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__ �_ ____ _ ____ _ _ __ .. <br /> <, <br /> a� . . . <br /> 98��Lq����;- ;. <br /> _ eunAemnatlonorothertticingofanyOanolihoPropeny,orforconveyanwinllcautcondemneUon,arehercDyessigt�ti}tliW <br /> _- �n�i�y�afo� . . _ <br /> N the evrnt o!a�otel tuking of tho Property, the proae0s�hdl be eppliW ro the am aairW by thls BccutUy <br /> - Inswment whether or not then dua wUh ury excsca�atd ro FSOrrower, ln tho ovent of n puti�telcing ot Uro PrbuenY In <br /> whlch the�alr merket value of Ne Properry immedtutely beforo Mo�eking b equel ro orgrcaror�han the emount ot tfie runu <br /> eecured Dy thb Seeuriry(namtment immedleto1y beforo the teking,unleN Dortower end LenGcr o�heiwl»ngnro In writing. <br /> Uw aums uartd Oy thl�Secudty Imbument shail be rcAuad by tho omount ot ttw yr000ed:multlpIlcd by�e(otiowing <br /> fractlon: (a)tho total emount of tha�um�caurcd ImmeAlately 6etore t�o�eking,dlvided by(E)�he falr merket Value of�re <br /> • Propeny Immcdi�roty Detwo tho taking. Any balanx ahall 6e paid to Uortowee In the event o!n pertial taking uf�lw <br /> Property ln w�icA the tnir market viluo o!�he Propeny Immedietely DePoro�he taking b lese�hm tho anount of the Nma <br /> secuad Immedlatoly betoro the ieking, unlua Bortower and Lender otAe�wW sgree In wtiting or wlosf rpDlicabla'Faw <br /> mhenvise piovida.lho procesds�h�il ba applled to the�um►«curcd by thU 3uudty Instrument whet�er or not�he�uma aro <br /> then due. <br /> U�he Propeny Ia ebendoned�y Borrower,or If,aRer notice by Lendm ro Borto�rer thut the condemnor otten ro meke <br /> - an awetd or aale a clalm for domege�,Bortower faila to retpond m I.cnder wlthtn 30 daya allor�ho dato tho notice la given, <br />� - Lender le eu�horized to cotlect and apply the procade,et(u op�lon,ehher ro rectowllon a rcpatr of the Propnty or�o tho <br /> eum�tetured by thta Sepulty lnawment,�vhethu or not then duo. <br /> Unless I.endm and Bortower o�he�wlse agrca in writlng,ony aPpliution of procada to prfncipal shall not extend or <br /> �_ postpone No due dato of the momhlp paymcnte rcfomd to in paregrophs 1 end 2 or changa the emount ot iuch paymente. <br /> — It. Borroner Not RelensM; FbrLearana By Lender Not e �Yaiver. Extension ot �he flma for paymcnt or <br />-- modiflutlon of amortization of 0o cume xcured by thb Secudty Inurumrnt grented 6y Lender�o eny�uoaswr in imemct <br /> — ot Bortowtt�hell not opereta lo Rlease�he Iiability ot the origtnal Borrower or Bortowert wccesw�s in imerest.Leader <br />�-=�m shatl not bercq uired ro wmmenoa praceeding�agein:t eny successor in in[erost or rePosa ro extend tlme Por payment or <br />._;f;� othernisa modify amonirnion of the auma«cured by thia Swudty inswmcnt hy reason of eny demend made by the odginai <br /> - Botrower or HortowerL wceeaso�x in intcrest. Any forbrarana by Lenda in exercising any right or remedy�hall not be e <br />-•yi walverotorprccludetheexe�ciuofenyrigh[ormmWy. _ <br /> -�^� 12. 8ucasson and Aaslgm Doundt 7oint and Severel Ltabllity;Casignen. "fhe covenenu end agreemema of this <br />`�,:°� Security Instmment sh�ll bind and 6enetit�he successon end easignn of Lender end Uortnwer,subjat ro the provisions of <br />- _,� paragreph 17.Bovowerl covenanu md egrcemenu■hull 6e joint and uverel. Any Dortower who co•s{gm thin Saudry <br /> -°� [nawment but daes not execute�he Notr. (a)is casigning�his Saudty Insuument oniy to mortgage,gmnt end convey thet <br />�.)=j Borrowert lntercst in fie Propeny under tM1e tertns of thia Sccumy Instmmenr, (b)ie not personaily obligeted w pay thc sums <br />-:=�i saured by�his Saurity ImttumenC end(c)egrces thnt Lendcr and eny o�her 8o�ro.ver mey agrcc ro cxtcnd.modify,forbear <br />___;� or meke eny eccommodationa wiih regerd to �he�ertns of�his Secudty Instmmem or the Noee wi�out that Bortower! <br /> wnaem. <br />-:-� 13. Loan Chnrga. If�he loan xecurcd by�his Security Incwment is xubJec� to a Inw which seta maximum lonn <br /> ` fh!oC!.Md!h�ll Iiw$(u!E!!y iem�rcted�±thn!�hr�n!erc�nr n!hv lon�cn..g�.�op.x�ne or�o be collmrcd tm m�ncetion <br />,;:`,� with tAe loan exeeed the pe�milted IimNa,then: (a)ony Ruch lonn chnrge chall be teduceA 6y ihe amount neassery to rcdua <br />.�,_:;� the charge to Ihe pertnitted lim6;md(b)uny sum:elrcady collcekd from Bofroo�er which excceded pertniltW Ilmits will be <br /> rcfunded to Qortower. Lcnder mey ehoose�o mnke�his mtund hy rcducing�he principel owed undcr ihe Note or by makinp a <br />^L:t dimct payment to Borrower. lf a refund rcdnce+principol,the rcductian will he�nvted as a panial prcpayment�vithout my � <br /> ;, prcpayment cAarge under�he Nae. <br />�:t';� 14. Noticee. Any notice�o Bortoexr providcd (or in �his Sccurity Instrumen�shnll be given by dolivering it or by - <br /> =; meiling i�by Flrst class m�il unless applicable luw rcquims uw of mo�her method.71rc notice shnll be dircc�ed�o the Propeny _: <br /> y Addresi or any aher nddrcsv Horro�ver desigmrtes by noiice�a Lender. Any notice to Lender shull 6e given by firs�clam <br />",t'•-� meil w Lenderl eddreu swted hercin or any uther uddrcxc Lender de.ignmes 6y na�ice m Borto�vee Any notitt pmvided for -_ <br />- ' in �h6 Security Insirument shnil M dcemed to have 6cen givcn �o Bortowcr ar Lender when given ns providod in this � <br /> �. parngreph. <br /> IS. Governing Lew; Sevenbflfly. Thi.Securiy In.trument shall be goecmed by fcdeml law nnd ihe Inw of�hc <br />�-:,'�;� judxdicifon In which the Rapeny is lacated. In the erent�hot nny provisinn ar clnuu of�his Securi�y Ins�mment or the No�e _ <br /> � �:1 con0icu with epplicable I�w,such conflict shnll no�aRcct o�hcr provisim«of this Sccurity Inxuumcnt or thc No�c wlilch cnn <br /> =�ii� be given e(fat�vithaui ihe con0ic�ing pmvixion. To�hia end �he provi.inn+o(ihi.Security InRwmem and�he No�e nm _� <br /> declered to bc severnhle. <br /> -�--,�i l6. Borro���erk Copy. Ba�mw�er+hall be given one�vnfomxd capy of the Noie und o(�hi.Security Insimment. <br />-S,;j� l7. 7�anster of Ihe Property or o Beneliciol Interest fn Oorro��-er. I(all or any pon uf�hc Propetty anny intercst in =. <br />_,,.,� it is aold or uansferted(or if a 6cnrficinl imems�in �urtoi�er i.wld or�mn.fcmJ and Bovoa�cr �wmml person) <br />'.'h� wi�hom Lender'.s prior�vrinen conxm.Lender may,at it,np�ian,rcyuirc immedinte payment in full of all wms>a:ured by - <br /> [his Security Instrumcnl. HowcvcrJhix opliun.hall nn1 Fk czcmixJ by LcnJcr i(ezereix ia pmhihiceJ hy&deml Imv a+of _ <br /> the date of this Secumy Insuument. -� <br />'�_��� If Lender exerciu�s�hix op�ian.LenAcr.6:di�ive Uom��rer no�ice n(attclera�ion. The nmice.hall provide n period of ._ <br /> not less then 30 days fmm Ihe dale Ihe noliar i�dclivercd or maileJ�vilhin ohich Bortmcer mu.l pay all sums recurcJ by Ihi+ <br />'.'� Sccuriry Insirument. If Bonoacr(ail> to pay �hc.c .unn priur m �hr CSPR:Ilinll n(IIII� �rial. Lcndcr may invakc uny <br /> rcmedits permilted by Ihis Security ImWmcnl ai�hnul(unher nolice or demanJ nn Bornm�cr. <br /> 18. Uarrower'x Rlght to Reinstate. 1( 6nmmrr mc.i. cenain cnndilinn.. [3nrtm�cr �hnll havc tht right lo harc � <br />�-.:-ea en(orcemeN nf ihis Sccurity In,wmcnt Jivominucd a�any�inu pri„r m�he cadi.r oL �a�!Jay.�or wch alhcr period n. �. <br />:.,-,a • <br />"iy-� timykFamdl—iannkN�aLYeEdir}lorf]IFON\II\SBINF.tT--Inn.vmC.nenann 9190 �ryer�.dnrve�.� �. <br />:-:i <br />;:,,9 <br /> `r-�i'd_'°'.""'T_" �:`�r, :a>2+''":n'^i:,'•Jt.:�... , . ' ' -S rA . :Z.� ; `(f` �. <br /> d3: . . . . . . . .. _ _ . - . . .__ <br /> .t ° . - - .. � . <br /> t - . _:;i . . __ :. . - . � ' ' - <br /> I _�' . .._ - �. <br /> �\'.}'� -^f.' ,�?:i� �:��. � ' _ . ' . . ' <br /> i , � �`i'i_ . .le.. -L: � ' - . <br /> _t� ..1. 'f7' ( . _ <br /> . 3 :C . Y _ . . . <br /> . 'L (' i . ' _- _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' _ <br /> ;(, ' - . • - . . .. . <br /> y , , <br /> � q <br /> t - .r- i � t:� . . .- t. _. . - . ' ' <br /> ! f - � . ..�{� _ � . . - - . _ ) . . . <br /> + <br /> ' .: __ - r��- . . - _ ' -.���. . <br /> � . . . .v_. .•- f:-.A hik...✓l . 3 . .. '.J: _ . . . . . . . .. .1 . _5�. , _._ _. . . _�.. <br />