrindpalauA[ntersait�ep ntanALate ugea EortowettAall rompUypay whCnduelhe �•.:';:,;� <br /> � prinaf�p dintercstonUwdebtovlEenadbythe oteendanyp�epaymemmdtaWChargaduound4rt56Notq, <br /> 2. FUlIW�OT7�11ldillAl6SYfiGCl. SubJectloeppIicablalaworroewrlttenwaivcrbyLender HortowuetWipayro - . <br /> l.ender on�he day moa�hty peyments ero due under 0o NotQ,yprJl Nn Nato b pald!n NII,e eum('�und+�tor.p)yearly <br /> texd and aueasmenu wNch may euain prlority over thu Se�yr�,y 6ssnum,uit ee e Iten on the Property;@)yeariy leescliold <br /> paymenu or ground renn on tho PropenY, It en Y. (e) Yea�tg GmrO ce Otopertytq�utpgce premlums:(�yearly flood <br /> insurence premlum�,i!any: (o)yearly mortgage tnsundce�eemf.�m�.if er�;�irf(t�eay 6dmbpayabio by Boittpwer to <br /> Lender,In exordence wlth�Aepmvisiau of paragr�lS&�1t�ot rLx ro,►u�of mo�age inNd�nco prcmlurtn. 'thao <br /> Imma ere callal'Bacrow Item�. [.ender may,et uy Ifns,colten etN ho?�t Ra3;In ea r.Teount ene�u exoeed�ha rtmxhi)�' � -' : , <br /> emount a IendRr tor e federelly rolatM mangago fasn may mqruie fie£,���mv racami uAder tAo federel�[tp! . <br /> 8steto Sent�mrsn�Ltocedura Act of i974 sa ecrad�d&an timc toti^x,02 U,S.C;�2501 et ae�.f�PA9.Gnlrss aiiWMr - <br /> Iawthatepplf�stoUueCvndxswat,sxr�ceKVat ftaal.endermay.a�anytim:,erlleftandhoSdQimdelnm�zniintnotro <br />--°- -- easxd�Ae Ipaa�aQ�rxmc Lr�asaq ar;—� �,:emount of fi�nd+ due�L1x 6asia ot current date zd rasanabta - <br /> --.- aHmates otexyendiorcax et[diec Esavv dtew ora'rawise in eocotdancc wid�r�]ipble law. <br /> _.��;..� 71w Nndv ehe11 Ee Ae7A in an Es¢Swum whaz acyosln are lnsurcd by a federal agenry.Inst�ument�liry,or entlty <br />-�� (including Lender,if l.ender i��uch an insiimtion)or fn eny Federal Homo Loan Hank. Lender ihall epply�he Pondi to pay <br /> �M Qsttow Uems. Lender may not ehaige 8ortower Por holding eed appiy(ng�ha Wnd�,ennually analyting the escrow <br />. �._,r�.��f aocount, or redfying tAe &crow Item+, unlcsa Lender paya 6ortower Imerost on the Wnda end epplluble lew permlro <br />�-^�•T�� Lender�o make cuch e chuga Howerer,Lendar may r uirc Hortower to pay e on4qme cAarge for an independent rca1 <br />:-;�_�_`•"' aure tex repoidng�crvice uud by L.ender in conneaion w tA�hb loan,unless appliceblo law provida ahenvlsa Unlest an <br />-'�s:n r egament is mede or eppliceble law rcquirc�interat to be paid,Lendcnhall not be requlrcd to pay Hortower any Interist or <br /> '-=C`i'• eamingt on Ihc Amdt. Bortower and Lender may agrx in wr(�ing,however,�hat Ntercst shall ba pald on the Ponds. Lender <br />--���'�; �hail gfre to Bortower,without charge,en ennuel eceo�mting ot the Wnd�,showfng credita end do6hi to Ne Wnd�end No <br /> i'.�"'f'` pwpose for which wch debit to�he Wnda wes made. 7Le fimde are pledged m eddiitonal ixudty lor ell�ume secured by <br />��;_.:�;'-�� this3ecudrylnstmment. <br /> ��:- it tno wnds nefa oy Laider exceed tne amounu petmute4 �o be hetd Uy applicxble law, Lenaer tiu�l eaount ro -� <br /> `,d� Borrower for the exceas eccordance whh�he ra�uirtmenta of eppticable la�v. If�he m�ount ot the Wndt held by <br /> ,,, Lender at any time 4 not suf0elent to{+ay�Ae Cscrow I�crtu when due,Lendcr may w no�ify Bortower In wdtlng,end,In <br /> ��_ such cau Bonower�hall pay ro I.ender the amaunt neoesvry to m�ke up the Aelieiency. Uortower ihail make up tAe - <br /> �-,yyy. deficiency in no morc than nvelve monthly paymenl�,et LenderS:olo d"ucrUfon. �� <br /> � �� Upon paymrnt in tull oi�II suma cecured by this Secudry Inswmen4 Lender shell promptly rcfund to Bortower any <br /> i,., Punds held by Lcnder. It,under paragruph 2I,Lcnder ahali uquire or celI�hc Property,Lender,pdar to the ecquisition or <br /> .f, sale of tAe Property,shall apply eny Wnds Aeld by Lender at the�ime of ecqul�ition or sale ee e crcAit egelrot�he eumf <br /> - +� securcd by Ihia Security Inswmem. <br /> �°��i 3. Applltatian of Pe)menta. Unless appiiceble law provides athernix, all paymenu received by I.endu undef <br /> ���'�_' paragrapha I and 2�hell be any prcpayment chergea due under�he Note second,ro amounu payeblo under - <br />?-t'�`,`• paregraph 2:third,ro imeres�dce;founh,ro principal due:end las4 ro eny la�e chergea due under�he Note. <br /> `"�t-`� 4. Chergea; Llem. Dortowcr ahallpa y all �axc�, auessmenu,chargea, fines and Impositlons etuibmable to Ne <br /> �;?��.�'. Property whieh may attain priorily over this Secuti�y Inqrumcn4 and leuehold paymcnla or ground rcnte,if my. Bortower - <br />��'�;�i ehall pay theac obligatfona in�he manncr providcd in paregraph 2,or if not paid in�hyc menncr,Bortowcr ehall pey them on <br /> .� t}: <br /> „P;,, time dirccdy lo[he penon owed payment. Bortower+hall promp�ly fumish ro Lender ull noticu of amounu ro be old und - <br /> . Ihis paragrnph. If Borto�ver makea lhese WYmentx direclly.Borrower shall pmmntiv fu � �Dls ev neing - <br /> `���'�':'.!� Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien which hax priurity orer�his Securi�y Imuument unless Bortower.(e)egrca <br /> = in writing ro the payment of�he obliga�ion ucurcd by�he lien in o menner ecceptable io Lender.(b)rnnmsu m good fefth�he ` � <br /> � Iien by,or defends against enfwcement o(O�e lien in,Iegal proceedings w6ich in�he Lenderl opinion openm to prcvent the ` <br />:���,?� enPorcemenl of ihe lien;or(c)securex fmm the hoider of ihe lien nn ngreemem.a�i,tactory�o Lender subordina�ing�he lien = <br />.:.d(��; ro thia Stturiry Insirument. If Lender determinex Iha1 nny part of the Rapeny is wbject�o u lien wAich may atlain priority - <br />,,_-%' - over ihis Securi�y InstrumenL Lender may give Bovoxer a m�ice identifying�he lien. Bortower shall m�isfy�he lien or take p:[_ <br />-"--,<?�'. one or morc of thc aclions sel fonh above wi�hin 10 days of ihc giving of noti�r. _ <br />� � S. Hornrd or Properir Inaurence. Darmwrr shall kcep the improvemem.naw�exi.�ing or hercal�cr erccied on�hc <br /> -� '!' Propcny insured egein.ct loss by fire,huards inc6�Acd wilhin�hc tcrtn'ex�cnded covcrage"and any oihcr hvardc,including -- <br />. �[`�,_ Iloods or flaoding,for which l.ender reyuires jnsurance. 7Ti. in.uranre ahali M1e maimained in �he umoum.and for Ihe � <br /> . _.,�. ['_ <br /> lurmlUl! 9N0 rNf�_'nJnp�r�� - <br /> [:: <br /> , <br />.., ,^ • D <br /> -f:�� . ..,,,� �A..�....�__,..-�...e....-- -.-.�.-. '__._...._ . ... .j._..-r.... _"_ _ .. _. "_-" ' :'.y.� - <br /> -. _ . , � _. . . -- ._ . . . ..._. _._. • . <br /> �1'�a!:1" '_ " _ <br /> �.� �..- � __ ______ __.._ . _ _ _ . <br /> 'L•: . <br /> �1'��%�: . . . - <br /> ' �/"`-' —�.�` i.. . <br /> __if:_� _. _ <br /> •_�!" .il-I <br /> f-_i�.'.. " _ ' <br /> ...�.1 .T�.': , .. ..- <br /> '.�•h^"J.i <br /> _.,:;': .� <br /> ,.ia?: �:t�.;: . , . . _ <br /> c <br /> �t :;�1; � .. . • . <br /> tY 5 • <br /> 4 q .-. _:_ . _. � _ <br /> � <br /> Y l� i_ <br /> S . : �. . .. ., ._�..f�-.. - .. . . . . . . . _ . . _ .. . . __ .1-.3 .__.. . - <br />